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myOtaku.com: venomous kitsune

Monday, January 10, 2005

Prologue to my story comments please
Kaleiklego was a city monsters and life that feels like death and it may well be ruled by death itself. Salik was an apprentice to the head guard of the royal family he was eventually to take his place. However something along the way cast Salik out of the spotlight and into the shadow where he would remain for years. When he returned he brought with him intense magic and the destruction of a city. The attack ravished the country side and killed off all to old and all to young. As the years went by Kaleiklego fell into shadow as well and was left to fend for its own. The planets no longer illuminated the night but hung deviously in the sky as if purposely allowing the shadows to escape their evil light. The wind blew through the fallen palaces as if to mock the few survivors. They would spend a lifetime with a curse and many more lifetimes that they shouldn’t have been around to have. To survive you must fight to fight you must have the will to stand up. Many lost their lives to this rule and many lived by it and then there are those that have nothing good said about them those that betrayed there friends and family. The survivors’ numbers slowly dwindled through the years more from losing the will to fight than actually losing. Only a handful remained surviving for years and years in which they did not grow old. The other grand cities with their high walls turned their faces away unable to look upon the ruins and unwilling to help. Monarchs of great power mourned the passing of a city which started as far back as the oldest person could remember. Many a person mourned the lose of an amazing race of people, yet they were not prepared to make a stand. Not a thing was done to save the souls who could not save themselves. Some still did survive. Survivors that still had the will and passion to fight the evil that threatened them and all they had left. Dreams were shattered heroes fell and there was no rest for the living. There was only a sillouetted existence of what once was. An existence of anguish so brutal that even the strongest, coldest, and wisest did not want to wake in the morning. What was and is are changing. Shadows and night time take over just a little bit faster each day. The moons glow is paler and does less to make the night more inviting than it used to. The stars seem distant as if they are turning there heads from the challenge of helping as well. The sun seems worn as if it doesn’t want to rise and people living there would not be surprised if it just didn’t show one day. The darkness wraps its arms around the city trying to capture its inhabitants. It threatens to pull the entire hell under into obilvion swallowing it whole and leaving eternal night. “Lasina perius tenista sasissean,” Salik cried, in Chahantus the ancient language, raising his sword into the air on the night of his victory.

for those of you who read it in school i completely changed the prologue cuz it was pissing me off and still is! dammit it doesnt sound good!!!! i cant get it right!

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