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myOtaku.com: Vendetta

Monday, June 28, 2004

=_= *not wearing glasses*
Huh? What? Oh, OK- just been up all night watchin' NARUTO! I got Ep. 1-85? on tapes. They're crappy, but still so worth my $20. They were dead on with Iruka and Naruto's voices, but... I had no clue Kakashi's (and SASUKE's) voices were so deep! I thought Kakashi was Asuma at first, and I thought Sasuke stole Kakashi's voice. @_@ The mask makes it hard to follow... The one person (so far) that actually looks better than in the manga is Zabuza. Also, they showed more from his relationship with Haku, which made him seem less of a cold monster as opposed to the manga. Oh well, back to Naruto... *shuffles away from computer* n_\
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