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myOtaku.com: Vendetta

Monday, August 9, 2004

   Jondelar & the No Pants Revolution*
Well people, I'm going on yet another sudden road trip to the beach. My mom just went to me after she drove me back from camp: "We're going to Delaware on Monday." O_o Wow, that was sudden. She didn't even tell me in a letter at camp or anything! But, I heart the beach and so it doesn't much matter.

~Watching- Strongbad Emails
~Listening to- Santana
~Eating- Baklava & lemon Luna bars
~Drinking- water
~Reading- FullMetal Alchemist & Black Cat
~Studying- What shoes look like when bent
~Playing- Golem (Bought at Puyallup dollar store... OH YEAH! :P)
~Wearing- sweats... no socks. I hate socks.
~P'O'ed @- these stupid purple bug bites that won't go away! GRAR! :K

*About the title... it's another thing from camp. Courtesy of Cotton aka Cot-head.

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