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myOtaku.com: Vendetta

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Random quote of the month:

"Like Kurosawa I make mad films
Okay I don’t make films
But if I did they’d have a samurai…
Gotta get in tune with Sailor Moon
Cause that cartoon has got the boom anime babes
That make me think the wrong thing..."

-Barenaked Ladies, “One Week”

Saturday, November 6, 2004

   Hidden Moon ANBU
The woman picks herself off the ground and stands up in the battle ground, steeling for what she will see. There are piles of corpes ten feet tall, leaking the precious life-blood of people who once had dreams, families, destinies. She killed them all to get to this one standing in front of her... him, the immortal one. The one who killed twice and twice again of her people. Took and took until there was nothing left to take. She shook her matted and bloody hair away from her beaten face, ignoring that she herself was dying for a second to say: "No. I will not kill you. Death is too good. Run far away, look for supporters. No matter what you do to me I will still be here, in my homeland, defending what I love. It doesn't matter that it's already gone. All I live for now is to defend the past... There is no future because of you..."
She brought the katana down, knowing it was futile. But she was willing to do anything now, blood-crazy red eyes flashing in the purple sunrise.

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Sunday, September 5, 2004

   Damn you all!
Nobody ever reviews my stuff!!! Antisocial bastards!!! ::pant, pant:: OK, maybe if I update(even tho' I'm grounded jOO), beg, and plead, SOMEONE will review SOMETHING! AAAAAAARRRGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!! >_<
--->End flaming rant<---
::Collects sanity:: Sooo. Hello fellow inmates. I'm starting my sophmore year in high school, nobody is in any of my classes, and my mom has grounded me for trivial reasons. Thank you for listening to my bitching. Feel free to release your anger upon me as I am! No, really.
--->Leaves for FanFic.net<---

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Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Fresh From the Oven

I want to fly, but my feet
Tie me to the ground and these Wings are too small.
I want to run, but my legs
Are shattered, and I
Have nowhere to go.
I searched for all these years-
And I found out
That all you tried to teach me
Is painfully true.
Sadly I
Never did appreciate you...

-Vends aka Me

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Saturday, August 28, 2004

   Aww, man... *crack*
I got no sleep on the way back from the OBX, but that's ok... Being in the same position for 7 1/2 hours is what did me in... *crack, snap, pop* I went jetskiing WoOt! It was way fun, except I almost killed my Dad and I this one time. -_=
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Monday, August 16, 2004

I posted 2 chapters of MiNa (Midori Nanashi) on fanfiction... AND I made a website! Yay! It's pretty for my first attempt. Go look, go see! I have cool links if ya bored.
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