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Monday, August 30, 2004
Phase 3
“Alex killed my mother?!” Cindy screamed to the top of her lungs.
“Yes, he did, I am so sorry. I was just too late,” Vicious 2 explained, as they sat in an apartment that Vicious 2 rented.
“Daddy, I’m sorry as well, I could’ve prevented that,” Cindy said, as she stared out of the window into the night.
“Don’t cry anymore, Cindy. Your mother is an angel now,” Vicious 2 smiled, and watched his daughter walk over to him.
“Yes she is,” Cindy said, and she hugged Vicious 2, who sat in a red recliner chair. “Do you think I will be welcomed to live here?”
“Yeah, Ana is a nice girl, you can sleep in my bed, and I will sleep on the couch,” Vicious 2 reclined the chair, and Cindy lay on top of him, resting her head on his chest.
“Will you take care of me, Daddy?” Cindy asked, softly.
“Yes of course, you are my child,” Vicious 2 replied, and held Cindy in his arms, as she dosed off.
Zero lay in a hospital bed, bandaged from head to toe. Even his mouth was wrapped. All you could see was his eyes, and his hair, everything else was wrapped up tight. A woman came in, with purple hair, and beautiful green eyes.
“I have seen this picture too many times,” Her voice spoke with a bit of laughter. She stared Zero down as if she knew him. She walked over to him, draped in a yellow tank top with some yellow hot pants. Her light purple heeled boots, clapped lightly against the floor as she made her way over to Zero. She pulled the bandage down on his mouth, so that he could speak, and she gave him a warm smile.
“Who are you?” Zero asked, slowly.
“I am a friend of your father, you look just like him,” She moved his green hair out of his face, and to the back.
“Faye?” Zero blurted after she spoke.
“Yes, I’m sure he told you about me,” Faye’s sweet womanly voice echoed through the room.
“Yes, he used to say how he hated that he never gave you a chance to be with him,” Zero explained.
“Really?” Faye’s voice grew slower and sadder, and she kept rubbing his hair to the back.
“Yes, that is what he told me,” Zero said.
“Poor Spike, he was so indecisive. He never knew what he was going to do next. He was unpredictable to his own self,” Faye said with a smile and a tear rolling down her face. “Maybe if I’d met him earlier, then you would be my son,” She leaned down, and kissed his cheek.
“I wish I could’ve gotten to know my mother, but she was gone before I could even say a word to her,” Zero said.
“Can…. Can I be your mother?” Faye asked shyly, biting her bottom lip.
“Yes,” Zero replied, and she immediately kissed his cheek again.
Near sun down, the girls and Julius were back home, and Luminae was rummaging through her new packages. She had gotten both of her guitars, and she was more excited than a toddler going to Chucky Cheeses. She pulled her first guitar out, and it was black with silver frets, then she pulled out a second one. A 2002 Les Paul Gibson, grey with an ebony finish around the neck. When Julius saw the guitars, he nearly watered at the mouth. He just stood there, staring blankly at the guitars. Selena came into Luminae’s room behind Julius.
“Those are some nice guitars,” Selena said, sweetly.
“Thanks, Lena,” Luminae said, as she put the guitars on their stands.
“I must say, that is some serious hardware,” Julius said.
“Yeah, do you two want to order some instruments?” Luminae asked.
“Sure, I need a new amp,” Julius replied.
“And I am thinking about getting a new guitar, I just can’t let go of the hotrod,” Selena said.
“What kind of amp, Julius?” Luminae asked.
“A Marshall with 300 watts,” Julius replied.
“You want to be packing sound, don’t you?” Luminae said.
“Yeah,” Julius said.
“Lena, I got the guitar just for you, it’s a Squier M-70. It has jumbo frets, and a single cutaway, set-net blue body,” Luminae said.
“Sounds nice, I will take it,” Selena smiled, and walked out of Luminae’s room. Julius walked over to Luminae, and sat down on the floor next to her, admiring her guitars.
At dawn, Vicious 2 awoke on the couch; he got up to check on his daughter. He walked into his bedroom, and watched her as she slept soundly. Her pink hair, covered her face, and she favored her mother so well, with her eyes closed. In Vicious 2’s eyes, she was always cursed with his green pupils. He smiled as she squirmed in his velvet sheets. He left the room, and closed the door behind him. He picked his shirt up off of the loveseat of the couch, and put it on; not bothering to button it up. Then he grabbed his katana off of the coat rack, and strapped over his shoulder as he left the apartment.
Before leaving the apartment building, Vicious 2 rubbed to bottles of sun tan lotion all over the parts of his body that were revealed. When got on the streets, he began walking down Syndicate Ave. He walked and walked until he reached the inner city, where he stumbled upon what looked like a crime scene. He saw chalk where the dead bodies laid, and he could even see traces of dried up blood. The safety tape was torn, probably from nosy bystanders, and it looked like they were getting ready to clean it all up. Just as Vicious 2 turned to leave, he heard three loud gunshots. He vanished before they could hit him, and he ended up atop a large skyscraper, three times bigger than the Empire State building. He was so high up, that he saw nothing but the yellow skies that the sun shined brightly upon.
“I see you’ve become more coordinated,” Malkav’s voice spoke across from Vicious 2, as they stood back to back on the building, each on the opposite edge of the skyscraper.
“I see you’ve taken your anger out on a lot of people,” Vicious 2 said.
“Not really, that was just dinner and a little bit of fun. You could ask your brother, Zero, but I think he will be in the obituaries soon. Vicious 2 gritted his teeth, and grabbed the handle of his katana that was now hanging off of his waists.
“Bitch!” Vicious 2 yelled. Malkav smiled, and reached for his casull that was on the inside of his coat.
“Yes, he was almost a worthy opponent,” Malkav said.
“So, I must kill you once again,” Vicious 2 said.
“You didn’t kill anything, but my dignity!” Malkav grew angry just that quick, and he touched his forehead. “Your anger has subsided since the day of Melanie’s death.”
“That is where you are wrong; I will never let you forget what you did to Melanie, nor my fucking name!” Vicious 2 said, and vanished, as Malkav fired savagely at him. Malkav turned back around, and Julius brought his unsheathed katana down on Malkav. Malkav jumped back and fired another shot, at Vicious 2. Vicious 2 landed on the edge of the roof, and hit the bullet away with his katana.
“You’re not a true vampire, just a phony, like that bitch of yours,” Malkav said.
“Bastard!” Vicious 2 yelled, and launched in Malkav’s directions. Malkav blocked the towering katana with the long shaft of his casull, and he shot before the gun was cut in half, but Vicious 2 moved his head to the side away from the bullet. Vicious 2 landed on both feet, and he started slashing from side to side at Malkav, who grabbed the katana, and tried to break it. Vicious 2 leaned forward, and headbutted Malkav, and pulled the blade from Malkav’s palms, causing them to bleed. Malkav stepped back, and looked at the blood on his hands, and he stared back at Vicious 2.
“You shall pay for all of the mental pain you’ve caused me,” Malkav said, almost calmly, as he closed his eyes, and summoned a scythe with a chrome blade, and a handle made of dark black marble. Vicious 2 licked the blood off of the blade of his katana.
“I own the possession of your soul,” Vicious 2 stated, as he pointed the katana at Malkav.
“Sure,” Malkav said, as he swung the scythe at Vicious 2’s feet. Vicious 2 jumped and stabbed the katana dead at Malkav’s chest. Malkav brought the scythe back up to block it from his chest. While still in mid-air, Vicious 2 spun around, and sliced at Malkav’s neck. Malkav moved back, and hit Vicious 2 with the handle of the scythe. Vicious 2 landed on the hard cement, and rolled over as the scythe blade came down on him. The scythe was so forceful that it cracked the cement, giving Vicious 2 enough time to kick the scythe from Malkav’s grip. When Vicious 2 got up, Malkav punched him, and he dropped the katana. He tried to grab it before it fell off of the roof, but Malkav grabbed him by his shirt, and held him in the air as he punched him repeatedly. He threw Vicious 2 to the ground, and Vicious 2 started to slowly crawl to his feet. Malkav ran at Vicious 2, and tried to kicking him like a soccer ball. Vicious 2 bent over backwards, and sprung to his feet by using his hands to bounce him up. He twirled around, and brought the back of his fist to Malkav’s face. Malkav ducked, and shot a kick to Vicious 2’s side. Vicious 2 caught his leg, and pulled him into his fist. Vicious 2 punched at him again, and Malkav blocked, throwing a punch of his own. Vicious 2 flew to the tar ground of the roof, where his face thudded against the solid turf. Vicious 2 got up, bleeding from his lip and his face a punctured mess that started to heal immediately.
“I can’t wait to feast upon your being,” Malkav said.
“Better said then done, Malkav,” Vicious 2 said, as he drew a handful of Milky’s throwing knifes. “Remember these?!”
Vicious 2 tossed the sharp knives one at a time at Malkav’s torso. Malkav punched all of them away with his bare fists. Vicious2 ran at Malkav, and they locked their arms up into a grapple. Vicious 2 could feel the strength in Malkav’s arms, strength far stronger than his own. They both tried to knee each other in the gut, but both of their knees met repeatedly. Vicious 2 twisted his own arm, and broke it in three places, then he pulled it from Malkav’s grip. He jerked it back in place, and punched him with his shattered arm. As Malkav staggered back, Vicious 2 tackled him, and they both fell off of the skyscraper. Malkav dug his claws into the windows of the building, and broke through one of them, leaving Vicious 2 to fall just as his brother did. As he plummeted from the massive structure, he was grabbed by a large ray of light that surrounded his body. It gave him a safe landing to the ground, and handed him his katana. Vicious 2 looked up at the light, and it said muttered something, and then vanished into thin air.
The smell of burnt pancakes and overcooked bacon filled the apartment. The black smoke smeared Cindy’s pale face as she prepared her breakfast. She sat at the couch, and turned the television on. She watched Real World: Venus, while she poured syrup on her pancakes.
“Did Julius teach you how to cook?” A girl with long jet black hair, and water blue eyes said. Cindy got up quickly, and wiped her hands off.
“Hi, I’m Cindy,” She said, still trying to swallow her tough food.
“I’m Ana, I have heard a lot about you from Julius,” Ana said, with a smile, her full lips were dressed up with violet red lipstick.
“Who is Julius?” Cindy asked.
“That’s your fathers name, I thought,” Ana replied.
“I always thought his name was Vici, that’s what my mother called him,” Cindy said. She walked back over to the couch, and started back eating her breakfast.
“Would you like me to make you some breakfast,” Ana asked.
“Sure if you don’t mind,” Cindy said, happily…
Be sure to root for my Selena, she is taking her driver's test tomorrow, and she is going to pass that bitch Carnie style
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Sunday, August 29, 2004
The sacrifice
Damn, its 4 in the morning, someone is going to be quite peeved at me, and it isnt going to be momma. she knows who she is, and as a matter of fact this post is about her, so Mitsurgi dont waist your time writing a comment that i am not going to read. Well, anyway, i have no idea why i am doing this, but i guess i just cant stop talking about her, and i want the world to know that i belong to this certain woman, but i cant be with her just yet. I just want her to know that i am going to remain loyal to her, throughout the rest of my school years and college years. I hope I make it, sometimes i wonder if she even believes me, I sometimes wonder if i believe myself. I know she believes me, she has told me things that no one has ever told me. I know she is the one i am to marry. I guess i will never get to be a proper bachelor, but I do get to gain true happiness, and live with me most pure hearted person i have yet to meet. My freinds are going to leave me in the dust, they are going to think i am crazy. But I dont care anymore, as of now, I dont want to live, because i cant be with her, but i hope i atleast live long enough to actaully physically see her, just to speak with her. I hope the wonderful person sitting in the heavens, and hears my prayers. If he/she doesnt, then just call me home. I cant go any longer without being able to see her. Thats why i am writing this post, i cant talk to her on msn right now. She is asleep, like the angel she is. Its time i follow my own path, and drop everything else, i have not the time to play around anymore, it is time i grow up. But at the same time, i am living in a fantasy world. A world where she and I can live happily ever after. Well, thats how its going to be, or its not happening. Bottomline, if i cant be with her, i dont want to live. For once in my life, i get to make a difference, ppl tell me that i make them happy. There you have it, I've spilled my guts to all of you, I cant believe i did this, but i just had to say something, to keep reminding her that i love her so much. I didnt say her name, everyone knows who she is, if you dont, she might reveal herself in my comments. Goodnight, well goodmorning, i'm going to go to bed now, and go to sleep while listening to korn. bye
-Vicious 2
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Monday, August 23, 2004
Call me lilith!
Thats my new nickname, i'm still down with vicious, but lilith seperates me from him
-All praise Lilith, goddess of succubae!
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Saturday, August 21, 2004
Just chillin
well, ever since i clipped mitsurgi, life has been pretty sweet. besides the algebra, i have been living it up. school isnt that bad, my first week was pretty ok, even though i am about to get a zero on a assignment in spanish. the bitch wants us to write 1-75 in spanish 10 times, and she isnt getting shit out of me. i dont even care, i will pull it up i guess, but i refuse to write that shit, anyway, i got work tomorrow, and malkav might be coming over to watch kill bill. that sounds cool. well, i just wanted to catch up with all of you, i am going to try and post something new for the pilgrimage tomorrow, i love all of you, bye
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Thursday, August 19, 2004
Yeah buddy, well i have nothing to post about really, but as you know mitsurgi is old news, all we can do is ignore him, and like a zit he will just go away. he left another long ass comment on my site, did anybody read because, i surely didnt read what he had to say, because it was complete bullshit. anyway, if he comes to your site, its just to ignore him, its time we find us a worthy opponent, because he was just plain boring, just pitful, damn, i cannot stress, he didnt even call me a bitch, damn straight, because he didnt have the balls. he can call me a bitch all he wants now, but i wont be reading it, he will just be waisting his time, because the pilgrimage has just ran over his ass.
Mitsurgi, you have just been clipped! *snip snip* now go back to the garage and get your stuff. i'm out ya'll just had to dis dude for the last time. now i gotta go figure out this algebra 3 shit, bye
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Wednesday, August 18, 2004
I thought that beefing with Mitsurgo would be fun, and we would go back and forth cussing eachother out, but i was wrong. Dude is boring as hell, he kept arguing about me having a gun, and him having a sword, as if we were actually going to fight in the first place. I kinda wish we were, because i would have gladly pop him a cap dead in the ass, just for talking bullshit. well, i guess i will have to find us someone else to beef with, maybe someone who is actually worth cussing out, because Mitsurgo was just no fun, its funner laughing at malkav when he makes fun of wing's edgeup, now thats some funny shit. i'm gone, i am going to go talk to queen vicky, long live the fucking pilgrimage!
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Monday, August 16, 2004
Under construction
I am working on my site, probably make my own pictures, i am currently working on one with vicious 2 holding a desert eagle, and malkav holding a casull. I dont know when my site will be finish, but the colors are temperary. I already miss my blue colors, so i will be switching colors and backgrounds probably weekly or bi-weekly. I dont know yet, but tell me what you think i should do, i love getting insight, and you can still pick your weapon, and while your at it, tell me what your weapon of choice is for fun. later i am going to get ready for hell, i mean school tomorrow.
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Sunday, August 15, 2004
Come get one
Well you see the pieces on the table. Pilgrimage grab you a weapon, because we start our assault I already have mine isnt it a beaut, but our first victim is Mitsurugi703 , something like that, if you want to pay him a visit, and fire a few rounds. go ahead, pick one, pilgrimage members
oh here is a few more, for last minute recruits

and these are for sinny

-Roll with Vicky or get ran over
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Friday, August 13, 2004
Thanks to all
I would like to thank all of the ppl who took up for me, and said all of those good things about me. I had one negative comment, but we dont need to worry about him, because he is unimportant, and doesnt know what the hell he is talking about. i am never going to bring this mess to my site again, because i want you guys, who like me to only get the good news, and i will just handle the rest of my dirty business where i do it best, on their site. my site, is only for cool ppl, who like me, and have a good attitude, anyone else is not permitted. so thanks to all of you, who will always be welcome to my site, Selena, Sinny, Anime4lyfe, Purgatory, Luminae, and everyone else who i didnt mention, those are just the nice ppl who commented and took up for me, that girl is lucky that pimp wasnt here, but luminae is substituting for pimp now. luminae rules, because she is taking up two jobs now, as my internet sister and internet mom, because my original internet mom is gone temperarily, you should all visit her, and check out her story on fiction press, the link is in my comments. sinny you will always be my baby sister, and of course selena, my fiance, and i dare not forget my new flock of family, i will have to give you all the password to the pilgrimage site, i am so going to bring the pilgrimage back, and give it a new look, any suggestions? well, right now i am going to go learn how to play guitar so i can be like julius or should i say vicious 3, later family
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Thursday, August 12, 2004
Sick and Tired
You know, what i am fucking sick of, fuckers trying to judge me and tell me who i am, when they have no idea who the fuck i am. This little FRESHMEN came on yahoo, talking shit about how i cant get a girl in my area, how i am such a perv, shit like that. she doesnt know me, maybe i chooose not to because, there is someone else out there for me, and i have distance myself away from the outside world temperarily, but the point that i am trying to get across, is dont come to my site, talking shit, i am only going to be more of a bitch than the person spitting the shit at me. its ppl like them that make me think low of myself, but i wont let them get me down, i got many others, who think that i am a good person, that girl ruined my fuking day, i have never called a female a bitch before in my life, but she just kept going on and on, so she got the name that she deserved, i am not going to say her name, you can just read her stupid ass comment when she comes back to talk about me, she has been bothering me from day one, and i never wanted anything to do with her, then she calls vicky a slut, that really pissed me off, because vicky is the kindest person in the world. well, since i dont have a life, as someone claims, i am going to go get ready for work. i love all of you, who visit my site with something positive to say, bye
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