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myOtaku.com: venomous kitsune

Sunday, December 12, 2004

   School and its utter crappyness and other assorted crap (btw crap is a great word)
okay i have decided school is not a good use of time and hw is even more of a waste. one of my teachers gave us a project and i didnt get it. i asked him about it like 10 times and he never cleared it up he just said its on the school website. so finally i think i understand it and say ill do it over the weekend. well i didnt understand it and its going to take longer than i thought and now i have only 2 days to do it! is that fair i think not! on the brighter side my sister and i woke up today and went to church *gasp* havent been there in a while. it was really cool though cuz it was time for me and my sister to just hang out together even if there was no talking. anyway afterwards we stopped at the baker and got hot chocolate and it was cool. but im still pissed off about the project. its bringing me down. gotta get rabies girl over here to bite my teacher. or maybe ill just bring in a handful of glitter cuz hes scared of glitter. ooo thats a good thought *devious smile*
peace. out.
p.s. thanx to those of you who took the time to sign my gb and added me as a friend and those that didnt im gonna find u and make a long and pointless gb signing that will haunt you muhahaha

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