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Sunday, September 19, 2004
Phase 4
The Contract
The fresh smell of pancakes, bacon, and eggs overshadowed the smell of overcooked food that had previously surrounded the kitchen. Ana was still in her two piece outfit, while she cooked breakfast for Cindy. Cindy leaned against the counter, with her elbows against the top, and her hands under her chin. She was already starting to like her, and that was very rare with Cindy.
“So, Ana, how did you meet my father?” Cindy asked. Ana turned to her, and put her plate on the table, and she sighed heavily.
“Do you mind hearing a long story?” Ana said, and turned to the black double door fridge.
“Sure, is it painful to talk about?” Cindy asked.
“Well, yes, until your father comes in. You see he saved me, and he took me in under his wing,” She said with a smile, and she poured a glass of orange juice for Cindy.
“Did he turn you?” Cindy asked while sipping her orange juice.
“No, he claimed that he didn’t want to give me his curse, and take the pleasures of daylight away from me,” Ana replied.
“Sounds like something he would say,” Cindy said, as Vicious 2 came stumbling through the door. Cindy turned around to see her father with his arm tied up close to his chest.
“What happened, Julius?” Ana walked over to him, and kissed his cheek.
“Nothing, Ana, don’t worry yourself,” Vicious 2 said, as Ana took the katana off of his waist, and threw it on the couch.
“Daddy, what happened to your arm?” Cindy asked.
“I broke it. It should be healed in a few hours,” Vicious 2 replied.
“Why can’t you just stay home with us?” Ana asked with her lipped poked out.
“Yeah, why do you leave poor Ana all by herself?” Cindy followed.
“That’s where you come in, Cindy,” Vicious 2 said, and hopped back in his recliner. Cindy sat in his lap, and ran her fingers through his hair.
“Would you like something to eat, Julius?” Ana asked.
“No thanks, I just need to relax,” Vicious 2 replied as he tickled Cindy’s tummy. Cindy played with his hands, like a small child, and rubbed her little nose against his face while laughing softly.
Back at the Sacrifice manor, Luminae sat at the couch putting fresh new strings on her new guitar, while Pimpin Satan and Wolfy played each other in a game of Guilty Gear X2. Julius as usual, was off to himself playing his guitar, anticipating his new guitar that he’d ordered. Selena sat in her room, reading a manga.
“Hey, let’s get out, tonight,” Luminae said out of nowhere.
“Where could we possibly go, where Julius can actually get in?” Pimp looked up from her game, and asked.
“We could go to the basketball game tonight,” Luminae suggested, and put her guitar on its stand.
“Sounds nice, considering the fact, that none of us like basketball,” Wolfy said.
“Let’s just go for the fuck of it,” Luminae said.
“Ok, let’s go ask our outsiders,” Pimp said, as she got up, and walked upstairs. Pimp entered Julius’s room, where he was playing his warm-up chords, and listening to Santana. He stopped and cut off the music, as he saw Pimp enter.
“Hey, what’s going on?” he asked.
“Kid, are you ever going to get rid of these Jimmy Hendricks posters?” Pimp said, looking around.
“No way, he is my idol,” Julius said.
“Well, anyway, do you want to come to a basketball game with us, tonight?” Pimp asked.
“Sure, that sounds fun,” Julius said.
“Ok, be ready at about six, I don’t know when the game actually starts,” Pimp said, as she left the room.
“Ok,” Julius said, and began practicing again.
Near evening time, The Salvatorio crime family met at the Olive Garden for a meeting. The Don, Bernardo Salvatorio sat at the head of the large table of about twenty men.
“Today, is the dawn of the new day,” He started his spiel off. “But, it is always darkest before dawn,” He spoke slowly.
“Yo, Don, what are you saying,” Tony Salvatorio said (There is always a Tony).
“What I’m saying, Dear Tony, is that a while back, we weren’t always notorious as we are today,” The Don replied.
“But, that was because of Vicious, but the bastard was killed by his own son,” Tony added.
“Yes, that is what this meeting about, in order to keep our dominance, we must eliminate Vicious’s son,” The Don said, wiping his forehead with a napkin.
“That guy is still breathin?” Tony asked.
“Yes, Tony, he has become a vampire,” The Don replied, becoming annoyed by Tony interrupting him.
“There is no such thing,” Danny Salvatorio said.
“Yes, there is, my son, and they are at large, but that is not our concern, ya see? We must take this Vicious 2 character out,” The Don said.
“Hey pops, how do we stop a vamp?” Danny asked.
“I am glad you asked that, Dannyboy,” The Don snapped his fingers twice, and a young man wearing corrective lenses over his brown eyes, came into view. He was wearing a solid white shirt, with black pants and tie. He carried a suitcase with Karou written on it, only it had an X over Karou.
“I would like you all to meet our new hitman, Yodo Kajitana,” The Don announced.
“He looks professional,” Tony said.
“Yeah, he was once a samurai, and also a former member of the Karou Clan. He is highly trained,” The Don vouched. “Hey, have a seat Yodo,” The Don offered.
“No, thank you Don, I would like to start my job immediately,” Yodo said.
“I like this guy,” Tony said.
“The Salvatorio crime family will rein supreme, capice” The Don said, holding his champagne glass up.
Four skater punks were on the outside of the stadium, waiting for the show to start, when they were called into the alley across the street. Which was a big mistake on their part; as soon as they stepped into the alley, they were all beat up, and their tickets were stolen. Vicious 2 walked out of the alley with four tickets in his hand.
“Oh wait, that’s too many tickets, well at least one of you gets to go,” Vicious 2 laughed, and dropped the extra ticket on the ground. Vicious 2 walked across the street back to the stadium, where Cindy and Ana were waiting for him.
“Where did you go?” Ana asked.
“To get the tickets,” Vicious 2 replied.
“No, I was going to buy them, they are very expensive,” Ana stressed.
“Nope, it was a steal,” Vicious 2 said.
“Why don’t I feel comfortable with that comment,” Ana said, scratching her head.
“Can we go now, the game is starting,” Cindy interrupted, and grabbed both of their hands.
Yodo found himself in the lobby of the stadium, scoping Vicious 2 out. The description was a little altered, and he looked a little younger when he saw him. He continued to follow Vicious 2 and his five other friends.
“This guy is no vampire, but his friends are,” Yodo said into a tape recorder. Yodo, went into the bathroom, and opened his suitcase. He strapped a holster over his shoulder, and took out a katana, and slid it into the holster. He cut an opening in the ceiling, and put his suitcase in there, and closed it up.
Julius and the girls took their seat courtside seats, after getting their popcorn and drinks in the lobby. At that same time, Vicious 2, Ana, and Cindy were sitting next to them. Vicious 2 turned his head, and saw a mirror image of him. He yelped, and nearly jumped out of his seat.
“Vicious!” Vicious 2 screamed.
“Dad?” Julius said, a little startled by Vicious’s outburst.
“Vici,” Selena said, as she saw Vicious 2. Vicious 2 calmed himself, and sat back down.
“Dad, I thought you were dead,” Julius said.
“Well, I can’t say that I am alive,” Vicious 2 said.
“Hey, you little punk,” Cindy said, waving at Julius.
“Hi,” Julius said, quickly, and he waved at Cindy.
“What are you two doing here?” Luminae asked.
“And who is the other chick?” Wolfy asked, sounding like a jealous girlfriend.
“Oh, this Ana,” Vicious 2 announced, put his hands on Ana’s shoulders. Ana waved shyly, and took her seat. The girls and Julius said hi to Ana, and turned to watch the game.
Yodo sat in the nose bleed section with two drunks, staring down on Vicious 2 with his binoculars.
“There are two of them, no wonder the description weren’t right,” Yodo said, and fixed the lenses on the binoculars. “I shall kill them both.”
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Friday, September 17, 2004
Phase 4
Phase 4
Vicious 2 died
Just kidding, I am almost finished with Phase 4, and if Vicky says yes, then i will post it tomorrow. Later everyone, i miss you all, bye
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Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Its done
The battle between Dante and Grave is going on now as we speak, but its not going down here, its going on at the Pilgrimage headquarters Dark Pilgrimage. on the other hand, I have the next battle for you. in one corner we have a man that has branched out on his own, and become quite the ass kicking machine, Ryu Hayabusa

A man who had to kill his family, and is paying for it through his sword, the ninja from shinobi, i will find out his name when i do the story
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Sunday, September 12, 2004
My bad
Sorry, ppl, i havent had the motivation i need to finish the story, i just feel that its going nowhere, even though i actually like the fight. I just have to add a few more things and it will be complete. I havent talk to my Selena that much lately,and i havent been myself for the last two days, i just find myself wanting her more and more each day. She keeps me moving, I'll see you guys soon, maybe i will have the story finished by then, and i am also working on phase 4, so you dont have to worry, later everyone
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Thursday, September 9, 2004
Next Battle
I have decided that the pilgrimage will be hosting battles on saturdays, and i hope that my gang of sexy women give me a few ideas(PM me if you get any ideas), when they get a chance. Sorry, i havent been around, i have been working on my schoolwork, and my short stories. I miss all of you, and i hope i get some time, to visit you all tomorrow. Saturday is going to be the shit, the battle between Dante and Grave will be held at the Dark Pilgrimage homepage, i will be signing everyone's gb, who wants to be apart of this event, until then i will be seeing you all, later, i love you selena
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Monday, September 6, 2004
I have a great idea
I am going to once again change my sites format once again, and do a short story on the fight between Grave and Dante. Laa-Laa wont be in it, on account of the fact that she beat both of their asses
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Sunday, September 5, 2004
Battle Network Baby!!!!!
Today we have a fucking triple threat match going on in this house, and its going down! First we will have that bad ass Half Demon Dante. He is personally my favorite video game character, that is until i become a video game designer, and create a Vicious game As a matter of fact, Big V will be the ref of this triple threat match. so, once again first off
It will be Dante
vs. the dead ass motherfucker, Grave, who is also one of the coolest video game and anime characters ever
its Laa-Laa
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Friday, September 3, 2004
Dawn is a homo
"Thats one sibling out, and only aboutt a-million more to go, thanks for your support in my litle plan, but don't tell Sinny. It's more fun to see her crushed and evil and sad, and I didn't just cut my poor baby Sinny. I made her mine...no you prick, I didn't rape her, I did though make her suffer like she made me suffer, it's called PAYBACK!"
thats what he PMed, what a gay ass fag, what man PMs another man, that is so gay, anyway, he told me not to tell sinny, so i am doing the direct opposite
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Thursday, September 2, 2004
She shot me down
I wouldve never thought i would be typing this post in a million years. I feel so fucking used, I have realized that for the last few months or so, I have been a puppet, a mere toy for someone elses amusement. Sinny was the puppeteer, and i was willing to blindly attack the first person, who said something wrong to her. But i have realized that Sinny didnt give a shit about me, especially now that she has her new toys, Jay, GThaloplayer(what a gay name) and some bitch that writes poetry. She has cast me and 50 aside, and no matter how mean Sinny is to kamiya, kamiya still defends her. Thats true love if you didnt know, sinny. I have even argued with Malkav for her, and for the record, he was 100% about her. Thats the last time i argue with him, because he is always right, always. There was a time, where I would do anything and everything for Sinny, but I dont think that time will ever rise again. Sinny, has chosen her path. She can stay with her bitch ass bf, and wait for his stupid ass reply, if she feels so strongly for him. I wonder how long that will last. Actually I dont, right now I am so angry that i dont care if i ever hear from her again. All i can do is just continue to live for me, and my bride. And the weird thing is, i still love her, but not like i used to, she took that away herself. so when someone starts fucking with you, sinny, dont come to me, just tell jay or that fucker that writes poetry, because i have found a real little sister, one that is sure of herself, and would never turn on me the way you did. I really hate that it all had to come down to this, but it has, and Sinny, you've been clipped *snip snip*. and dawn stay the fuck away from my site, i dont need to hear from your faggot ass, you gay bitch, and yes i mean you are a straight up fag, your site speaks for itself. i dont care what you do to sinny anymore, because i am done with the both of you. I am no longer sinny's puppet, no longer a character in her little soap opera. I will no longer go out of my damn way, just to satisfy her fucking needs, no more being stressed out over her. Sinny, you said, that you would bother everyone who hated jay, well i hate the fucker, so you can bother me all you want, i doubt i will pay any attention though, i will be too busy talking with the ppl, who truly care. Its time I go, Selena is waiting for me, and I cant stand to make her wait, I just had to get this shit off of my chest, but lastly, to Geisha, I am not mad at you in anyway, and i understand if you are mad at me. I am sorry for giving up on Sinny, but quite frankly, I am fed up
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Dedicated to someone very special
I’m all at sea
Where no-one can bother me
Forgot my roots
If only for a day
Just me and my thoughts sailing far away
Like a warm drink it seeps into my soul
Please just leave me right here on my own
Later on you could spend some time with me
If you want to
All at sea
I’m all at sea
Where no-one can bother me
I sleep by myself
I drink on my own
Don’t speak to nobody
I gave away my phone
Like a warm drink it seeps into my soul
Please just leave me right here on my own
Later on you could spend some time with me
If you want to
All at sea
Now I need you more than ever, I need you more than ever, now
You don’t need it every day
But sometimes don’t you just crave
To disappear within your mind
You never know what you might find
So come and spend some time with me
We will spend it all at sea
Like a warm drink it seeps into my soul
Please just leave me right here on my own
Later on you could spend some time with me
If you want to
All at sea
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