venomous kitsune
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
i smell a quiz day coming up....not now...but when you least expect it...
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
quotes for today (may change them later)
"sex, drugs, rock 'n roll,
speed, weed, birth control
life's a bitch and so am I
so fuk the world and lets get high!"
"Tried to give you warning but everyone ignores me. Told you everything loud and clear but nobodys listening"
~Linkin Park "Nobodys Listening"
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not hard, time consuming but not hard. i was pretty confident in everything i did they were pretty easy. im proud of me! i lived! im halfway through! yea!
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bitches, boogers, and bastards...o my
okay so im still sick i stayed home from school yesterday other than that pretty uneventful and u no what sux a how hell of a lot i can only do like 4 ddr songs b4 i get winded cuz im sick. and i also cant sing cuz i like almost lost my voice. i dont consider my self a good singer but i really love to sing and i miss singing. o and poor booger (sam but i dont call him that so get over it) booger threw up in science and right after he came out of class he told me cuz i was walking by but my sinuses r stuffed up so i couldnt hear him and i just kinda stood there looking stupid then ran off to social and i was like wait arsh what the hell did he say and she was like he said he threw up i was like oops...i should have said something nice...whoops! and my chorus teacher is such a BITCH today she was yelling at tsuki for talking and tsuki was all like i wasnt talking and then the teacher says "well someone was" she looks at me and goes "it was probably you as always" i mean what a bitch! she singles me out i hate her. on time she was yelling at me and she said and i quote "what was your grade last quater...whatever it was it was too high!" but its okay cuz for the rest of the class i just gave her the finger and she never noticed. and my science teacher was a bastard i was late to his class so he says "your late! why?" and im like whispering cuz my seats in the back and i cant talk so i am trying to get out "i was helping arsh with her stuff cuz she hurt her foot" but he couldnt hear me so im like "i cant talk" so im like i cant talk and everyone around me like arsh and tang3rtin3 r like she says she cant talk. and he was like i was asking serenity. and i was like "i cant talk" he was liike speak up so i started to get up to tell him and he started laughing and told me to sit down and every1 was laughing at me and i was pissed that ppl were laughing it wasnt funny not to me at all and my friend becca was laughing and i was like what the hell shut up. so he was being a bastard and im angry at him
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Tuesday, January 11, 2005
right....popular....sure....*to self* walk away slowly serenity these ppl dont no what they're talking about their on crack and there4 r unpredictable...
It’s tough to be the prettiest and most popular girl in school. People always tell rumors about you. They’d talk bad behind your back. It’s sometimes painful to be hated. This is the reason why you always seem to be down. Some people really hates you even though they’d NEVER even talk to you. But those people are just idiots. Others always seem to be judging you by your appearance. You know how to dress and have a very good sense in fashion. Everybody wants to be your friend. No need to go make some, right? Even though everyone thinks you have everything, deep inside, you have issues and problems going on in your life. Being popular is not what it’s cut out to be. But at least eventually you’ll meet your handsome knight in shining armor like all popular girls in anime does. :) You represent the harsh moments in anime.
Best friend(s): Cheerful type
Rival(s): Classic blonde
Lover(s): Loner, immortal, shy type
Which classic type of anime girl are you? (With pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, January 10, 2005
two quotes for today a semi funny quote about love and a serious one
"Lovely Ladies ready for the call standing up or lying down or anyway at all bargain prices up against the wall...poor men rich men leaders of the land see 'em with their trousers up their never quite as grand..."
~Les Mis
"Every moment as long as your mine I'll wake up my body and make up for lost time say there's no future for us as a pair i know i may know i dont care just for this moment as long as your mine I'll be how you want to and see how bright we shine borrow the moonlight until it is through and know I'll be here holding you..."
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Prologue to my story comments please
Kaleiklego was a city monsters and life that feels like death and it may well be ruled by death itself. Salik was an apprentice to the head guard of the royal family he was eventually to take his place. However something along the way cast Salik out of the spotlight and into the shadow where he would remain for years. When he returned he brought with him intense magic and the destruction of a city. The attack ravished the country side and killed off all to old and all to young. As the years went by Kaleiklego fell into shadow as well and was left to fend for its own. The planets no longer illuminated the night but hung deviously in the sky as if purposely allowing the shadows to escape their evil light. The wind blew through the fallen palaces as if to mock the few survivors. They would spend a lifetime with a curse and many more lifetimes that they shouldn’t have been around to have. To survive you must fight to fight you must have the will to stand up. Many lost their lives to this rule and many lived by it and then there are those that have nothing good said about them those that betrayed there friends and family. The survivors’ numbers slowly dwindled through the years more from losing the will to fight than actually losing. Only a handful remained surviving for years and years in which they did not grow old. The other grand cities with their high walls turned their faces away unable to look upon the ruins and unwilling to help. Monarchs of great power mourned the passing of a city which started as far back as the oldest person could remember. Many a person mourned the lose of an amazing race of people, yet they were not prepared to make a stand. Not a thing was done to save the souls who could not save themselves. Some still did survive. Survivors that still had the will and passion to fight the evil that threatened them and all they had left. Dreams were shattered heroes fell and there was no rest for the living. There was only a sillouetted existence of what once was. An existence of anguish so brutal that even the strongest, coldest, and wisest did not want to wake in the morning. What was and is are changing. Shadows and night time take over just a little bit faster each day. The moons glow is paler and does less to make the night more inviting than it used to. The stars seem distant as if they are turning there heads from the challenge of helping as well. The sun seems worn as if it doesn’t want to rise and people living there would not be surprised if it just didn’t show one day. The darkness wraps its arms around the city trying to capture its inhabitants. It threatens to pull the entire hell under into obilvion swallowing it whole and leaving eternal night. “Lasina perius tenista sasissean,” Salik cried, in Chahantus the ancient language, raising his sword into the air on the night of his victory.
for those of you who read it in school i completely changed the prologue cuz it was pissing me off and still is! dammit it doesnt sound good!!!! i cant get it right!
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happier post
okay so this is kinda funny but it wasnt at 700 in the morning so i was walking through my brother/my room (if you dont get that i explained it in a previous post im too lazy to type it again) well i was walking through the room cuz it has a second door to the back of the house where there is another bathroom and my parents room so i go through and boom i step in this big wet spot and i see my dog (hes only like a year and a month or two) and im like ew....thats so gross!! and i had to wash my foot in the tub yes well now that youve had a good chuckle at my expence i would like to say my sister emma (ok so i dont call her that but its a nickname for her name) my sister emma is off trying out for les mis cuz thats what the highschool is doing for a play and she is really (really!) good at singing and she of all ppl is nervous im said to her u have nothing to worry about but she does neway and this is for arsh who wanted to no what auditions are like: you sing alone in front of mrs. meyers (we must save the rat tsuki!), mr orpheus and mr beq (i no thats not his full name get over it u stupid crackwhores from space hehe i still cant get over mr beq saying that) anyway good luck and gods speed emma! You can do it!!
peace. out.
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well my science teacher is a bastard and i dont feel well i should be happy neway right?
okay so if u read arsh's post u no about our science test well see i cant study on my own i have a really short attention span when it comes to those things. i was gonna study with arsh during study hall and my study hall teacher was all like NO! and i was all like u bitch...and then i had to study alone and i was stressing cuz we have the elas and i wasnt feeling well at all so when i took the multiple choice part i was like o this isnt so bad...then i got to the second part and i was like shit! i dont no half these answers! and i was really freaking out i had to go to the bathroom and collect myself (that didnt really help but whatever) and i ended up not finishing the test so after school arsh, tang3rtin3 and i went to talk to him and i was all like whats ur problem we didnt learn this and he was like well you have to think of the things in a earthquake that could happen to you and think of ways of preventing them and i was like thats cheap so he said its a way to help you think with more depth "i know it may be harder for a blonde" i was like u bastard it sounds like a stupid thing to get upset over but it runs a lot deeper than that for me. and then he pissed off arsh and we both let and didnt go back to his classroom. and i went home and i feel sick and i keep sneezing and its gross and i feel gross but on the bright side i told my mom about the incident (not what happened afterschool) and she was said im not angry just for u to no u should try and bring this stuff home and look it over and not depend on other ppl cuz your gonna run into this a lot and i was really happy that she wasnt angry at me and i told her that i just wanted her to no so that if i got the test back and it was really bad then it wouldnt be a shock to her and we basically left it at that and it was really hearing about arsh telling her mom that made me tell her cuz i was really scared to tell her its weird i no but thats what made me want to tell her
peace. out.
~Serenity the long post master!!!
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hey i got the same pic as tsuki and ive taken this quiz about ten times....o well
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