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myOtaku.com: venomous kitsune

Sunday, March 6, 2005

okay yea so first is first i have a new banner for the momiji fanclub

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if u want to see the other one go to chibi koneko's site and if u want to join pm me or her. i would like 2 welcome our first 4 members xanth591, aquamarine1217, tsukikofuyu1218, Raven8763!!! next yea is about me being a bad girl in church me and my mom were like giggling and the person in front of us had his short on inside out and halfway thro his mom realized and told him it was really funny and when the priest was talking about reading a passage he said ill read the short version and my mom leans over and says "good" to me! hahaha also my mind was wandering badly like i was looking at the stained glass and i was like "hey that looks like a fault!" and i started thinking of e science and then i started looking for folding and realized there cant be folding cuz stainglass windows arent wavy....then i was playing with my coat and it reminds me of haru's coat so i start thinking of furuba....and i was wondering "are all the souma's vegetarians?" cuz there all animals i mean especially haru does he eat beef i mean i wouldnt think he does cuz he's a cow! but does he eat other meat...so my mind was like no where near the priests sermon yea i was being bad....o and ambi slept over last night and we posted on her sisters site and i made her sister a banner and we ate gushers :D!! and they started kicking in at like 2:45 in the morning when ambi was like lets go to bed and b4 we went to sleep we were talking and i was being perverted and having giggle fits it was so funny!! i luv u ambi! and i luv all my other friends to but they never sleep over :( dammit ppl sleep over!!!!!
peace. out.
~Serenity (V.K.)

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