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myOtaku.com: venomous kitsune

Tuesday, February 8, 2005

   now im crying
so heres MY STORY!! that no one will hear cuz no one visits my site neway

friday and i am still really sick the only reason i went to school was cuz otherwise i couldnt go to the highschool show. neway so im in science and were doing a lab and my lab group goes up without me to do a part of the lab and im like what the hell but neway i go back to my seat and my teacher calls on me to answer the question about the part of the lab my group did with out me. so i sed i didnt no and he makes fun of me and then i have to explain that my group went without me then he makes me go in front of the class and answer it after observing it and i didnt even understand exactly what he was asking so he led me to the answer which was embarassing so i go back to my seat and cry silently EVEN JAMES THE JERK THAT SITS NEXT TO ME UNDERSTOOD AND TRIED TO BE NICE!!! so after arsh is like im gonna yell at the teacher so i go off to art and after school im like do u want to yell at the teacher and she says about what and so i go neway and while im in tears again arguing with my teacher her and ambi are LAUGHING!!! LAUGHING!!! I WANTED TO DIE RIGHT THEN AND THERE 2 OF MY BEST FRIENDS DIDNT CARE!! so she calls me over the weekend DOESNT TELL ME SHES CALLING FROM BOSTON we talk for 15 minutes and she says she doesnt get y i was crying and that she agrees with the teacher and CANT defend me THATS CRAP!! but ambi is over arsh is making me want to cry again and i was playing ddr so i said i had to go and hung up. then on monday we dont really talk in english so i make an effort to make small talk and she blows me off!!! WHAT THE FUCK!! i was trying to forget it! WHAT THE FUCK!!! AND WE START YELLING AFTER ENGLISH AND I LEAVE READY TO CRY YET AGAIN AND SLAM THE DOOR!! EVERY SINGLE MUTHER FUCKING TIME SHE IS UPSET WHETHER I FUCKING UNDERSTAND OR NOT I DEFEND HER THATS WHAT BEST FRIENDS DO!!! FRIENDS AND NO ONE THAT CARES ABOUT U SAY I DONT GET IT SO IM GONNA GIVE UP!!! EVERY FUCKING TIME IF I GET IT OR NOT I COMFORT HER AND DEFEND HER AND I DEFINATELY DO NOT BY ANY MEANS LAUGH WHEN SHE IS ABOUT TO CRY!!!!! so u no what if u give 2 shits about me just think for a sec maybe u didnt get my side and if u still dont understand ill try and clear things up for u if u pm me!!!

anger and tears!
~Serenity (still otakus most hated)

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