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myOtaku.com: VenusGuyTrap

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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animegrl27 (11/18/05)

hey i'm loke your site i'll add you as a friend ok. i hope you do the same for me ok. bye bye


hotsprings turtle (11/16/05)

I luv ur site! awesome avatar and bg!
come visit my site sometime if you want, and i'm adding you as a friend ^_^

evilon (11/16/05)

hi! cute name, nice site. I like the pic for the bg. tks for signing my gb and sory for taking a while^_^ love the rain thing its the first time I've seen it done.
ICUL8R Evilon

ZatchBellSk8er (11/15/05)

It would be a big help if you come to my site and sign my guest book!!!!!
Thanks, see ya around (n_n)

evil moose (11/14/05)

Thanks for signing my guestbook. Badass site you have.
Yay! Cheese lovers unite. ^__^
I shall add you as a friend and stalk you. Har har. LMAO! =3

lenardthebuffalo (11/12/05)

hi!! its buffalo!! teehee!! yes... fields r quite fun!! kool site, im adding u!! byes.

Swordsman Zero (11/11/05)

cool site, love the bg.

Aidan the Wookie (11/10/05)

Hey dude. Awesome pic of that dude... *forgets his name* I haven't watched FMA for a while now... Anyways, I've added you as a friend, k?

GentatsuSgirl (11/09/05)

interesting site [i got bored of saying awsum site LOL] very unique name btw ^^

+[peng sin]+

RyudoStarwind (11/07/05)

ty for the GB signing, nice site, if a little hard to read stuff Oo

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