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Sunday, May 2, 2004
Phase 21
Patches the Eater
Melanie screamed as she saw her husband fall over the ledge of the balcony. Malkav, Patches, and the goth made their way to the outsides.
"Where did Bingo go?" Malkav asked, still giggling from Vicious 2 falling out of the window. Melanie looked at him with tears in her eyes, "He fell," she looked down sadly.
"You really think that bitch is dead?" Malkav said with his eyebrow lifted. "And you are supposed to be his wife,"
"Yeah, can't you see that he is hanging on by the ledge." Patches said. Melanie looked down to see Vicious 2 climbing back up to the top.
"Oh," she said with a crazy look on her face.
"Dumbass," Patches said, slapping his forehead. Vicious 2 hopped up onto the balcony.
"Well if it isn't good ole Bingo the Clowno, Sire you said he looked just like the original Bingo. He looks weaker and gayer," Patches said. looking up and down at Vicious 2.
"Malkav, who is this short fuck?" Vicious 2 said, laughing at Patches.
"He is Patches, Patches the Eater," Malkav replied.
"But I thought, Patches was the tall guy that looked dead in the face," Vicious 2 said.
"Yeah, we call him Patches Jr., because before he was headlining, this little fucker was doing it, and before him was..." Malkav looked away.
"What's wrong," Vicious 2 asked.
"It's the original Bingo. He was like a son to sire," Patches said while patting Malkav's back. Vicious 2 began walking back into the church, when he entered he untied his carnie sisters.
"Damn, Bingo, you got these chicks looking hot," Malkav grabbed his crouch while staring at the uniforms that the carnies were wearing. Pimp flipped him the bird as she got loose from her noose. When the carnies were free, the red dragons made their return, this time with guns.
"Here take these," Malkav throws each of them a .454 from his coat. The goth took out two of his own from his pants.
"Lets get ready to rumble!" Patches yells as he jumps into the crowd of syndicate members, unloading his .454s upon them. The goth followed shortly, he fired accurately at them. Vicious 2 looked at the goth, and knew that Malkav had brought out his insanity, giving him the power to move swiftly. The carnie women jumped into action. Melanie stayed close to Vicious 2 while they double teamed the on coming syndicate members. The goth ran out of bullets and threw the guns down, as he ripped through a red dragon's face brutally. He was nearly unstoppable, he was whipping ass like Jet Li on crack. Spike and Zero joined in after they picked the machine guns up off of the ground. The machine guns sprayed violently at Vicious 2 and Melanie. Vicious 2 dashed down the aisle holding Melanie's hand. When they had to reload, Vicious 2 and Melanie charged at them. Blood and gore was everywhere as Vicious 2 sliced their heads with his katana, and Melanie bit the others, and sucked their blood. The carnies scattered with their weapons in their hands. Selena still had her blindfold on, when she moved out of the way of the oncoming bullets. Pimp covered Wolfy, and Wolfy returned the favor. Luminae shot and faught the syndicate at the same time. Steelgirl ran out of bullets and commenced to pistol whipping the syndicate as they attacked her.
Malkav walked the syndicate members down. He hadn't fired one bullet and he had already killed over half of them. He drew his .454 and fired at the swarm of red dragons grouping up around the carnie women. Vicious 2 and Melanie were seperated in the battle. Patches jumped on top of Melanie, before the bullets could hit her. Melanie hopped up and jumped onto the one who shot at her. While she viciously ripped through the guy, Patches stared at the pink thong she was wearing when her short schoolgirl dress flew up.
"Look at that ass," Patches said. He began to get a painful erection as he thought about that damn squirrel. Then he was shot in the arm.
"Goddammit Patch," Malkav said. He ran over to Patches who was crying. "Stop that shit, dammit. You know you've been through worse. Patches sniffles and looks up at Malkav.
"Oh yeah," Patches said before shooting another syndicate member. Vicious 2 ran through as many syndicate members with his sword as he could to get back to Melanie. He ended up in the altar facing about twenty men with only a katana in his hand. They emptied their guns on him, and he jumped back and landed in the choir stand. Melanie ran at the men, who turned around and began to shoot at her. The bullets ripped through her whole body, but she managed to reach them, and she unleashed a fury so savage, that even the goth stopped to look at her. After she was done, all of them men lay in pieces, and in an ocean of their own blood. The last swarm of syndicate members came in, and the goth pulled out two handfuls of throwing knifes. Vicious 2 got up, and you would think he was a zombie if it were for his eyes. They were pinkisk red on the outer area of his iris. The blood red crows feet were nearly popping out of them, and they were wide opened. He jumped over the choir stand, and a bloody eye needle fell to the floor. Malkav looked at him and said, "What the hell, is that the drug he has been using." When he saw Vicious 2 run through the crowd of the men, pummeling them with only his katana without being touched, "Damn, I guess that is the drug," Malkav said before reloading his .454. Pimp pulled out her katana again, and she was surrounded by syndicate members. She jumped into the air before they fired, and Selena came by slashing with her two katanas. When Pimp landed she cut one of them in half straight down the middle. Sindalla looked around for Zero, and he was nowhere to be found then she looked up at the top of the church and saw Zero fighting someone similar to the windmaster. He was alittle taller and lankier, he looked kind of nervous, but he seemed to be stronger than Zero, but not faster or smarter. He had these long blades poking from his sleeves, and he was swinging them at Zero. Zero ducked them, and kicked him in the stomach. Zero uppercutted him, and waited for him to get up. When he did, Zero got into his fighting stance. The lanky man stabbed at Zero, who sprung back, almost falling off of the balcony. Melanie recognized the guy as the first person she ever bit, and ran towards the balcony. The man lifted Zero by his shirt and leaned him towards the shattered window. When Zero saw Melanie coming, he punched the guy in the nose as hard as he could, and Melanie pushed the skinny bastard out of the window as Zero moved to the side.
"Thanks," Zero said. Melanie looks at him, and jumps off of the balcony and ran into the crowd to help Vicious 2. While Vicious 2 is fighting the syndicate members, he notice that they aren't the syndicate. He sees the inside of their jackets are blood red, and they have an amulet that says "CT" in gothic lettering. He dodges a punch from one of them and cuts their head off, and takes the amulet. Melanie was showing a side of herself that no one has ever seen. Her eyes are slightly red, and the sun was not bothering her at all as it beamed in brightly from the broken windows. Patches runs through the crowd killing everyone in site to get to Malkav. Malkav gives him the katana called the asura, "Remember Patches, the blood stays on the sword," Malkav orders.
"Alright, sire," Patches hugs Malkav before going into battle. Malkav pushes him off of him, "Not now Patches," Malkav begins blowing the last few of these weird gang members away. Vicious 2 threw his sword at the last one, and Melanie chased after it and jumped onto the sword, using its velocity to drive it right through the man's chest. She walked back to Vicious 2, and gave him a nasty kiss with the blood of different men on her breath and lips, leaking into his mouth.
"Look at this sick gothic shit right here," Malkav said as he saw Melanie and Vicious 2 giving each other kisses that you only see in pornos.
"Damn, someone is getting major laid tonight, and I am taping that shit," Patches says while staring at the couple. The goth throws his last knife into the dead body of one of his victims and stands next to Malkav. Vicious 2 walks over to them, "Malkav, who is the new kid?"
"This is Milky, your brother," Malkav replies. "He can't talk though, I think I messed that up when I pulled out his insanity." Vicious 2 looks into his eyes and sees the grey eyes that roll around in Vicious' head. "He looks just like Vicious, only if it wasn't for his brown hair," Vicious 2 says. Then he thinks for a minute, "Wait. Hey Zero, when did your mother die?" Zero looks at him and shrugs his shoulders. "That means that our mother is somewhere out there" Vicious implies.
After the brutal battle, the carnie sisters decide that that is enough fighting for now, and they go back on vacation. Sindalla stays with Zero and Spike. Malkav and Patches leave off to work on their carnival, and Vicious 2 tells them that they can open it up in the large backyard of the mansion.
Vicious 2 begins to notice a change in Melane. She begins to feed more often, she walks out in the daylight, and she is always hungry. It gets worse when her belly begins to come in. She evens get angry when the baby kicks. Patches touched her belly, and the baby kicked, then Melanie kicked him.
"Goddammit Mel....," Maklav slaps him before he can get the whole name out.
"Just refer to her as Ms. Vicious," Malkav orders.
"Yes, sire," Patches says. Melanie sneers at him and walks away. Vicious 2 touches her belly, then she kicks him. He falls to the floor grabbing his crouch.
"Damn, that child," Vicious 2 says while beating his fist against the floor.
"You need to put her in her place," Malkav said.
"She is already there," Vicious 2 gets up slowly. "I just hope she goes back to normal after this child is born."
"And I thought I was to create the anticrist, but Bingo you just maybe boring the worst child ever. Malkav laughs loudly. "That is what you get for killing all of those people."
"Lets get rid of this antichrist stuff, and get to some fun," Patches said.
"Yeah, Bingo lets get some beers and look back on old times," Malkav says seriously.
"Yeah let me go ask Melanie," Vicious 2 says before going into the kitchen.
"Look at this shit, a grown ass man asking his wife if he can go out," Malkav says to Patches.
"Yeah, what a bitch," Patches adds.
"He has alot to learn," Malkav says. Some glass breaks and Vicious 2 comes running out of the kitchen. "I guess that is a yes, lets go quickly!" Vicious 2 dashes out of the front door.
Vicious 2, Milky, Patches, and Malkav arrive at this strip club. Patches sees all of the girls and runs over to them. Vicious 2 sits next to Malkav and Milky.
"Welcome to my world, Bingo," Malkav said. Milky nodded, he was like Malkav's left hand man since Patches had the right hand reserved. A hot milf walks over to Vicious 2.
"Want a job baby?" She says.
"What kind of job?" Vicious 2 asked.
"Any kind," She touches Vicious 2's button on his pants. "My name is Spreadsiteasy." Malkav turns his head from looking at the stripper on stage and laughing with Milky. "Mom! What the fuck!?" Vicious 2's mouth opens wide.
"What are you doing here, better yet how the hell are you still living?" Malkav say hectically.
"You're not the only immortal," She shows her fangs.
"And now you are still walking around doing what you did all through your pregnancy," Malkav begins to get emotional. Milky pats Malkav's back.
"Get off me, bitch!" Milky jumps back away from Malkav.
"Stop this momma. I dont even know if I can touch you anymore,'' Malkav gets up and walks away.
"So, do you want the job or not?" She looks at Vicious 2.
"No thanks, I'm married," Vicious 2 gets up and walks after Malkav and Milky.
Malkav and Milky stand in the alley smoking opium. Vicious 2 follows them.
"Malkav, what the fuck just happened?" Vicious 2 asks.
"Shut the hell up! You were going to do it," Malkav says.
"No I wasn't," Vicious 2 argues.
"So my mom is not good enough for you, huh?" Malkav says. "I'm sorry, here want some of this shit," he offers some opium to Vicious 2.
"No thanks man," Vicious 2 says. Patches comes into the alley, and he is weak at the knees.
"Hey sire, I did it. I got the whole nine," Patches says. Malkav turns his head, he can smell the vodka on Patches' breath.
"Her name is Spreadsiteasy," Patches says. Malkav looks at him with his eyes turning blood red and wide. He punches Patches to the ground.
"Sire why?"
"That was my fucking mom!" He begins to kick Patches' ass. He stumped him viciously. Milky jumped in and started to stump Patches too.
"You little bitch! Watch back Milky" Milky moves out of the way as Malkav elbow drops Patches. Patches starts to cry from his beating. Malkav pulls him up by his coat, and smells his mom's perfume. "The stench." He punches Patches repeatedly and throws to the ground. When Patches slowly began to get up, Milky kicks him in the face.
"We'll be cool tomorrow, Patches, but right now I'm pissed. Come on Milky," Malkav and Milky walk away.
"Goddamn Patches," Vicious 2 says as he tries to help him up. Patches is in a daze, but he manages to get up.
They arrive at the mansion an hour later. Melanie is waiting for Vicious 2 in the living room when they enter.
The first thing she sees is Patches, and his battered face.
"What happened to his little ass?" Melanie asks, pointing at Patches.
"Long story," Vicious 2 says as he sits next to Melanie, careful not touch her stomach. Malkav walks up to the guest bedroom. Patches tries to follow, but Milky pushes him back, and follows after Malkav.
Melanie sits on the couch next to Vicious 2, looking at him meanly.
"Go fix me a sandwich bitch," She orders. Vicious 2 gives her a look. "Ok, sure," Vicious 2 says.
"Damn straight, now hurry your lanky ass up, and it better be perfect, no crusts dammit. I swear if I see crusts, I am going to chew on your damn neck," Melanies says. Melanie sounds like a toddler, her voice is so soft, a mean one at that.
"Ahh.. Vici, forget the sandwich, I think the baby is coming," Melanie says, soundin like her normal self. Vicious 2 runs out of the kitchen, and picks her up and takes her outside.
"Dont worry, I will get you there in no time," Vicious 2 puts her in the car and speeds off to the hospital. When they get there, she is immediately taken to a room to begin her labor. Vicious 2 waited in the lobby for about six hours until they called him in. She was still in labor and strangely the babies feet came out first. Vicious 2 began to whimper when he saw his wifes's tight womanhood being stretched. He went to Melanie's bedside.
"I'm here for you," He reaches his hand out for her. She smiles at him and looks away and begins screaming. She reaches for his hand and feels a finger. She grips it tightly.
"Vici, aaaah! are you wearing a glove?" She yelps louder as the baby comes out. Vicious 2 is petrified and and his eyes are widened. He looks down and sees that her grip is not on either of his hands. They scream at the same time as the baby comes out feet first. Melanie sighs with a deep breath and closes her eyes. Vicious 2 falls to his knees when Melanie lets go of him.
"Mrs. Smith here is you newborn baby girl," The nurse hands her baby to her. Vicious 2 slowly gets up to look at his daughter.
"Look at that, she looks just like you," Vicious 2 says, smiling.
"Yeah, but she has your eyes," Melanie said with the baby in her arms.
"Thats her only curse," Vicious 2 sighs.
"No, its an honor," Melanie says. The nurse interrupts and asks, "What will her name be?" Melanie smiles and looks into Vicious 2's eyes, and says, "Cindy."
Comments (2) |
Friday, April 30, 2004
Hey what up
Just here to tell all of you that I am going to start posting different video games, so you can review them. This will be some side entertainment for the war that is coming up soom. Yep there is a war. When Malkav gives the word, I am kicking major ass. My sisterin, if you want to join in, please do. Our home of mecca will be defended. I am going to whip some major ass. Because the legendary undertaker is back, and kicking ass again. He is the one of the few men that i still consider wrestlers, besides my list of ultra sweet kick ass wrestlers. with billy kidman at the top of the list. I am going to do a shootstar one of these fucking days or die trying. Anyway Malkav guess what bitch? We are back, and more notorious than ever. This goes deeper than carnie shit, but we are going to keep it strictly carnie style. Milky might be making his big debut on otaku, and there will be hell to pay. that little bitch is savage, he made me cry. That is how bad that fucker is. For all my Phase fans, Phase 21 will be up tomorrow, and it is the shit. until then have a nice day, and continue to whip that ass carnie style. LEMONS!!!!
Comments (3) |
Thursday, April 29, 2004
I want to thank all of the people who have stuck with me, and following my story especially the people who have been here since day one. I cant explain how thankful I am, but if I could I would go around the world to each and everyone of you guys houses and give you a fat ass hug. I love you guys *cries* i will continue the phases even though it is almost the end, but stay tuned because there is a story coming soon to selena's site, and there is already a story at luminae's site, its a good one. And pimp has her own website coming up, and it is going to be the shit. so please visit her tight ass site as well. once again thanks, and this wouldnt be possible if it were'nt for Malkav so thank his ass as well, he is the one who helped me to be a an ok writer. Phase 21 is on the horizon, and look out for the throne coming either late 2004 or 2005. later bye everyone and thanks again
Comments (3) |
Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Phase 20
The Epiphany
Vicious 2 knew it was time to face his fear, the fear that burned through his body when he saw Perriot La Fou. He pointed his cane right at Brittany, and Vicious 2 ran and dove on top of Brittany and her groom as the explosion hit the altar. Vicious 2 got up only to see Red Dragon Clan members coming through the shattered windows. Spike and Zero pulled their guns and the Carnie women did the same. The people who attended the wedding began to run out of the sanctuary. Brittany's husband to be was shot right between the eyes. She screamed as he fell to the floor. In the abyss of the massacre, Vicious 2 stood facing Perriot, who began to walk down the aisle. Vicious 2's hair covered his face fully as he did the same. Brittany hid behind the Carnie women who drew their weapons.
Pimp unsheathed her new katana that Vicious 2 got her for her birthday. It had a purple handle and sheath, and it was outlined in gold. There was a pair of gold horns on the end of the handle. Selena pulled out her sharp katanas with black cloth wrapped around the handles, and put on her blindfold. Luminae and Wolfy pulled out two chrome pistols each. Steelgirl pulled out a pair of sawed off shotguns. Sindalla had Zero's gun in her hand, and Melanie stood next to her and Brittany with her fangs out, and she was growling. They stayed together as a unit to protect against the incoming Red Dragon Members.
Vicious 2 met face to face with Perriot.
"Why are doing this? What the fuck do you want from me!" Vicious 2 screamed. Perriot said nothing as he pointed the cane at Vicious 2. Vicious 2 swayed to the side as the explosion went off, hitting Brittany's groom's dead body, and Brittany screamed insanely. Vicious 2 was enraged as he swung his katana violently and ruthlessly. Surprisingly, Perriot moved swiftly to be so big, he was nearly flying. He ducked when the katana blade went over his head, and he bashed Vicious 2 over the head with the cane. He stomped Vicious 2 onto the floor, and when he tried to drive his foot into Vicious 2's chest, Vicious 2 grabbed it and twisted it. Perriot fell on his stomcach almost causing an earthquake. As soon as Perriot turned over on his back, Vicious 2 jumped on top of him and began punching him savagely. He screamed and growled as his fists punctured Perriot's face. Perriot didn't seem to be fazed as he grabbed Vicious 2's neck. He squeezed tighter, making Vicious 2 stop punching. Vicious 2's eyes turn red while Perriot gets off of the floor with his hand wrapped tightly around Vicious 2's throat. Vicious 2 pointed the cane at his chest, and Perriot slammed Vicious 2 into the pughs before he could make fire it. When Vicious 2 landed, Red Dragon's attacked him. They all slammed down on him with two katanas in each hand. As they landed, Vicious 2 pulled the trigger on the cane, and blew them away.
Pimp saw the explosion as her sword swiped across a syndicate member's neck. Selena ducked and dodged the blades of the Red Dragon members. Luminae shot perfectly, making ever bullet count as she hit everyone who came at her between their eyes. Steelgirl blew them all away with the sawed off shotguns, and Wolfy covered for her while she reloaded. Melanie was having an all you can eat buffet. Brittany looked at her in disgust as she viciously bit the necks of her victims that Sindalla shot down.
Spike was surprised to see Perriot in the building. He shot at him a couple of times before being attacked by the syndicate members. Zero and Spike hid behind the pughs while shooting down the Red Dragons.
"Damn, this is the last time I go to a wedding with you ass, son," Spike says, reloading his gun. Zero smirks and shoots from the pugh.
Vicious 2 launched onto Perriot, and he noticed a rocket launcher in his hand, and used the dust to disapear. Wolfy tried to get Brittany and Julius out of the church, but she only got Julius. Everyone was captured by the syndicate. They had nooses tied around their necks. Vicious 2 grabbed his katana and charged into the syndicate members. They all slung their katanas, and Vicious 2 countered by slashing and killing them all in a bloody battle. Perriot rolled a grenade to wear Vicious 2 was.
"Vici, look out!" Melanie screamed as Vicious 2 threw the dust in the air, and disappeared. The Red Dragon Members weren't so lucky as they flew to the air from the explosion. Spike lost his guns, and began fighting the syndicate with his fists. He was in a ready stance, as they attacked him. He swayed out of the way of the blades and kicked unmercifully at anyone in the way. He punched one in the face, and uppercutted one that was behind him. Zero shot one with his last bullet, as the man tried to attack Spike on his blind side. Zero swiftly began his hand to hand combat against the syndicate.
Vicious 2 charged at Perriot with the katana in his hand. Perriot countered and threw Vicious on top of the balcony. Perriot was on top of the balcony as fast as Vicious 2 could get up. Perriot began walking on a wire, and Vicious 2 followed like a true carnie, walking on the the wire. Perriot pointed his cane, and Vicious 2 drew a pistol rapidly and fired it, hitting Perriot in the shoulder. He flipped over Perriot and landed behind him. Perriot swung his cane around, and Vicious 2 ducked. He socked Perriot in the face knocking two of his front teeth out. Perriot was pissed, and blindly attacked Vicious 2 with the cane. Vicious 2 calmy dodged him and he cut the wire, and grabbed onto the end as Perriot glided to the floor on the aisles. Vicious 2 had a safe landed when he slid down from the wire. Perriot got up, Vicious 2 grabbed his cane from off of the floor and shot him clean across the church with a huge explosion.
Four syndicate members stood in the way of the front entrance to the sanctuary, each equipped with a machine gun pointing at Vicious 2. Vicious 2 had dust in his hand, ready to be used. Then all of a sudden the front entrance door burst open, and a tall lanky man walked through, side flipping over the syndicate members, who turned around to see who he was, and with one swipe of his katana, Vicious cut off all of their heads. Vicious turned to Vicious 2.
"Uncle Vicious!" Vicious 2 yelled with a smile on his face as he ran over to him with open arms.
"You bastard," Vicious said under his breath before slashing Vicious 2 across the chest. Vicious 2 fell to the floor bleeding as Vicious walked over him.
"Spike, it's time we end this. First you, then that bitch that looks like you," Vicious' voice echoed through the church.
"Fine," Spike said while picking up a katana from the ground.
Melanie got free and ran to the front of the sanctuary. She turned Vicious 2 over on his back.
"Oh no, Vici. Don't you die on me," She said with tears falling from her face. Vicous 2's eyes were glazed over. Malkav, a short fellow, and this goth dude stood at the top balcony looking down at Vicious 2.
"What the fuck is this," Malkav said sternly as he looked at Vicious 2. "Bingo, you know that you aren't going to die. So get your strawny ass up!" Malkav said.
"Yeah, bitch. You heard what sire said," The little man said. The goth dude just stood there looking crazy.
Vicious 2 could hear Melanie's pleas, but he couldn't get up or maybe he didn't want to. He couldn't believe this was happening to him.
"What the hell are you crying for? You were going to do the same thing to him , after you"ve finished using him," Vicious said looking down at Melanie. She looked up at him, "Shut up!" She screamed when she tried to get up, only to be stabbed by Vicious' katana. Vicious 2's eyes opened wide as he saw his wife fall to the floor screaming in pain. The cold silver was burning inside of her skin. Vicious walked up to the altar to face Spike.
"Bingo, get your ass up," Malkav said while getting pissed.
"Stop your futile pleas, the person that I was closest to is gone, and there is no way of bringing him back," Vicious said looking Malkav in the eyes.
"Bingo! Get up before I kick his ass for you," Malkav said as he drew his .454. Vicious 2 rose to like a man rising from the dead. He got up and gathered his katana in his hand. Vicious was alittle surprised to see him actually get up.
"Well I guess you are my son," Vicious said. Vicious 2 stopped in his tracks.
"Yeah, that's right, so you can stop calling me Uncle Vicious, SON!" Vicious said angrily.
"Dont call me that, you are nothing but a dead body to me now. You fucked up, you hurt Melanie!" Vicious 2 said as he began to walk again.
"Oh, so first you betray me and now you want to kill me. Fine! But remember one thing Julius, a snake cannot eat a dragon," Vicious warned.
"And a dragon is not heartless, a snake is," Vicious 2 countered. Vicious 2 walked further. Perriot was getting up with a grenade in his hand and he was crying like a bitch. Vicious 2 shot him in the head with his pistol from the corner of his eye, and the grenade went off in Perriot's hand, blowing him to pieces.
"You are going to kill me with my own katana? I dont think so, you will just have to die along with Spike and your brother.
"What?" Vicious 2 stopped in his tracks.
"Yeah, your brother is standing over there," Vicious pointed to Zero. Vicious 2 looked at Zero and thought "That is why everytime I look him in the face, his eyes are so familiar. He has my fucking eyes."
"Spike, we must have the same taste in women. We cant stay away from eachother's girl," Vicious said with a smirk.
"You know what they say. What goes around comes around," Spike countered. Vicious was infuriated, what Spike had just said made him think of Julia. Spike neared Vicious at the altar.
"Wait!" Vicious 2 yelled at Spike. "I am going to kill my father."
"Huh?" Vicious looked at him strangely.
"Vicious, only I can kill you and set you free," Vicious 2 said.
"Well it is easier said than done," Vicious said. Vicious 2 walked up to the altar with the katana grasped tightly in his hand. Vicious stood ready, as Vicious 2 neared the altar. Vicious swung the katana in a downward position, and Vicious 2 swung his in an upward position. They met halfway, they stared into eachother's eyes with the blades scraping eachother. They broke away from eachother, Vicious immediatley swung his katana at Vicious 2's neck. Vicious 2 ducked and slashed at Vicious' gut, and Vicious jumped back. Their blades competed furiously, the sound of sharp metal clanking together echoed throughtout the sanctuary. The church was nearly destroyed and the syndicate watched as the nearly identical father and son battled eachother. Vicious 2 jumped as Vicious swung the katana below his feet. They were nearly equal as the battle raged on. They both threw their katanas at each other at the same time, each catching the others katana. Vicious 2's hand began to bleed because he had caught Vicious' katana by the blade. Vicious caught the handle of his old katana. He used it more efficiently too, Vicious 2 could barely keep up with Vicious as the katana cut him on the arms and in the face. Vicious 2 blocked the katana when it came at him with Vicious' katana, and grabbed hold of his arm. He pulled and twisted until Vicious let go of the katana. Vicious kicked the katana out of Vicious 2's hand, as he dropped his. Both katanas laid on the ground. Vicious hit Vicious 2 in the face with his open palm, breaking his nose. Then he kicked Vicious 2 between his legs, and bashed his face with his knee. Vicious held him up with a tight grip on his shirt. Vicious 2 punched Vicious in his gut as hard as he could. A combination of spit and blood came out of Vicious. Vicious 2 shoved him backward, and leveled him with a roundhouse kick. When Vicious got up, Vicious 2 began punching him left and right and right to left. He used his tricks he that he did when he was Bingo the Clowno. He puts his hand on Vicious' chest. Vicious looked down at a fist came right at his face. Vicious blocked the last punch, and Vicious 2 disapeared with his magic dust. He was behind Vicious, and he dropkicked him onto the floor. Vicious flipped Vicious 2 over as he tried to pounce onto him. Vicious 2 grabbed his katana while he did a front flip out of the last unshattered window. He landed on his back. Selena screamed as she saw Vicious 2 fly out of the window. The Carnie women looked on with fear in their eyes. Malkav and Patches laughed their asses off when Vicious 2 flew threw the window.
Vicious jumped out of the window after him. Vicious 2 was alittle out of it, and Vicious started to strip Vicious 2 of his Red Dragon attire.
"You don't deserve to wear my clothing," He rips the overcoat off of him. "Give me my goddamn tie," Vicious takes his tie back and puts it back in his pocket. When Vicious grabbed the collar of Vicious 2's shirt, he struck right in the face. Vicious 2 kicked him in his stomach, and went for another punch, but Vicious cut his arm with his katana. Vicious 2 did a jump kick and knocked Vicious to the ground. Vicious 2 picked his katana up while Vicious was getting up, touching the blood on his lips. Their katanas met in another power struggle, and Vicious 2 broke the struggle with a headbutt. Then slashed the katana at Vicious, but only cut the string making his overcoat come off. Vicious stumbled around for a minute, then block Vicious 2's katana, and stabbed him with a knife. Vicious 2 dropped to one knee and let go of his katana. He looked up at his father, who had his katana in the air about to drive it into his chest. Melanie jumped onto his back. Before she could bite him, he flipped her over his shoulder.
"AAAAHHH!!," Vicious 2 screamed as he tackled Vicious off of the outside balcony before he could hurt Melanie, and they fell into the darkness at the bottom of the big church.
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Sunday, April 25, 2004
Phase 19
The Impossibility of Reason
Vicious 2 stood before the syndicate, and he was being tried for the murder of a fellow red dragon member. An elderly Syndicate member took over in Vicious 2's place.
"Julius, you are being tried on behalf of the Red Dragon Clan," The elder said. "You have betrayed us, and Julius, you must be punished."
"Fine, kill me now," Vicious 2 said knowing that they wouldn't do it. A member pulled his weapon.
"Put your weapons down, he is going to be executed," The elder said before ordering them to take him away.
Before Vicious made it to his destination, he decided to pay the judge that sentenced him to prison a visit. The judge lived in a nice house, and had a range rover in the front. As Vicious passed by it, he saw a car" STYLE="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: medium solid green;" HREF="|1||||cars|AA1VDw">car seat in there. He knocked on the door with his face hidden by his hair and the hood from his jacket. The judge's wife answered the door, "May I help you sir."
"Why yes, you can tell Jesus Christ, I said hi," Vicious said before knocking her to the ground.
"Run, Jeremey!" She told her little son. He didn't budge as he saw his mother being shot with a rifle. Vicious didn't pay too much attention to the kid, as he left his mother in a bloody mess. Vicious walked upstairs to where he heard a room with loud music playing, it must have been his daughter's room. The Brittany Spears music played loudly through the room.
"Toxic, I hate that damn song," Vicious said as he kicked the door in. When he entered he saw the judge with his pants down on top of a fifteen year old girl, covering her mouth.
"You sick bastard," Vicious said.
"What are you doing here?" the judge asked with a look of fear in his face.
"I told you that a serpeant's venom poison's slowly after the bite," Vicious said looking at the judge and then at the girl who was crying. "Why the hell are you fucking this kid when you have, well had a wife that looked decent." The judged was devastated, and the girl began to cry even harder.
"Why did you kill my wife?" The judge began to weep.
"Don't cry you sick bastard, I mean look at you. You have your dick inside of your own seed. You deserved to die," Vicious said angrily.
"Is this all over the fact that I sentenced you to death?" The judge whined.
"It was, but now it is more than that, and your wife was just in the wrong place at the wrong time," Vicious began to make his way over to the bed. The judge tried to get up, and when he did there was a puddle of blood staining the sheets.
"Damn, you didn't even wear a condom," Vicious says before grabbing him by the hair. "The pureness of this girl was spoiled by her own creator, you should be shame," Vicious takes out a bloody eye needle and stabs him the eye with it. The judge screams as the bloody eye runs though his pupil and leaks into his brain.
"You will die slowly right in front of your seed," Vicious slices the man's stomach open revealing his insides. He leaves the man to die in his daughter's room. Vicious turns the radio to another channel, and "Bodies" echoed through the house.
"Now that is music," He smirks at the girl as he leaves the room. On his way out of the house, the toddler kicked Vicious in the leg. Vicious looked at the child and saw himself all over again.
"Kid, you remind of someone I know," He wasn't going to kill the kid then he realized that the kid was going to lead a life just like his, and he didn't want to wish that burden on anyone. He looked into the teary eyes of the child, and grabbed him by his face.
"Goodbye kid, have nice time with your mother in the afterlife," The kid kicks and fights as Vicious picks him up and throws him out of the window and onto the front lawn. He grabs the keys to the Range Rover, and walks out of the house. As he leaves he sees the kid lying in the yard with his eyes wide open looking at him with an acusing look.
"Julius, you have broken the trust of the of the Syndicate, and you must pay with your life. Any last words?" The elder says as he orders the members to point their guns at Vicious 2.
Vicious 2 was battered and bruised, he was tied to up by his arms as he was about to be executed. He looked into the eyes of elder and said, "No." He thought to himself "I'm sorry Melanie," He closed his eyes as he waited for his death. A gunshot rang out and Red Dragon member fell to the floor. Two more rang out and Vicious 2 was free as the bullets freed his hands. Then Zero and Sindalla came out of nowhere shooting Red Dragons left and right. Sindalla saw Vicious 2's katana on the ground, and she threw it to him. He caught it, unsheathed it, and sliced the throat of the first person in site. Zero threw a smoke bomb, while Sindalla shot most of the members. The elder stayed behind his chair while the bullets were flying everywhere. Zero and Sindalla ran out of bullets, and they ran for cover as the remaining men shot at them with machine guns. Vicious 2 sliced one man in half and beheaded another as a swarm of more men ran in. Out of nowhere comes this thin girl with katanas in her hands and a blind fold covering her face. She moved fluidly as she slaughtered the men left and right, she dodged alll of the bullets that came at her, and killed the people who dared to shoot at her. She made her way to Vicious 2.
"Selena, what are you doing here?" Vicious 2 said as he was back to back with her.
"I couldn't let them kill you," She replies as she kills another man.
"Well it looks futile, or maybe not," He grabs Selena and throws the magic dust into the air as he reappears behind the men. They pick up machine guns and shoots the rest of them. Vicious 2 grabs his katana in his hand and nears the chair where the elder sat. The elder jumps out with a katana in his hand. Vicious 2 blocks his aerial attack with the katana. He tries to stab Vicious 2, but misses every slash. Vicious 2's katana clashed with his. The elder swung his katana like a baseball bat, and Vicious 2 ducked, and slashed across him the face. The man's face began to bleed slightly as Vicious swept him off of his feet. The man hopped up and looked Vicious 2 right in his face. Vicious 2 stood ready with the sword in his hand. The elder started his assault all over again while Vicious 2 moved out of the way of the slashes. Their swords met in a power struggle. The elder broke the struggle by kickng Vicious 2 in the stomach. He then tried to stab Vicious 2 in his chest, but Vicious caught the blade in his arm pit, and pulled him closed to him, then he gave him a couple of headbutts. The elder grabbed his forehead on the last headbutt, and gave Vicious 2 a headbutt of his own, knocking him to the ground. The elder then jumped at Vicious 2 who threw his katana upward. The man landed on his feet with katana in his gut. Vicious 2 kicked him to his knees, and pulled his katana out of him and said, "And You will SHED TEARS OF SCARLET!" Vicious 2 slices the man's throat so hard that his head came completely off. Zero walks over to Vicious 2, "I was just returning the favor, and I am no longer chasing after you anymore."
"You didn't have to try and save me, but thanks anyway," Vicious 2 extends his hand towards Zero. Zero shakes it.
"I am so glad that you are ok Vicious," Sindalla said. She hugs him before she leaves with Zero. Selena takes her blindfold off and sheathes her katanas.
"I didn't think we were going to make it," Selena says as she puts her arm around Vicous 2's shoulder.
"Me neither," Vicious 2 said.
"You and Zero seem to have a bond," Selena said as she watched Zero and Sindalla leave.
"We don't, we are just on good terms, but when I look at him in the face; I see his eyes that look very familiar to me," Vicious 2 said. They left the building and went back to the mansion.
It was the day of the wedding and Brittany was very nervous. Vicious 2 sat in the corner playing with his son. Little Julius had begun to call him dad as well. They were becoming very close. Melanie watched happily as they played. She walked over to them and picked Julius up into her arms.
"He is adorable, I hope our baby is as cute as he is," She says while smiling at the child and kissing him. His hair was as long as the original Vicious, it hadn't gotten as long Vicious 2's just yet, his eyes were grey unlike Vicious 2' eyes that were a lime gree color. Luminae came in and said, "Come on the ceremony is beginning." Vicious 2 gave his son to Brittany as he entered the santuary to take his seat next to Melanie and the carnie sisters. They were all dressed in their Red Dragon uniforms despite their slight altercation. Zero and Spike sat in the back. Zero winked at Sindalla who was in the front row with the Carnies. Brittany's fiance was standing at the altar while Brittany made her way there. She had a long way to go as she entered the large sanctuary. She smiled at Vicious 2 with Julius in her arms. The preacher began the ceremony, and then an uninvited guest walked in, and Vicious 2 looked to see who it was and he was scared stiff as the windows shattered with explosions.
Vicious 2 was terrified,"It.. it cant be,"
Comments (4) |
Saturday, April 24, 2004
Phase 18
The sun was burning hot on the beach where the carnie women and Vicious 2 were on their they vacation. They had made over a billion wulongs in three weeks from the bloody eye. Brittany and Little Julius even came along for the ride. For the first time in Vicious 2's life he was actually free of worries, atleast for a while. Melanie was dressed in a sun dress, flip flops, and her little straw hat. The Carnie women were all in their bathing suits. Vicious 2 bought them some swimsuits, but the Carnie women brought their own because they didnt want to end up wearing something like their Red Dragon Uniforms. They were all playing in the water and telling Vicious 2 to get in, but he was sitting on the shore watching Julius play in the sand. He was amazed by his son's actions, he couldn't believe that the child had been conceived by his very own seed. Julius looked up and smiled at him then went back to playing with his toys in the sand. Brittany walked over to where Vicious 2 and Julius are.
"What are you two up to?"
"Nothing, just playing and making sand castles," Vicious 2 said while looking at his son.
"That's nice," Brittany says while sitting down next to Vicious 2. Melanie walks up with a hot dog in her hand, and sets her blanket up and lays on it next to Vicious 2.
"Didn't you just eat lunch, Melanie?" Vicious 2 asked.
"Yes Vici, but I have just been so hungry lately," Melanie said before biting the hot dog. "Want some?" Melanie says. Vicious 2 takes a bite and says, "Are you feeling ok?"
"Yes," Melanie turns her head and sees Julius playing. "Aww, he is so cute. Now there are three Vicis: Big Vici, Little Vici, and my Vici," She says with her arms around Vicious 2. Wolfy and Steelgirl walked up to Vicious 2 and grabbed him by his arms.
"What are you two doing?" Vicious 2 says while laughing. They launch him into the cold water. The Carnie women wrestle around with Vicious 2 for hours, and at sunset they go into their hotel" STYLE="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: medium solid green;" HREF="|1||||hotels|AA1VDw">hotels.
Vicious was on the open road headed for the Red Dragon Headquarters. The SUV he stole from the prison drove great. He was finally out of the desert and knew where he was going. He had gotten a new katana as well. it was alittle longer and a whole lot sharper than his old one. So sharp that Spike might not feel it when it is piercing through his heart. Vicious stomped the pedal as hard as he could, he was days away from where he wanted to be.
"Hey dad, where is Sindalla?" Zero asked while looking around.
"She told me she was going on vacation," Spike replied.
"Was she with anyone at the time?" Zero asked again.
"Yes, she was with a girl with that girl you used to hang with, the girl with the blonde hair," Spike said.
"Luminae? Oh no," Zero said with his hand over his mouth.
"What?" Spike said.
"She joined the carnival," Zero said sitting down with a devastated look in his eyes.
"Damn, we should have paid more attention to her," Spike said.
"Yeah, now she gets all of the attention she wants, but it is too dangerous. I have to get her out of that group."
Sindalla was in fact being appreciated alot more. The Carnies treated her like she was their baby sister. She was sad though as she looked out of the window from her hotel room.
"What's wrong?" Pimp asked while playing a game of checkers with Steelgirl.
"Oh nothing, just missing Zero," Sindalla said looking away from the window.
"Don't worry, just have fun for the time being, we will be leaving in another day, and you want have to run errands. You can just stay at home with Zero and come back when you get ready. Pimp said as she double jumped Steelgirl.
"Goddammit," Steelgirl said. She then double jumped Pimp, "How about that, Ms. Pimp."
"Do you think Vicious would mind if I stay off?" Sindalla asked alittle nervously.
"You know he wont mind," Pimp reasurred her.
"Yeah that kid is going crazier everyday," Steelgirl said with a small chuckle.
Vicious 2 waited in the lobby for Melanie while holding Julius in his arms.
"Damn, this kid is getting heavy," he thought to himself as he waited for Melanie to come out of the bathroom. Brittany came out of the elevator, and grabbed Julius.
"Where is Melanie," Brittany asked.
"In the bathroom," Vicious 2 replied.
"I'll go see what is taking her so long," Brittany said as she gave Julius back to Vicious 2. When Brittany entered the bathroom she walked up to the stall where Melanie was. "Are you ok in there?"
"Yes," She replied and then vomited into the toilet.
"I got some good news,"
"What is it?" Brittany asked.
"I am pregnant," Melanie said. Brittany helped her out of the bathroom, and Vicious 2 grabbed Melanie into his arms after giving Julius to Brittany. When Melanie felt his touch, she held him tightly. "You might have another Vici on the way."
The SUV finally gave up after hundreds of miles, and an occasional stop for gas.
"Damn!" Vicious yelled as he kicked the front tire on the car. He gathered his things and began walking. He walked for hours until he was ambushed by a bounty hunter. He was a huge man with rugged black hair covered with a straw hat. He jumped out of the woods and onto the main road at Vicious, but Vicious knew that he had been following him for hours. Vicious moved out of the way as the man landed on his face. Vicious looked down at the big muscular man, "What the hell do you want?"
"The bounty on your head for robbing a bank and killing a rich guy and his security gaurds," the bounty hunter said while getting up. Vicious looked at the man awkwardly for a minute, then thought about it, and realized that the bounty hunter wasn't after him, but after Julius. "You must mean my nephew, we look just alike. You will never see him though because you are about to die," Vicious draws his katana from his side.
"Yeah, sure," the bounty hunter pulls out a rifle. "What are you going to do with that little blade of yours?"
"What is your rifle going to do with you?" Vicious said lowly.
"Huh?" the bounty hunter said before pointing the gun at Vicious. Vicious faked to the right as the rifle fired to his left. He slashed his sword at the bounty hunter, and the bounter hunter blocked it with his rifle. The big man knocked the sword out of Vicious' hand, and hit him in the face with the rifle. Vicious fell to the ground and hopped up quickly as he punched the man in his nose. He grabbed the rifle from his hand and beat the massive man with it. "Look at you, letting your very own weapon of choice kick your ass." The man shoved Vicious off of him and grabbed the katana off of the ground. He swung the sword, and Vicious caught it with his hand without even being cut. Vicious fired the rifle at the man, and he thudded to the ground with a bullet in his gut. Vicious stood tall over the wounded man.
"Your life is not worth taking, but at the same time you are not worthy to live," Vicious said pointing the gun to the man's chest. "Here, do it yourself," Vicious grabbed the man's arm, and put the man's finger on the trigger. Vicious put the rifle in the man's mouth and helped him pulled the trigger. Vicious continued walking until he found a car that an old lady was getting out of. He neared her driveway, he walked up to the lady and punched her to the ground and grabbed her keys. He drove off in the old lady's car.
A few days passed and The Carnies and Brittany returned to mars. As soon as they left the airport they dropped Sindalla off. She gave Vicious 2 a hug before she left. She ran right into Zero's arms, Vicious 2 watched for a while and then he was about to leave until he saw a gun men from a short distance about to shoot Zero. Vicious 2 dashed over to Zero and Sindalla, and tackled them to the ground. The Carnie sisters pulled their weapons, and began shooting at the gun man. A man fell off of the balcony and another got away. Vicious 2 got up, "Take care of her," Vicious 2 ran to the car and the car and drove away with the Carnie women.
The gun man that shot at Zero, and got away made a unanimous phone call.
"Hello, Vicious, we failed," the gun man said.
"What!" Vicious exclaimed.
"Your nephew saved him,"
"Why, I just dont understand. He betrayed me!" Vicious screamed.
"I guess so,"
"Well, I guess I will have to set him free as well."
Comments (1) |
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
I try to stay out of this mess day by day, but I am sucked in continuously. I have no idea what Malkav's motives are neither do I know Zero's. I refuse to choose sides in this situation because I really have no place in this. This is something that has been going on for years, and I have just gotten there. Malkav says I betrayed him, but I know he is just fucking around. We do that shit,I am not taking Malkav's side, but I do think that Zero is a little sensitive. I tell him that he cant let everything that Malkav says get to his head. This is a grudge match that I dont want to be the ref for, so I want every one to know this right now, I HAVE NO PART OF THIS SHIT, SO STOP PUTTING MY NAME IN IT!!! Its only one person that put my name in it, but I am not saying any names. I am just saying that I have taken a nuetral status in this turn of events. Because I have my own battles to fight, The Windmaster is about to return, not to this site, but he is coming back, and I am going to fuck him up just like Bingo did. Anyone wanna help? Luminae? Pimp? Selena? Sindalla? Steelgirl? I am going to whip his candy ass If you smelllllllllll lalalalalala what Vicious is fucking cooking!!!! LEMONS everyone
Comments (5) |
Sunday, April 18, 2004
Phase 17
Perriot La Fou Part 2
As soon as Vicious 2 entered the door, he fell to the floor with blood spewing everywhere. Melanie was worried, but at the same time her fangs were showing. Steelgirl held her back while Pimp and Luminae carried him to the bedroom. Selena mopped the blood up.
"If you need to feed, I will go with you," Wolfy said.
"Ok," Melanie said while she was alittle shaken. Wolfy and Melanie left the house together. Vicious 2 was in the bedroom lying on his back wrapped in bandages.
"You're a tough one aren't ya?" Pimp asked as she tied up the last bandage.
"I'm not tough, My will to live lies within Melanie," Vicious 2 said looking straight up.
"You are going to heal up just fine," She said patting his chest.
"Thanks, both of you," Vicious 2 said.
"No prob," Luminae said. "We are always here for you."
"That's good to hear," Vicious 2 said.
"We got a few things to do. We'll be back," Pimps said.
"Yeah we'll be back, Vicious," Luminae said. Vicious 2 waved bye as the two women left the bedroom. A few minutes later, Vicious 2's cell phone rang. He answered it.
"Huh! Vicious? How did you get out?" Vicious 2 asked excitedly.
"Nevermind that kid. What's going on, I just needed to see if I could get in contact with you," Vicious said.
"Nothing, I just restored the Red Dragon Clan," Vicious 2 said.
"Good, I should be back in a few days," Vicious said.
"That's good, because I cant do this by myself. I am goingto mess up I know it," Vicious 2 said.
"Well stay strong kid. I am on the way," Vicious assured.
"That's nice to hear," Vicious 2 said.
"By the way, did you kill Spike," Vicious asked.
"Nearly, but his son shot me," Vicious 2 said holding his shoulder.
"What! He has a son now?" Vicious exclaimed.
"Yeah, he's older than I am," Vicious 2 said.
"Alright, wait for me to get back, and we will kill both of them together," Vicious said.
Vicious 2 didn't want to kill Zero because he had never done anything to him except shot him, but that wasn't even personal, but he just said, "Alright we'll do it."
"Sounds good, later kid," Vicious hangs up the pay phone.
Luminae and Pimp went to the Red Dragon Headquarters to call in some deals. The Red Dragons looked at them in their uniforms, but dared not to approach them. They knew that those were the two most curupt carnies. They enter Vicious 2's office.
"Selena, what are you doing here?" Pimp asked.
"Just making our job" STYLE="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: medium solid green;" HREF="|1||||job|AA1VDw">job easier," Selena said while smiling.
"Really?" Luminae asks.
"Yus, I made all of our deals. Now all we have to do is go get them," Selena said.
"Good job kid, lets go," Pimp said with a smirk.
"Okies," Selena said happily. All three of them boarded a their ships and left to get some shipments of bloody eye.
Vicious 2 stayed in bed for two days, and just decided to get up. He never liked just lay around unless Melanie was there, but it seemed that they were always busy, and they never had much time for each other. When Vicious 2 got up, he took a shower and threw on some pajama bottoms. Melanie and the Carnie women soon arrived. Vicious 2 went to greet them.
"You're up, Vici!" Melanie ran into his arms.
"Goddamn, Vicious, what will it take to put you down," Pimp said.
"I don't know, in fact I don't want to know," Vicious 2 said with Melanie hugging him and nibbling at his ear. "You're mighty frisky today?"
"Yes, Vici, I missed you so much," Melanie said with her cute voice.
"I missed you too," Vicious 2 said while running his fingers through her hair.
"Aww, look at the little love birds," Wolfy said while chuckling. Vicious 2 cut his eyes at her and smirked. Melanie began kissing his neck and fundling him frantically.
"Damn woman, you really did miss me," That was the last thing he said before he was back in the bed asleep.
"I figured it out, Melanie is the only one that can keep him down," Pimp said laughing and looking at Vicious 2 who was sound asleep. Vicious 2's cell phone rings again, and Melanie picked it up.
"Yeah let me speak to Julius," Vicious says.
"Sorry you have the wrong number," Melanie says.
Melanie remembers that Vicious 2's real name is Julius, "Oh, you mean Vici."
"He is sleepy bye now, I will tell him you called," Melanie says.
"Is that some kind of pet name you have given my nephew?" Vicious asked
"Yes, I love Vici," Melanie says with pride.
"Ok...," Vicious hangs up the phone and says, "Damn, where does he find these girls?"
Vicious 2 got up the next day, and saw Sindalla staring at him.
"Are you ok?" She asks.
"Yeah, fine," Vicious replies.
"Thanks for not killing Zero," She said.
"I have nothing against him," Vicious 2 said.
"Please don't kill him," Sindalla says starting to cry.
"I won't do him like his father tried to do me. I am not going to kill him just for who he is. It's not like he chose it, but I am not even going to kill Spike. Vicious is," Vicious 2 said. Melanie walked in with Vicious 2's uniform on clothes hanger.
"Get dressed, Vici" Melanie said. Vicious put his uniform on and followed Melanie to the garage. They met up with the rest of the Carnie women at a 711.
Pimp slurp her big gulp slushy and said, "We got a huge deal at that building over there," She pointed at the building across the street.
"Fine, lets do it," Vicious 2 said after he bought his Mr. Good bar. They walked into the building with their weapons drawn. They went got in the elevator and went to the top floor.
"We have been waiting for you," The mob boss said.
"Here it is, now where is the money?" Vicious 2 asked with the suitcase in one hand and his candy bar in the other. He ate half and gave the rest to Melanie. Mob boss ordered one of his men to show Vicious 2 the suitcase.
Vicious 2 stood there and looked at the mobster and said,"No deal."
"Why?" Luminae asked.
"This is a setup," Vicious 2 said.
"What? How?" Melanie asked.
"Look at him, he is sweating," Vicious 2 said.
"You are right, Mr. Vicious," The mob boss snapped his fingers, but Vicious 2 pressed a button, and the ceiling exploded.
"You cant play me," Vicious 2 said. A crispy dead guy fell from the vent. The Carnies began shooting at the mobsters, and killed all of them. Pimp walked over to the mob boss, and cut his throat. Vicious 2 walked over to the desk and got the suitcase with the money in it. The Carnie women and Vicious 2 left the office and as they were about to enter the elevator until, there was another explosion.
"How did that happen, we didn't plant any mines on that side of the building," Wolfy said while reloading her pistol and pulling out another. They walk slowly to the other side of the building and saw that it was a fat guy with a top hat on.
"I saw this guy in my dreams, leave now, all of you. I will get rid of him," Vicious 2 ordered.
"Fine, but be carful," Melanie said as she entered the elevator.
Vicious 2 pulled two chrome pistols from his coat as he looked the plump man in face and saw a fat ass smile on his face.
"You are Perriot," Vicious 2 said. The fat man said nothing and just shot at Vicious 2 with his cane. Vicious 2 jumped out of the way of the explosion. Vicious 2 shot at Perriot, but didn't hit anything. He ran out of bullets, but before he could reload, Perriot was in front of him, and he hit him with the cane. Vicious 2 flew back to the wall. Perriot swung the cane at Vicious 2 who ducked and socked Perriot in the face. Perriot tried to point the cane at him, but Vicious 2 grabbed the cane and they had a struggle with the cane. Vicious 2 kicked and kicked at Perriot's gut, and for the first time ever, he was actually scared of someone. He knew he was no match for him and Perriot lifted Vicious 2 with cane and threw him out of a window. Vicious 2 fell until he grabbed on to the fire escape. The Carnie women saw him and pushed a dumpster for him to land in. Perriot shot again, and Vicious 2 let go before the explosion hit where he was. Vicious 2 landed right in the middle of the dumpster.
When they got back to the mansion, all of the Carnie women suggested that Vicious 2 take a shower. Melanie followed him to the bathroom. She took a shower with him.
Melanie rested her head on Vicious 2's chest. She noticed that his heart was beating really fast and he was kind of shaking. "What's wrong, Vici?"
"He is going to kill us," Vicious 2 said putting his arms around Melanie.
"No he is not, you are going to kill him," Melanie said, and then she kissed his chest right where his heart is.
"I hope so," Vicious 2 said. He got out of the shower and threw on the pajama bottoms. There was a knock at the door, and Steelgirl opened the door.
"Hi, is Julius in?" Brittany asked.
"Yeah, who's asking?" Steelgirl said.
"Tell him Brittany wants to talk to him," Brittany said. Steelgirl called upstairs and Vicious came down.
"Thanks Steely," Vicious 2 said. "Hi Brittany, do you need something?"
"No, I just wanted you to meet your son," She said smiling. Vicious 2 looked at the child in her arms, and noticed that he was an exact replica of him.
"Here you can hold him," She said. She gavethe child to him, and when he held him, he noticed that he had the same exact eyes as he did. Vicious 2 embraced the child.
"What is his name?" Vicious 2 said whilehugging the child.
"His name is Julius," Brittany replied.
"He's beautiful," Vicious 2 said.
"Yeah, he looks just like you," Brittany said as she grabbed the baby.
"I will help you take care of him," Vicious 2 said.
"Ok, and here, take this," Brittany gave him an invitation, "I am getting married."
"Ok, I will be there," Vicious 2 said as he gave Brittany a hug.
"Bye Julius," Brittany said as she kissed him on the cheek. She left with the child in her arms. Vicious 2 went upstairs to the bedroom.
"Guess what Mel?" Vicious 2 said.
"What is it Vici," Melanie said.
"I saw my son and he looked just like me," Vicious 2 said.
"Really? I wish I could of been the one who had your son," Melanie said while looking down.
"You can have my daughter, Melanie," Vicious 2 said.
"You don't know how long I have been waiting to have your child," Melanie said happily.
"I thought you weren't ready," Vicious 2 said while getting in bed next to her.
"Lets do it now, Vici," Melanie said while taking off her silk gown.
"But what about the drugs I have been taking?" Vicious 2 asked.
"You have been off of them for a year," Melanie said.
"Really? I haven't noticed, I guess it's been a while since I fought Spike, huh?"
"Yep, now lets do this, I want my baby as soon as possible," Melanie pulled Vicious 2's pants off and she began the first stage of conceiving her child.
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Saturday, April 17, 2004

Ya see me! I'm keepin real with my homies. You know how we do it. Kickin ass and takin names thats our game. Evangelion I dont hate you because you are almost a member. Just show me that you are crazy as hell, and you are in. Hellsong style. The Midnight Carnival is dead, but we still breathe the air of victory. But Malkav the 2nd coming has come up with a sweet as idea, and it might be tight, but i Think we will start hating eachother so I havent decided yet. We have like a friendly rivalry going on. So I dont know yet. The project is called the Final Circus, but I dont think it will be superior to our new establishment, but It sounds wicked awesome. I think i will just leave it alone and stay thuggin with my Hellsong sisters. Our journey will not be interrupted. This site is our playground and we will take for our own. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAAAA!!!
The asses of those who oppose us will be kicked. And arcon if i hear any criticism from your mouth. I am going to break that shit. Then i will give you to Malkav 2 and let him beat the shit out of you soooooo bad!! that the pain will be terrible, then patches will get on that ass and shove a squirrel up your ass and make him come out of your small minature micro piss hole. LEMONS!!! i better stop while i am ahead, but anyway I am just keepin it real, me, vicious, the bird, and some sam jackson beer.
-Thus spoke Julius Dyhalto
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Friday, April 16, 2004

Phase 16
When doves cry
Melanie asnswered the knock at the door, and found that a girl about her same age facing her.
"Yes?" Melanie said.
"Hi, I was wondering was this the home of the Crimson Dragon Carnival?" Sindalla asked.
Melanie pulled Sindalla in by her arm, "Yes we are, and I am the Ringmaster."
"Can I join you?" Sindalla asked looking around at the carnie women and the mansion.
"Are you sure you want to. We are not what you are thinking, kid," Luminae said.
Sindalla pulled a small pistol from her perce, and said, "Yes I know the deal, but Zero has been joining everything, and all I get to do is play housewife. And we aren't even married yet. So it is my turn to do something."
"So you are willing to do some illegal things, we actually kill people and sell bloody eye. There are no clowns and no rides in this carnival. You're in as far as I am concerned," Pimp said.
"Me too," Selena said. Then all of the Carnie women agreed.
"Thanks all of you," Sindalla said happily.
Vicious 2 came drenched with rain water. He threw the katana to Pimp.
"You better had brought it back," Pimp said smiling. Melanie walked over to him and gave him a big hug.
"Vici, are you alright?" She said.
"I am fine," he says before kissing her lips.
"Guess what, we got a new member. Cute isn't she?" Melanie said as she beamed at the young girl with pretty long hair and emerald green eyes.
"She looks too innocent, what if she can't handle it?" Vicious 2 said while looking at Sindalla.
"She'll be fine, I think she has a strong will," Steelgirl says.
"Ok if you say so, just watch her. I don't want anything to happen to our youngest member," Vicious 2 said as he walked upstairs.
Vicious 2 stood in the boiling hot shower, thinking of how he was going to plan to kill Spike. He could bring the Red Dragon Clan with him and just gun him down, but no this was personal. Spike was going to die by his and his hand only.
Melanie walked into the shower and jumped into Vicious 2's arms when the scorching water touched her sensitive skin.
"Vici, please turn it down. That's too hot," Melanie said as Vicious 2 cut the water down to a colder, but warm temperature.
"That's better, Thanks," She wrapped her little arms around him and stared at his green eyes. "What's wrong, something is up I can see it in your eyes. That is the difference between you and your uncle. I know you like a book, but when I look into his cold eyes, I cant tell what he is thinking."
"Tomorrow will determine whether I fulfill Vicious' prophecy or fail him," Vicious 2 said slowly.
"You're going to kill him, aren't you?" she says as if she can read his mind.
"Yes, but I don't know. He could take me out as well. This guy can be as heartless as Vicious at times. He wants me dead just as bad I want him dead. He hates me for who I am, well he used to anyway, but now greed has sunk in. He wants to put me away so he can get a big bounty," Vicious 2 says.
"Please be careful, I don't want to lose you. Just as you have become addicted to me, I have become obsessed with you," her arms tighten around him. Vicious 2 feels her nipples begin to harden on his chest. "You turn me on more than ever, I have never ever gotten what I have wanted, but now I have it and I refuse to lose it. So if you promise not to leave me, I won't leave you," Melanie says looking into his eyes. She could tell he was happy to hear that the way his eyes lost that coldness they usually have.
"I promise, Melanie," Vicious 2 said before he kissed her lips. After they got out of the shower, they went straight to bed.
The next morning, Vicious 2 woke up early and got dressed. He left Red Dragon Uniforms in Carnie women's rooms. He left a note on the front door instucting the Carnie women to come to the Art museum.
Vicious 2 stood outside of the museum and waited for the arrival of the girls. The Carnie women suited up and strapped up on their weapons and left the house. They meet up with Vicious 2.
"What are up to today, Vicious," Selena asked.
"Yeah?" Pimp said while looking at her attire. "What's with the short skimpy skirts and the boots."
"How are we suposed to do anything in this?" Wolfy asked.
Vicious 2 looked at all of the Carnie women dressed in their new outfits. He stared at Melanie whose skirt was the shortest, and her thighs show up well, and when she bent over you could see pink underwear.
"Ok, I'm sorry. I think I was high when I got them made. I will re-order some more, but don't worry, today I do all of the Physicallity. I just need you to watch the door just in case someone comes."
"Fine, consider it done," She gives him the katana, and takes her chrome pistol out.
"Alright," Vicious 2 says.
"Good luck," Selena says as she jumps into his arms and gives him a big hug.
"Thanks," Vicious 2 says. Then he gives all of the Carnie women a hug and Melanie a huge kiss. "I'll be back, I promise," Vicious 2 says. He straps the katana over his back, "When Spike arrives, let him through," Vicious 2 says as he enters the front entrance of the museum.
Spike arrives in the late evening, and the Carnie women let him through. As soon as he enters he hears a voice that sounds exactly like Vicious.
"When doves cry their pain is felt through all of the land, and so will yours, Spike, Your execution is tonight, and your death will be as sweet as nector."
"Is that so? Well I guess I want decay that easily," Spike smirked.
"This is not a game, Spike. So don't give me your smart ass shit!" Vicious 2 pulls the gun from his overcoat and began shooting at Spike from the top floor of the museum. Spike dashed away doing the same. Spike ran up the steps with bullets flying at him. Spike shot furiously, but carefully not to kill his bounty. He finally made if up the stairs, but Vicious 2 was nowhere to be found. The lights suddenly went out. Spike heard the blade swipe across his head, and ducked. He kicked Vicious 2 from behind him. He dropped his gun and punched Vicious 2 in his jaw. Spike's fist began to bleed because Vicious 2's jaws was the opposite of glass. He jump kicked Vicious 2 and he dropped the katana. Spike kicked at Vicious 2's sides, but Vicious 2 blocked as if he were a boxer. He moved out of the way of his kicks, and punched Spike in the throat. Spike began to cough, and Vicious 2 punched him in the side of his face. Spike spat blood from his mouth as he tried to recover.
"Get up, Spike, dont tell me this would be this easy," Vicious 2 said.
"It won't be," Spike said as he uppercutted Vicious 2 making him bite his tongue. Spike jumped up and bashed Vicious 2's head into the wall. Spike kneed him in the chest and slammed him to the ground.
"You know I am going to win this fight," Vicious 2 said when he jumped and swung a punch at Spike. Spike caught his arm and tried a punch of his own, and Vicious 2 caught his arm. They stood there with their arms locked, and with the same thing on their mind. They headbutted eachother at the same time and flew to the floor. Vicious 2 was the first to get up and he ran at Spike who was on one knee. He did a backflip kick on Spike which sent him flying back to the ground. That wasn't it though, he lifted Spike up by his collar and punched him repeatedly. He let him go and punched him until he began to stagger. Spike face was a bloody mess, and Vicious 2 wouldn't stop. He punched one more time before Spike hit the floor, and Vicious put all of his strength into the punch and hit him directly in his eye. Spike got up on his hands and knees and spit out his fake eyeball. He was at a terrible disadvantage. Spike managed to sweep Vicious 2 to the floor. Spike got up and tried to kick Vicious 2 in the chest while he was on the ground. Vicious 2 blocked with both of his hands and threw him off of him. Vicious 2 hopped up with the katana in his hand. Spike went for a round house kick, and Vicious 2 dodged it. Vicious 2 stabbed Spike in the shoulder. He had Spike pinned down, he was about to slice his throat, but Zero stopped him with three bullets. Vicious 2 seemed to be unconscious, and he had dropped his katana. He lay there motionlessly as Zero approached him. Vicious 2 opened his eyes swiftly, and startles Zero. Vicious 2 flops his long legs and wraps his legs around Zero's neck and does a headscissor. Before Zero knows it, he is lying on his back right next to Spike. They both get up and have a face off, and charged at each other, and it ends up with Zero on his back with the gun aimed at his chest, and Vicious 2 standing over him with his katana aimed at his chest. Sindalla ran to the top floor to break it up. She pushed the two apart.
"Stop it!" she screamed. "Please don't kill eachother."
"This has nothing to do with him, I only want Spike," Vicious 2 says looking at Spike's twin. He looked over at Spike who had his gun pointed at him. He kicked his sheath at Spike before he could fire, and jecked it back by its strap. Vicious 2 pushed Zero out of the way as he grabbed Sindalla and jumped over the railing. His sheath caught on to something on the second to the last floor. He carried Sindalla out of the museum and escaped with the Carnie women.
"What happened, did you kill him?" Melanie said.
Vicious 2 grabbed the stirring wheel and floor the gas pedal, "No Sindalla saved me."
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