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Saturday, February 26, 2005
Thank you all
I never thought that I would write a full length short story and actually have people read them. I am still so surprised that everyone actually likes my story. I cant believe that you all liked the last chapter of the crow story. But thank you very much for taking the time to read my, well your stories. Those stories are for you, the ppl who read them. I dont go to fiction press, because i would rather have my family read my stuff than strangers. I just really appretiate this. I have a question to ask though. What was favorite part in the crow story? Well, I gotta get back to talking to vicky, thanks again, and bye, love you, vicky
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Friday, February 25, 2005
The Crow: Owarimasu
Chapter 6
Promise me, you’ll never go away
Emi sat in the corner of Kimmie’s hospital room with her knees clutched tightly to her chest; she’d spent her last three days there. Haruhiko’s men wouldn’t go near the apartment. They knew of Haruko coming back from the dead, and as ridiculus as that sound, they believed it. The window opened, and Haruko swung in with the black bird on his shoulder. Emi got up, draped in her red silk kimono and her hair wrapped in a perfect bun, held together by chopsticks. She walked over to Haruko, and the moonlight shined on the gold necklace around her neck. Haruko shuddered away from it as if it were the sun. In a way it did burn his eyes, or more accurately, his brain. Memories were his power, yet his weakness. At that very moment he could’ve broken down in front of her. But she was there to catch him; just as he was always there to catch her when she fell. Haruko bowed his head, his bowl-cut hair overshadowing his eyes and the bridge of his nose. Emi ran her warm hand over his cheek, making him look at her.
“I’m here, Haruko,” Emi said, her eyes glittering like a lake at midnight.
“I know,” Haruko said, as he took his torn shirt off.
“I will get you some new clothes,” Emi said, taking the withered shirt from him. She rubbed at the wound on his chest. As soon as she touched it he flinched, remembering being shot by his brother.
“Come on, Kimmie will be fine,” She kissed his lips, and grabbed his hand. Haruko nodded, and followed her.
The doorknob turned at Haru’s apartment door. He walked in, and hung his blazer over the recliner. He untied his tie while entering his white walled bedroom where the girl he’d slept with still slumbered. He unbuttoned his white shirt, and took it off. He left the room and entered his kitchen for a drink.
“What a fucking night,” Haru said, as he poured himself a cup of Wafumi. He drank the alcohol, pondering on how to stop his brother who he’d already slain cold-bloodedly. The young Japanese girl came out of the room, wearing her underwear and one of his dress shirts.
“What’s wrong, baby?” she asked.
“Nothing, Ami,” Haru said.
“There is something. You’ve done wrong, I can see it in your eyes,” Ami said, her eyes watering up.
“No, I didn’t. Cut the psychic shit,” Haru said.
“Everyone knows that your father is embezzling money and investing in drugs. Your organization might as well be a crime family,” Ami said.
“It’s not my fault, Ami. I didn’t want this, my father did. I followed so he wouldn’t kill the both of us. He is sadistic,” Haru said, running his fingers through her short hair.
“I would rather die with you, than live in sin,” Ami said, tears running down her round cheeks. Haru kissed her with the smell of alcohol on his lips. The aroma of the fine wine aroused her, and she fell into the kiss as if she were plummeting in a bottomless pit.
“I love you, Haru,” Ami moaned, softly,
The crow soared overhead, watching over the couple as they neared Emi’s apartment. The night was warm in the spring season with a full moon shining over the city. Emi held Haruko’s cold hands in her own, enjoying her final moments with him. Emi lived in a small wooden apartment in downtown Tokyo where the couple strolled. Haruko could see the Izumi company cars pulling up in front of his brother’s Apartment complex that was down the street from Emi’s. Ten Mitsubishi EVOs parked in front of the apartment. Men dressed in Armani suits got out of the cars with a pair of guns in each hand.
“Emi, go now,” Haruko pushed her into the front door. Emi couldn’t get a word out before she fell into the door. She scrambled to her feet and ran upstairs after hearing gunfire. The crow landed on the roof on the apartment, and cawed painfully. Haruko was shot immediately by the armed men. He was hit with plenty of slugs to his head and chest. He fell back to the ground, bleeding.
Haru rushed to the window to see what was going on. He saw the men parked in front of his home, but he couldn’t see who they’d shot. He felt a sense of relief after the shooting ceased. The men walked over to the carcass lying in the street.
“Call Mr. Izumi and tell him we’re done,” one of the men ordered. Haruko’s eyes opened, and he saw the men standing over him.
“Don’t call him just yet,” Haruko hopped up, and punched the first person in sight. He jerked a gun from another, and began firing the machine gun. Several men were hit, and they fell to the ground bleeding to death. He jumped up and did a split kick to knock the two men at his sides out of the way. He dropped the machine gun and picked up two pistols lying on the ground. A barrage of bullets fired at Haruko, who was hit by nearly all of them. But that didn’t stop him, and he fired the pistols back, hitting those in his path. One of the men got into the car, and sped off towards Haruko. Haruko ran towards the car, and stepped over it as if it were a step on a stair case. He used the hood as a trampoline to do a diving front flip over the car. As he turned upside down, he fired into the sun roof of the car, hitting the man in the head. The car crashed into two others cars and flipped over. Haruko landed on one knee, and fired at the men at his sides, killing them all. Snipers were posted on the roves of the apartment complexes. Haruko fell back as he was shot in the head.
“Bastards,” Haruko dropped the empty pistols and started running at the men who were shooting at him from their cars. Haruko found himself in the middle of the cars and men while he was still running, nearing a victim. He hit a handspring and then a series of back flips on his hands until he reached his victim. He clamped his legs around the man’s neck and snapped it. He then hopped up, taking two more pistols in his hands. There were only about a handful of men left and the snipers were still on the roof. Haruko fired a round over his shoulder, and a man fell off the roof. He then hit a back flip, landing on the top of another one of the cars where he begun his massacre. The men reloaded, and fired rounds at Haruko who was now a bloody mess. The crow flew up and down the roves, pecking at the snipers as Haruko laughed sadistically while firing back at his enemies. By the time Haruko was empty, the men were all gone, except for two men and they were holding katanas. One of the snipers shot the crow, and she fell to sidewalk beak first. Haruko looked back in aw, and turned around to find himself like a piece of meat on a shish kabob with the katana as the stick. The man ejected his katana, and pointed it at Haruko’s neck.
“Only human,” he said. The wound on Haruko’s gut heal, instantly as the crow got back up. The snipers all turned their sights on the bird, just as the man drew his arm back. Haruko moved his head to the side, and pulled the blade so the man would fall down. He hopped up just in time to duck the other man’s katana. He did a sideways cartwheel to move further away from the assailant. The two swordsmen pursued Haruko until he stopped. He tumbled under the swords, and grabbed the men’s extra katanas from both their waists. He warded their swords off with the two swords before getting up. The men then tried their hardest to at least gash their opponent, but he was too fast with the swords. He backed back slowly, jerking the swords as fast as he could to block the two men. One man sliced below and the other sliced above, and Haruko jumped, knocking both swords away. In a herd of frustration, the men attacked ruthlessly, but it served futile as Haruko calmly battled them. All four of the swords tangled up in a power struggle with the men progressing forward. Their swords moved forth, getting closer to Haruko’s chest. Using their momentum, Haruko leaned back, making them trip over their feet. He fell to the ground back first, getting pierced by both swords. By the time he opened his eyes, a pair of newly dead men were lying on top of him, skewered by the swords in Haruko’s hands.
The glass cup in Haru’s hand departed from his hand and onto the floor, shattering on impact. Shaken by what he’d just witnessed, he left the window. He could hear laughter from outside, and the sudden flapping of wings. The next thing he knew, the window shattered, hence the crow had arrived. She rested her ebony wings, after landing on the counter from her daunting entrance. Haru grabbed his pistol, and Ami ran into their room.
“Haru, what’s going on?” She screamed. Haru started to explain, but found himself speechless, when footsteps could be heard thumping up the stairs.
The apartment was fumed with the smell of lemon fresh febreze, on a mildly sunny day. The breeze lifted the curtains, rhythmically blowing them. Emi had come to visit Haruko, who had just come home from school. Haruko sat on the plush couch after leading Emi into the apartment. Haruko grabbed his literature book from the glass table in front of them. He began studying, as Emi watched him, running her fingers through his hair.
“I can see it, you are going to be something great,” Emi said, kissing him on the cheek.
“I hope so, especially if I want to support you and our children,” He looked up from his studies. Emi smirked, and stared at him.
“How do you know that our relationship will last that long? What if I decided to get with that handsome fellow over there?” Emi asked, sarcastically, pointing at Haru who was just getting out of the shower draped in a towel.
“You don’t want that senior citizen over there,” Haruko said, wrapping his arm around her. Haru smiled, and started to flex his muscles.
“She might want to ditch the pip squeak, and get with a real man,” Haru said, going into his bedroom. Haruko closed his book, and got up to lead Emi into his bedroom.
“I maybe a pip squeak, but I am lucky pip squeak,” He grabbed a blushing Emi’s hand and went into the bedroom…
Haruko kicked the door in, and angrily stomped into the apartment, seeing the apartment as it was on that very day. Then he saw it as it was now. The ivory curtains that once blew gracefully were now reduced to leopard skin. A bear skin rug now lay under the glass table in front of a plush white couch. Haru stared at his brother from the kitchen area, and fired shots at him. He was hit by every bullet, but it failed to faze him. His eyes were fixed on his brother’s, and anger was pushing him forward. The flesh healed on his bare chest with every footstep he took.
“Brother, your day of reckon shall come, but not on this night,” Haruko said, as his footsteps tapped the floor after they left the carpet and met the solid floor below them.
“This is impossible,” Haru said, ignoring his brother. Ami peeped out from her room to see what was going on.
“Haru, your sins are catching up to you, my love,” Ami said, heartbrokenly.
“But it was all father’s idea, I just went along with it,” Haru said, backing up to the counter. He grabbed a knife, and pushed towards Haruko who grabbed his arm. Haru strained staring into the calm face of Haruko. Haruko twisted his arm, and made him drop the knife. He kneed Haru hard enough to make him cough up spit, and then he grabbed his face. Haru’s memories rushed to into Haruko’ dome immediately and the first thing he saw was Kimmie’s face in distress.
”Haru! Haru!, please!” Kimmie screamed, her eyes filled with hurt. Haru tossed her onto the bed, and snatched her uniform shirt off. The room was filled with men, waiting to do what Haru told them to do next.
“Haru, what are you doing? Please stop,” Kimmie begged, her eyes now overflowing with tears of timid fear. Haru was silent as he grabbed her neck tightly. He ripped her underwear from under her skirt, before unzipping his pants.
“Brother, why are you doing this?” Kimmie said, before feeling a sharp pain between her legs. Her eyes grew blank, and she had not the strength to scream
Haruko let go of his brother, and fell back to the floor in shock. His eyes were widened with aw and anger. He got up just as Haru went for an attack on him. Haru punched Haruko in his face, and blood spilled from his mouth. Haruko fell to the floor, not even noticing that he’d been hit. He turned his head, and looked up.
“You raped her,” Haruko said. Haru jumped back, bumping into the counter.
“Lies,” Haru said.
“Your day will come,” Haruko said before the crow cawed, grabbing Haru’s attention. When he looked back, Haruko was gone yet again.
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Thursday, February 24, 2005
Everything is back to normal
Life is back to butter now. Even though, I have to write a long ass speech, read a ton of stories, and who knows what else. It just doesnt get me down anymore. Last night was another one of the greatest nights I ever had. Vicky got her valentines day gift, even though it was late, she was happy nonetheless. I never thought I would get so much joy from buying another person something, but I do. I would buy her the world, and destroy it if she didnt like it. That is how I know that she is the one. She doesnt really like me to spend alot of money on her, but for her money isnt anything. I spend my gas money on her sometime, but I would buy her anything and everything, before I would buy myself something to eat. I love her very much, and I want her to know that I would never choose any girl other than her. Sure there are girls at school that I talk to, and there is one that is trying to go out with me and getting on my last nerve. I may talk to other girls and say lewd things to them, but I never get emotionally involved with them. Usually I say something gross to them. If i was never able to get a girl, i was always good at not getting a girl, thats what i do best. Plus I dont need to know how to get girls to go out with me, I have the best one. I trust her and she trusts me. I love you, vicky
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
I couldnt help it
Phase 10
It was all a Dream
The darkening horizon had already made its presence over the skies, as Zero and Malkav found themselves facing each other. A cool breeze blew in Zero’s direction, making Malkav’s hair and coat blow forward. The grassy plain made a safe platform for the two rivals. Malkav reached into his coat, and he drew his .454. He then threw it onto the ground with a grin on his face.
“My power has gone far beyond mechanic projectile weapons,” Malkav said, staring at Zero. Zero drew his chrome Berettas, and did the same.
“Fine, we won’t use projectile weapons,” Zero said.
“Ready to see a true immortal’s power?” Malkav asked, holding a metal pole in his hand.
“Let me show you,” Zero smirked, snatching his shirt off. His dark green hair slowly transcended into a black color, and his light green eyes were now glowing red. The scars were now protruding his chest and arms.
“Cocky, aren’t we?” Malkav said, with the pole extending, and a large blade coming out of on end. The other end had become some what of a diamond handle along with the middle that was in Malkav’s grasp. Zero calmly extended his hand in a cup shape that look like he was telling Malkav to bring it. Actually he was borrowing the soil’s nutrients to gather enough energy to battle Malkav. The tall grass surrounding them began to turn yellow while the scars began to vibrate on Zero’s body. Malkav launched forward, drawing the scythe back. A shield of leaves shot up like a geyser, blocking Malkav’s attack. Zero reappeared behind him, and bashed him in the face with his fist. Malkav smashed into the ground, and hopped back up. He slung the scythe, and it came at Zero in a circling pattern. Zero caught the scythe by the middle right before charging at Malkav, who drew the Asura.
“You brought this on yourself,” Malkav said, and the Asura began to drip with blood. The scythe became the metal pole it started out as, and was cut right down the middle when it faced the blade of the Asura. When Zero landed, he ducked as the Asura flew over his head. Malkav brought it back in Zero’s direction this time cutting him across his chest. Zero screamed as another scar burned onto his torso. The Asura went from a katana to a rather large sword, lavished with diamonds clearer than spring water and symbolic blue stars near the golden handle. Zero backed away covering his chest like an embarrassed stripper. He coughed up a large amount of blood. When the blood touched the dead earth below, grass began to come up from the barren ground. Malkav ran towards Zero, ready to finish Zero off. The leaves flew up again, and Zero launched through them, clotheslining Malkav hard enough to behead him. The Asura fell to the ground after to taking its normal form along with Malkav’s body. The head had long since hit the ground with the tongue hanging out and eyes wide open. Zero, fell to his knees, and dug his arms into the earth. Slits in his arms opened and blood flowed into the surface. The yellow grass became green and strong once again. Zero replenished the land to pay his debt for using the nutrients of the soil. He soon vanished, as his weak body fell to the ground.
The tall advocate in a black trench coat arrived shortly after with his yellow eyes peering at Malkav’s head.
“Daddy, no!” he screamed in sarcasm.
“Shut up, you fucking scum,” the head spoke.
“Looks like you got your ass handed to you,” Drakus said with a wide smile.
“He was stronger than I thought,” Malkav said, as Drakus dragged Malkav’s body to him.
“I will destroy him for you,” Drakus insisted, still grinning sadistically.
“No, I want you to destroy Bingo. I have a score to settle with Zero, and next time he will get every inch of my power.
“Fine,” Drakus said as Malkav’s head reattached to its body.
The tall redheaded woman who once had black hair by the name of Garnett knocked at the door of Ana’s apartment. Luminae answered the door with a look of disgust to see the crimson eyed woman draped in a black tanktop with a leather mini skirt and knee high latex boots.
“Who the hell are you, and what the fuck do you want?” Luminae asked, still pissed from the earlier events.
“I have come to see Vicious,” Garnett said, letting herself in.
“Well, he is kinda in a coma right now,” Ana said, overhearing what Garnett said. Vicious lay motionless on the couch with his head resting in Ana’s lap. Garnett knelt down, and licked Vicious 2’s cheek.
“What business do you have with Vicious anyway?” Pimp asked.
“Can’t I be worried about my husband?” Garnett said, rubbing at Vicious 2’s chest. Ana stared at her jealously, sniffling lightly.
“No need to cry, Ana he didn’t marry this braud,” Luminae said. Ana became slightly angry at this woman barging into her home, and messing with her potential lover.
“I would really like it if you would leave, ma’am,” Ana said, politely.
“You heard what she said,” Luminae said, shortly after the sound of her glock was cocked.
“Yeah, ho bags, get moving,” Pimp said. Garnett got up angrily, drawing the katana hanging at her waist. The door flew open, and the samurai woman walked in calmly with a wide smile on her face.
“Hihi, I’m back!” Selena said. She cocked her head to the side when she saw Garnett, then she recognized the scent.
“What the fuck is she doing here?” Selena asked, snorting at Garnett.
“Selena,” Garnett growled.
In the mist of all of this quarreling, Vicious 2 found himself lying in a puddle of his own thoughts, trapped in his own body. He awakened to a room of darkness. He could see the clouds above him, and he wondered what was keeping him unconscious. That answer arrived immediately, and there it was right in his face. Vicious.
“I see you had a hard day, my child,” Vicious said, bending down towards his son who sat on the ground staring up.
“You bet your ass, pops,” Vicious 2 replied, and got up.
“Of course you know why you are in a coma,” Vicious stated, while pacing slowly around the darkened area.
“The second test,” Vicious 2 answered.
“Exactly,” Vicious said.
“Why does it have to be inside of my head?” Vicious 2 asked.
“I have seen your physical ability, now I want to see if your mind is strong enough to face me,” Vicious replied, smirking.
“I am ready,” Vicious 2 said, putting his fists up.
“Ready to die, son?” Vicious asked, his eyes turning light green, and his uniform taking the form of Vicious 2’s all black attire.
“Time to face yourself,” Vicious said, now a mirror image of his son. Vicious 2 threw swift a jab and missed as Vicious turned to the side. Vicious grabbed his son’s arm, and kicked him in the face. He kept his tight grip on Vicious 2’s arm, and punched him unmercifully until Vicious 2 moved his head to the side to dodge his fist. He then lifted Vicious, and they both fell to the ground forcefully. Vicious 2 was the first to get up. He saw his father holding his katana in his palm. Vicious 2 bent over backward to miss the sword, and managed a handspring backflip. He continued doing so and finally ended with a James Brown split. The sword came down at him, and he turned over on his back as it smacked against the surface. Vicious 2 then rolled back, and kicked Vicious in the chin with both his feet before hopping to his feet. He ducked he sword yet again when it came over his head. Vicious had become a mad man, but Vicious 2 kicked the sword out of his hand. Vicious kicked him in the stomach, and he noticed that his gun was on him. Vicious 2 grabbed Vicious’ foot, and gave him the hardest uppercut he could muster. By the time he got up, Vicious 2 had his chrome Desert Eagle right in his face, ready to explode. And that it did; Vicious 2 pulled the trigger over and over again until the clip was empty. When the smoke cleared, Vicious was standing there with no bullet wounds in sight.
“You won’t defeat with weapons this time, you have to look inside of yourself,” Vicious said, grabbing Vicious 2 by his neck. Vicious 2 was shocked and could not move. He felt the fear he once had of his father once again. Vicious punched Vicious 2 senseless continuously. Vicious 2’s face became swollen with blood caking up all over his countenance.
“You have to look into yourself, before I kill you!” Vicious said.
“Look inside myself, I am inside myself,” Vicious 2 said, before he was punched again.
“You have to know who you are,” Vicious said. Vicious 2 closed his eyes, trying to block out the punches, and he saw a blonde woman. Her eyes were fading and her she was whispering something repeatedly. It became clearer with every punch, until Vicious 2 could make out her sentence. He caught Vicious 2’s fist, and squeezed like a vice grip. Vicious gritted his teeth as Vicious 2 kneed him in the chest before vanishing over to the sword.
“It was all a dream,” Vicious 2 said. He grabbed his katana, and looked to Vicious charging at him.
“You are not real!” Vicious 2 screamed.
When he lacerated with the katana, he awakened. The first thing he saw was Ana’s big blue eyes.
“Julius,” Ana said, waiting for his approval. Vicious 2 smirked, and reached up to rub her face not noticing that WWIII was about to take place in the apartment.
“Vicious, you’re awake,” Garnett grabbed him by his shirt collar and pulled him up.
“Garnett, what are you doing here?” Vicious 2 asked.
“That’s all you have to say to your wife?” Garnett asked, sitting him down on the couch. She then sat in his lap.
“I would have more to say if my wife were here,” Vicious 2 said, picking her up and getting up. He put her down when he saw Selena standing in the doorway.
“Hey, stranger,” Vicious said, walking over to her.
“Vici, what happened to you?” Selena asked her face full of worry.
“Nothing, it was just a little…fall,” Vicious 2 said.
“Vicious, I have something to tell you,” Garnett said, demanding his attention.
“What do you want, I told you not to come here,” Vicious 2 said.
“I came to give you your sword back, and to tell you that you have a daughter,” Garnett explained, handing him his katana back.
“Thanks, and I already know about my daughter, I found her a few weeks ago,” Vicious 2 said with gratitude.
“What are you talking about?
“Cindy; I found her already, you don’t have to search for her anymore,” Vicious 2 said, hopping back on the couch and putting his arm around Ana.
“Vicious, I had a baby,” Garnett explained.
“Oh, hell, not another kid; are you sure it’s mine?” Vicious 2 asked.
“Yes she is yours, her left eye is the same color as yours,” Garnett explained, taking a seat on the other side of Vicious 2.
“I can’t deal with another kid. You told me you couldn’t have children,” Vicious 2 said.
“Well, I guess I can,” Garnett said.
“Just tell her that Malkav is her father, he is the one you are married to,” Vicious 2 said, scooting over closer to Ana.
“I certainly won’t. You will have to take responsibility,” she said. Vicious 2 looked at Ana, and she nodded her head with tears in her eyes. Vicious 2 wiped her tears away.
“Fine, but you have to promise to leave Ana alone,” Vicious 2 said.
“Sure, now come on, it’s time for you to meet your daughter,” Garnett stated. Vicious 2 got up with a heavy sigh. Garnett grabbed his hand and entered a dimension gate.
The black hole opened, and Vicious 2 and Garnett walked out of it. They ended up in the park, and Garnett pointed to a tree about 50 meters away from them. The morning hours had lightened the day without the sun. The skies were gray and the grass was tall, lush, and green. A little girl dressed in a black dressed trimmed in white, stood under the shade of the tree. Her black hair nearly reached her ankles. The girl was no more than 3’0 tall about three or four years old.
“Wow, you sure are parent of the year. Leaving your toddler alone in the park; fucking great. The girl vanishes before them. Garnett frowned at Vicious 2, and gave her child a warm smile.
“Temari, I have someone special who wants to meet you. The little girl looked at blankly with her one eye light green and the other crimson. She tugged at Vicious 2’s pants leg while looking up at him.
“Are you my daddy?”
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Monday, February 21, 2005

My favorite movie as on now. I think Neo is truly dead, because its time to make way for constantine. Even though the matrix was the best movie Keanu Reeves ever played in, Constantine was brilliant, and I encourage all goths to go see it, and others as well, but especially goths who like exorcisms and think they need one. If you are an exorcist fan, you will love Constantine, it took the priests to get one demon out of a girl, but it only takes Constantine minutes. I cant wait til this shit comes out on DVD, because I am going to buy and watch that shit until a demon possesses me. That shit was so deep!
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Thursday, February 17, 2005

I hope you like my new wallpaper. It is a throwback. The second wallpaper i ever posted on this site, well not exactly this site, that was another account. Anyway, I think I got everything in order, and I guess I will chill for a while and start back writing in March, after me and Selena's anniversary on the 11th, She doesnt know but I am going to get her something really nice whether she likes it or not. I wish we could celebrate together, becuase March 11th is going to be our wedding day...goodbye everyone, I will post more soon, got a four day weekend coming, see you later. i love you selena
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Hey, sorry it took so long. School has really been a drag. Speech after speech after speech. Then my lit teacher keeps making me read these stupid books, but I am back, I think. I just wish i had more time in the day. I hope you guys didnt think I forgot about you, because I didnt, i still care for you all. So, whats up? Me? I have lost a friend, and at the same time grown closer to another at the same time. Over the past few weeks me and Terra Zero have been hanging out and I realize how great a person he is, and how lousy a person Malkav is. I am not even going to go into how much of a dick Malkav has become. Anyway, I will hopefully see you guys tomorrow. Any requests for a story, or do i need to chill? Bye, I love you Selena
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Thursday, February 10, 2005
Hihi everyone
Um... My name is Selena... and Vici, he just wanted me to come say...that he is sorry he hasn't been around to visit you for such a long time. =/ He has been trying to get his life in order and its been difficult... so he hasn't had a chance to come on. But he hasn't forgotten about you guys though and he misses yous alot. Though he feels that he doesn't deserve to come speak with you guys, because he feels like hes been neglecting yous. =( He will be on soon... he just needs some time. He just wanted to let you guys know that he is still alive. ~_~;
Thanks for understanding guys. *Huggles*
Ttyl. ~.~
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Sunday, January 23, 2005
Phase 9
The Ford Focus was totaled, caved in with glass everywhere. Vicious 2 landed head first into the top of the vehicle. He stayed in the same position, legs up in the air, leaning limply. The hood of the car had blown off from the impact of Vicious 2’s plunge. The guardian angel that the old man had spoken of had done her job in saving Julius. Vicious 2 had sacrificed his self to ensure the safety of his son. The white ray of light became visible and easier to be seen. Once Julius opened his eyes from being nearly frightened to death to find himself floating pleasantly to the ground, embraced by the white ray of light. He noticed a pair of very pale arms wrapped around his chest. He turned to around to see a familiar face with green eyes, full red lips, and dark red hair garnished with a ghostly aura.
“Mel…” Julius stumbled on his words shocked by his surprise. The angel nodded, rubbing at his face. She stared over to Vicious 2, and she began to weep. Julius pulled his father from the rubble and Melanie uplifted him. His head was hung over, and his body was cold and crushed. Melanie’s soft voice could be heard, crying softly from the angel’s lips. Julius drove his fist into the side of the car.
“It’s all my fault,” Julius said, angrily. Melanie shook her head from side to side, pointing at herself.
“Don’t blame yourself. I am the one to blame. Stay here with my father,” Julius said, walking towards the building. He broke free from Melanie’s hand when she grabbed his shoulder. Realizing that she couldn’t stop Julius, Melanie embraced Vicious 2’s motionless body in her arms.
Luminae slid down the rails of the staircase, as the twins and Azaria pursued her. She reached the third floor, and she popped a clip into the Glock. She hopped on the rail, just as the bald twin, Mo appeared on the floor below her. He set himself up to launch forward at Luminae, but she slid down the rail firing until she hit him in the chest. Jo, the blonde twin ran down the stairs with his swords mysteriously glowing in his grasps. Luminae fired upward at him, dodging the arrows coming down at her from further up, courtesy Azaria. The door on the fire hose case crashed opened and a hand draped in leather chased Luminae to the first floor where the other hand pie faced her. She fell back into the staircase and the other hand pulled her in, pinning her against the wall. The sick looking vampire then made his presence felt by appearing before her.
“Hello my dear,” Drakus licked his lips with his long arms keeping her pinned against the wall. Luminae fired her weapon repeatedly until it was empty, but the bullets did nothing to stop the insane vampire.
“I’m not your average suck-head,” Drakus implied.
“I can see that,” Luminae said.
The battle began on the top floor as Malkav’s blood red sword appeared into his palm. Pimp strategically approached Malkav with her katana held in both hands. Malkav waited for her, holding the sword in his right hand.
“This won’t be as easy as last time,” Malkav said, and his chrome .454 evicted itself from his sleeve. Pimp’s eyes widened and she rolled when the bullets came at her. Silver explosive rounds flew over Pimp’s head as she got up. She hit the others away with her sword, and charged towards him. Malkav quickly charged back at her. The sound of swords exchanging slashes sounded off before they passed each other. They stood back to back, and Pimp clutched the side of her stomach. Malkav looked back at Pimp as if she were his prey. Thinking that she was finished his slid in towards her as if he were on ice skates. The Asura was pointed right at Pimp’s back, but missed, as she back flipped over him. She landed just in time block the Asura’s wrath creating a spark. Malkav stood over her pushing down at her, making Pimp’s sword duller. The wound on the side of her stomach healed, but the strength of Malkav was becoming too much.
Luminae drove her knee upward into Drakus’ chest to stop him from biting her. She headed butted him, but ended up hurting herself worse. The sudden sound of heavy metal rock music played throughout the first floor. Luminae and Drakus both turned their heads to find out what was going on. A scream burst through the door with Julius, and a swarm of musical notes hit Drakus in the face as Julius bypassed him. He darted up the stairs without a second glance. The twins were waiting for him at the tenth floor, and they grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. Julius screamed, and the heavy metal music became louder. They both covered their ears because they began to bleed.
“He’s coming,” Malkav said, before Pimped mustered enough strength to get him off of her. She hopped up and spun around, swinging the sword at his feet. Malkav jumped, kicking her in the face. When he landed, he stabbed at her quickly, but she spun off to the side, throwing her sword at him. The sword flew through his neck, and she drew her guns. She pumped him full of hallow tip lead, but all she got in return was sadistic laughter. Before Pimp knew it, a hand was around her neck, and she was being lifted towards the ceiling. The sword was still in Malkav’s throat, but Pimp couldn’t reach it. A sick smile was written on Malkav’s face.
“You are going to die.”
Two arrows shot down the stairs, and turned at the corner. The arrows cowered at Julius’ little lullaby, and stopped in their tracks. Julius sped up the steps, in close enough range for him to be hit by the arrows. The arrow didn’t stop him from running though it was lodged into his chest. He jerked the arrow out of his chest and went for an eye for an eye on Azaria.
Malkav pulled the sword from his neck, and perversely rubbed his blood onto her chest. Pimp gritted her teeth fearlessy, waiting for her undeserved punishment. The door burst open and Julius walked through, his hair covering his face, and his body rumbling with anger.
“Malkav!” Julius screamed to the top of his lungs. Malkav dropped Pimp, and she quickly covered her ears.
“You’ve inherited my power, you are now insane,” Malkav said, smiling. Julius walked over to him, facing him valiantly.
“So, you decided to oppose your mentor, bite the hand that fed your hungry mouth, and devour your debt to me?” Malkav said.
“I never asked for this,” Julius said. Melanie flew up, peering through the broken window. She held Vicious 2 by his shirt in one hand and the guitar case in her other. Malkav turned around to attack her by running towards her.
“Forgive me, Vici,” Melanie said, as she threw her husband into the window. Pimp’s sword pierced Vicious 2’s gut, and Melanie threw the guitar case in. It slid across the floor. Julius stopped the case with his foot, and it opened. The guitar automatically wrapped itself around Julius. A black pick appeared in his hands so he could strum the seven stringed instrument that was tuned lower than a standard base. Vicious 2’s eyes opened wide into a scream of bloody agony. He landed on Malkav, but suddenly went back into his coma after sustaining the stab. Melanie swooped by like an eagle, grabbing Vicious 2 before Malkav could harm him further. Julius began playing the guitar, not missing a single note. He then banged his head back in forth rhythmically. The sound waves were making their way to Malkav, and suddenly, huge amps and speakers appeared behind Julius. Malkav grabbed the Asura from the ground, and drove straight at Julius. The vent swung open, and the dark hero draped in scars swung out, firing at Malkav. Malkav vanished and so did Zero.
“Do you always butt into business that isn’t your own?” Malkav asked.
“I think we should settle this elsewhere,” Zero stood across from Malkav, draped in his Karou uniform. His hair blew to the right; the same direction that the breeze was sweetly blowing. Malkav smirked with his hands in his coat pockets.
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Friday, January 21, 2005
Whats up, everyone. I know this post is a little late, but i just wanted to check in and see how everybody is doing. This week was quite exciting. I think I fucked around and got a record deal, but i am afraid that the beat we are using is going to get us sued. I think its a beat from Sonic, but it doesnt matter, I am just doing this in hopes of getting money for Selena, because the rap game isnt for me, even though Hardcore Gangsta Rap is the best music i have ever listened to, but if this rap thing works out I am going to buy Selena a Bently with some spinners. Hell yeah, my first grand is going to get me a trip straight to Calgary, well i got a chapter to read, i will talk to you guys later, I love you Selena
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