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myOtaku.com: venomous kitsune

Tuesday, January 4, 2005

   more quizzes...YAY!!
Are you hott? by evildj23
First Name
Guy or Gal
Your hottness is10...WOW! ARE U SINGLE?!?!
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Are you hott? by evildj23
First Name
Guy or Gal
Your hottness is10...WOW! ARE U SINGLE?!?!
Quiz created with MemeGen!

DAMN YOU STALKERS YOUR ALL OUT TO GET ME!!! *chibi chases with a butchers knife*

Generate your Anime Style by Jena-su
Hair:Naturally multi-coloured.
Clothes:You dress like a wanna-be magical girl.
Powers:Fire magic
Special Features:Fangs
Sidekick:Small dragon.
Attitude:Evil. Just...Evil.
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Generate your Anime Style by Jena-su
Hair:Never stays the same style/colour for long.
Clothes:As revealing as you can legally get away with.
Powers:Fire magic
Special Features:Unusual, yet natural markings
Sidekick:None, you have no need for a sidekick.
Attitude:Happy, bouncy, too hyper for it to be heathly.
Quiz created with MemeGen!

my two names contrast to each other quite sharply

Yugioh Bishie Wedding! (for girls)
by yui-chan
Married ToMalik Ishtar
His wedding gift to youHot sex =D
Quiz created with MemeGen!

no no!!! wedding night: I am a good person. I am a good person. ooo o my god! O he took the belly shirt off!! O my god Ooh o my god this should be rate nc17!!!

Anime Boyslut
by fluf-chan
boyslutspike speigal - cowboy bebop
boyslut duties24 hours of luuuurv
how much you will spend on your boyslut$914,981,855,816,347
Quiz created with MemeGen!

just one more reason I love my wall scroll t@ng3rtin3 and of course *coughbiggunscough*

Anime Boyslut
by fluf-chan
boyslutspike speigal - cowboy bebop
boyslut dutiesmad sex til dawn
how much you will spend on your boyslut$883,302,191,543,532
Quiz created with MemeGen!

meant to type serenity but accidentally typed just venomous well that’s what happens when your not carefull

What Anime Hunk is your Soulmate? by Stardroppings
hair color
your soulmate is:
Quiz created with MemeGen!

its…inu!?! That should be…interesting

What Anime Hunk is your Soulmate? by Stardroppings
hair color
your soulmate is:
Quiz created with MemeGen!

bwhahaha tang3rtin3 I told you you scared him away now he comes to me!!

What Anime Hunk is your Soulmate? by Stardroppings
hair color
your soulmate is:
Quiz created with MemeGen!

now with my current anime hair color I got…SPIKE!!! I LOVE SPIKE!! YAY WALL SCROOLL…and…big guns…

and using serenity I with the hair color red I still got Vash ha! Ha! Tang3rtin3 I guess we may have to find a way to work around this I mean we are half sisters dating 2 brothers and cheating on them with the brother were not dating that the other one of us is dating… woah that’s twisted

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