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Thursday, October 21, 2004
Well, everyone, my Hp crashed, and i will have to reformat it. so, chapter 3 and phase 6 will be put on hold for a while.
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Sunday, October 17, 2004
Phase 5
Zero’s Redemption
The automatic doors of the Intensive Care Unit slid open, as Faye wheeled Zero out of the hospital. He was still pretty wrapped up, and his body was very sore. Faye had been taking care of him for three weeks while he was in rehab. During that time period they became very close, establishing a family type love for each other. She pushed him down the street, to her loft on the corner.
“This is your place?” Zero asked, looking at the large downtown building.
“Yep, after your father left, I just decided to start my own business,” Faye replied, as she swiped her keycard. The door opened, and they entered.
“So, what business do you run?” Zero asked.
“I run a bounty hunting business and I have young high school dropouts working for me,” Faye answered, as she pressed the button for the elevator to go up. The doors conveyed opened, and Faye pressed the top floor.
“I can’t wait to see what your place looks like,” Zero said.
“It’s not much, only the best place I have ever seen,” Faye said, with a smile. They reached the top floor, and Faye pushed Zero to the end of the hall, where she swiped her card again, to open the door to her loft. As soon as the door opened, the smell of roses swarmed around Zero’s nostrils. Green walls consumed Zero’s vision, showcasing a room full of vases and paintings. The green carpet was, mildly shielded by a few oriental rugs, with Faye’s name written in Japanese on them. Zero looked around in amazement.
“Faye, I would’ve never thought you to have the tastes of a wealthy person, when it comes to furnishing,” Zero complimented.
“Well, the apartment came like this, I just gave it some Faye juice, with the rugs and flowers,” Faye said, blushing at Zero’s compliment.
“I must see your bedroom, now. Please show me,” Zero pleaded.
“Ok,” She said, as she pushed him to her bedroom. Her bedroom was almost another apartment, when they entered; the cream walls looked almost edible, as if there was cream filling leaking off of it. Her king size bed, was neatly furnished with a white comforter, and a golden headboard containing her name written in Japanese. The bright lights surrounding the room made it look like heaven bottled up into four walls. Faye rolled him over to bedside, and helped him into the bed. The first thing Zero saw, when he laid down was the sky on a clear day, captured by the work of oil paint.
“Your home is beautiful, just like you,” Zero said.
“Why thank you, Zero,” Faye said, and took her shoes off. She got in the bed next to Zero, and hugged his waists softly. “My home is complete now.”
The Don sat at his large desk, patting his enormous belly with Tony and Danny at his side. Yodo came in promptly, for his meeting with the Don.
“Yodo, my friend, you’ve arrived. Do you have some good news for me?” The Don asked. Yodo bowed, and took his seat.
“Yes, there is some good news; I saw the target at a basketball game. I also saw his son, who looks exactly like him,” Yodo replied.
“Ok, now we must negotiate your payment for the job. What’s your price?” The Don asked.
“I want a million for every body,” Yodo said.
“So, two million is it?” The Don spoke, smoothing his shiny black hair to the back.
“There is more than two,” Yodo stated.
“He has several others, all girls. Five vampires, one half vampire, and a human; what would you like me to with them?”
“I will give you ten million for all of their lives,” The Don offered.
“You have a deal, Don-san,” Yodo said, and stood up to shake the Don’s hand.
“Call me Bernardo, capice, you are now apart of the family. Tony, get him a suit,” The Don ordered.
“Yes sir,” Tony said, as he ran his limber body out of the office.
“Welcome to the family, Yodo,” Danny said.
In a night club on Syndicate Ave. Julius sat on stage with an acoustic guitar and a cigarette in his mouth. He began playing a mellow tune before nearly spilling his guts to the crowd with a song he wrote. He spat the cigarette out, and his raspy voice that he inherited from Vicious began to sing melodically with the strums of his guitar. Julius had his Epiphone 1963 FireBird strapped on his shoulder and hanging down as he finished the song. After the last note was played, the band jumped out, and began playing. At the same time, Julius smashed the acoustic guitar, and started playing his solid red firebird. The guitar played a very vintage vibe, but somehow Julius got it to play heavy metal. Before the singing started, everyone noticed that Sindalla wasn’t there, so Julius jumped in front, and starting singing it note for note.
A man sat in the front table, drinking a cocktail, and peering at Julius through his corrective lenses. He observed how Julius played, and it seemed to have him hooked in. Vicious 2 was thrown out of the club for being drunk and trying to mosh with the elderly people. After the gothic song was over, everyone stared in a fearful aw, and the man in the glasses stood up, and clapped his hands.
After the show, the man caught up with Julius, and pulled him to the side.
“Hi, I’m Jerry, can I talk to you for a minute?” the man asked, swaying his blonde hair to the back.
“Yeah, sure,” Julius replied, being the humble person that he is.
“Your guitar skills are higher than anyone I have ever seen for you age, just how old are you?” The man asked, with his blue eyes staring dead at Julius.
“I’m twenty three, sir,” Julius said.
“Will you allow me to teach you?” Jerry asked, looking up at Julius from his short stature.
“Sure, will this cost anything?” Julius asked.
“Nothing at all, I just want to enrich your talent. After I am done with you, you will know how to play all instruments containing strings with perfection,” Jerry said, excitedly.
“When do I start?” Julius asked, as he began to join the girls.
“How about this weekend, bring your favorite guitar!” Jerry yelled out of his slender body, and ran off. Julius smiled as he left, following the girls.
Vicious 2 stood outside of the club, waiting for the band, when he saw a little girl with short red curly locks with hazel brown eyes, and dressed in a church dress. Vicious 2 stared at the girl and immediately went into a hallucination.
“Cindy,” He said, wearily, and he began to walk across the street. As he made his way to the little girl, a speeding car blindsided him, and he flew into the air. When he landed back on the cold unforgiving pavement, he looked up only to see Malkav holding the little girl up by her neck.
“You see this child, Bingo? Look at her, so sweet, such innocence; doesn’t she look quite familiar? Malkav said, with a sinister grin on his face. The girl squirmed, gasping for the smallest breath she could muster, but Malkav continued to deprive her of the only thing that could possibly be free in life.
Vicious 2 struggled to his feet, and popped his shoulder back into place. He pulled a chrome desert eagle out, and pointed it right between Malkav’s eyes.
“Let….her…go,” Vicious 2 said in a low tone.
“Don’t we sound like daddy?” Malkav said, sarcastically, and drew a casull from his leather trench coat.
“You’re weak, Bingo. I know what simple things that irk your bleeding heart. And now it’s time for our little friend to have her first and last experience with death,” Malkav said, as he held the gun to the little girls head. Vicious 2 leaped into the air, but before he could even ponder the thought of vanishing, Malkav pulled the trigger, turning the girls face into a crimson end. Vicious 2 fired the desert eagle at Malkav, who dodged the bullets, and shot Vicious 2 down while he was in midair. The silver explosive bullets hit his stomach, and one bullet hit him in his shoulder, just inches away from his heart. Vicious 2 landed on the ground, oozing large amounts of blood onto the pavement at which he just met. He began to bleed at the mouth, and before his vision blurred he saw a little girl with long blonde hair lying on the ground. Vicious 2 stared at the girl, and muttered something out of his mouth.
“What’s that, Bingo? Yeah, It was all a dream,” Malkav said, after hearing what Vicious 2 whispered. Malkav pointed the casull at Vicious 2, who was already fading away slowly.
“Now time to finish the job,” Malkav said. Vicious 2 reached for his gun that was nowhere to be found. A gunshot fired, and Malkav stumbled back, and fell through a store window. The gun fell to the ground, and Julius fell to his knees, screaming in fear.
Malkav quickly got up, and came out of the store, still holding his gun, but this time, he pointed it at Julius.
“You little bitch,” Malkav said. Selena came out of the club, and ran to Julius’s rescue, before a man landed on the hood of one of the cars in front of the club. His hair was short, but long enough to cover his eyes, glowing a bright red. The marks on his body resembled a crucifix with an X over it. The same sign was branded all over his what seemed to be two silver 9mm Berettas.
“Who the fuck are you?” Malkav asked. The man walked closer showing some dark green highlights in his jet black hair.
“Oh, so its you, Ze….,” Malkav said, before he was shot down by the mystery man. The man walked closer and pointed both guns at Malkav, who stood there shocked. Malkav snapped out of it, and began to lift his gun up, but the man beat him to the punch with one single shot. The man walked closer, revealing a large mark on his chest.
“Bitch,” Malkav said. The man stared at Malkav, blankly, and his so called Berettas ejected an extra set of barrels, and the guns shot like a machine gun. The leather on Malkav coat flew every where like crow feathers, being ripped out of a pillow. Malkav fell back to the ground face first, and a stream of blood followed, seeping into the sidewalk...
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Friday, October 15, 2004
Good morning
I want to thank everybody for reading the crow story, i didnt think anyone would like it and really understand it. Chapter 3 will be coming soon, but there is starting to be a high demand of the phases, so this weekend i am going to work on Phase 5, and make it go somewhere that way, i can work on it more. when working with the crow story it just comes to me, but now that i am on a second set of phases, i have to truly think it out, hell i cant even mooch vicious'catchy ass lectures, i have to make them up now. But for all of the ppl who want the phases, they will be making a comeback soon, so that you dont forget the story. Sorry I am taking so long. I'm off to school now, i'll come visit all of you tonight
ps: i miss you too, purgatory, and where the hell is pimp?!
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Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Ok ok, Vicky, i will work on the phases before i release another crow chapter
The Crow: Owarimasu
Chapter 2
Kimmie lay unconscious in her bed, recovering from the beaten her body had suffered some hours ago. The doctors had done everything they could, and it seemed to have worked out for the best. She could breathe without the machine, but under the supervision of the doctors. The only things the doctors couldn’t prevent were the emotional trauma she was going to sustain afterwards.
Kimiko’s body was pulled out for display on a silver tray by the coroner.
“Is this your wife?” The coroner asked. Haruhiko covered his mouth with aw, as he saw the woman whose hand he’d taken in marriage lying dead in a morgue, frozen like a Popsicle. But it was a fake look of aw, a convincing look to show the coroner that that was his wife. The lie written all over his face, was convincing enough for the coroner, and he gave Harukiko, the liar condolences for the loss.
“I’m very sorry, Mr. Izumi,” The coroner said, as he covered Kimiko’s frozen body up.
“Thank you, sir,” Haruhiko walked away, faking to cry as his back was turned to the coroner.
Haru waited outside of the morgue, dressed in an Armani suit, and a pair of sunglasses. A butler opened the back door of a jet black limo for Haru and Haruhiko.
“Everything is going accordingly now, we just have to get rid of Kimmie,” Haruhiko said. The limo started up, and drove off, heading to the hospital.
“Why can’t we just let Kimmie live, she doesn’t know that we did it. She could just tag along,” Haru suggested.
“Kimmie is too weak; she doesn’t want to get her hands dirty,” Haruhiko explained.
“But father, she doesn’t need to be involved with the dirty work; we could just keep her in the dark,” Haru pleaded.
“Kimmie is curious, and she knows when we are hiding stuff from her,” Haruhiko said.
“Fine, but I am not going to kill her, you will have to do it yourself,” Haru stated.
“You didn’t have a problem shooting her and might I add fucking her the first time,” Haruhiko said, and poured a glass of champagne.
“I had an epiphany; she is just sixteen, father. She is just a little girl. How much damage could she possibly do?” Haru asked. “Fine, kill her, I just won’t any part of that,” Haru said, finding that his father wasn’t going to change his plans.
Time was running out for Haruko Izumi, as the crow flew overhead, being Haruko’s eyes. Haruko ran for miles, until he got back to Hong Kong. The crow showed him to the hospital where Kimmie was. A limo pulled up, and Haru and Haruhiko got out of the car. Haruko sighed with relief as he saw his father and brother enter the hospital.
“Don’t worry, Kimmie will be safe,” Haruko said to the crow.
“Don’t be so sure, I am the only one to be trusted as of now, for you have been wronged by the ones you hold dear to your heart,” the crow lectured.
“What do you mean?” Haruko asked.
“Your father and your brother betrayed you,” the crow answered.
“That’s impossible, my own blood relatives!” Haruko screamed, causing his rage to grow more intense, as he stormed into the hospital behind them. The crow flew off of Haruko’s shoulder, and up to the roof.
“Do not confront them just yet, they are not going to kill Kimmie just yet, they have to plan it out first,” the crow suggested. Haruko turned around, and walked out of the hospital after hearing the crow’s wishes.
Haru and Haruhiko entered Kimmie’s room while she was sound asleep. Haruhiko took his blazer off, and sat it on the chair, before walking over to Kimmie’s side. He rubbed her face softly, and Haru stared down upon her.
“She’s beautiful,” Haruhiko said.
“Then let her live, father,” Haru snapped.
“We can’t, she just wouldn’t understand,” Haruhiko explained, yet again.
“What? That her father has resorted to pushing drugs rather than toughing it out, and keeping the family business!” Haru blurted, and Haruhiko immediately slapped him.
“I did what was right for this family, and your mother, brother, and sister wouldn’t have stood for it. That is why they all had to die,” Haruhiko argued.
“Haruko might have gone along with it; you just killed him because you didn’t trust him. You saw him as a threat, his martial arts skills were getting too good for you,” Haru said.
“Your skills are far more superior to Haruko’s; I had nothing to worry about. He would’ve just gotten in the way, just as Kimmie would,” Haruhiko added.
“Just do what you have to, I’m leaving,” Haru said.
“We’ll get Aki to do it, on day next week when no one is around,” Haruhiko said. The crow stayed posted on the roof, and flew off as it heard what it needed to hear.
The crow landed back on Haruko’s shoulder as he walked the streets of Tokyo draped in a pair of baggy khakis(I love khakis), a black shirt, and a long sleeve t-shirt under it. His clothes were a little tattered, but he could get by.
“There are five men you are to seek vengeance upon before you get to your father and brother,” the crow said.
“Fine, but I need to see Emi,” Haruko said.
“You can see your lover after killing the security guard, Murai,” the crow cawed.
“Murai was in on this too? He will die painfully,” Haruko said, as the crow showed him to Murai’s apartment.
Haruko knocked on the door, and a raspy deep voice spoke in response, “Who is it?”
Haruko continued to knock at the door, knocking harder every second. Murai grabbed pistol and walked up to the door. As soon as the tall bearded Japanese man opened the door, the crow flew through, startling Murai. Haruko walked in shortly after the crow barged in.
“Murai, I’ve come for you life,” Haruko said. Murai’s eyes squinted, and screamed when he saw that Haruko was facing him.
“But we dropped your body in the lake!” Murai screamed, fearfully. Murai got up as Haruko entered the apartment. He fired at Haruko, hitting him in the chest and stomach. Haruko stumbled back, and looked at the wounds healing on his torso. He laughed as he continued on towards Murai, who loaded his gun. Murai pointed the gun right at Haruko’s forehead, and Haruko quickly grabbed his arm, twisted it, and threw Murai to the floor.
“I see Hell in your path, Satan is now your god,” Haruko said, and turned Murai over “Goodbye,” he jammed the gun into Murai’s mouth, and a the sound of a gunshot flashed in the apartment…..
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Sunday, October 10, 2004
The Crow: Owarimasu
Chapter one
Silence, a phrase meaning peace and serenity, the direct opposite of that meaning would describe the noisy city of Tokyo, Japan. Especially on this night; sirens could be heard through the massacre of sound filling the streets of the city. Upon arrival, there were three people found in a creek, in Chiba. A local woman called the police when she saw a young girl, no older than seventeen, crawling out of the creek. By the time the ambulances came, two dead bodies were found not too far from where the girl was.
“Rush this girl to ICU, and get an ID,” the officer demanded.
The paramedics put two bodies into separate body bags; one for a young man, and another for a woman. They were then put into separate ambulances, after a cop came and took both of their driver’s licenses.
“Haruko Izumi, he is 5’11 with black hair, and he weighs 174 lbs.” The officer read, then looked at the woman’s license.
“Kimiko Izumi, 5 feet even, black hair, and 120 lbs,” The officer finished reading the licenses. “Get these down to homicide for investigation,” He handed the licenses to a young detective and walked off.
The ambulances both made their way to the morgue with the two bodies strapped to gurneys, trapped in the darkness of death contained in a body bag. An ebony work of art flew overhead, above the speeding ambulance that held the body of Haruko Izumi. The ebony knew that time was running out, and he had to work fast. This reincarnation would be too soon; if Haruko was revived, he wouldn’t have been dead for more than a day. The Ebony landed onto the cold white metal of the ambulance, and immediately tapped its sharp feet against the roof. It began to cry out in a caw, but the dead man in the body bag heard the caws in his native tongue.
“Awaken, Haruko Izumi, awaken!” The Ebony cawed, and drove it’s beak into the roof of the ambulance. The crow’s pleas were faint at first, but after a while the demands were clear, and a surge of air made its way to the Dead man’s lungs.
The young woman was identified as Kimmie Izumi, and she was sixteen years old. Haruko’s younger sister. She was holding on by a thread, during surgery, they found that she was shot in the chest, beaten, and they even traced vaginal secretion, but no male DNA was found. The surgeons work as fast as they could to save Kimmie, but the odds were severely slim.
Haruko heard the crow’s cries, and broke free from the imprisonment of the dark body bag. The ambulance stopped, and the paramedics came to get the body, but it was gone by the time they opened the door. Haruko headed down the road on foot, and the crow on his shoulder. Tears were running down his battered face, and he could still feel the excruciating pain from the stab wounds, and the one shot to the head.
“What am I doing here?” Haruko asked, finding out that he could communicate with bird on his shoulder.
“You’ve been called back, to save you sister, and avenge the death of you mother, Haruko Izumi,” the crow replied.
“My sister?” Haruko said, and fell to his knees. “She’s still alive?”
“Yes, but she is in danger. She needs your help, Haruko I zumi,” the crow cawed.
“But my mother is gone!” Haruko screamed, his eyes closed, and a rain shower fell upon him. He began to cry out loud; his mourning was loud enough to shut down all of the noise that was the city of Tokyo, even though he was in Chiba.
Back in Tokyo, a man and his son sat in the dining room of their mansion with two officers questioning them. The man looked like an older version of Haruko, only his hair was shorter than Haruko’s hair that reached the top of his jaw. The man was the father of Haruko, Kimmie, and their eldest brother, Haru.
“Mr. Izumi, I thank you for your cooperation, and I am very sorry about what happened to your family,” the officer said, as he walked out of their mansion. The father showed the police out of the door, while Haru sat there burying his face into his crossed arms; he looked up promptly after the officers left, with a straight face.
“Think they believed us?” Haru asked his father, Haruhiko.
“I think they bought it,” Haruhiko sat at the table, facing his son. “But how the hell did Kimmie survive?”
“I don’t know, I shot her in the chest,” Haru added.
“Well, the job will be finished tomorrow,” Haru said, and a burst of insane laughter came from his mouth. Haruhiko, the father, the husband, the provider, and the killer all in one was the man facing his eldest son.
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Friday, October 8, 2004
The title

The name of the story will be The Crow: Owarimasu. I hope you all enjoy, i have started working on it, and i hope to get it done by monday, possibly earlier. Oh yeah, good news, that bastard Dawn is dead, everyone is mourning, but i am partying. we shall have a sermon, to lay dawn to rest....
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Wednesday, October 6, 2004
New story
Hey everyone, sorry i didnt get around to everyone's site. I hope to get around to some otaku action. I want to give props to the man upstairs, Big A the alpha, the omega of otaku, Adam, who put it down on the layout for the otaku. Ok now, onto business. I am going to start a new series of short stories, it will most likely be no longer than ten episodes, its going to be a crow story, yep, i am finally going to do a crow story, butwhat sets this aside from all crow stories is that it is going to be set in japan. i will release the title tomorrow. So with that out of the way, i guess i will go. i cant wait to talk to you all, i'm out

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Sunday, October 3, 2004
At noon, the day became dark; the sun itself was black as sackcloth. The stained glass of the church’s windows grew dimmer by the minute, as Jeffrey Alexander left the confessional. He was a eighteen year old boy, on his way to college at UAB. He lived in Decatur, Alabama all his life, then he moved to Birmingham, Alabama after he graduated, when he ‘d received a scholarship to UAB (University of Alabama in Birmingham). He shook the pastor’s hand, and walked out of the church with tears coming from his wide forest green eyes. He ran his hand over his brown even flowing hair, and headed home, just meters away from Greater Shiloh Baptist church. He stepped onto the porch of his brick house, and opened the door with his keys. The sound of his keys clanking, notified his mother, Janie of his arrival. She came out of her bedroom, with her nightgown on, and her long brown hair hanging loosely and free. Jeff walked into the four room house, and draped his leather jacket over the golden coat rack in the corner by the door.
“Hey, baby, did ya confess ya sins?” Janie said, in her southern accent.
“Yeah, ma, I just finished,” Jeffrey replied, respectfully.
“The judgment day is comin, it’s best we be ready,” Janie said, as she made her way to her rocking chair. She sat her heavyset figure in the large rocking chair, and watching her son, “What you gon do wit ya last few days, baby?”
“Talk to Nicky as much as I can,” Jeff replied, and sat on the couch, turning on the television.
“Are you just gon waste ya time like that? Go out, be a kid for once,” Janie encouraged.
“No, ma, I love Nicky, and she loves me. I owe it to her, to spend my final hours with her,” Jeffrey implied.
“Boy, you know you are crazy,” Janie said, smiling. “You don’t have no life atall.”
“Nicky is my life, ma,” Jeff said, as he cut the television off, and got up.
“Where you goin, baby?” Janie asked.
“Excuse me, ma, I’ll be in my room, talking to Nicky, if ya need me,” Jeff said.
“Ok, have a good time,” Janie said, as she watched her eldest son leave the room.
Jeff entered his room, and closed the wooden door behind him. He pulled his blue office chair up to his desk, where his Hp Compaq lay. He turned the PC on, and waited for it to boot up. While he waited, he took his black t-shirt off, and threw it onto his bed, leaving him in his wife beater t-shirt, and blue denim jeans. As soon as he logged onto MSN, he saw the SN “Nicole Alexander”, indicating that Nicky was online. She immediately sent him a message, when she saw that he was logged on.
“Hey, hun,” She typed.
“Hey, Nicky,” Jeff replied.
“How are you?” She asked.
“Pretty good, considering the fact that it’s dark at midday,” Jeff typed.
“lol hahaha =),” Nicky typed.
“I missed you a lot today, Nicky Alexander,” Jeff typed.
“Awes I missed you too hun, ^__^,” Nicky replied.
“I really wish I could’ve gotten the chance to meet you in person,” Jeff typed.
“Me too =(, but we will meet in heaven, right hun?” Nicky typed back. When Jeff read that message, he started to cry at the thought of Nicky dying. He knew that he just had to meet her, and physically touch her, just one time.
“No, Nicky, I am coming to see you,” Jeff typed.
“But, how?” Nicky typed.
“With my college money; I hope the good lord gives me one more day,” Jeff typed.
“He will, and I will be waiting at my front porch ^__^,” Vicky typed.
“Bye Nicky, I love you,” Jeff typed.
“Bye bye , love,” Vicky typed her last message. Jeff turned his computer off, and went directly for his closet. He grabbed a red shirt, and a pair of baggy khaki cargo pants. He pushed his brother, Jessie, out of the bathroom, and started a shower.
“Hey, Jeff, c’mon man!” Jessie yelled, knocking on the door. Jeff ignored him, and got into the shower. After getting out of the shower, Jeff quickly dressed into his clothes, and put some gel in his hair. He came out of the bathroom, and let his brother back in.
“Sorry bout that, Jessie,” Jeff said.
“Wuteva,” Jessie said, as he went back into the bathroom.
Jeff gathered his wallet and his prized possession, his skateboard. He had always wanted to be a pro-skater all of his life, but now his only goal was to get to Nicky, and die with her. He neared the door, and just before he touched the golden doorknob, Janie stopped him in his tracks.
“Where you goin, baby?” she asked.
“I’ma go see, Nicky,” Jeff answered.
“What? What you mean?” Janie asked.
“I’ma go to da bank, and get my college money, then I’ma go see Nicky before I die,” Jeff, said sternly. It bothered him to stare into his mother’s eyes, knowing the pain she was feeling, “Ma, I’m sorry for putting you through this, but I have one more thing to do, before I go.”
“Baby, you know that tomorra ain’t promised no more, it could all end here, just as we speak. Please stay home with us, and die wit ya family,” Janie begged.
“I’m sorry, ma, but I have to do this,” Jeff said.
“Ok, baby, I understand, be careful, and I love you,” Janie said, beginning to cry. Jeff hugged her tightly, and kissed her on her cheek. She kissed him back, and held him in an embrace that seemed to have lasted an eternity all in a matter of fifteen seconds.
“Good bye, ma,” Jeffrey said.
“Good bye, Jeffrey,” Janie said. Jeff kissed her cheek one last time before leaving the house, and beginning his journey. As Jeff walked away from the house, he turned back to look at it for a final time.
Jeff caught a cab to the airport after withdrawing a thousand dollars from his account. Once he got onto the plane he noticed, that there were more people than he’d expected. He’d heard on the news that there were hurricanes, and strong winds. It would be suicide to fly a plane up there, but it was going to happen. The people on the plane might’ve had the same ambition that Jeff had, to get the one last thing accomplished or die trying. Jeff took his seat in the middle row, right by the door.
“Man, I was I could’ve got a window seat,” Jeff said, as he sat back in his seat, waiting for the plane to take flight. A middle-aged lady with long black hair, and hazel brown eyes sat next to Jeff, and smiled at him.
“Hi, how are you doing?” She asked, politely.
“Fine, and you, mam?” Jeff replied.
“Pretty good, I just can’t wait to get to Calgary,” She said.
“Me neither, I hope we make it there. Do you believe that the world is going to end?” Jeff asked, trying to sound as proper as he could.
“We’ll make it, just have hope.” The lady said.
“Thanks for the encouragement, by the way I didn’t get your name, mam,” Jeff said.
“My name is Victoria, what’s yours?” Victoria asked.
“Jeffrey Alexander,” Jeff said. He stood up, and tried to shake her hand, but fell back into his seat from the turbulence.
The flight was a turbulent ride, all the way from Philadelphia to their arrival in Calgary. They were just fifteen minutes from landing, before lightening struck the left wing and hit the gas gauge. The plane immediately shot down, plummeting to the paved runway; the people screamed, over shadowing the pilot’s calming voice. The pilot pulled back as hard as he could, to prevent the plane from hitting the runway nose first. Jeff held tightly to the handles on his seat, as the door flew open. The people grabbed their gas masks, and put them on. The plane clashed with the pavement, and created sparks within the battle. The back of the plane caught fire, and as the plane slid along the runway, Jeff took his opportunity. He looked to Victoria, who was screaming and crying as loud as she could. He unbuckled her seatbelt, and pulled her out with him, as he jumped out of the plane. The plane exploded, seconds after Jeff and Victoria made their escape.
Jeff slowly got up, trying to avoid the burning debris and ash. He yelped when he felt the pain from his ruptured arm. He was bleeding from the mouth, as he limped over to Victoria who was in an even worse condition. He picked her up into his arms, and the first thing he saw was her, teary hazel eyes. She was bleeding from her mouth as well, and her face was all scarred up. Her thin body was shaking, and her mind was in a state of shock.
“Victoria, are you alright?” Jeff asked, as he held Victoria. She didn’t answer, and he started to head up the runway, leaving the disaster behind him. He saw his skateboard right bye the scorched plane, and he got on it. The pain in his arm intensified from Victoria’s weight. His board helped out a little, but he could barely hold her. The closer he got to the airport, the heavier she got. Her body was beginning to grow cold, and it grew limp. As he reached the airport, he looked down at Victoria, and saw her hazel eyes fixed on him. They were staring blankly, no blinking at all. The shock had overtaken her, and she could go on no longer. Jeffrey got on his knees, and put her down on the cold ground.
“Goodbye, Victoria, see you soon,” he kissed her forehead, and closed her eyelids.
The wheels of Jeff’s skateboard went on endless without a sense of direction; Jeff was in a place far from his own home. Only thing on his mind was Nicky, the thought of how to get there hadn’t hit him yet. All he had was a skateboard, and her mailing address. Revelation began to run its course. The rain poured heavily, but the thunder roared heavier. It was as if God had unleashed his entire wrath upon the souls who had wronged him. As if the sinners were being punished, only some were being forgiven. Jeff hit the highway on his skateboard, and road down the long strip. Calgary looked like a ghost town, no one was out, and the highway was completely barren. Jeff hit high speed, and continued until he saw a breaking in the highway road. As he approached it, he turned his head to see that a tornado was thrashing downtown. It had already passed the area where Jeff was. Jeff’s only concern now was the breaking in the road. Jeff went as fast as he could, and when he reached the breaking, he jumped as high as he could. Once he landed, his board snapped in two, and Jeff landed face first into the pavement. He scrambled to his feet, and rolled out of the way as the surface below him fell and joined the rest of the rubble below.
Jeff saw the exit of the highway just a few inches away from him. He hobbled, limping even more from his little stunt. His determination kept him moving, despite the wounds and pain that only made him stronger. He wasn’t ready to leave this world yet, even though he could see the end was near. The tornado passed, but the storm progressed. The lightening struck the ground and anything in the way, as Jeff limped to his would-be destination. He reached downtown, where the city had been totaled by the tornado. He kept moving until he met up with a pack of ravaging dogs. The storm made them crazy, and they all growled at Jeff as they saw him. They’re eyes were colder than the largest glacier could ever be, and they all launched onto Jeff, biting him viciously on the arms and legs. Jeff struggled to get free, and one of the dogs bit at his neck. He blocked with his arm, and threw the dog off. He rolled back, and actually left hooked one of the dogs, as it came at him. He ignored his limping, and started running, but one of the dogs caught him and bit his ankle. Jeff’s face bashed the ground, and a tooth rolled out of his mouth. He grew enraged, and grabbed the dog; he bashed its face into the ground, killing it. The rest of the pack overtook Jeff again, but he went down fighting and scratching at the vicious animals.
“Get away from me, you mutts!” he screamed in pain. He managed to get up, and one of the dogs jumped at him. Jeff landed on the sidewalk, but managed to haul the dog through a window. The sound of the impact, made a large piece of cinder block fall off of the building. Jeff rolled over, letting the boulder hit one of the dogs. He got up again, and ran near the city limits. As he left downtown, he met up with one more dog. Only this time, the dog was a huge rot wilder, and he was foaming at the mouth. The sky grew dark, and two tornadoes touched down a few meters away from Jeff. The only way out was through the dog. Just as lightening struck, the dog launched at him. Jeff quickly picked up a pole on the ground, and bashed into the dog’s face. The dog quickly regrouped, and started back for Jeff, who was running out of the city limits. The winds were heavy, and the dog darted after Jeff. A large gust of wind sent a billboard flying in Jeff’s direction, and he hit the ground, letting the billboard pass over him. The dog took Jeff’s hit, and flew back into the two tornadoes.
The heavy winds, grew heavier as Jeff fought through it like he was in a snow storm. The morning had passed, and it was now noon, Jeff could tell by the position of the dark sun. He made his way to a local neighborhood, where he met up with an old man in an alley.
“Hey sir, can you show me where dis address is?” he asked, as he approached the homeless man.
“Hmm, let me see,” the old man took the piece of paper from Jeff, and pored at it for a while.
“Sandarac Dr., yeah, I can take you there. It shouldn’t be too far from here,” The old man said.
“Thank you so much,” Jeff said; almost wanting to kiss the man, he was so happy.
“No need to thank me, it’s the least I can do on my final days,” the old man smiled, and began walking. Jeff quickly followed the man blocks and blocks until they arrived to their destination.
“You should be able to find it from here,” The old man, patted Jeff’s back, and started to walk away, but a man in a black hoody came out of nowhere, and stabbed him. Jeff turned around to see the old man on the ground, bleeding to death.
“Give me your money,” the man in the hoody said.
“Why did you stab that man? The world is ending and all ya can think about is money! My final deed is gon be to put you to rest!” Jeff tackled the man, and tussled with him, avoiding the knife. They rolled over twice, and Jeff ended up on top, and he knocked the knife off the man’s hands. He punched him in the face, and the man kicked him off. The man tried to tackle Jeff, but he drove his fist into the small of the man’s back. He then kneed him in the chest, and pushed him to the ground. When the man got up, Jeff went for another punch, but the mugger caught his fist. He hooked Jeff’s fractured arm in his, and Jeff screamed in excruciating pain as the man punched him in the gut repeatedly. After the mugger was done, Jeff fell to his knees, holding his arm. His brown hair covered his eyes, blocking his view, but he could feel the sudden pain from the sharp knife, piercing through his gut. The man withdrew the knife, and tried to inject it again, but Jeff uppercutted the man, and caught the knife as it slipped out of the mugger’s hand. Jeff drove the knife into the man’s chest, with his remaining strength, and they both fell to the ground in a puddle of their own blood.
“May God have mercy on you,” Jeff said. The man bled to death right beside him, and Jeff tried to get up one last time, but his limbs failed him, “Lord, give me strength.” Jeff wasn’t going to give up; he could see Nicky’s house from where he lay about forty yards away. He gritted his teeth, and forced himself to his feet. He held his gut, and tried to fight the bleeding as he made his way to Nicky’s house. He walked for an eternity, and reached a yard where the grass was greener than the richest forest. He saw a little brick house in the distance, and it reminded him of home. As he pushed on, the day began to clear up, and he could see that the sun was no longer black, it was beaming as yellow as ever. Before his vision blurred, he saw the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen. A little Asian girl, no higher than 5 feet six came off of her porch. Her eyes were dark brown, and her hair was long, shoulder length with dark red highlights. She was dressed in a green sweater, and a pair of blue jeans. She slowly made her way to Jeff, not sure if that was him. Jeff’s vision was distorted, but when he got face to face with Nicky, he fell into her arms; his vision was no longer blurry.
“Nicky…is..th..that you?” Jeff asked.
“Yes, Jeff it’s me,” Nicky said, with tears already running from her face. Jeff reached up, and kissed her lips, feeling them for the first and last time. Nicky held him tightly, pressing her lips against his, with her tears dripping on his face. Once she let go of him, he was gone, his soul departed from his body. The world around them soon began to perish, becoming stars, and jetting up into the sky. Jeff’s body soon diminished, and turned into a star right before Nicky’s eyes. Nicky, then followed turning into a star, and flying into the sky, departing from the diminished world, and into a new one…..
Dedicated to Selena
Comments (6) |
Monday, September 27, 2004
Thanks for the comments
I was very pleased with the comments i recieved from everyone. For once i made a post where no one said anything negative. That was the perfect post i guess. Thats what i need, I guess. There are some really great people on this site, considering I met my sole mate here, and this very nice girl Prideofthelion, gave me(a complete stranger) a pic of her own. Besides all of the assholes on this site, there is still some good. Anyway, I hope I get more positive comments, and I hope you all have a great day, later. I love you, Selena, my sole mate
ps: would you please go say something to Pimpin Satan, her cat died, and she is very depressed. If you have the time, would you please comfort her in her time of need, she is like a mother to me
Comments (9) |
Sunday, September 26, 2004

I have finally achieved the bebop theme i have been working on for the past few months, in a few months it will be my first whole year on otaku, and i have the site i have been dreaming of having. Thanks to everyone starting with Windmaster, who got me on the site. Malkav, for giving me a few ideas, Terra Zero for giving me my first ever HTML code, Selena just for being Selena. I dont know what the future holds for this web page, but for now, its going to stay like this, untouched and beautiful. I will continue to work on the phases, as long as all of you encourage me to. Thanks to you all, I hope you enjoy the layout and the music. I am going to try and find the words to the song, and post the lyrics. the song is called "Rain". Its my favorite cowboy bebop song. Well, goodnight, everyone, and phase 5 is on its way, bye
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