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Friday, December 2, 2005
Eventful Day
Sorry everyone, I didnt get the chance to visit anyone, but our first day of the tournament went very well. The next part wont happen since we have a pending vote from my buddy swtanimechick. all i can tell you is that naked snake go the camo whipped off his ass. The End is smoking Sam left and right, and Ryu tapped Hotsuma's ass. But Saturday there will be the second part to this division along witht the next division, swordmaster. thats all for now
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Thursday, December 1, 2005
The Invasion is here
Vicious has diminished from the realm of Lilith, but another has risen to host this tournament as well as hope to get his bloody hands on that belt hanging off of Dante's rebellion. The First ever 2005 Battle of the Immortals tournament is hosted by the Hellsing Foundation, hence the new layout. The tournament commences today!!!! The first round will involve technicians, who use their highly trained skills to whup ass in artistically smoothe fashions. Our first battle is a Father/Son battle.
From Metal Gear Solid 3 we have Naked Snake

His son Solid Snake

Our second bout will be a sniper battle
The End

Sam Fisher the Splinter Cell

In our final battle of the day, we will have a fight between two of the most innovative Ninja Characters in the industry. The rematch of


Well, folks have at it. choose which fighters you want to win, and tomorrow in the second round, the winners will face the winners in a triple threat match as well as the losers facing each other in a triple threat match, and only two will survive to make to the second part of the tournament.
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Wednesday, November 30, 2005
This tournament will have 45 entries including the ones that all of you enter. I must've worded my post wrong yesterday. You dont have to create a character. You can choose a character that you want to be in it. Like a character from a video game or anime. But the idea of creating a character has lit a light bulb in my head, so if you do want your created character to be in this tournament, i will need a picture and a short bio, including mostly abilities and stuff like that. Anyway, here are the entries for the tournament.
The Call to duty army
Captain Falcon
Chip (Guilty Gear)
Dark Magician
Dark Magician Girl
Joanna Dark
Junior (Xenosaga)
Max Payne
Yami Bakura
Slayer (Guilty Gear)
Testament (Guilty Gear)
Perfect Dark
Sol Badguy (Guilty Gear)
Sam Fisher
Naked Snake (Father)
Solid Snake (Son)
The End (Metal Gear Solid 3)
Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden)
Viewtiful Joe
Prince (Prince of Persia)
The tournament starts Thursday with the Technician Division, and if you want to see your favorite video game or anime character or personal character in this tournament then PM. I'll check you all out later
-Sir Vicious
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Tuesday, November 29, 2005
As you can see my site has been overtaken by red. This could be the result of my new layout for the next tournament. Vicious is about to take a long vacation and he wont be back until January 2006 with an all new layout. The champ dante is ready to defend his title in a tournament that he will compete in. I have no idea how long this tournament is going to be, but it will be long. Each character will enter a division, and some will be entered in more than one. that is all i can tell you for now. Right now, I am in he process of promoting this tournament. tomorrow i will post all of the entries, and if your character didnt make the list and you want him/her to be apart of the tournament, then PM with their name. They will go against the losers of the division. That's all for now, I hope everyone enjoys this tournament. It's just a means of trying to entertain my guests when they visit
-Sir Vicious
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Saturday, November 26, 2005
Saturday Morning
i just woke up two hours ago, and i just dropped by to say hi. So what is up? Today I probably wont do much. Right now i just feel like being on the computer and working on graphics and stuff. I am still trying to figure out what to do to my sites layout. I already got the new wallpaper going, but i want to do something else with the pics. any ideas? but i am going to get an html book for christmas so i can do some real tricks. hell maybe i might do homepages for some side cash. I have so much stuff to buy, but dont tell that woman of mine. I have no idea where she gets the money from, but I cant tell her anything I want without her buying it. I like that about her, but I dont want her spending her money on me. I cant wait to repay her on Christmas with my overly expensive present that I am going to get her. Anyway before I start talking about something I'm not supposed to, I am going to dash.
-Sir Vicious
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Thursday, November 24, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving
Well its that time of year again. And sadly everyone is having a bad thanksgiving. Mine is all that bad, except i am torn between three houses. actually four. my house, then i have to go over my aunts (my mother's sister), then i might have to go over my mother's boyfriend's house, and finally my father's. It's not bad, but damn thats alot of food. i just cant wait to get home to vicky, who i have been missing so much. sorry i ruined our conversation last night. well, this was just another seldom update from me, i plan to get back to the way things were when i was here every day, and keeping my site updated like my html idols inuyasha 311 and sw33tz. as far as my writing goes, i am working on a story that goes along with the chronicle that manner of trees is in, i dont know if i will post it when its done, but its in high demand by vicky and a couple of people at school. i am stuck on a part in the third phase but that will be done soon. i'll catch everyone later, hopefully i will be back tomorrow
-Sir Vicious
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Saturday, November 5, 2005
Brand New
He ppl, i have been meaning to drop the new phase. so here it is. i hope its not too many typos, and i hope you enjoy my new secret weapon, who organized part of the fight scene. enjoy
The Black Phases
Space Cowgirl
“You killed me!” the screams of a young man ruins the slumber of Vicious. A gunshot rings out, and a young man lies on the floor in a puddle of blood with the grey glare of Vicious. He then awakens, with the fresh wound leaking from his skull. His dead eyes stare into space, as he began to laugh.
“You’ve never been nothing but a murder, father!” the young man yelled out, wearing a ripped button up shirt and a pair of black jeans.
“You sent me to hell, you bastard! Retribution will prevail in the end,” the young man said, before taking a familiar gun. It was a chrome desert eagle; Vicious’ chrome desert eagle that he used to blow his brains out once more.
“Julius!” Vicious sat up in bed, pushing the entanglement of black sheets off of him. His heart beat as if he’d taken a whole bottle of speed. He panted heavily, looking towards the window that was vibrant with nightlife. Cassandra came rushing in after hearing him, wearing a silk night gown. She found him sitting in bed, shirtless with his hair covering his face.
“Vicious?” she said, as she climbed onto the bed, crawling towards him. The gown must have been too big for her, because once she moved the hair out of his eye; he was face with a round c-cup. The strap on her gown slid down her shoulder, as she tried to comfort her. His exposed eye, widened, but he tried to keep his focus on her face as he slyly, pushed her strap onto her shoulder. She looked to the side, and then she turned back to him.
“Are you alright?” she asked.
“Yeah, now I am…I mean I am,” he said, staring into her eyes.
“You’ve been screaming all night, do you think you can make it through the rest of the night?” she asked.
“Yes, I think I can. You should get some rest, we have a busy day tomorrow,” Vicious said, feeling her hand, draping his hair over his ear.
“Ok, goodnight, Vicious,” Cassandra said, as she headed for the door.
The toilet flushed for the umpteenth time in the middle of the night, as Selena came out of the bathroom from coughing up the last of her burnt noodles. Cindy was sleeping on the couch, after finding the noodles to be not that bad. It turned out that Selena had the weak stomach, and she forgot to clean the noodles before cooking them. She knew that tomorrow was going to be hell. It was 3 a.m. and she had not a wink of sleep. She finally decided to go to the cleanest room she could find and it looked like a storage room with a bunk in it. She climbed into the bed, and lay there for hours thinking about Vicious all night. For reasons unexplained she wanted him there with her, holding her as she slept. The thought grew stronger as she tried to shake it out of her head until she finally dosed off, and once she did that, her alarm clock went off.
The next morning, Vicious came out of his room, wearing a black silk buttoned up shirt unbuttoned with a white shirt under and a pair of black cargo pants. Cassandra had already set up and turned his entertainment center into a control center. She was sitting in front of five computer screens and typing at three different keyboards with a ear piece attached to her right ear.
“Good morning, Vicious” she said, Vicious strapped his holster around his chest and slid his gun inside. He grabbed a couple of clips and slid them in his back pocket.
“Good morning, Cassandra,” Vicious said, walking towards the door.
“Where are you going? OUCH!” she said, as she broke a nail while typing. Vicious looked back and saw the blood dripping from her finger. He hadn’t fed in months, and that was just the edge he needed. Cassandra turned her head towards him, with a confused look on her face.
“I am going to Mars, and if you need me, just call my cell,” he said, quickly before passing her a silver flip phone.
Vicious sniffed the air, and tasted the air on the red planet, feeling fragments of rest dust hitting his face.
“Home,” he sighed, feeling his memories playback in his head. He decided to have some breakfast, and a nearby Burger King seemed to do the trick. He ordered a sausage biscuit and an orange juice. After he finished eating, he said farewell to the young lady at the register. A sleepy Selena finally came to the register to see the sun, shine bright over grey hair, and a black suit. She saw the chrome gleam on a silver gun, and she leapt over the counter, hitting the floor hard. She ran to the door, screaming his name, but there was no one there, he was gone just like that…
Vicious took to the skies, flying around the city in search of the target. He enjoyed the warm rays of the sun attacking him as he flew through the yellow skies. He then noticed gunshots being fired, and he landed on the roof of an apartment building. Across from him was Zero shooting at some bounty hunters chasing him on what seemed to be flying motorcycles. Vicious took his desert eagle out and fired a single shot, hitting Zero in the leg. Zero hit the ground and rolled before coming to a stop. The bounty hunters landed on the rooftop and immediately fired their weapons. Vicious flew past them with enough gust to reverse their bullets, killing the men instantly. He turned around to see his brother slowly getting up, and he shot the hand he was pushing up on. Zero fell back to the ground, and Vicious put another bullet in his leg. Zero stayed on the ground motionless, looking up at Vicious.
“Karma is a bitch, isn’t it?” Vicious said, firing another bullet into Zero’s other hand.
“Who sent you?” Zero asked, looking up.
“Garnett’s company,” Vicious replied.
“They are all corrupt; your boss is falling into a trap. My company was connected to the mafia, that is why they wanted you eliminated,” Zero, said, trying to move his paralyzed limbs.
“Is that so? You have to learn to read between the lines, Zero. Humans are the most deceitful creatures above snakes. They don’t understand anything beyond the sight of their flooded eyes, and that is why you are in the predicament that you are in now,” Vicious said, looking down at his brother, wit his finger on the trigger.
“I am a human; does that mean I am ignorant as well?” Zero asked.
“You are not a human, you’ve lost that privilege, you are now a monster that I have been assigned to destroy,” Vicious said.
“Kill me then,” Zero said.
“You are a monster, but you are still my brother. I wound never choose you over another company,” Vicious said, as he put his gun away and walked over to the ledge. “I only came to give you warning, and if you come to Earth you will die. Do me a favor and stay out of my sight,” Vicious said, and before Zero could say anything, he was gone.
Cindy was sitting on the Bebop’s old worn down, yet extremely comfortable sofa, a teen magazine resting against her knees, and a tiny brush glazed in light blue nail polish in her left hand. With her tongue stuck out of the side of her mouth she carefully put the last touches on her right pinkie, and sighed in satisfaction examining her hand in the light. It was her day off, and she was treating herself with these little relaxing things. Meanwhile Selena had just boarded the ship and was on the other side of the door rummaging around in her pocket for the silver key, when she finally unlocked the door and silently pushed her way in, Cindy was startled by her sudden appearance beside her and jumped, dropping the brush onto the magazine.
“No!” Cindy hurriedly snatched a crumpled tissue from the table and tried to wipe the mess off the picture of the very cute Kevin Demoore, the new hit singer. The older woman looked tired and muttered an apology, laying her coat and tied up plastic bag on the table, she sat on the arm chair beside her and slipped off her shoes.
“Your back early today.” Cindy said pouting a little as she examined Kevin’s splotched up face.
“I wasn’t feeling too well.” Selena replied, putting her shoes away and got up headed into the kitchen to pour herself a glass of hot water, Cindy looked up and furrowed her brows.
“What’s wrong? The flu?” Selena shrugged and took another sip of her water leaning with her elbows on the counter, looking blankly out the window across from her. Cindy frowned and watched her friend for a moment, then got up discarding the ruined magazine and walked over to lean beside her, blowing a couple long strands of hair away from her eyes. Selena glanced over at her for a second before looking away and gulped down some more water.
A long but comfortable silence fell over them, in which they both stared out the window, deep in thought, and the raven haired woman brought her cup to her lips a few more times before clearing her throat. Cindy looked at her expectantly.
“I think I saw Vicious today.” Selena said not looking her companion in the eyes but turning slightly to look at her elbow instead, Cindy‘s gaze filled with pity and concern.
“Oh… again?…” Cindy said unsurely and looked down at her hands, that folded on the counter in front of her.
“ Are you sure that it wasn‘t that same man from last time?” She asked carefully.
They had had the same conversation last week, when Selena had come home flustered by the appearance of the stranger who resembled her father. But Cindy had bluntly reminded her he was dead. It was a horrible truth for her to face as well, with her father and her brother gone, but she could do nothing but face it. And just live, though it had been hard to, she was getting better slowly. Selena on the other hand, seemed to refuse blank point to listen to her. Insisting that he was looking for them, surviving the explosion somehow.
Selena pursed her lips, not wanting to get into another argument with the younger woman. “ I am sure of it. I was just too late in stopping him from leaving again.” She said thickly. “The next time I see him. I will bring him back here.” Cindy said nothing to this, but shifted uncomfortably beside her.
“Selena…” She started but was cut off by the taller woman moving suddenly away from the counter, she put the empty cup in the sink and stretched her hands above her head.
“ I think I will go to bed. I will feel better in the morning I think. I brought some dinner for you, its in the bag.” She said looking slightly more cheerful of the prospect of sleep and turned to make her way into her room, but she was stopped by Cindy’s hand on her shoulder.
“…If you do find my father. Make sure you do bring him back. I miss him.” Cindy said steadily. Selena smiled sadly and nodded, touching her hand in return and then continued her way to her room, shutting the door softly behind her.
Vicious returned to Earth through a dimension gate only to find an angry
Cassandra in front of a malfunctioning computer. The virus was so strong that
you could see an “ED 3.0” log scattered across the screen, and playing a song
that Julius made. When Vicious heard that song it looked like he’d just been
shot in the heart. The expression on his face was uncanny, overwhelmed by what
his ears had picked. Cassandra was too occupied with her anti-virus database to
even notice that he was there. Vicious gathered himself and went into his room
and sat against the door, tucking his knees to his chest. The sound waves of
the song seemed to burst through the door, making the song sound even louder in
the bedroom. He closed his eyes, rocking back and the song finally drowned out.
“Melanie, if you are listening, I need you,” He said, before opening his eyes
to a yellow radiance that sucked the Sun’s gleam out of the glass of the
windowpane. He could see her silk red hair outlined in a yellow aura. He could
barely see her smooth pale skin, but her forest green eyes were fixed onto him.
“Melanie?” Vicious said, amazed that she responded to him so fast.
“Yes, Vici. I am here for you,” she said. He got up and tried to hug her, but
was deflected back against the door, unable to touch her.
“Melanie where is Julius?” he asked, reaching for her again. She moved back,
not wanting him to hurt himself again. Yellow electricity circled his arm from
their reaction. He could not touch her because he was not a pure being.
“He committed suicide, therefore he is in hell, Vici,” she replied with tears
forming in her green eyes. They trickled down her face, and sparkled with a
bright gleam.
“This would’ve never happened if I hadn’t failed from the start,” Vicious said,
looking into her teary eyes.
“Vici everything happens for a reason. It’s not your fault; you can’t save
everyone. I still love you, but you have to move on,” she said, crying.
“I can’t; there has been so many sleepless nights without you in my arms. I
wake up in the middle reaching for nothing. No one is there,” he said, reaching
for her shoulder, feeling the divine electricity shock him.
“You have to go to her, it is meant to be,” Melanie said.
“What do you mean?” Vicious asked, his eyes, locked on hers. She began fading
away, and Vicious leapt up to painfully embrace her one last time. It felt like
sharp teeth was ripping through his flesh as he leaned closer to pressed his
lips onto hers, “Melanie we can love each other this way, can’t we,” he said,
before breaking the kiss.”
“Vici, we cannot be,” she said, leaning toward him for another kiss.
“Yes we can, you know I would go to the end of the universe for you,” Vicious
said, resting his forehead on hers.
“She needs you, Vici,” Melanie said, before she faded away. After she departed,
Vicious fell to his knees, with his shirt burned completely off. His body was
scarred but he was briefly healing.
“I know…I know what I must do…”
After a rough day of work, Selena left Burger King, holding her black sun visor
in her hand. The sun was setting as she dragged herself to her car. She then
heard gunshots rang out, and a young man run by with a mob of men holding guns
chasing him.
“That’s Vici’s brother. Serves him right, that traitor,” she said, as she slid
her key in the door. The only things on her mind now were an afternoon of
dreaming about Vicious while she slept. With the thought of Vicious on her
mind, she began to think like him.
“Even though Zero betrayed Vici, he would still go save him,” Selena said, and
took off in pursuit of the men. She darted down the sidewalk, seeing the men
just a hundred yards from her. Once she was close enough, she launched onto the
wall and sprung off of it, taking one of the men down. As he struggled to get
free, Selena grabbed his head and twisted. The cracking of his neck somehow
excited Selena, and pearly white fangs began to show with an untamed thirst for
blood. She got up and ran after the remaining men who came to a halt. Zero had
stopped at the street corner, noticing that no one was around, and he began
firing at the men who could not hit him at all. Selena disarmed two the men,
and ducked as they both punched at her. The men punched each other, and Selena
swept both of them in one single motion. The men quickly got up, only to feel a
split kick from Selena’s size 71/2 Reeboks. After that all she saw was Zero
standing over some dead men with two empty chrome berrettas. But one man on the
ground fired at Selena, hitting her in the stomach. She fell to the ground,
silently in shock. Her eyes were wide, and the pain did not affect her as much
at the shock did. Once she snapped out of it she could hear Zero punching and
kicking the man, but all she could see was the crimson blood leaking from the
man’s mouth that she’d kicked in the face. Within the blink of an eye she was
sucking the blood out of his neck before finishing him off. With her energy
back, she got up, and blocked the oncoming punch from the other man she leveled.
She kept hold of his arm, and sent two chops to his chest before, lifting her
leg and giving her another taste of her foot. When his head reared back, the
crease of her leg wrapped around the back of his neck as she spun around,
completely taking the man’s head off. Zero kicked the last man in the face with
enough force to send him flying back. Selena caught him by the collar, and
grabbed his neck, screeching at him with exposed fangs. The man cowered in
fear, whining like a child as he pissed his pants before having a heart attack.
Zero began walking toward her, but was halted by a katana blade piercing his
“Time to meet your fate,” Yodo said, holding another katana in his right hand.
Before he could take a swipe at Zero’s head, Selena bashed his face with a
devastating kick. The kick was so strong it shattered his glasses.
He staggered backwards but then dug his heel into the ground and straightened, recovering far faster then Selena had anticipated. She reached out and grabbed hold of the front of Zero’s shirt hauling him to the side, out of the way. He stumbled forwards a few steps, then pitched forwards onto his knees and pressed a hand up against his wound to try to stop the bleeding. Selena could only spare him a quick glance before having to dodge the katana that came whistling towards her head, quickly slipping behind Yodo, and smirked as she aimed her foot at his bottom. He lurched forwards grunting and whipped around again looking furious, she jumped the blade and did a spin kick, her foot colliding with his open mouth. He jerked back feeling like his head had split open and tried to blink his blood out of his eyes, but not before a second kick made him loose hold on one of his katanas and it sailed into the air behind him.
Selena was mentally cheering and jumped, digging a foot into his chest and leaped off his shoulders, catching the spinning weapon as she flipped and landed a cat like grin on her face. Yodo held his breath and followed her movements closely, and smiled.
Selena stood and clenched the stolen katana tightly in her right hand, now that she had it, they were very evenly matched.
Yodo leaned forwards and spat blood, keeping his eyes on her, he casually ran his tongue over his bottom lip.
“So little girl, how well can you sword fight?” He asked looking hugely unconcerned, Selena shrugged and lifted the katana up examining it in the light.
“Well enough.” She said lifting the blade towards him, Yodo looked delighted, his hand twitching ever so slightly. There was no sound save for a sudden rush of movement, and twin blades met in mid-air. Selena holding the handle with both hands, and Yodo with one, as they pushed for the upper hand. She wrenched her katana away whipped it up again to block his coming towards her neck, throwing her strength against the blade she pushed him back. His eyes widened as he was barely able to block her swipe to his stomach, falling back a few more steps as he blocked several more attempts, until a sharp pain in his hand made him loose hold on his weapon and it clattered to the ground. Selena grew over confident and lunged forwards, throwing her weight into the thrust that was meant to slice into his stomach. But she caught a face full of his fist, shocked and temporarily blinded she stumbled past him and missed. Frantically she tried to regain her footing, but too late, felt a hand grasp tightly at her hair and jerk her back up to meet Yodo’s hallowed blue eyes. She hissed at him, blinking back tears and tried to lift her blade, Yodo laughed and quickly drew his fist back again.
Selena gasped and reeled as he hit her, striking again and again until her nose felt broken, and blood was splattered over his shirt. Dropping her katana she push against his chest, desperate to get away. He chuckled and smacked her around a few more times, before dropping her. She fell onto her front, her chest heaving and bit back a moan. Hearing him crouch and the sound of his blade dragging off up the floor again, she used all of her strength to roll to the left, narrowly avoiding the katana he drove down at her head. As he brought it down again she rolled around and caught his arm, with a yell of effort she brought her feet against his stomach, knocking him off his feet and into the tree behind him. He hit the trunk and lost hold of his weapon again as it went spinning into the bushes, silently he fell to the ground lay quite still. Selena slowly rose to her feet, trembling and walked forwards a bit looking him over, checking his breathing, to make sure he was really down. Then looked around for Zero, finding him leaning against a pedestrian crossing sigh, she ran up to him and put a hand his shoulder, slowly he lifted his head to stare groggily at her.
“Is he dead?”
Selena noticed how pale he was and quickly throwing his arm around her neck, lifted him and started hurrying back down the street.
“Not yet. But we should get out of here quickly anyways, before he becomes conscious again.” She said half walking, half hauling the wounded young man towards her car.
A strom began to build up outside of Vicious’ apartment, and Cassandra was still typing away. The lights were flickering, and the building was shaking from the rumble of the thunder. Vicious stared out the window, watching clear teardrops trickle down the glass. It made him think of Selena, and how she watched the rain to relax. She’d sit in her recliner chair, and stair at the outside world as if it were a film. He smiled to himself, and looked back at Cassandra who was working frantically at her desk.
“You should give it up, you’ve obviously met your match,” Vicious said. Cassandra looked up from her work, red with anger.
“Shut up!”
“Fine, I’m going to bed,” Vicious said, before hearing his cell phone ring. “Hello?”
“Vicious, you have to report to me tomorrow!” Garnett’s voice yelled into the phone. Vicious threw the phone to the floor and went into his bedroom.
See ya later space cowgirl...
Comments (2) |
Sunday, October 16, 2005
I finally got a chance to make it back. What's been going on? I made it out of the first grading period, miraculously. Anyone a senior this year? It is boring as hell. I hate being senior. We are the second most hated class up there. If it werent for the freshmen we would be first. but they really suck this year. Any way I cant wait to graduate this year, because I am going to shoot through college to get to my marriage. It feels like I am rushing it, but at the same time I feel like I am running out of time. Anyway, I have become obsessed with making graphics, so does anyone want a banner?
this is my latest banner

I made it for Selena
So if you want a banner, just tell me and i will get to you asap. my email is shatteredmirrorX@hotmail.com I also make other graphics. My wallpaper that sucks, but I am still working at my graphic skills. I even make sigs for those gaia users out there

made that one for Capricious Tyrant. So if anyone wants graphics will do my best to make them for you, peace
Comments (4) |
Sunday, September 11, 2005
hope you enjoy it
The Black Phases
Reality Bytes
Another day at the office ended with Vicious coming home to his Downtown New York loft, where the babysitter sat on the black leather couch with Temari in her lap. He sat his holster containing his chrome desert eagle on the coat rack when the brown haired babysitter walked up to him.
“How was your day, Mr. Smith?” she asked.
“It was ok, was Temari good?” Vicious replied, looking at his daughter.
“As always,” the babysitter said, smiling.
“Goodbye, Samantha,” Temari said, getting up. Samantha’s brown eyes squinted, and she smiled big and wide, showing her big white teeth.
“See you tomorrow, Temari,” Samantha said, before leaving. The door closed behind Vicious as he walked over the couch and sat down. Temari crawled into his lap and gave him the remote.
“Want to watch some TV?” she asked.
“No, TV is bad for your mind, I would rather spend my night with you,” he said, wrapping his arms around the little child. She rested her round head on his chest, and looked up at him with her big eyes. When he looked down at her, he always found her stare to be so convicting. He felt guilty every time he looked into her left eye, the one that was light green. The very eye she was blind in. He also noticed the she could see right through him the way Melanie could dissect him with her sight.
“Daddy, is something wrong?” She asked.
“Nothing,” he said. Temari then got up wearing her black pjs, and went into the kitchen area. Vicious followed, and started to dig into the fridge.
“What do you want for dinner?” he asked, turning his head to where she stood beside him.
“Blood,” she replied, as she pulled at his hand. Noticing that he hadn’t had blood in months, ever since he tasted Malkav’s dull ironless blood, he lifted her and sat her on the counter. He remembered how Melanie would bite into his wrist, back when he was human. He then grabbed a knife from the drawer, slit his wrist, and squeezed the blood into a cup. He filled it halfway, and held it for her as she drunk it.
“I don’t know what I am going to do when you get bigger,” he said, laughing. She drunk about half of what was in the cup and she was done.
“I’m full,” she said, kicking her legs so she could get down. He put her down and picked up his Nextel i50000023 that was ringing.
“What now, Garnett?” he asked.
“Is that how you greet your loving wife?” she asked.
“No, I would greet my wife with warmth, if I had one,” Vicious said.
“Anyway, Julius, you have to report tonight, this is an emergency,” Garnett demanded.
“But I just got Temari situated, this job is ruining my time with her,” Vicious said, in a very frustrated tone.
“Bring her here, and we will talk, this is urgent,” she said.
Meanwhile back on Mars, Selena stood at the register of a fast food restaurant, bored as hell. She and Cindy moved in together, and bought a ship, because they couldn’t afford an apartment just yet. They were still making payments on that heap of junk called the bebop that they bought fro this guy named Jet. Everything was going pretty ok, but Selena often found herself lacking a social or love life. She was working two jobs to make ends meet, and Cindy was working one and attending a community college in hopes of getting a better job. But Selena found that she was happy that she had her old life back, the life she had before she was turned into a vampire. The bell rang on the door, and a man walked in with white hair and wearing all black. Her eyes lit up and she thought it was Vicious coming to rescue her, and give her the wild life again, but it was some lanky guy that walked with a limp. She frowned, thinking about Vicious and how she would give up the normal life she’d yearned for just to have one more day on the wild side with Vicious. Selena watched as the man push back his curtain of hair, dripping rain water onto the nicely polished floor and looked up to meet her eyes.
“Good afternoon.” He said pleasantly when Selena failed to say anything; she cleared her throat snapping out of her thoughts.
“Afternoon.” She grunted and straightened the cap with the companies logo on her head. “How may I help you?”
“Ah, just some coffee for now thanks. Black. No sugar or cream.” He said pulling out a black wallet and digging inside for some change. Selena muttered a reply and turned her back making her way towards the coffee machine, taking out a regular cup, she switched the machine on and waited. A stream of freshly brewed coffee began pouring out as she fell into another stupor and didn’t notice anything, until the coffee had overflowed out onto her hand. She yelled and dropped the cup jumping out of the way as it hit the floor and splashed everywhere. The man at the counter looked over in worry and asked if she was alright.
“I’m fine.” She said rubbing at her hand and quickly filled another cup for the man, giving him his change and watching as he went and tried to find a table. She sighed and turned back to her mess in time for her boss to come out and slip on it. Selena winced and raced over to help him up, he was yelling rather loudly and causing a scene, and when he’d finally stormed back into the kitchens. Selena had a mop and a very ugly look on her face as she cleaned with customers shooting looks in her direction every few minutes.
When her shift was over she hurtled out of the restaurant and towards her car, slamming the door shut she stuffed the key in and started the car up. After a few moments of the engine spluttering she drove out in front of some other startled drivers and raced down the road towards The Red Rock, where Cindy worked.
The hunter was now the hunted, and Zero was no longer an appraised human, but a detested beast. His reality was waking up to the sounds of sirens and keeping himself on the move. It was now going on the evening hour and Zero was just leaving the store when he saw a car circle around the block. He then heard footsteps from behind the building. The same car came back, and this time, four men stepped out as if they were entering the store. But by the time they could pull their guns out, Zero was firing at them with two chrome berettas, hitting them all in between their eyes. He dropped his bag of groceries, and fled up the street, hearing machine guns firing at him.
“Bounty hunters,” Zero said, as he took a giant leap onto a nearby rooftop. He sighed as he made his way to his temporary home at a motel6. He entered his apartment, only to find a man, sitting on a case with x karou on it. The man veered his corrective lenses in Zero’s direction. He was a Japanese man dressed in a white shirt and black tie. He wielded a katana at his side and his hair was in a bowl shaped haircut, but slightly longer in the front.
“Hello, Zero, I am Yodo, and I will be killing you today,” He greeted, standing up and putting his hand on the handle of his katana.
“I didn’t know the grim reaper was so clean cut,” Zero said, reaching for one of the chrome berettas.
“He isn’t you’ll meet him in the afterlife after I decipher your fate,” Yodo said. He drew the katana, dashed, and slashed at Zero all in one movement. All Yodo hit was the air coming in from the doorway.
“You are going to have to move faster than that,” Zero said, standing behind him. Yodo rolled over, throwing ninja stars at Zero. They disintegrated at Zero’s gaze that turned blood red. His hair took on a dark green color that faded to jet black. His shirt ripped off, exposing a pulsating scar, covering his torso. Yodo dashed over to the case, and popped it open, taking out another katana just as Zero approached him. He slashed, and Zero evaded. Yodo managed another slash, but Zero was just too quick, ducking and kicking him in the face. Yodo back flipped, landing on his legs, and going for another attack. He crossed his katanas, and slashed forward. Zero leaned back, and used Yodo momentum to throw him out of the window.
Back on Earth, Vicious found himself standing on blood red carpet, staring at Garnett who sat at a cherry wood desk. She was wearing a white blouse and black skirt with her red hair in a bun. Temari sat on the outside, talking to Mathias, Garnett’s first husband. He was a strong brute with long black hair and a dark gaze that stabbed Vicious every time he laid eyes on him. It was so pronounced that he could nearly feel the envy going down his back. Vicious knew that he’d been trying to get his seraphic vampire wife to have a baby, and then this stray with white hair and green eyes, just comes in and knocks her up. Vicious always smiled at the fact of that. He was able to walk around freely while he stayed on and served her. He turned back and looked at Garnett who was going through some papers.
“Vicious, you’re welcome to have a seat,” Garnett said, without looking at him as she thumbed through a manila folder.
“No thanks, I am waiting for you to hurry up so I can send Temari to bed,” Vicious said.
“No need, she will stay here for a few weeks. What you are about to be doing is very dangerous, and I don’t think you’re able to handle two females in your house.
“Two?” Vicious asked.
“Yes, my sister Cassandra will be living with you as part of your assignment,” Garnett explained, as a girl with short blonde hair and green eyes came in, wearing khaki cargo pants, and low cut white t-shirt, exposing defined abs and her belly button.
“She is sixteen, so no funny business, Vicious,” Garnett said, glaring at him.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, what’s the assignment?” Vicious asked, hastily and slightly irritated that his daughter wouldn’t be coming back with him. Cassandra smiled at him, and stood in the doorway.
“You will be protecting her while she tracks a hacker that has been surging through our database for months now, and your next assignment for tomorrow will be to hunt down a psycho, named Zero,” she said. Vicious looked at her with a stunned glare. His eyes were wide, but sharp like a knife.
“Anything wrong, Vicious?” Garnett asked.
“That is my brother,” Vicious replied. Garnett got up and walked over to him, rubbing her hand over his chest.
“You must destroy the target, there are no exceptions,” She said, leaning closer to him. He backed away, and started to walk off.
“Yeah, no exceptions,” Vicious said, with a million thoughts running through his head. Cassandra followed behind him, carrying her luggage.
“Goodbye Temari,” Vicious said, as he walked away.
“Goodbye?” she said, chasing after him.
“I’ll return soon, just enjoy yourself while you’re here,” Vicious said, sadly.
“Oh…ok,” she said, sniffling but holding back her tears while watching Vicious walk away with her aunt, Cassandra.
“So, who is this hacker you are hunting?” Vicious asked, while Cassandra unpacked her luggage back at the apartment. He stood with his arms crossed while leaning against the wall.
“A hacker that goes by the alias, Ed 3.0; we’ve checked her background, and found that she was engaged to your son,” Cassandra said.
“My son,” Vicious said, his eyes going blank.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to mention him,” she got up and put her hand on his shoulder.
“It’s quite alright, make yourself at home,” Vicious said, before leaving the room.
The ship called the bebop looked like a wasteland compiled into one vehicle. Cindy sat on the couch in her black underwear and white t-shirt with her legs crossed, while Selena tried to cook up some noodles.
“Is that grub ready yet?” Cindy asked.
“Almost,” she said with a cloud of black smoke seeping through the ship.
“Oh shit,” Cindy said, knowing that everything on her plate would be burnt crispy. Selena came in and sat the food on the coffee table, with a black spot on her nose along with a couple of burns on her arms.
“Eat up,” she said, gleefully.
“I should’ve eaten at the bar,” Cindy said, and Selena frowned before digging into her plate of black smoking noodles.
…..See ya later Space Cowgirl
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
hey guys
just dropped in, phase 1 is done!
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