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myOtaku.com: venomous kitsune

Monday, January 10, 2005

   well my science teacher is a bastard and i dont feel well but...wtf i should be happy neway right?
okay so if u read arsh's post u no about our science test well see i cant study on my own i have a really short attention span when it comes to those things. i was gonna study with arsh during study hall and my study hall teacher was all like NO! and i was all like u bitch...and then i had to study alone and i was stressing cuz we have the elas and i wasnt feeling well at all so when i took the multiple choice part i was like o this isnt so bad...then i got to the second part and i was like shit! i dont no half these answers! and i was really freaking out i had to go to the bathroom and collect myself (that didnt really help but whatever) and i ended up not finishing the test so after school arsh, tang3rtin3 and i went to talk to him and i was all like whats ur problem we didnt learn this and he was like well you have to think of the things in a earthquake that could happen to you and think of ways of preventing them and i was like thats cheap so he said its a way to help you think with more depth "i know it may be harder for a blonde" i was like u bastard it sounds like a stupid thing to get upset over but it runs a lot deeper than that for me. and then he pissed off arsh and we both let and didnt go back to his classroom. and i went home and i feel sick and i keep sneezing and its gross and i feel gross but on the bright side i told my mom about the incident (not what happened afterschool) and she was said im not angry just for u to no u should try and bring this stuff home and look it over and not depend on other ppl cuz your gonna run into this a lot and i was really happy that she wasnt angry at me and i told her that i just wanted her to no so that if i got the test back and it was really bad then it wouldnt be a shock to her and we basically left it at that and it was really hearing about arsh telling her mom that made me tell her cuz i was really scared to tell her its weird i no but thats what made me want to tell her
peace. out.
~Serenity the long post master!!!

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