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Thursday, November 18, 2004
The fork in the road
It's been a while i guess, but I could never find anything to post about, so I never did. I guess it was just a lack of concentration. I havent been able to think in a while. my motivation level hasnt been its best. My relationship with Selena has had a alittle turbulence this past week. I dont feel like discussing it, but I think its my fault. I couldnt blame Selena if she stabbed me with a knife with her whole name engraved into the blade. Its kinda hard to talk to her sometimes, because i am worried that i will hurt her feelings, I cant read her mind, and I really dont know if she hates me or loves me. She has been through so much, I guess she is used to setbacks, but i want to be different, i want to be the difference in her life, and make a change. I dont want to lose her , I'm not the same. Alone I break, but when I am with her I feel that I can do anything, even math. I guess the saying is right "Behind every great man is a great woman" or some shit like that, but thats wrong. The correct way to say that is BESIDE every good man is an even better woman, holding his hand. Older men may think I am stupid to see women as a superiority to men, well they can take their tight pants and suspenders, and shove them further up their asses than they already are. Because i am voting Hilary Clinton 2008, republican or democrat, even though I wont be here, I will be in Canada, standing at an alter and waiting for Selena to walk down the aisle, that is if she still wants me...
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Sunday, November 14, 2004
The Crow: Owarimasu
Chapter 4
The rhythmic chirping of robins, soothed the sun’s smooth shine through the trees in the park. The cool breeze created a blissful environment for two lovers to spend time with one another. Haruko walked through the park, with Emi riding on his back. The day couldn’t get any better for Emi and Haruko. Haruko was alive and well, breathing the sweet oxygen, coming from the lush plant life around them.
“I love you,” Emi whispered, tightening her grip around his neck.
“I love you too,” Haruko said. He looked back, staring into her hazel eyes, and she kissed him on the cheek.
“Promise me, you will never go away,” She said, softly.
“Promise me, you will never go away.”
“Promise me, you will never go away.”
That sentence played back in Haruko’s head, as he sat on the roof above Kimmie’s room in the hospital. He held his knees to his chest, and rocked back and forth, thinking about what his life could’ve been. He couldn’t stand to sit in Kimmie’s room; the site of her in a hospital bed was enough to enrage him even more. The crow stayed posted on the windowsill, being Haruko’s eyes as, the day became night.
Visiting hours were almost over, just as the door creaked open, and some soft footsteps could be heard.
“Haruko, he has arrived,” the crow said. Haruko opened his eyes to see a man entering Kimmie’s room, and the nurse walking away. He swiftly got up, and quietly swung into the window, not making a sound. He saw the man grab her IV, and he was about to eject a needle into it, just as the crow cawed, and flew off. Aki put the needle down, and looked up to see a dark figure standing by the window.
“Who’s there?” Aki asked.
“You, were my best friend,” Haruko said. The familiarity of his voice, startled Aki, and he moved away from the bed.
“I don’t have any friends,” Aki replied.
“I know; you had one. I thought when the world turns its back on you; your friend will step in. I see I was wrong Aki, I guess that makes you the world,” Haruko said, calmly.
“You can’t be here, you’re dead, Haruko. So, how could you be standing there, facing me,” Aki said, beginning to freak out.
“I call it karma; now get away from my sisters bed, and let’s settle this,” Haruko said.
“There is nothing to settle, I am going to kill this bitch, and forgot I ever saw your spirit,” Aki said, grabbing the needle again.
“Who said I was a spirit?” Haruko said. He launched at Aki, and grabbed him, and then he threw him out of the window. Aki caught onto the windowsill, and climbed to the roof. Haruko followed, finding Aki holding some nun chucks.
“I was always the better fighter, Aki,” Haruko said.
“But you could never defeat me, when I had a weapon,” Aki said, still not believing that he was about to fight a dead man.
“Time to die,” Haruko said.
“You aren’t Haruko, he would never wear make up,” Aki said. Twirling the chucks around, getting into a fighting stance. Haruko said nothing, and walked over to Aki, getting into a fighting stance of his own. Aki hesitantly swung the chucks at Haruko’s head. Haruko grabbed the other end of the nun chucks, and kicked Aki away. He threw the chucks back to him, and got back into fighting stance. Aki caught the chucks, and swung them again. This time Haruko did a back flip, kicking Aki in the chin. Before Aki could regroup, Haruko jumped kicked him, and then punched him. On the next punch, Aki blocked it, and hit Haruko in his gut with the chucks. Haruko clutched his stomach, and Aki bashed Haruko in the back of the head with the chucks. Haruko fell flat on his stomach, and Aki grabbed him by his hair. He looked down and saw the bruise on the back of his neck healing, instantly.
“What the fuck are you?” Aki asked. Haruko tripped him, and hopped to his feet. Aki scrambled to his feet, and tried to grab his chucks, but the crow flew by and grabbed them into her beak. Aki charged at Haruko, who grabbed him by his arm, and reared back to punch him. Aki saw his fist coming, and ducked still in Haruko’s grip. He then punched Haruko in his chest, and Haruko came back with a punch of his own. Aki swung his fist over at Haruko’s head, and he blocked him with his forearm. The battle spilled to the ground, and Haruko kicked Aki, and he flipped over onto his back. Haruko hopped up nonchalantly, and just as Aki got up, Haruko did a spinning kick. Blood spilled from Aki’s mouth, as Haruko’s foot connected with his lip. Aki spun around in a 360, and he pulled a knife out of his blazer’s inside pocket. Just as Haruko came in for an attack, Aki jammed the hunting knife into Haruko’s throat. Haruko fell, face first to the ground at the edge of the building.
“Just a human,” Aki said. The crow stood on the other side of the roof, and unleashed an excruciating caw. Aki looked back to the bird, and threw his knife that he had ejected from Haruko’s throat at it.
“Shut up, bitch!” Aki yelled, at the ebony bird. He looked back, and saw the man with the painted face, staring up at him. The glare of his eyes startled Aki, and he immediately punched at Haruko, and missed. Haruko moved to side, and caught Aki before he could fall off of the roof. He then swept Aki to the ground, and grabbed a hold of Aki’s throat.
“I never thought I would see the day that I killed my best friend,” Haruko said.
“Haruko, it’s me, come on man!” Aki screamed, frantically.
“I saw you, you assisted in the murders of me and my other, and if I can still see straightly, you were about to kill my fucking sister!,” Haruko yelled back, and tightening his constricting grip over Aki’s neck.
“I…I..,” Aki stuttered, feeling the very air being sucked out of him.
“Can’t talk your way out of this one, Aki,” Haruko, tightened his grip even more, he felt his neck crack in his bare hands. After watching his former best friend die, he swung back into Kimmie’s window. He stared at the teenage girl from the foot of her bed, then he walked over to her bedside. He rubbed her face softly, and managed to get out a smile.
“It will all be over soon,” Haruko said. As soon as he touched her face, he felt a combination of memories tickle his mind.
“Haruko! No, stop it!” Kimmie screamed, as her brother held her to the ground, and tickled her unmercifully in the front yard of their large mansion.
“You are, so….mean!” Kimmie said through her laughter, as she squirmed in his embrace. Her pigtails shook like crazy, and her school uniform almost came off, as she struggled to get free.
Haruko let go of her tender face, and stepped away from her. Then he began to hear what Emi had said to him, that day in the park.
“Promise me, you will never go away.”
“Promise me, you will never go away.”
“Promise me, you will never go away.”
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Thursday, November 11, 2004
Phase 6
Death Date
A look of fright covered the face of Julius, after witnessing all of the violence. He saw memories of his father, blowing Vicious’s brains out, and the blood splattering upon his face. He stood there quaking like a small child until Vicious 2 came over to him.
“It’s over, Julius, there is nothing more to worry about,” Vicious 2 said. He reached out to put his hand on his shoulder, and Julius pushed his hand away.
“Get away from me!” Julius yelled, and ran away.
“I’ll get him, Vici,” Selena said, and followed Julius.
“What have I done?” Vicious 2 said. He looked over to where Malkav was put to rest, and saw nothing but a puddle of crimson and a girl lying in it. He turned back to the outside of the club to see that Zero was gone as well.
The cemetery was furnished with morning dew, wetting the grass with damp moisture. The air was very well established with blurring fog, shielding the tombstones of the forgotten at the state cemetery. Vicious 2 walked the slippery grass surface, squinting to find the tombstone of Vicious. Deep into the embrace of the cemetery, Vicious 2 found what he was seeking. He stumbled upon a huge tombstone covered with wet moss, and a pair of dead roses lay beside the tombstone.
“Father, my son is beginning to push me away,” Vicious 2 stated, using his father’s tombstone as a support system.
“He hates me, I know he does. He sees Selena as more of a parent. That’s a good thing though, Selena could be a good mother,” Vicious 2 sat on the ground, and put a cigarette in his mouth.
A pair of grey eyes peered from the face of the tombstone, and Julius spat the cigarette out of his mouth, shocked at what he saw.
“Vicious?” Vicious 2 said.
“You know why, he has begun to push you aside,” Vicious’s voice spoke, somberly.
“You make him feel uncomfortable with your actions; he is threatened by you. He feels that he is failing you by not being a killer as you are,” Vicious said.
“I’m glad that he isn’t like me nor you; that’s a blessing. He isn’t failing me; if anything, I have failed you,” Vicious 2 said.
“That is true; Julius, but I have forgiven you for that. You’re my son, and I can’t hold a grudge against you,” Vicious said.
“I suggest you let him go, and focus on the one who needs you most,” Vicious said.
“Cindy?” Vicious 2 asked.
“Yes, a baby deer cannot have strong legs, and learn to walk without the assistance of a parent,” Vicious said. Vicious 2 got up, and turned away from his father, the tombstone.
“Thanks for you guidance, father; I only wish I hadn’t killed you,” Vicious 2 said.
“Julius, I am returning,” Vicious stated. Vicious 2 turned back around, and found himself nose to nose with his father’s spirit.
“There will be three tests you will have to pass,” Vicious said, facing Vicious 2, wearing his syndicate uniform.
“If you pass, you and I will become one. If you fail, you will die. Until then, stay alive, my little dragon,” Vicious said, and disappeared with the wind. Vicious 2 watched as his father diminished, and turned around only to find Yodo’s blade in piercing through his gut.
“Who the fuck are you?” Vicious 2 said, in a strained voice.
“That doesn’t matter,” Yodo said, as he withdrew his blade.
“You know, you’re right,” Vicious 2 said, as he drew his katana from his side.
“Time to die, Julius Smith,” Yodo said, getting into his fighting stance.
“My name is, Vicious!” Vicious 2 screamed, and stabbed his katana at Yodo. Yodo moved his sword, left and right, blocking Vicious’s slashes. Vicious 2 spun around, and tried to sweep Yodo with his sword. Yodo jumped, and tumbled over Vicious 2. Yodo brought his sword down on Vicious 2, and Vicious 2 lay flat on his back to ward Yodo’s katana away. He hopped up, and stared into Yodo’s corrective lenses.
“A samurai,” Vicious 2 said.
“You can say that,” Yodo said, as he threw a knife at Vicious 2. Vicious 2 turned to his left, and caught the knife. He used the knife’s momentum to throw it back at Yodo. The knife pierced Yodo’s arm, and was enough to knock him to the ground. Vicious 2 gripped his sword, tightly in both hands, and walked over to Yodo, who was just getting up.
“Play with fate, and you will burn for eternity,” Vicious 2 said. Yodo gritted his teeth, and lacerated at Vicious 2, who ducked, and slashed back, meeting Yodo’s sword. Vicious 2 kicked Yodo back, and Yodo drew another katana that lay in his holster. Yodo came back with more fury than before, slashing the katanas up and down, trying to cut Vicious 2. Vicious 2 jumped, and blocked the upward katana, creating a spark. When he landed, he was met with two katanas, and he swung his sword rapidly to stop the sharp blades from touching his pale skin. Vicious 2 did a back flip, and landed on Vicious’s tombstone. He threw his katana outward, and vanished behind Yodo. The katana landed into the earth, blade first, and stood up straight. When Yodo turned around, Vicious 2 did a spinning kick; Yodo ducked thinking that the kick was directed to his head, but soon noticed that it wasn’t as he heard his katana blade shatter like glass.
“You bastard, what have you done?” Yodo screamed, and ran off.
“Damn straight, bitch,” Vicious 2, said.
At noon, Julius entered Jerry’s small house at the edge of town. It was a house on the lake, out of the city limits with a very peaceful theme. As Julius entered, there were Les Paul Gibson guitars on stands, and some even hung on the walls. Along the halls were pictures of legendary musicians, he even had a few of their instruments encased in glass by the pictures.
“Mr. Jerry?” Julius called from the halls of hardwood floors.
“Oh, Julius, you made it, sorry I wasn’t there to answer the door. You saw the sign, I presume?” Jerry asked.
“Yes, come in and make yourself at home, it said,” Julius added.
“Well, I guess we can get started now, this way,” Jerry, walked to a room down the hall, and Julius followed with his left handed all black Ibanez guitar strapped over his shoulder. He also had another guitar in a carrying case, as he entered the room. The room looked like a living room; there were vases, paintings, flowers, and also plenty of string instruments in this all white room.
“Is that your favorite guitar?” Jerry asked.
“I couldn’t decide, so I brought two,” Julius answered.
“That’s fine, let’s get started,” Jerry said.
Once Vicious 2 got home, the band, Cindy, and Ana greeted him. Selena ran over to him, and hugged him.
“Hey, Vici,” Selena said. All of the girls said hi as well, and Cindy ran into Vicious 2’s arms.
“I missed you, daddy,” Cindy said.
“Hey, everyone,” Vicious 2 smiled, and kissed Cindy’s forehead.
“Selena has an announcement to make,” Pimp said.
“Oh, yes that’s right,” Selena said.
“What is it?” Luminae asked.
“I am, leaving the band, I’m sorry,” Selena said, as a tear rolled down her face.
“Why?” Wolfy asked.
“Julius needs you,” Pimp said.
“I am going to fulfill my life’s purpose, and live the way of a samurai,” Selena announced, turning back to Vicious 2, and resting her head on his chest.
“It’s all up to you, Vici. You have to take care of Julius now,” She said, wetting his shirt with her tears. Pimp walked up from behind her, and grabbed her shoulder.
“We can’t let you go without one last party,” Pimp said, with a smile.
Julius came home to sound of his guitar playing along with the band, and when he entered the apartment, he found that everyone was listening to Burnt Sacrifice’s old albums. Wolfy cut the music off, and Selena walked up to Julius and hugged him.
“I have to tell you something,” Selena whispered into his ear.
“What is it?” Julius smiled.
“I’m leaving the band to fulfill my family’s legacy,” Selena said. Everyone watched as she informed Julius of her wishes.
“What!” Julius snapped.
“It will only be for a few years, I will return,” Selena soothed.
“No, I need you now; you can’t leave me with this lunatic!” Julius said, staring dead into his father’s eyes.
“Julius, your father means well,” Selena said.
“No, fuck that!” Julius pushed her aside, and went into Ana’s room. Just as the door shut, the power went out, and flashed back on. There was a name written in blood on the wall next to the window.
“Valentin?” Vicious 2 said.
“I saw that name before,” Cindy said.
“Where?” Pimp asked.
“On Earth, just before I was attacked,” Cindy replied. A scream came from Ana’s room, and a small puddle of blood leaked through bottom of the door. Vicious 2 drew his desert eagle, and headed towards the door. The door opened slowly, and a creature, dressed in a priests robe with an all white face was holding Julius by his neck, and using him as a shield. Luminae pulled out a silver 9mm beretta, and pulled the hammer back.
“Let him go!” Luminae said.
“Hello, m’lady Cindy,” Valentin said, his narrow face, projected its red eyes towards her.
“What do you want from me?” Cindy said, as Ana hid behind Vicious 2, who pointed his desert eagle at the intruder.
“What do you want with my children?” Vicious 2 asked.
“I don’t want anything from them, well maybe the human child. He has pure blood, still a virgin,” Valentin said. Julius began to shake in his boots, and the girls had to hold Selena down.
“Release him, you bastard!” Selena raged.
“Tell her to calm herself, I have arrived to seek out the one named, Malkav,” Valentin persisted.
“You won’t find him here, now release my child,” Vicious 2 said.
“I shall, for you are one of his apprentices,” Valentin insisted.
“Was one of his apprentices, the carnival is long gone,” Vicious 2 said.
“The Midnight Carnival maybe over, but you don’t know half of the things that went on behind the closed doors of your little apartment,” Valentin said.
“You are just like Alex, so loyal to your master,” Valentin said.
“Bingo, is dead!” Vicious 2 said, and vanished.
“I know wear you are, Bingo,” Valentin said, and pushed Julius to the floor. Luminae fired at Valentin, but he disappeared into thin air. Julius returned, and saw that his son was ok.
“I’ll be back,” Vicious 2 said.
“Please, daddy no!” Cindy screamed, but it was too late.
The sky above turned blacker than ever before, and dark purple clouds swirled, creating a dark hole that took Vicious 2 in as he vanished onto the roof. Vicious 2 landed on what looked like the scales of a red cobra. The dark purple still remained, as the surroundings as if he were now in the clouds that were before him.
“Welcome to my world, Bingo,” Valentin’s voice echoed, and Vicious 2 began running along the scales of the snake with his katana drawn. The more he ran, the longer the snake grew. The scales soon grew spikes along the sides, and the body soon began to move. He soon saw the head, as the snake turned to him, with spikes all over his top structure. Vicious 2 launched into the air in the snakes direction, but just as he tried to slash though its cranium, it disappeared. Vicious 2 found himself, falling back to the Earth’s atmosphere. He opened a gate to the ground, where he saw the snake’s body constricting the buildings. Little cobras roamed the streets, and then cobras with human structured bodies, charged at Vicious 2. Vicious 2 saw the first one coming, and sliced its head off. It disappeared, shortly after, but more came at him. He put his katana up, and began firing at the with the desert eagle. He dashed down the streets, wiping out all of the reptilian creatures, where he found Valentin in a deep meditation.
“This is all an illusion,” Vicious 2 said, and the large snake came in front of Valentin, and opened his large mouth, to take hold of Vicious 2. Vicious 2 rushed towards the snake and jumped towards its mouth, slicing through it. The snake disappeared, leaving Valentin and Vicious 2.
“You have a strong mind, Bingo,” Valentin said.
“Fuck you,” Vicious 2 said, and sliced at the fading image of Valentin. A sharp blade stabbed him in the back, and he fell to his knees, feeling Valentin behind him.
“Game over!” Valentin yelled, as he telekinetically lifted Vicious 2 with the blade. Valentin turned Vicious 2 to face him, and but his head was hung backwards and blood seeped onto the blade, and down his black shirt. Two more blades came out of Valentin’s sleeves, and before they could engorge themselves with Vicious 2’s flesh, his head rose up, displaying a sinister smile. Vicious 2 immediately fell to the floor, and Valentin grabbed his head, feeling excruciating pain.
“That smile! What kind of monster has Malkav created?” Valentine yelled, and disappeared into an explosion of black magic. Vicious 2 got up, and took the blade out his body, letting the wound heal slowly. He put a cigarette in his mouth, and started at the debris around him.
“What a fucking day.”
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Tuesday, November 9, 2004

Choices, one of the challenges of every day life. One of the hardest levels in the video game that i call life. I have a choice to make today, yesterday i made my choice, and it was for the best. I have to strive every day just to save the well-being of my relationship, from the blind ppl, who dont understand. I dont want them to understand. They never will, and they will never understand that you cant help a person, who chooses not to be helped. I didnt come here to cry out, or get attention, you dont have to comment if you dont want to. I only came to let out this thought, so it can no longer bother me, for i have made my choice, bye
ps: sorry about changing my site, i couldnt help it. i found that back ground and fell in love with it
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Friday, November 5, 2004
The Crow: Owarimasu
Chapter 3
Emi’s apartment was two blocks over from where Murai’s body lay in his very own apartment. Haruko wandered the streets, carrying Murai’s pistol, and still dressed in his stained cargo pants and long sleeved t-shirt. The crow landed on Haruko’s shoulder with an assortment of keys on a key chain in his mouth.
“What am I going to do with these?” Haruko said, as he took the keys
“We are taking Murai’s car,” the black bird said.
“Since when did you become the boss?” Haruko asked.
“I am your eyes, your guidance,” the crow stressed.
“No, you are a fucking bird. Why the hell are you helping me?” Haruko screamed, in his Japanese language.
“It is my purpose, and duty to make sure that the wrong will be made right. That won’t happen, if you continue not to trust me. You are invincible as of now, but if you abuse your powers, you will lose them. I have witnessed this many times,” the crow said, nearly begging Haruko to trust her.
“We will just have to see what Emi says,” Haruko said.
The crow landed on the windowsill of an apartment room, where the candlelight embraced the surroundings. A girl sat on her knees, praying in her flower colored kimono. Her hair was tied into a bun, and the candles shined brightly upon her hazel brown eyes. The crow startled her, and she turned to see the intruder, wrapping at her chamber door.
“Haruko?” she whispered. “No, it couldn’t be.”
“It can be,” Haruko said, standing in front of her closet.
“Haruko!” Emi screamed, and tears rolled down her cheeks immediately. She ran into his arms, and began kissing him repeatedly.
“I knew you would come back,” Emi said. Haruko kissed her forehead as she rested her head on his chest, and he stared at his guide, the crow.
“So the myth was true,” Emi said, her voice breaking like glass.
“You were right, here I am in the flesh,” Haruko said, and Emi sat down on the floor next to her pallet, her knees to her chest. She stared up at what had become of her lover.
“We were supposed to get married and have children. Who did this to you?” Emi said, with her tears running like two ongoing waterfalls.
“It was…..” Haruko said, embarrassed to tell her that his own flesh and blood killed him.
“Yes?” she reached up, and pulled him down to her. He lay at her side, and she looked into his eyes. “Tell me who did this to you.”
“I can’t tell you, I don’t want to endanger your life,” he said.
“I have nothing to live for anymore, once you are done, you have to go back,” Emi said, clinging to him.
“I just can’t imagine you in a coffin,” Haruko said.
“I want revenge,” Emi said.
“I will get it for you. I promise we will meet again,” Haruko said, as he laid his lips upon hers. Emi wanted to say something back, but the kiss had her distracted. She allowed him to embrace her petite body, as she tried to remove his shirt. A gust of wind came through the open window, and the candles went out while Haruko and Emi became one, once more.
Aki, the man that was to murder Kimmie, entered Haruhiko’s office at Izumi corp. His black dress shoes rubbed against the smooth blood red carpet below as he walked to Haruhiko’s desk, dressed in an Armani suit.
“You called me in, sir?” Aki asked. His medium length black hair covered one side of his face, and the light highlighted the front, showing some brown.
“Yes, I did,” Haruhiko said.
“What is my job?” Aki said.
“You have to finish Kimmie off, she is in the hospital recovering,” Haruhiko said, while writing.
“When will I do the job?” Aki asked.
“Tomorrow night, you came earlier than expected. After you are done with her, I want you to start working for us full time. I want you to take my younger son’s place, and become apart of the family,” Haruhiko persuaded.
“I’ll consider it, I’m not good with family,” Aki said.
“That’s good, we need a businessman,” Haruhiko said, as he passed him a yellow envelope.
“How much do I get for this job?” Aki asked, grabbing the envelope.
“Eight million yen,” Haruhiko answered.
“Consider the job done,” Aki said, and got up. “Farewell, Mr. Izumi.”
Emi’s eyes were glazed after intertwining with her lover, Haruko. She lied on top of Haruko, who stared up at the ceiling in pure bliss. She looked up at him, staring at him with her soft hazel eyes, and she embraced him tightly.
“I don’t want you to go, Haruko,” Emi said.
“There is nothing I can do, I must follow the crow,” Haruko said.
“I won’t let you,” Emi said, squeezing tighter, her head lying on his bare chest. He kissed her forehead, and got her to release him.
“I have to, Emi. I’m sorry, but I cannot let the ones who did this to me, do the same thing to someone else,” Haruko said, as he got up from the pallet, and grabbed his clothes.
“Haruko wait, I have to give you one last thing before you go,” Emi said, beginning to cry again.
“What is that?” He asked, wiping the first tear that rolled from her eye.
“Sit down,” She said. Haruko sat at Emi’s dresser, as she pulled out a small box. She stood behind him, and tilted his head back. First the rubbed the white face paint all over his face, making him look like a clown.
“What are you doing,” Haruko asked.
“This will help protect your powers,” Emi said, and she pulled out some jet black lipstick. She painted his lips jet black, and finally she drew a design around each eye, with some black face paint.
“Now, your powers will be protected, as long as you don’t abuse them,” She said, watching him get up.
“Thank you, Emi. I love you,” Haruko said.
“I love you too,” She said, but when she blinked he was already gone...
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Thursday, November 4, 2004
Does anyone know what happened to her? She hasnt been around, and Broken Blade gave me a comment talking about tributing to a loss of a friend. When i went to visit him, he said it was for Lockheartifa. Man that sux, she was a great person. On a lighter note, we could wish Sindalla luck on her test to get in high school, hope she passes, and I hope Selena keeps her good mood that she had last night. Well, I'm off
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Wednesday, November 3, 2004
Your choice
Well, I see that everyone likes the way the site is going, so i have decided to keep it the way it is, and only change the pics up alittle. Thanks for your opinions, i didnt know that my site was so appreciated. I had fun on Otaku yesterday, and I plan to be back tomorrow. I visited Ppl i hadnt talked to since day one. It feels good to catch up with everyone, and see how their lives are going. Well, I gtg, I will be back tonight to visit everyone again.
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Tuesday, November 2, 2004
Time for a change, or not?

I think its time for a change on my page, but at the same time, i want you all to decide what i do. Since it is Election Day, and some of us are too young to vote, i guess i can have an election of wallpapers. First i will have a vote on whether to change the site in the first place, and i will leave it all up to the ppl who come visit my site. then if you all vote for change, i will put a selection of wallpapers up, and chances are the site might not even revolve around vicious. well, later, when i get back from hell, i mean school, i'll visit everyone on my friends list who has updated recenty, just to show them that i am still alive. later
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Sunday, October 31, 2004
Whats up, everybody. Guess what? I have a mini-me, his name is Dead Inside, but i am going to call him Vicious 3, yeah buddy. He may not be 1/8 my size, but its cool to have someone, i can call Vicious 3, anyway, sorry ppl, i was going to release a halloween phase, but i didnt finish, so i might have to post it tomorrow. Yep, so i have three objectives, to finish chapter 3, phase 6, and to cheer my mini-me up, because he is deeply troubled, i mean look at the name, and the sad kid on his background. we need to get him a good woman like my selena, a woman that wont give him much stress, capice?(no julias, god dammit!!!! die julia die!!!) yeah buddy, i think he needs a quiet girl. Well, later, i am out of words to say, I love you, selena, and I hope you have fun trick or treating!
-Vicious 2 (Representing for all of the little viciouses out there)
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Friday, October 29, 2004
My Bride
I'm back, and with a new pic for you to feast your eyes on. Selena is going to be mad with me, but i must showcase her beauty, and share it with the world, so i have decided to draw her. the features are alittle exaggerated, ok alot exaggerated, and she much more prettier in person, well feast your eyes upon the bearer of my children....
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