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Saturday, February 10, 2007
I cant decide whether I want to keep posting here but this is the place that jumped off my writing career in the first place so if anyone wants to check out my new project here it is. I cant really blame you for blowing me off because my indecisiveness has been quite annoying but for hell of it here it is
Round 1
Life behind the thermal powered scope of a Remington SR8 sniper rifle embodied the world of one Jean Hunter. Throughout his several hundred assignments, his trigger finger never ceased to sweat. He treated every job as his first to remain fresh like a novice while as precise as a veteran. The mayor was in the center of the scope. Jean watched his assignment, calculating every footstep. His vision was sharp as the golden hollow tip, craving the flesh of a victim that was nearly thousands of feet away. Jean’s cattle moved into a crowd of roaring people that had no idea they were shaking hands with a dead person. Jean knew his time was running out, he had to be swift. His lookout’s voice came through his earpiece telling him to take the shot. Jean ignored him. His thirst for adrenaline drove him to engage in amateur tactics. A true sharpshooter of his caliber would’ve done the sniping from inside the building at a closer range. But Jean was a man addicted to challenge and doing the impossible came in a sharp syringe. His target was nearly a quarter of a mile away. Jean was on the roof with patrol coming his way. He stepped back from the gun and put his golden hair into a ponytail. He threw a pair of shades on before leaning back into the lens and firing immediately. Before the mayor’s wife could hit the ground, Jean was gone.
A news flash about the mayor’s slain wife spread across the TV screens at the bar. The bartender looked up while rinsing a mug.
“Yo, bartender, when are those drinks comin?” an old man, dressed in a suit wearing an earpiece asked.
“Just a sec,” he replied.
“That Jean is such an obnoxious asshole,” The old man said.
“Yeah, but what would be without him,” a young man wearing the same thing the old man wore said.
“I just hope that when you and the big man will go about doin jobs more efficiently when you get started,” Rich chuckled.
“Don’t worry, Rich, we wont put too much stress on you,” the young man said, smirking. The bartender served the two men a pair of beers.
“Whatever, Oran,” Rich said, taking a sip of his beer.
“When do I start my first job?” Oran asked.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself; I see big things for you and David. If you stick with me and Jean you two will be the best around and have skill to pass on to the next generation. Jean and David entered the bar, dressed respectively according to Rich and Oran. The entire building quaked when David walked, he wasn’t a tall guy but he had a very imposing size. He took a seat next to Oran and Rich and ordered a beer.
“What’s up fellas,” Jean said, standing behind the three.
“Trying to keep our cover, champ,” Rich said.
“Speaking of champs, aren’t we going to the dome tonight to hear the Chairman’s huge announcement?” David asked.
“Later, first we have to drop by Club Isis and get the next assignment,” Jean replied.
“I hope Elric doesn’t say that we have to take out the kids next, it was bad enough having to kill the wife,” Rich muttered.
“Why can’t we just go after the main target?” David asked.
“He wants his enemy to suffer before he dies. He’s going to take down everything dear to him before the target eventually eliminates itself. That’s just the way it is,” Jean explicated.
“It’s all just business, right Jean?” Oran asked.
“Yeah, but that doesn’t make it any easier,” He took his glasses off and looked at both Oran and Rich, “If this job is too much for either you, feel free to step out, no hard feelings. Elric will only let you go so far before you are officially initiated, by then it will be too late,” Jean said.
“We’re in, no doubt,” Dave said.
“Hell yeah,” Oran said, raising his beer for a toast. As soon as all four glasses clinked together the lights in the bar flickered, and heavy footsteps could be heard at the door. A tall figure entered the bar, treading slowly and making the old wooden floors moan with every step. His face was concealed by shadow of his hat and coated by his thin black hair. A black trench coat clothed his body. He lifted the tail of it before taking a seat at the stool. He lifted his bloody hand that was coated with ripped black tape and signaled for a drink. The four men stared at him and put their drinks down. The dark figured sat still, watching the bartender. He then turned his head abruptly, glaring at the four mean with a light blue stare. He spooked all of them except for Jean who stared back intrepidly.
“Let’s get out of here, boys,” Jean, uttered before putting his glasses back on and the four men left the bar as the spooked bartender served the dark figure his drink.
“Who the hell was that guy at the bar?” Oran asked.
“That was Hector, he competes at the dome,” Jean replied, staring at the sea of young people dancing from the V.I.P. section.
“You have to go against guys like him?” David asked, two women clutching his bulky arms.
“I haven’t fought him yet, but he is a four time Dome Lord,” Jean retorted, playing with the cup of vodka in his hand.
“I was there when he first came to the Dome, he was nineteen years old. In his first year at the Dome he defeated one of the best Dome Lords ever,” Rich said.
“Who was that?” Oran asked, leaning towards the small table and clutching his fingers together.
“Billy Bollea,” Jean replied.
“How do you know that?” David asked.
“I helped him win. See, me and Billy were archenemies. He fought for everything right and true. I fought to win,” Rich said, sitting back against the velvet seat, releasing a small chortle.
“We all fight to win, isn’t that right champ?” A snide voice entered the V.I.P. room.
“What’s the next assignment, Elric?” Jean asked bluntly, not taking his eyes away from the Plexiglas window.
“Come on, Jean, take a load off,” Elric said, running this fingers through his feigning black hair soaked in dye to hide it’s true grey form. He winked at Oran as he slid a manila folder to Rich.
“Cut to the chase,” Jean demanded, taking his glasses off and finally turning his glance over to Elric. Elric straightened his black blazer and crossed his legs with a smirk on his face. Rich opened the folder and pored over the assignment.
“Michael Hicks?” Rich blurted. The undeviating look on Jeans face foiled at the mention of the name.
“Wasn’t he your mentor when you worked for neo-generation?” Rich asked.
“He was my best friend, why do you want him dead?” Jean asked, staring back at Elric.
“Well, it seems Michael has just been released from prison and word is, he’s after one of my fighters,” Elric said.
“Why can’t you get him to eliminate, Michael?” Jean asked, coldly.
“Because he doesn’t know him as well as you, Jean; he’ll be at the Dome tonight, take him out there,” Elric ordered. Jean whistled at his crew and made his way out of the V.I.P. room.
“I’ll think about it,” he said.
“I know you will,” Elric said.
A crowd of roaring fans surrounded a large cage containing two fighters in a surrounding that looked a lot like an underground dungeon lit by gas lights. Both fighters fell to the ground one catching the other in a sleeper hold. The fighter applying the hold gritted his teeth tighter than the red ponytail that was braided on the back of his head. The fighter being choked out could feel the itch of the first fighter’s grisly beard on his forehead. The second fighter was fading away, his sweat staining his orange jump suit; he hadn’t taken off since he left prison. The first fighter began to let up after noticing that the fighter in the orange jumpsuit was out of it. The second fighter opened his eyes and topped his possum tactics off with an elbow to the first fighters gut. He mustered enough strength to get up with the first fighter tightening the hold again. The second fighter drove another elbow in the first fighters gut and freed himself of the hold. He dashed toward the fenced build of the cage and the first fighter chased him. The second fighter ran up the fenced wall of the cage and landed behind his opponent. The first fighter turned into his fate as the second fighter wrapped his leg around the first fighter’s throat before bringing to the ground and breaking his neck. The roar of the crowd was silenced as the second fighter emerged victorious. He raised his hand in celebration while peering at the crowd. His green eyes picked out Jean Hunter and the two had a reuniting stare as the crowd began roar again.
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Friday, October 13, 2006

Under Constructioon
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Thursday, June 22, 2006
Fuck that, I'm back
Hey guys I'm back man, I just realized my avatar is just too damn tight to just up and leave. I aint letting no woman run me off. Vicious didnt let julia stop him, he became bigger paler and uncut. Now its time to kick some ass and bring ths spice back to otaku. I'm releasing new material. Pretty soon my stories are going to be more violent and explicit. Motherfucking blood everywhere, NO SURVIVORS. I dont know what I was thinking i think its time for a change. The King is back!
-Sir Vicious
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Friday, June 16, 2006
This is it
When I first came to the otakui always wondered when would the end of my run be. Would there actually be a Vicious 3. I hadnt thought about that in a long time, but the thought has reoccured. This is my last run. One part of me curses the day I came and the other is glad. The part that is glad, feels that i wouldve never gotten to where I am in my writing if it werent from all the support. The other side that wishes i never came feels that i wouldve never met Vicky and I wouldnt have to write this post. In one way I am glad I met her, because she flourished into this beautiful person but changed so drastically. I tried being her friend, but I have way more than that to give her and she wouldnt take it. She keeps telling me to live life more simple, but its kinda hard to do that WHEN YOUR FUCKING HARD IS CRUSHED!!! I mean it was like she just wanted me to all of a sudden feel better about this like, "yeah, my life is ruined, but lets go to the movies!" Last night I sent her an email just asking what was up, because she is not like herself anymore, i personally think she is brainwashed but just a thought anyway she just avoids the question and tells me how happy she has been for the past few days. Well I figured if she was happy without me then let her be. No hard feelings. It was hard letting go of the best thing that ever happened to me. You couldve told me she made the sunrise and i wouldve believed you. I wish I hadve listened to everyone who told me not to put it all on the line for her, because if i hadve listened i wouldnt feel so ruined right now. She did tell me one time that when it all came down to it, she would choose her happiness over mine, and she felt that i should do the same i guess. But that sounds so damn selfish, you cant tell me thats not selfish. I gave her my all, everything I had, but last night I think she just threw it back in my face. I dont hate for it, really dont understand. I probably never will or will ever want to. I just hope she finds happiness in her "simple" life, because thats it for me. I'm just going to rebuild and make the most of life on this wretched Earth. I just wish I had someone to share this with, just a special someone to spend my life with thats all i wanted from this world. Fuck it, anyway I just want to wish all of you a farewell, I wont delete the site, but this is the last post for now i will say. good luck with everything you guys go into. There are some really talented people here. Farewell
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Out of the shadows
I'm sorry I have been gone so long. It's so hard to come back because this site has been so much to me. I lost the one thing that make my life worth something and I wasnt going to post this. I dont want to drop my burdens on anyone. I just wanted everyone to know I was alive, barely. Last week was the worst week of my life, because I lost my life. Me and Vicky arent together anymore. It really sux. I have to start all over again being her friend. I get to be her best friend though which is good, but thats just not enough for me. I am really trying to be patient but I want her back so badly. Its driving me crazy. I just hate everything now. I want to be with her forever or my life has no direction. I feel that I have nothing to live for anymore right now. My motivation is just lost. My hatred for my writing has grown exceedingly higher than ever. All i can write about is the break up and the future. I cant even focus on my current projects. And please dont tell her this, I dont want her to feel anymore sadness or pain. I just needed to get this out, holding it in might've killed me. She asked if me being her friend was too much to ask. It's, its asking less. I want to give her more than that and the concept of being friends means that all the barriers and restrictions come back up and i feel trapped. i miss being her boyfriend and one day i will be again.
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Monday, April 17, 2006
New Review!
Sorry it took so long. But I finally got it done. I was done with it about a week ago, but I needed to type it up. The EB games down here sucks. Their pre-owned games dont work. I had to turn in the Silent Hill 4, but I got this cool new game that you might want to check out. You will find out when you get the review. So without any futher discussion comes the review.

Super Smash Bros. Melee
Release: December 2, 2001
Developer: Nintendo
Rating: 4 katanas
By: Vicious 2
Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. was released for the Nintendo 64 in 1999, and started another Nintendo insurrection. The game involved bringing signature Nintendo characters together to battle it out on platform levels. In 2001 that insurrection was enhanced two times over in the sequel, Super Smash Bros. Melee. In this series Nintendo shows it’s innovation with two earth shattering titles.
The graphics for Super Smash Bros. Melee largely subdues its predecessor. The artwork is clear and sharp, very soothing to the eyes as you bash your opponents. If you thought the levels were vast on the first game, you’ve got another thing coming. Every character once again has his or her very own level or levels. Some share levels, like Link and Zelda, who share the Hyrule Temple an even larger version of the Hyrule Castle. Other levels are smaller and are sometimes more dangerous than whoever is fighting you. The others are just typical platforms, so to win you definitely have to be the better man. The levels are going to be either your friend or your enemy depending on the type of fighter you are. If you’re the hit and run type, then the Hyrule Temple will fit you just fine, but if you’re a face to face fighter, then the final destination is your home court. The game levels fit various amounts of fighters; you just have to find your niche.
Like most sequels distributed by the Nintendo company, Melee’s gameplay is slightly conservative and contrary to the previous game, despite a few alterations. The moves of every character from the first game have remained the same, with a few twists in their arsenal. With the assistance of a new controller, comes new opportunity. Along with their preceding moves are stronger or entirely new moves. For example, Samus from the Metroid Prime series now has heat seeking missiles to go along with her bombs and cannon. Not only was the offense improved but defense has come along as well. With new advantages like sidestepping and dodging in mid-air, blocking and tumbling won’t be your only means of evading an attack. Nintendo is very good at putting out games with the same criteria, but an extra pizzazz that keeps Nintendo fans drooling with big wide eyes planted on the screen and the blissful sound of the controller buttons clicking in their vibrant hands.
Another great aspect of Melee is the newly added game modes and the unlockables you gain from them. The first Super Smash Bros. couldn’t contain all the things in Melee. If you are a fire emblem junkie, then be prepared to take your most hated Nintendo character out with Marth and Roy. They are just two of the unlockable characters. As opposed to just playing classic mode, there is another mode called adventure mode where you battle opponents after running through a level where enemies await you. There is also the event matches in which you go through nearly impossible battles to unlock extra characters and levels. And if you get bored there are some other modes like multi-man melee where you fight polygonal structures of the orgininal characters, or the home run mode where you hit an object as far as you can. The replay value for this game is relatively high, just based off of the unlockables, not to mention all the exciting multi-player action you and your friends will revel in. By the time you replay this title Super Smash Bros. Revolution will be on shelves.
This title is one of the most inventive games to ever come out on Nintendo, if not the most. Nintendo specializes in making games that have worldwide appeal. The game is simple but experienced gamers can take this game to new altitudes. It may not be the game of the year or nominated for awards, but it’s a game the whole world could enjoy if given the chance.
Graphics: 8 Gameplay: 8.5 Overall: 8
PS: For the kingdom hearts fans, I have a review coming from Terra Zero. So if you are contemplating buying the new Kingdom Hearts, you can get some info on it from him.
PS part 2: I havent forgotten about you magnus i am going to send you that email.
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Thursday, April 13, 2006
What's up? Sorry, no review today, got one coming soon though. I am still searching for Silent Hill 2 and I only found 4. I have to take it back though because the piece of crap doesnt work. ever since becoming a critic i have become more open minded and less biased about video games. I will play almost anything. I got some great news. Pimpin Satan posted yesterday, and she unveiled some new art. So you might want to check it out. It's really good, and filled with detail. Truely a master in her trade. Well, I am on the road to graduation and I am so ready to get into college, so i can run through that and start my life. Another highlight is that I might get to see Vicky in person this summer, yes, I didnt think it would be so soon. I cannot wait!!!!
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Friday, April 7, 2006
I think I have become obsessed with writing reviews i wrote like three today. Purgatory I havent forgotten about you. The silent hill Review will be coming soon.

Peter Jackson’s King Kong
Release: November, 21, 2005
Company: Ubisoft
Rating: 3 ½ katanas
In this title the gamer takes a step into the next generation of gaming called high definition graphics. Peter Jackson’s King Kong is one of the first games to be released on the Microsoft Xbox 360. This game along with many others is a product of what the Xbox should be doing more often. The well renowned third party company, Ubisoft is famous for games including deep plotlines, interactive graphics, challenging gameplay, etc. Choosing Ubisoft as the lead developer of Peter Jackson’s King Kong was a brilliant idea. Ubisoft is responsible for hit games such as Prince of Persia and Splinter Cell. King Kong itself is a mix between 1st person shooting and 3rd person action. When you mix quality sound effects, tremendous graphics, and great gameplay, you are met with a promising gaming experience.
The game kicks off on a raft, arbitrary to how the movie begins. The game puts you right in harm’s domain. You are stranded on this mythical island (Skull Island) and you are playing as a play writer named Jack Driscoll (Adrian Brody). Unlike most movie games King Kong strays away from fully mimicking actual scenes from the movie and instead altering them. That way the movie and game are still appealing to the consumer.
The gameplay is vastly realistic. While stranded on Skull Island, you have to do battle with various creatures such as, giant crabs, giant insects, megapedes, venatosuaruses, and many more. Your weapons are pistols, shotguns, sniper rifles, and machine guns. Of course ammo is limited, so if you’re a first person gamer who also likes to play Resident Evil; you’ll find that preserving your ammo can be exceptionally rewarding. The alternate to guns are spears and Jack’s very own fist of playwriting fury. He doesn’t pack too much of a punch, so getting precise with the spears is highly recommended. The difficulty of this game is low, but it heightens once Venatosarus comes into play. It takes a lot of bullets to bring him down, so keep up the ammo and try not to waste one shot. There are no health bars in this game, and one fell swoop can put a temporary abrupt end in your journey to save Ann. At a certain point in the game you meet up with V-rex (T-rex) and you are equipped with a machine gun. Shooting him only distracts him, because it’s inevitably impossible to kill V-rex with Jack. And that’s when Kong conquers the controller. The game changes to 3D platform once Kong hits the screen. His attacks resemble that of a powerful professional wrestler, for those who know, the Big Show. Your main purpose with Kong is to protect Ann. Gameplay with Kong is relatively brief, but he comes in at the right time
Aside from a well established gameplay, the graphics are well worth a second gander. Though of course there is the rule of equivalent exchange, the game has its fair share of glitches. By Kong being so massive and strong, he is capable of tearing through the environment and terrorizing everyone in his path. The environment is almost completely interactive, and almost everything has its reason for being in place. The glitches kick in after Kong breaks through something and the debris scatters. The game is realistic but some times the game lacks gravity. The debris just might stay in midair, often getting in Kong’s way. That doesn’t pose too much of a problem, especially when your cut scenes look just like your gameplay. It can be confusing at first, but you get used to it after a while.
For the gamers, who have HDTV’s there’s another enhancement. The sound for this game is incredible. When Kong roars, it feels like an incentive to unleash more destruction. The music sparks a suspenseful anxiety that puts its gamers on edge. You never know what’s coming your way. The sound effects in the background makes you feel like your actually there along with the 1st person effect. Not only do you hear Kong coming, you can feel his presence.
The main flaw in this game is the limited playtime with Kong. Jack is cool, but the game is not called Peter Jackson’s Jack Driscoll. The replay value on this game is low as well. You unlock level select after finishing the game, but the accomplishment of completing the game a second time is like taking crack for the first time, you’ll never reach that high again. If you’re primarily a 1st person shooter who likes a little 3rd person action, then this is the perfect game for you; mostly Xbox gamers. What makes this game a hit is its ability to catch the eyes of various gamers, it’s definitely for all-around gamers.
Gameplay: 8 Graphics: 9 Storyline: 8.5 Overall: 8
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Thursday, April 6, 2006
Beautiful Day
Today is a special day. 18 years ago today the greatest person to ever walk this earth was born. Her name is Victoria Chu. She finally decided to return to Otaku and she couldnt have picked a better time. I cant wait to get back to making my rounds and seeing how everyone is doing. I just read the comments from the last post and I want to say thanks to everyone who supported 311 and for sticking with me through my on and off adventures. To add a bit of spice to the site and nourish my writing skills I have decided to write game reviews from time to time. If you have a game you would like to me review or if you want me to post a review of your own, feel free to tell me. Also for my future writers, if you want your work to be seen or see the work of others you can join the author's lounge. It's on The Vampire Lesate's site (check friend's list). Let's see, did I miss anything??? Yeah, I have been trying to find something to add to this boring layout of mine, like a video or something. I saw my friend's myspace account and just put me and vicious to shame. But screw myspace, otaku is my space. Full of safe ppl to talk to and not raving 40 yr. old predators. Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY VICKY, I am going to get your present this weekend, I love you. And here is the review, please bear with me, there might be a few errors, seeing as I wrote this about 20 minutes ago and feel free to also rate the game. And finally is anyone interested in having a writer's corner on fridays or something. I can be a host. And we can come together and read each other's work and give constructive criticisms. Just a thought anywhere, here is the review, I rated it with Five Katanas, how many katanas to you give it?

Devil May Cry
Release: Oct. 16, 2001
Company: Capcom
Rating: 5 katanas
Capcom’s big hit, Devil May Cry contains one of the most influential characters in video game history. White hair covering the face, long coat, draped in red and black, and topped off with a pair of guns and a sword. The theme for this game is quite typical but there are so many other factors that make up for it. This blockbuster includes impressive graphics, excellent difficulty, precise gameplay, and a solid storyline all in one.
The protagonist for this masterpiece goes by the name Dante (The reigning champ). He is the typical foulmouthed rebel, equipped with groundbreaking attacks and beguiling catchphrases. He is a demon slayer for hire and whether he likes it or not he will fulfill the prophecy of his father that was a legendary demon by the name of Sparda. The theme of the beginning has a dark tone with a bit of humor to add a few highlights to the shadows. The pace is perfect and moves Dante right where he needs to be. The level starts out in this large castle that you will be in for the most part of the game. You are in it so long that you may forget that you still are until you run across an area you’ve previously been. Destroying, slashing, and shooting puppet minions aren’t the only things you’ll be doing throughout the duration of the game. There are parts where you have to use your strategic intellect to gain passage to the next level or to the next boss. The boss battles become quite repetitive but come with an added twist, making the gamers use different tactics to take out the enemy each time he comes back for more. To help defeat those malevolent bosses, Dante can upgrade and gain new weapons with the attainment of orbs that you acquire during gameplay. The gameplay allows Dante to be highly versatile in battle. So if you’re a “shoot em up” gamer, you can take out your foes with Ebony and Ivory, a sawed off shotgun, a rocket launcher, and a sharpshooter. Or if you are a “slice and dice gamer”, the Force’s Edge and the Alastor will surely suit the occasion. If that’s not enough just wait until you gain the devil trigger which gives Dante a little taste of what life is like behind the skin of his father. He has the ability to fly and shoot impactful thunderbolts while engulfed in lightning. Though temporary it gives you enough time to create a huge deficit in a boss’s health by enhancing speed and power. You will really need the devil trigger as the game progresses and the enemies become more irrefutable. The further you go through the game, the gorier and weirder it becomes. There is one level where you find yourself in what appears to be the body of a beast. It is also in that level where you find the most difficult enemies that take a lot of attacks to finish off. You get used to them after finding out their movements. Despite the weird change in environment, the plotline takes a few turns and becomes deeper.
After unleashing a world of pain on enemies, destroying bosses, and putting amulets in locked doors, you reach the final part of the game. Unlike all of the previous bosses, the final boss is quite easy. You may find that as a relief from all the previous hell you’ve overcome. The game also reveals more about Dante’s past at this point, giving the game a reasonable closure and plenty of room for a sequel. If you’re a hardcore gamer who enjoys 3D platform action games, I highly recommend this title, and if you haven’t played it by now, you are missing out on one of the best games to ever come out on a console period
Gameplay: 10 out of 10 Graphics: 10 out of 10 Storyline: 10 out of 10 Overall: 10 out of 10
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Sunday, March 26, 2006
It is now official 311 is no.1 i thought this day would never come, but it came sooner than ever. Victory is hers! Congratulations!!!
PS: how was everyone's spring break
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