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Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Whats up Otaku world. Whats been going down? Besides the beef between Shannon and Sindalla. Nothing much for me, I am just working phase 8, about to put some characters to use, and some new characters will be added. In other good news, my fiance just posted her story up on her site yesterday, and if you want to check it out, its there, and its great i might add. She is way better than I am. So, tell me whats going on in your lives, or atleast your cyber lives
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Sunday, December 19, 2004
Phase 7
Angel of Death
“What’s happening to me?” The curious words of a weakened soldier spoke, lying on the white carpet in the den of Lady Garnett.
“The night of the blood red moon has arrived,” Garnett said, staring down at Vicious 2 from the couch. She sat with her shaved legs, overlapping each other, wearing her all light blue pajamas.
“Am I dying?” Vicious 2 asked. Garnett pulled the straps back up on her tanktop, and stood, wearing her blue underwear.
“No, you aren’t, Vicious. You are growing stronger,” Garnett said, and she got on her knees beside him.
“I feel so weak,” Vicious 2 said, breathing heavily.
“Yes, this is your first time. This would actually be your third time, but you were dead for the past two blood moons,” Garnett, brushed the sweat off of his brow, and her long black hair, was hung low enough to lay comfortably on his cheek. The crimson moon shined through the window, and the gleam burned Vicious 2 as if it were the sun on a hellacious summer day. His veins peered through his pale skin, resembling red spider webs coiled around his arms, and taking over his face. His pupils burned like hell fire, and he gripped onto Garnett’s arm tightly. Garnett snatched his shirt opened, to find the fire red webs circling his chest and abs, pulsing like a heart beat. His teeth were closed together like a vice grip, holding in his scarlet screams. The moon on the outside gleamed brighter, and Vicious 2 finally released his painful screech, revealing pearl fangs that grew sharper every second. The morning hours arrived after a night of pure torture to gain true power. Vicious 2 lie still, unconscious from his painful night. Garnett took her place back on the couch, as Vicious 2 regained his consciousness. He opened his eyes to nothing but a barricade of white hair in his face. Garnett looked up to see Vicious 2 get up to his feet, peering at her with his new bright red eyes.
“Congratulations, Vicious, you are now truly of the undead,” Garnett said, smiling at him. A smile was about so surface on his face until he heard his birth name, coming from a familiar raspy voice.
“Vicious,” Vicious 2 said.
“What, how?” Garnett asked.
“It’s the first test,” Vicious 2 vanished to the back yard filled with beautiful plant life, another courtyard opposite the front yard.
“Wait, Vicious,” Garnett said, and she followed. When she vanished to the back yard, she found Vicious 2 facing his father in a physical form.
“You’ve matured since the last time we talked, son,” Vicious smirked, still wearing that fucking syndicate uniform.
“I am ready for this test that you speak of,” Vicious 2 said.
“Don’t be so quick to jump the gun, child. Wouldn’t you like to know what you are up against?” Vicious asked, the smirk still written on his face.
“I have defeated you many times, I’ll do it again,” Vicious 2 said, staring back at Vicious, challenge, the expression that was written on his face. Vicious took a deep breath, and tasted the oxygen he took in.
“The air is so clear; I forgot how good it feels to breathe after so many years in the bondage of hell,” Vicious said. Vicious 2 drew the katana from the sheath in his hand.
“You wield my sword just as I did, I’m flattered. But that will not stop me from killing you,” Vicious said.
“I will stop you from killing me,” Vicious 2 stepped forward, holding the sword in his left, the sheath in his right. Vicious grinned sadistically, as he saw the sheath coming at him. He dodged it, but he didn’t see his son pushing the sword through his heart.
“Game over,” Vicious 2 said.
“Bullshit,” Vicious drove his palm into Vicious 2, shoving him back to the ground. Julius kept his grip on the sword, and it jerked out of Vicious’ chest. The sun made Vicious 2’s skin sizzle, and he hopped to his feet. One second Vicious was a whole meter away from him and in the next instant Vicious was facing him. Julius could smell the breath of a dragon; the stench was enough to knock any human out cold. Stunned by his father’s movement, he didn’t notice Vicious lifting him up in a bear hug.
“Vicious, I will help you,” Garnett said. Both Vicious 2 and Vicious looked back at her.
“Which one?” they asked in unison, sounding like one person.
“Julius!” Garnett drew her sword.
“No, I have to do this myself,” Julius, looked back at his father, and gave him a few headbutts.
“It’s futile, give up, bastard son,” Vicious said, as Vicious 2 rammed his head into him repeatedly. Vicious met his head halfway, and let go of Vicious 2. The force behind Vicious’ head made him go flying back to the ground, dropping the katana. Vicious quickly grabbed the katana, and attempted to impale Vicious 2. Vicious 2 vanished, and appeared back, trying to do an aerial kick to the back Vicious’ head. Vicious ducked, and slashed the sword at Vicious 2’s side. The blade sliced the air, as Vicious 2 disappeared again.
“I can sense you,” Vicious said, and he swung the sword right where Vicious 2 reappeared. Vicious 2 landed on one knee, meeting the katana with its sheath with his back turned to Vicious.
“You are certainly faster than before, but will that be enough?” Vicious asked. Vicious drew the katana back to him, and Vicious 2 charged at him wielding the sheath. The sword and the sheath met up in a quarrelsome battle, a mark was left every time they clattered together. Vicious swung the sword overhead, Vicious 2 ducked, and blocked the sword as Vicious brought it back to him. Vicious 2 grabbed the middle of the sheath, and battled the katana with the ends. He spun it round and round, trying to ward off Vicious while backing away. The sheath and the katana locked up with one another, and Vicious 2 took the momentum in his own hands. He rolled his arm around outward to unlock the sword and sheath, and then he dropped his sheath and kicked it in Vicious’ face. He jumped up and did a spinning kick; connecting with the kick, he grabbed the katana in mid air. Vicious shook the kick off, and rush back to Vicious 2, who launched at Vicious. Vicious jumped after him, and his fist met with the katana. They both passed each other, and landed on opposite sides, back to back. Vicious 2’s sword broke in half, and a whole half of Vicious’ arm was lopped off. Vicious’ arm healed, and Vicious 2 dropped the broken sword. Just as Vicious 2 turned to face Vicious, A fist came directly to his face. He moved to his side, and drove his elbow into Vicious’ gut as hard as he could. Vicious coughed up spit and blood, but that didn’t slow him down. He grabbed Vicious 2’s arm as it tried to grip his hair, and he gave his son an uppercut. Vicious 2 bounced backwards, and pushed himself up with his hands. Vicious’ long leg went for a kick to Vicious 2’s forehead, but as he hopped back up, he bent backwards to dodge the kick. Vicious 2 then, hit a back flip kick on Vicious, but Vicious caught him by his ankle, and began punching him in the back.
“Julius, use your strength!” Garnett said, angrily. Vicious 2 gritted his teeth, and took the blows to his back, feeling helpless. Vicious jerked him into the air, and threw him back to the ground. The ground gave way, and Vicious 2 was nearly thrown back into hell. When Vicious lifted him back up, there was an imprint of Vicious 2’s body in the lush grass. Vicious lifted his son up by his collar, staring into his face with sharp grey eyes.
“Julius, you are the snake, and what you said before you killed me was true. A snake can’t eat a dragon,” Vicious said.
“But father, you keep forgetting that a snake is a heartless beast!” Vicious 2 drew his chrome stainless .50 AE desert eagle, from his pants, and sunk his fangs into Vicious’ neck. Vicious pushed him off of him, and fell backwards, almost stumbling back into hell. Vicious 2 landed steadily, and fired the desert eagle at Vicious. The bullets soared through Vicious, and he fell back into the pit. Vicious 2 saw his sword lying on the ground next to the pit, and he kicked the pieces into hell.
“Take your sword with you,” Vicious 2 said. Garnett ran over to Vicious 2, and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
“You did it, Vicious,” Garnett whispered into his ear.
“Don’t call me that, I’m not him!” Vicious 2 said, angrily.
Cindy walked through the park with her brother, Julius. Her hands were stuffed in her tight denim pockets, and her black hiking boots stepped in the same pattern as her brother’s boots. The sun was going down quickly, as Julius and Cindy made their way home.
“Julius, how does it feel to be human?” Cindy asked.
“I can’t describe it, I just take life as it comes at me,” He let his guitar hang at his waist, near the end of his red button up shirt.
“How does it feel to know that you are going to die one day?” Cindy asked, trying to fuck with him.
“Death will come as it pleases, like I said, I just keep living,” Julius said.
“Then I guess it’s my duty to make sure you die an old man,” Cindy said, smiling. Julius looked back at her, with a cold stare.
“That is if you don’t kill me in the process,” Julius said.
“You know, Julius, I don’t see how you are my brother, you are such an asshole,” Cindy said.
“I only speak the truth,” Julius argued.
“Daddy tries to protect your life, and that’s how you repay him. He is ready to give his fucking life for you, and you just shut him out,” Cindy said.
“Enough, you two,” Vicious 2 appeared in front of them.
“Daddy, what’s wrong with your eyes,” Cindy brushed Julius aside, and walked over to Vicious 2, gazing at his blood red eyes.
“Just a minor change,” Vicious 2 said, putting his hand on his pride and joy’s face. “Hello, son.” Julius just waved, and continued on home. Vicious 2 bowed his head with a slight sorrow, but resiliently looked up when he felt his daughter’s cold hand clutching his.
“It’s ok, daddy, I appreciate you,” Cindy whispered, and rested her head on his shoulder.
“I know,” Vicious 2 said. Cindy smiled, and rubbed for the strap that was usually across his chest, but wasn’t there.
“Where did your katana go?” Cindy asked.
“I’ll explain over dinner,” Julius said.
When Julius entered the apartment, Cassidy greeted him from the kitchen. Pimp and Luminae, the only remaining band members, relaxed on the couch, watching TV.
“Hey, girls,” Julius said, and went into Vicious 2’s room to get his other guitars. He came back out, lugging bags suitcases of equipment, and his personal belongings.
“Where are you going, Julius?” Luminae looked back from the couch at Julius.
“I am going back to the mansion to work on my solo album,” Julius said.
“Cool, can we help?” Pimp asked, with a cigarette in her mouth.
“Sure, I will be lonely since I have finished my practicing with Jerry,” Julius said.
“Give us two days, we have some business to handle with your father,” Luminae said.
“Ok, see you then,” Julius left the apartment with his stuff.
Pimp and Luminae met Julius at the corner outside of the apartment at nightfall. Julius came out of the apartment with a fresh new black shirt on, and his normal black cargos on.
“It’s nice to see you ladies back in school girl uniforms again,” Vicious 2 said smirking.
“I guess we couldn’t get rid of the habit, because somebody used to dress us a long time ago,” Pimp said, a backwards baseball cap covering her short styled hair with one side covering her left eye.
“I will never catch up to that hair of yours,” Julius said, staring into Luminae’s amber eyes, and running a finger across her golden hay colored hair.
“Whatever, Julius,” Luminae gave him a small shove.
“I see you lost my fucking sword,” Pimp said, referring to his katana. Cindy popped out of the apartment, with a jacket over her burgundy tanktop.
“Cindy, you shouldn’t be out here, this is dangerous,” Pimp suggested.
“No, let her stay, she is safe with me here,” Vicious said.
“Ok, whatever you say, stud,” Pimp said. A girl dressed in a blue hoody, some blue jeans, and a pair of light blue and white Plumas approached them. She was holding a blue suitcase, and she had a hood over her long black hair.
“Who’s that?” Vicious 2 asked.
“That’s Blue, a really good friend of Sindalla,” Luminae explained. Blue took the hood off of her head, exposing her dark brown eyes, and chubby cheeks that were so tempting to squeeze.
“She manages our weapons,” Pimp said.
“Could we go somewhere and sit down, this suitcase is pretty heavy,” Blue said.
“I’ll get that,” Vicious 2 grabbed the suitcase, as they headed to the boiler room of the apartment.
Blue sat her backpack on the table, and took four boxes out of it. Vicious 2 watched as she handed two of the boxes to Pimp and Luminae.
“There are ten clips each containing fifteen rounds, sorry that’s all that I could fit. The bullets are just so big,” Blue explained. Vicious 2 laid the suitcase on the table, peering at the bullets in the clips.
“What do the bullets contain? Vicious 2 asked “
“It’s a silver explosive round, modified into a hollow point round,” Blue explained.
“Sounds destructive, but I don’t think it will be enough to defeat someone like Malkav or Valentin,” Vicious 2 said.
“We’ll have to try,” Luminae said.
“Pull out the heat, kid,” Pimp said. Blue opened the suitcase, showcasing three chrome pistols.
“Pimp, we will start off with you,” Blue pulled out a silver Ruger P89.
“This weapon was modified for your clips, and it fires accurately enough for you, and it’s compact,” Blue explained. She then handed Luminae a chrome and black Glock 30.
“Something different from the berretta, I thought I would let you try out a Glock,” Blue, said giggling.
“Looks good, but you know you will have to customize it for me,” Luminae said.
“I know, that’s just a sample, both of your customized final products will arrive in the mail at your mansion,” Blue said.
“Cool,” Pimp said, loading her weapon. Blue takes the final pistol, and hands it to Vicious 2.
“This is yours. I have heard so much about you from the girls, and the girls told me that you pack .50 AE desert eagles, so I put together a modified version of it,” Blue said.
“You widened the chamber, and made a ridged handle for a better grip. You also shaped the clips, making it impossible for the gun to jam at all,” Vicious 2 said.
“Yes of course, but you forgot the brand new trigger feature I added. Turn on the safety,” Blue said. He clicked the safety and the hammer of the gun clicked twice.
“Now that is true firepower,” Blue smiled.
“Thanks,” Vicious 2 said. Blue nodded as Pimp slid a credit card to her.
“Splurge all you want,” Luminae said.
“Thanks girls, bye,” Blue said, as she took her leave.
“Nice kid,” Vicious 2 said, staring back at the girls.
After residing back into his home, Julius went out by himself to dinner, or was he alone? He hopped into his black Lexus, and cruised through the dark night. The trees looked like waving monsters, succumbing to the winds gusty wrath. The moon was back to its normally bright self, and the shine made Julius look like he was driving a vehicle made of black latex. He parked in front of the valet, and hopped out wearing a black button up shirt like his father’s only his was a little smaller and tighter. He was also draped in himself in a pair of tight black pants with some jet black timberland boots.
“Hey, Edward,” He greeted his redheaded lover, with bright yellow eyes, and kissed the lover’s coke bottled figure.
“Hi Hi, Ju Ju,” A girl with short red orange even flowing hair said. She was dressed in a white care bears t-shirt, and some black jean shorts.
“I missed you,” Julius said, kissing Edward’s lips.
“Missed you too,” Edward jumped up and down, with both her hands on his shoulders.
“How is your grandmother doing?” Julius asked, entering the restaurant with her sitting on his shoulders. She covered his eyes, and they stumbled into the host.
“She’s fine fine, she just keeps talking about how she used to be with Faye Faye,” Edward said. Julius hopped up, and carried her to their reserved table, after apologizing to the chubby host.
“That’s nice, Ed,” Julius said. Edward hopped on the table, and crawled over to him.
“I love you, Ju Ju,” Edward kissed his lips.
“I love you too,” Julius pulled out a small black box.
“Will you…” Glass shattered, and Julius hopped on top of Ed, defending her. He was then grabbed by the back of his neck, and lifted up.
“Hello, Julius,” Malkav said, and he kicked Ed in the face, knocking her unconscious.
“What do you want from me?” Julius asked, angrily. Malkav smiled, and drew his casull. The people in the restaurant stormed out, fearing for their lives, as gunshots were fired.
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
Welp, I'm out
Yesterday was my last day of school for two weeks of fun filled action. the only thing missing is Selena. If she were with me right now, everything would be peachy. She makes shit so right. Well, I talked to Luminae on MSN, and she was kick-ass. She reminds me of a younger pimpin satan. I wonder if she is left handed. Well, anyway I hope you all have a good vacation, and Selena your gifts should be coming soon. I hope you enjoy them. later
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Monday, December 13, 2004
Good Job
Yeah, I'm glad that everyone voted for Vicious. I was making sure that all of you truly loved vicious. If anyone hadve Voted for Vincent, i wouldve disowned them! and taken them off of my friend's list. yes its that deep!!! and you all passed the test. Long live vicious, even thouth his ass is dead. Bye everyone
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Sunday, December 12, 2004
Vicious vs. Vincent
It has finally happened. I have decided to add vicious into one of my votes. So in one corner you have the king. the man, the lunar red eye slanging man himself. Vicious, the orphan from Mars

The bad guy from the Cowboy Bebop. I hope most of you all have seen the viciousless cowboy bebop movie. It was pretty good, although, if vicious hadve fought Vincent, he wouldve really whupped his ass. So VOTE!!!!
ps. i love you vicky
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Thursday, December 9, 2004
We got beef
Yep, Sinny, I am bringing this shit out permanantly, who the fuck is this Leslie character, who you claim made you upset. I know I said I wouldnt do this, but shit, some ppl dont understand. Who is this bitch, because I am becoming alittle ticked off. Yeah, I'm at it again! No more nice Vicious, its time for tears of Scarlet to be shed. So, sinny tell me who this person is, so i can get buck wild on that ass real quick, bye. Love you, Vicky *smacks her ass* thats my kool-aid, right there
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Sunday, December 5, 2004
Hey, everyone I need some help, because I am tired of steeling other ppl's wallpapers, and i would like to make my own. Do I have to have Photoshop to do so? Or is there another way. Maybe I should go ask Animebluegirl, because she makes the best wallpapers. Thanx, love you selena
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Friday, December 3, 2004
What's up
Hey, I know its been a while, but that story is really consuming alot of my time. This is the longest story i have ever worked on. Thanks to my sweet selena, i have gained my motivation back to work on my story. I am now eight pages deep, and I still havent reached the middle of the story yet. On another note, I would like to wish Prideofthelions a happy birthday on the 4th, she is having a party on her site. I also have good news, after my senior year, I have decided to move to Calgary and go to college with my fiance, Selena, and live the rest of my life with her. I love you, Selena bye everyone
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Thursday, November 25, 2004
The Crow: Owarimasu
Chapter 5
Haruhiko out of the doors of his large estate, and he stumbled upon one his red ties, but the tie wasn’t his. He picked it up, and saw Aki’s name on it, and the design of the crow drawn in blood on it. He threw the tie to the ground, and walked hurriedly to his car, but found Murai’s car. The blue Celica had been scratched up, and the same crow design was found smashed into the windshield, when Haruhiko made his way to his car. He looked up to the top of his building, and saw a dark figure dressed in all black, staring down at him. The crow cawed from behind him, and the dark figure disappeared before he could look back at it. Haruhiko grabbed his cell phone and called Haru.
“Hello,” Haru said, after reaching over his bed to grab his phone.
“Haru, someone is onto us!” Haruhiko said, frantically entering his car and speeding off from his building.
“How?” Haru asked.
“Murai and Aki have been killed,” Haruhiko answered.
“Shit, meet me at the mansion,” Haru said, getting up and heading to his closet, leaving the young girl in his bed behind.
Haruko swung back into Emi’s window where he found some bloodstains on her pallet and some also dragged onto the floor.
“Haruko, out the window,” the crow cawed. Haruko looked back out of the window to find a man with a ski mask, leaving the building. Haruko did a back flip out of the window, and landed head first, shattering his skull. The man was suddenly startled, and fell back against the door, clutching his heart. Haruko’s neck snapped into place, and the blood soon diminished as he got back up.
“Where is she?” Haruko asked, grabbing the man by his shirt, and noticing the Izumi corp. name tag.
“Jin?” Haruko said, as the man collapsed, dying of a heart attack, “Bitch.” Haruko dropped the dead weight lying in the grasps of his hands. He looked down and found the necklace lying on the ground draped in Emi’s blood, and when he looked up he saw Emi’s bloody hand beating on the window of an all black Celica. Haruko ran after it, and the crow flew off, dropping a key behind for Haruko. Haruko picked up the key, and found a yellow EVO right in front of him. Haruko hopped into the driver’s side of the EVO, and jetted off in pursuit of the black Celica. The crow soared into the black skies, watching over the Celica. Haruko stomped the accelerator to the floor, and drove through the empty streets of Tokyo in the night. Haruko found the Celica getting on the freeway just forty feet away from him. He stomped the gas again and caught up to the black car. The driver saw the clown face peering through his rearview mirror, and he stomped the gas, cutting in front of another car. Two cars were in front of Haruko, and he sped passed them. He pulled the gun from his belt buckle, and he sped further to get closer to the Celica. The Celica cut in front of another car, and it spun out of control just as Haruko got up to it, Haruko turned the steering wheel to make a hard right, and dodged the oncoming vehicle. He gained his momentum back and caught up with the Celica. He was right beside it and he pointed the 9mm at the driver, who pushed his seat back as Haruko fired. He hit the man on the passenger side right in the temple. Haruko rammed into the Celica’s side, and they ran off of an exit. Haruko fired the rest of the clip at the car, but didn’t hit anything. Realizing that Haruko was out of bullets, a man in the backseat let the window down and began firing a machine gun at Haruko. Emi screamed as another man held her down, so she couldn’t attack the man shooting at Haruko. The machine gun’s bullet hit the hood of the car and it set on fire as they made it to the main road. The car exploded as they hit the main road. The men laughed, but as soon as the driver turned to look at the road, they ran into a brick wall, instantly killing the driver. The two men grabbed Emi, and got out of the car. They were limping and Emi was bleeding from her head.
“Let go of me!” She screamed, trying to fight them off, but she didn’t have any strength left. The crow landed in front of them, and one of them tried to shoot it.
“Put her down,” a voice called from across the street.
“Haruko!” Emi screamed. Haruko walked forward with his burn marks healing, and his clothes torn. He took his shirt off, because not even half of it was on him.
“This shit can’t be, how the hell is he still walking?” The man with the machine gun said, and shot Haruko to the ground with the last bullets of the machine gun. Haruko fell on his back and lie there motionlessly.
“Haruko, get up!” Emi yelled.
“He won’t be getting up anytime soon, sweetheart,” one of the men said. Haruko got up before the man could get the rest of his sentence out. Haruko charged at the two men, with his bare fists.
“Both of you bitches will die!” Haruko hollered, as he jumped on the man with empty machine gun. The other man let go of Emi, and tried to attack Haruko. Emi tripped the man as the other man tried to use the machine gun as a shield from Haruko. Haruko kicked the gun out of the man’s hand, and did a standing roundhouse kick to knock the man down. The man begged for his life as he lie on the ground, but Haruko picked him up, and rammed him into the brickwall face first.. After making a bloody mess, Haruko turned to see Emi sparring with the other man. She kicked him in his throat, and before he could attack her, and she punched him in the face. That wasn’t enough to stop the man, and he drew a small pistol from his overalls, and he kicked Emi in the stomach. He pointed the gun at Haruko, who moved to the side to dodge the bullets. The man couldn’t hit Haruko at all, and Haruko kicked the gun up into the air. In the same instant, Haruko kicked the man in his chest, and he flew into the car with the two burnt carcasses in it just as Haruko caught the falling pistol. The car exploded after Haruko fired at the trail of oil under the car. Haruko went over to Emi, who was clutching her stomach on her knees, and helped her up.
“You saved me again, Haruko,” Emi said, smiling. She hugged him around his middle, and kissed his lips. He pulled out the necklace, and handed it to her, but as she grabbed it, another flashback came to him.
“Haruko, what is this?” Emi asked staring at the jade necklace that Haruko was handing to her. It was all gold with jade put into the charm in the place of diamonds.
“My mother gave this to me, and I am giving it to you to pass to one of our children,” Haruko responded, holding her close and staring down at the necklace.
“You don’t have to give that to me, I can see in your eyes that you are having trouble letting go of it,” Emi said. Haruko smiled, and sat on the floor by his pallet in his apartment.
“I want you to have it, along with this,” Haruko handed her a gold ring with a large diamond on the top of it.
“Yes, Haruko, yes I will!” Emi screamed, before Haruko could ask. She jumped down on top of him, and drowned him with kisses.
Emi hugged Haruko as he quaked in her arms. She kissed his lips, not knowing of the pain she was giving him.
“It’s alright, Haruko I know what you are thinking about,” She showed him the large diamond ring on her finger, “I’m still wearing it, I will be your fiancé until the day I die,” Emi said, tears falling from her hazel eyes.
“I love you, Emi, but it’s time for my father and that bastard son of his to die,” Haruko said, angrily and walked away.
“Wait, Haruko, come back with me first,” Emi begged.
Haru entered the mansion, and walked along the signature red carpet, and passed all of the ancient weapons that his father had collected far before he was even born. He opened the door to his father’s office that was laced with red wood grain, and that same crimson carpet, symbolizing his business.
“Father, what have you called me here for?” Haru asked, barely dressed in his suit, and hickeys all over his neck and face.
“I think karma is coming back to us,” Haruhiko said, sitting at his desk.
“Fuck that, you aren’t bringing me down with you. It was your fucking idea in the first place to sell that damn drug. You knew mom wouldn’t approve of that shit!” Haru yelled.
“Son, you assisted in killing off our family, so he is coming for you as well,” Haruhiko warned.
“Who is coming for me?” Haru drew his chrome pistol from his pocket.
“Your brother,” Haruhiko said.
“Bullshit! I know what you are doing, and I think I am going to beat you to the punch,” Haru pointed the gun to his father. “I guess you wanted all of the money to yourself, its no way in hell that Haruko is still breathing,” Haru said.
“Haru, I’m not lying I saw him,” Haruhiko said, in a plea for his life. A brick shattered through the window, and onto the floor in a puddle of broken glass. Haru grabbed it from the floor, and found a note with the sign of the crow on it.
“Leave Emi alone, for I am the one you have to deal with. Yes, Haru I am alive,” Haru read the note, and dropped it to the floor in a fearful fright.
“How is he still alive?” Haru asked, staring at Haruhiko.
“I don’t know son, but we will have to work fast,” Haruhiko said. The power went out in the house, and the only thing that could be heard was the sound of a bird cawing loudly. Haruhiko nearly pissed his pants, as Haru looked around just as startled as his father. Then a man with a clown face hopped onto Haruhiko’s desk, and sat there in a squatting position.
“Let the games begin, father,” The figure disappeared before Haru could fire at it, and before Haruhiko could take another breath.
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Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Whats up?
I got some news regarding the two short stories i have been writing. Phase 7 wont be up for a while, but chapter 5 of the crow will be up soon. the reason the crow is on hold is because i have decided to bring back a project. in fact this post is about the story. This story is the 3 parts long, and it will be gateway for the story i never started, with Arsonious and all of those lost characters, its going to be put into a mixed sequence, like pulp fiction i guess. Warning this story is very Explicit, so I am going to post it on the Pilgrimage site, just in case it could risk me getting my site deleted, and if it does i will just post it on fiction press. Well, later everyone, I'm gone. see you all later
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