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Venus Kitty
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Cartoony Schoolgirl
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You can call me Yanimae. (nickname)
got honor roll (once) and i cant remember anymore XD
Anime Fan Since
When I was around 5, but at the time i didnt know it was called anime lol
Favorite Anime
sonic the hedgehog, Naruto, Ghost in the shell, Trigun,Furuba, DBZ, Cowboy Bebop, Eureka 7, FMA, Bobobo-bobobo, Azumanga Diaoh, Gravitation(HOTT MAN!!)BLEACH, Chobits, One piece, Evangelian, Narue no Sekai
Become a Vetinarian or animator, get a PS2 AND get every single FF games and Kinddom Hearts game there is!! YAYZ!!! and Learn Graffiti 83 LEGAL D8
Volleyball, being random and crazy (CHEESE FILLED PICKLES!) and lets see wat esle.....uhhhhh
I WUUUVVV to draw comics and I can sing alittle but thats about it, Ill chat later k doll? lolz
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 02/25/08:
yesssss >:D
Result Posted on 02/25/08:
x3 nyuu
Which one of the eight elemental symbols are you?
Result Posted on 02/24/08:
Result Posted on 02/10/08:
What is your element?(Anime pics ^-^sorry only girls! )
 Your water you basically go with the flow....heheheh! your not a leader you just follow along and melt into the crowd. you are really quiet around people but not around your friends. you can get really worried about your appearence and may carry a purse around. Your drawn to light and you want to be just like it and your afraid of ice.Saying: fire creates ash, ash brings nutrients into the earth, the earth grows trees, and then the trees are burnt again. everything goes in a cycle....I wonder why humans are the only ones who go aginst it?Stone:diamond Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 05/19/07:
I dont get cold inside :S lol
What month represents you (beautiful pics)?
 February represents you. You are full of love. You love everybody, except people who are mean and are haters, and everybody loves you! You are kind and happy, but sometimes get a little cold inside when you are neglected. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 05/19/07:
Its true sort of. this angel cant shut up about being innocent xD
What's Your Angel Seeking For? .:BEAUTIFUL Anime Pics AND Music!:.
 A Clean Soul
Your angel seeks for a clean soul. Your angel is part of you. Thus, you are the kind of person who values innocence more than most things in this world. You are aware of all the people now in this world with unclean souls and thoughts. But you strife to keep your clean one, avoiding the pollution of the evil things in this world. In love, you seek for someone just like you. You aren't for the badboy, but you love the clean, good smelling boy in stories. Go you!
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Result Posted on 05/19/07:
I luv being Happy. Being sad is bad :P
What Type of Person Are You? [pictures + detailed results]
 The optimist - The hopeful Often seen as the happy one with a carefree attitude, the Optimist has a dislike for feeling down. When a bad situation or dilemma arises, they prefer to look on the bright side. A negative outlook will not make things better, and the Optimist finds it that they're better off believing in the good and be happy, with the occasional letdown, instead of having bad premonitions all the time and worry about it. After all, it is certainly nicer to feel happy rather than sad, so why not enjoy yourself while you can? It is not that they're stupid, they know bad things can happen. But they want to believe, and can therefore be naive. Their attitude doesn't mean they are social people, for this factor varies, but the Optimist likes to spend time with those they care about and have fun. Perceived as air headed, they can be as well. For the future they have hope, and not many things can get them down for a longer period of time. Of course they can feel sad and cry, but by sharing their feelings and wishing for the better and not dwelling on the problem, they recover. The Optimist rather prefers to think of what they'll be doing later that day/week. Entertainment is one of their best friends. Quote:"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." Buddha
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Result Posted on 05/19/07:
IM. A. ANGEL. I guess xDD
What are you on the inside? (for girls)
 Purity. You are purity itself. You are the true pure one, the one who cannot do wrong, who is perfect. You are rare and precious...and shall always be cherished by those around you. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 05/19/07:
D'awwww I have big eyes wheee 83
What's The Girl Inside of You? .:BEAUTIFUL Anime Pics AND Music!:. (UPDATED!)
 You are Innocent
You are innocent. You possess the child-like innocence that many of us have lost, but secretly yearn to have. You are care-free and fun to be with. Your happiness is very contagious, because you have an aura of happiness wherever you go. You always seem to cheer people up whenever they're down. People love being around you because you are easy to talk to. Keep that innocence in you!
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