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Thursday, August 12, 2004

Rehoboth, DE
Oh, the wonders of Tanger Outlet Mall... No tax! Get this- I bought Wicked, Vol.2-3 of Rave Master, Vol.4-6 of Chobits, Sword of Mana, and a Sonic Youth CD for the low price of $80! WoOt! I had a good time at the beach despite the freakishly cold water and the occasional jellyfish. Today, I'm painting my room... and stuff. I missed Kakashi, Ed, Al, & Sven!!! n___n *glomps them all* Ehehehe...
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Monday, August 9, 2004

   My God, It's 1 a.m.!
Time sure does fly when trying to change colors... Hex codes are evil. =_= Ohhhh...
By the way, I'm working on a Naruto fanfic to put on (where else) FanFiction.net. Look for it to be up soon, ya'll.
P.S.- I'm Ami Chaos (or Chaos Ami... I forget.... X_X), and I'm also ami_shadow in the Animefanfictionclub. Whew.

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   Jondelar & the No Pants Revolution*
Well people, I'm going on yet another sudden road trip to the beach. My mom just went to me after she drove me back from camp: "We're going to Delaware on Monday." O_o Wow, that was sudden. She didn't even tell me in a letter at camp or anything! But, I heart the beach and so it doesn't much matter.

~Watching- Strongbad Emails
~Listening to- Santana
~Eating- Baklava & lemon Luna bars
~Drinking- water
~Reading- FullMetal Alchemist & Black Cat
~Studying- What shoes look like when bent
~Playing- Golem (Bought at Puyallup dollar store... OH YEAH! :P)
~Wearing- sweats... no socks. I hate socks.
~P'O'ed @- these stupid purple bug bites that won't go away! GRAR! :K

*About the title... it's another thing from camp. Courtesy of Cotton aka Cot-head.

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Saturday, August 7, 2004

   Back From Camp!
Met some cool people at camp! I had tons of fun, even tho' I got heat rash.... Here are some memories! P.S., BIFFYs are Bathrooms In Forest For You...


Kara Peoples: "I'm going to name my kid Frieda!"

Caitlin & Jessica: "If you'll be m-i-n-e mine I'll be t-h-i-n-e thine..."

Erin: "Who's ninja?" (Refering to my 'I love ninja' bracelet)

"VAGINYA!" (Seriously, she couldn't say it right... --;)

"I'm a drum geek!!!"

Colleen #1: "ORGASM! The highest point of sexual pleasure!!!" (Screamed while in cabins, sleeping)

Colleen #2 aka Titus: "Yes, I voluntarily came here from Arizona."

Amber: "The Throne!" (About her self-dug BIFFY)

Ree: "DEFYYYING GRAVITY!" (Song from Wicked)

"Ahahahaha" (Going mad and sunburned with me, stranded on the wrong side of the creek)

Sam: "It takes a man's touch to open a women's door." (After Tink's help from a man at the marina)

Kat: "Draw a picture of someone getting flicked off. It would be funny." (She was totally serious -_-')

Kit: "Ninjas are sexy!"

"Noooo! She's too cute! I want her back!" (Attempt at being an indian chara-giver)


Turtle: "I love Delta Zeta!"

"I love my vagina!"

(Making us stand straight up at seven am)


"Yer always after me Lucky Charms! WAAAH!" (While playing curses)

"Well, I am anal about my contacts!!!"

Water: "I like even numbers!"

Cotton: "I love poo."

Tink: "I am so smart... SMRT!"

"Sper... It's a little bit smart and a little bit special."

*scratches bug bites*

Ibai: "There are bacon bits in the apple sauce!"


Scorpio: "It reminds me of gay people!" (Referring to the journal my mom sent me for my birthday)

Sunshine: "Sauseges!"

The last two weeks were really fun for all my pessimism at the beginning! I had fun windsurfing with you all!

[Sorry this was so long, but I had to reflect and remember my BEST YEAR AT CAMP!]

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Wednesday, July 21, 2004

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Sunday, July 18, 2004

"Hey, hey, Gardner McCay...
...Take me to the Leaky Tiki with you." Random Jimmy Buffet quote! O_o Back from the west coast and feelin' fine after 14 hours of sleep! We got so many souveniers & crap that we had to get another suitcase! -_- They have nice dollar stores up there. One thing I didn't miss about D.C.- the freakin' HUMIDITY and TRAFFIC! *sigh...* Only 3 more years...
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Sunday, July 11, 2004

Holla From Seattle! WOOT!
Okay... Majorly jetlagged right now. *Eats beef jerky* It's really cold here, and there are a lot of coniferous (aka Christmas) trees. It was like 55 outside last night so I was kind of scared. -_-* But now it's 80 and I got sunburned mini-golfing (I was fourth out of five people...). I miss my Kakashi/Naruto Paraphernalia... *sob* Ain't I sad? :P I wouldn't mind livin' here- it's nice and they have lots of friendly wild bunnies ^-^
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Thursday, July 8, 2004

   It's been a while.
I've been at the pool most every day (I love the water). July 4th sucked here, as it RAINED! >:P Oh well, I guess I'll get lots of that from Saturday onwards... I'm going to Seattle, in Washington-not-DC! It's kind of nice to get out (I have cabin fever), but what is there to do in Washington state? I've never been to the west coast before -_-. Somebody help, or I'll be trapped in a Rent-a-Beamer with my mom and 4 people I barely know...!
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Monday, June 28, 2004

=_= *not wearing glasses*
Huh? What? Oh, OK- just been up all night watchin' NARUTO! I got Ep. 1-85? on tapes. They're crappy, but still so worth my $20. They were dead on with Iruka and Naruto's voices, but... I had no clue Kakashi's (and SASUKE's) voices were so deep! I thought Kakashi was Asuma at first, and I thought Sasuke stole Kakashi's voice. @_@ The mask makes it hard to follow... The one person (so far) that actually looks better than in the manga is Zabuza. Also, they showed more from his relationship with Haku, which made him seem less of a cold monster as opposed to the manga. Oh well, back to Naruto... *shuffles away from computer* n_\
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Tuesday, June 22, 2004

. . .The vole is dead. . .
Yeah. I'm all mixed up again. Poor Hannah was asleep when the thing bit the dust and so all she did was cry for about 10 minutes. It was our first small furry animal, and it couldn't be helped that it died when noone was awake (At about 2:30 AM). Oh well, I guess it just went to the forest in the sky instead of the forest at the end of our street. :P Hope he/she/it isn't suffering. RIP, vole...

Anyways, I also got P.N.03 and Custom Robo for my GameCube. Both involve killing robots. I'm addicted already!

Me: Dammit, DIE ROBOTS!
Hannah: You're a psycho.
Me: ...That's bad?
Dad: ...
Hannah: Look out, there's one behind you!
Me: AHH! MUST... KILL...
...there's no robot thing.
I'm gonna kill you.
Hannah: No you can't. Bet you a dollar. Mario Kart. After this level.
Me: You're ON!
Dad: ...No wonder you wear glasses. All you ever do is stare at screens.
Me: ...

That was pretty much my whole day.

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