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myOtaku.com: Vendetta

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Friday, June 18, 2004

School is over for the summer. WoOt! I actually ran out of my high school, screaming my head off. I also drew a giant Kakashi on the front window cuz it was foggy... Man I had fun! And also, I get to sleep tonight cuz my sis is taking care of the vole- or not. [Dangit! Hannah, PLEASE remember to feed the vole... -_-]
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I married Kakashi! I married Kakashi! *hugs* I just need to find a better picture- this one's... kinda squished.
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Tuesday, June 15, 2004

   Camping, Ticks, and A Vole
Dang these past coupla days've been weird. I go camping for a whole weekend and get a tick in my back yard. My TOWNHOUSE backyard. And also, today when I was walking over to SACC to pick up my little sis, I found a baby vole in the middle of the road. He's sleeping right now... He's sooo cute, but he's only an inch long. I named him Octavian, but it's very possible that he's a she, and in that case I guess it's "Octavia."
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Thursday, June 10, 2004

Finals are tommorrow and I know nothing! (OK maybe not, but I'm nervous) GAAAH! *Bangs head against desk*
...Sooo...how're you people? :D

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Wednesday, June 9, 2004

Finally my computer is fixed! No more adware making nasty popups! Plus, I got XP. Put 2 links up. ^
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Saturday, June 5, 2004

   It's Raining... Again
I do enjoy the rain, but after awhile I just start to doze off... The latest cool series I got from my neighbor the librarian is El Hazard. It's really good! I want MORE.

-P.S. Viz, translate Naruto faster!!!

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Sunday, May 16, 2004

Ow. Why does it seem that whenever I go on MyOtaku I'm half-dead in some way or another??? Last time I had the flu, and this time I'm sunburnt, have a sinus infection, and can't sleep because of the @#$%ing cicadas. So, how're you people?
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Saturday, March 6, 2004

Took this quiz today... and I must say this website iz da bomb! :P
I took a Shaman King quiz to see who I belonged with... but then I found out it was for guys... [Scary wrongness]

What's Your Anime Weapon?

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Tuesday, February 17, 2004

I've got some kind of stomach flu, so I'm not feeling too good right now... And I don't want to sicken any of you, so suffice to say that I've become rather fond of toast. :D

Which yu yu hakusho boy is right for you?

brought to you by Quizilla

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Friday, February 13, 2004

   V Day
Yeah. Today was kind of the official valentines day at my school. Not that I usually care what day it is, but people were making out at every corner!!! Geezus! And my friend's boyfriend was being a butt. He asked her out... and then ignored her. >:K DIE ALAN!!! Ok. I'm done now. :)Sorry.
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