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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
New Layout
Yeah, had to get rid of the old one. I think it was running everyone away with the loud colors. So I decided to go back to the mellow colors. To give it a relaxing tone. I dedicate the wallpaper to the hottest chick in the world, Vicky. It reminds me of her, because she loves the rain. I am getting back into the swing of an otakulife. I have been making a couple of visits a day. Its starting to feel like when i first began, those were some good times. I had more to say than I do now. I dont know whats wrong with me. Its like the older I get the more I lose of myself. Nothing really sparks my interest anymore. Even porn, which at one time was the best thing in the world to me, is going sour. I guess it would be after ten years. Time for the real thing, isnt that right, Vicky? Anyway, I hope all of you have a blessed, day, and I might get some time to get a few visits in, later
Lesson of the day, never cook bacon with your shirt off, it hurts like hell.
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Monday, July 11, 2005
I am bored as hell. I am trying to work on the next phase, but nothing is cooking right now. I got some good feedback from yesterday's phase, and I am very grateful as always. Got some horrible news about two days ago, but I cant let that get in my way. Hurricane Dennis took my power out last night, but I am back online! I can't wait til school starts, sorry if that offends anyone, but I am so ready to graduate and get out of this place. I think once that plane lifts off, that will be the beginning of the rest of my life or the beginning of my life period. My past wont matter after I leave.....
Anyway, have you ever been hooked up with someone by a friend, and it turned out the person was not attractive at all? I have, and its not a pretty sight, luckily I have Vicky now. But seriously the girl looked so bad, I wanted to tell her I was gay to get her off me. Vicky hates this girl by the way, but yeah, Lesson of the day, never let your friends hook you up with a person, there is always foul play, unless you truely confide in your friend.
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
Phase 17
The Prodigy 3
The smell of smoking ash destroyed the atmosphere of flames, surrounding Cindy. She wanted to think that where she was, was indeed an illusion, but she was wrong. This was the real deal. Her boots were melting as she stood on a ground, running with lava. She could see souls of men and women being tortured in a pit. The horrid screams were horrific to her ears. She knew she had to get out of there somehow. She began to run, speeding towards a dark hole. She gritted her teeth, exposing those ivory fangs, as she felt drops of lava sink into her calves. She leapt into the dimension gate before it could close, and landed in a bed of roses. She was tangled in a chain of green vines, full of sharp thorns. Every movement was a needle sinking into soft skin. The skies were dark grey with outlines of clouds surging through like blood circulating through veins. Cindy’s green eyes were faced with the name branded in blood red on the face of the sky.
“Valentin, it’s him!” Cindy said, ripping through the vines, seeing her blood sprinkling onto the crimson roses. She got up, with the excruciating pain in her ankles. “Show yourself!” Without anymore delay, he appeared, wearing a purple robed outlined in gold. He was pale with crimson eyes. He looked like a shorter and skinnier Malkav with his hair gelled to the back.
“Hello Cindy,” he said, with a glass of red whine in hand.
“What do you want?” She pointed the sword in his direction. He dropped the whine glass on the ground, after seeing all the blood soaking Cindy’s body.
“It is you that I want. Ever since you left Earth, I have been in pursuit of you. I can nearly taste the fragrance you have drowned you luscious body with,” he said in an aroused manner.
“You killed all of those vampire hunters,” Cindy said.
“Yes I did, and I after I am done with you, you shall suffer the same fate,” he flicked his thin hand at her, sprinkling sparkling dust that seemed to roll off of his long fingernails. A black spider web sprouted from his palm, and came right for Cindy. She leapt in an attempt to cut the web in half with her father’s blade. She found herself restrained again against her will. She jerked back and forth to get free as she saw the vampire coming for her slowly.
“Let me go, fucker!” Cindy said, her sword falling into a pit of roses and vines. Valentin hiked her tanktop up a little, as he ran his cold finger over her pale belly button. He levitated up to her where she stood idle in the web, trapped in a crucified from. The parts of the web wrapped around her wrists and ankles tightened, making her bleed even more.
“The blood of a vampire runs through your veins, but only just a bit. Just the way I like it,” he licked at her lips, and she head butted him to the ground. Vicious’ guardian angel came soaring down from the black skies to save her daughter. Valentin landed with a grin on his face, but to his surprise Cindy was free. When she landed, she gripped her sword and rushed towards Valentin. Prepared for her attack, scales appeared on his back, but surprisingly it began to rain. He blew Cindy away with a gust of wind.
“This is not supposed to happen,” he looked up to the sky to see his name being erased, and replaced by a pair of yellow eyes. Valentin didn’t have time to become afraid. He heard the cold silver blade centering in on him unmercifully. The rain was black drops hitting the ground and killing the roses below. The rain drops wet the sword as Valentin grabbed the sword and turned around. His hand dripped crimson as he held tight to the end of the blade. Cindy kicked him while still conjoined, and he retaliated with a back hand to her face. She spit blood from her lip and droved the sword into his gut. She leaned into him, sinking her fangs into his neck. Very aroused at the moment, Valentin did nothing to combat her. The vines below her feet became cobras and she released. The yellow eyes squinted as if they were grinning, and it turned out that those raindrops weren’t raindrops at all. In fact it was Valentin’s little world being destroyed. A dimension gate interrupted the function of that world and Malkav’s son stepped in, grinning widely. For once fear struck Cindy. She thought Drakus had come to help him finish her off. The snakes below became pavement, and Cindy found herself standing on the sidewalk where she once was.
“What are you doing here?” Valentin asked, catching Cindy who tried to run away. Drakus’ arm stretched like elastic and grabbed hold of Cindy.
“I came for dinner,” He looked at Cindy with a smile, drool dripping from his lip.
“Why yes, Drakus you are welcome to join me,” Valentin said, smirking. Drakus threw Cindy back to the ground, retracting his arm.
“No, I don’t care much for half-breed,” Drakus said.
“Then what is your reason for being here? Drakus I have no time for your games!”
“That’s a lot coming from someone who plays mind games with his victims,” Drakus said, pulling out a chrome magnum.
“Drakus, why are you doing this?” Valentin asked.
“I am getting rid of a pest,” Drakus answered.
“Do you always do what your “mommy” says? I and your father are the two most powerful beings in the universe!” Valentin yelled, scales becoming more visible on his back. His eyes turn yellow like the eyes of a viper.
“You forgot about me,” Drakus said, dropping the gun to the ground.
“You’re nothing but a sad mistake, a mere defect with no sense of being. You are a being without purpose. You might as well have been created in a lab!”
“Time for the defect to show you what he can do,” Drakus said, his anger turning into laughter. His dimples grew deeper as his smile surfaced. Valentin then took the form of a giant cobra. The head flared and snapped at him immediately. Drakus moved to the right and stretched his waist, wrapping his body around the coils of the cobra. Cindy woke up the giant face of the serpeant beast. She hopped to her feat and ran, but noticed that it was screeching from being constricted by Drakus. Valentin returned to his regular state and faced Drakus whose body was twisted at the waist. He turned around grinning like a little child.
“I see this won’t be a simple task,” Valentin said.
“For you, yes,” Drakus said, now standing hunched over with his hands hanging down, dangling like noodles. Valentin began to walk over to him, drawing a long sword. He tried to cut Drakus in half, right down the middle, but he did it for him. Drakus ripped himself in half like a piece of paper. He put himself together and leapt into the air, stretching his arm out to choke Valentin’s neck.
“Come on, you’re too easy,” he smiled, as he started to bash Valentin’s head into the ground, repeatedly, until Malkav arrived, standing behind his son.
“What are you doing?” He said, watching his son, drive Valentin’s face into the pavement. Cindy saw Malkav and her rage burst out of her as she gunned for him with her father’s sword in hand. Drakus’ free arm stretched out and caught her. He then twisted his smiling face around to face his father.
“I’m showing him how to respect a true vampire,” he said, holding Cindy as she struggled to get free.
“Put him down, immediately!” Malkav yelled. Drakus grew angrier but the smile widened, as he started thrash Valentin.
“But mother told me to destroy the target,” Drakus said, his grip tightening around Valentin’s neck.
“And I’m telling you to release him,” Malkav demanded.
“Why should I listen to someone who doesn’t believe in me? You said it yourself, I’m worthless!” Drakus said, misinterpreting with Malkav had previously said. Malkav became annoyed with Cindy’s screaming and he took his gun out, firing at her forehead. Drakus quickly clutched Cindy to his chest, and pushed Valentin in the way of the bullet. The bullet exploded inside of his heart and Valentin diminished like burning ash.
“New bullets,” Drakus smirked, watching the target diminish.
“You bastard,” Malkav said, as he pulled the trigger ten times, hitting Drakus in the back. Drakus fell on top of Cindy, bleeding out of his mouth. She could only see over his shoulder. And over his shoulder stood Malkav, pointing the gun at her, and she was staring down the barrel. Seven blades tasted Malkav’s flesh, running through his torso. The katana blades were all connected to Julius’ guitar. Malkav turned to see Julius. He noticed himself being lifted by the blades. Julius’ grey eyes were sharp as knives under his silver hair. Drakus woke up, and grabbed Cindy.
“I see you have your hands full, father,” Drakus smiled, taking Cindy with him as he made his escape. He vanished before Julius could pursue him. Julius then looked up at Malkav who was pretty much being crucified.
“You better hope he doesn’t harm my sister,” he said, as he hauled Malkav towards the mansion.
The lake glimmered from the bright stars above. The breeze was soothing, giving off a smooth tone for Vicious and Selena, who lay at the shore of the lake in the grass. Selena found herself, resting her head on Vicious’ chest, relieved that it was over, but afraid for his health. She noticed he hadn’t said anything for the last two hours. He just lay there, sitting up on his elbows. She knew he had been shot, but he wouldn’t let her touch the wound.
“Vici, come on, let’s go,” she said, trying to help him up.
“They’ll track us,” he said, weakly.
“We’ll be fine,” she pulled him up, putting his arm over her shoulder.
“Do you think we should go home?” Vicious asked.
“No, everyone went back to the new mansion. Vici, you should open another one of those gate thingys,” Selena said, pulling at his shirt.
“I’m not focused enough, one false move and we can be trapped there forever,” Vicious, drew his gun and began walking. He ejected the clip, watching it hit the soft grass.
“Did you bring anymore ammo?” he asked. She reached into her pocket and pulled out two clips. He loaded his gun and put the other clip away. As soon as they reached the road from out of the woods, they were found. Helicopters circled the perimeter with patrol cars below. The task force arrived in a van and hopped out, equipped with machine guns.
“Vici, we’re trapped,” Selena said, looking around.
“Yeah, that’s apparent, dear. Forgive me for what I am about to do,” he said, as he jerked her back into the woods. He cocked her neck to the side with her staring up at his eyes glistening with lust.
“Vici, wha…” she went dead silent, as she felt his fangs withdraw a large amount of blood from her pulse. He put her down and fired at shot, as if he’d just offed her and walked back out to face the men.
“Give us the order to eliminate the target,” a sniper said. Zero pushed the barrel of the rifle down.
“We have to kill him! He can’t be restrained,” another man said.
“No, he’s my brother,” Zero said, watching Vicious point his gun at him. He fired, hitting the sniper right between the eyes and he darted off into the woods, away from Selena who was slowly gaining her consciousness. A swarm of bullets came at him like bees. The leapt over a log and headed for the lake, noticing the men now on four-wheelers. The more torque they added to their bikes, the faster Vicious ran. He then leapt towards the lake before taking flight. He crossed paths with one of the helicopters, and grabbed onto the landing rail, where he took out the three men below on the bikes. He then leapt into the chopper, immediately shooting the pilot. He kicked Zero in the chest before he could do anything. The other sniper kicked the gun out of his hand and Vicious grabbed him by the throat, lifting him up. Before he could haul the teenager out of the chopper, Zero shot him with his berretta. Vicious dropped the boy and fell out of the helicopter, catching his gun that fell with him. The young sniper landed on his knees, panting. The helicopter shook, and they found that Vicious had punched into the side of the helicopter where the gasoline was. Vicious levitated in the dark skies, watching the chopper fall. He fired two rounds at it and the chopper exploded. He also shot the oncoming chopper and let it explode over all the task force men. He then flew to where Selena was and lifted her up.
“Time to go home,” he looked into her lidded brown eyes, and couldn’t stop looking at her adorable face. He leaned closer to her and tried to kiss, but ran into a tree head first, flying at about 100 mph. He hit the ground with Selena still in his arms.
The mansion had become a pit. There were holes in the floor and walls, where the battle had oozed into the house. Wires were ripped open, sparking electricity. All the glass from the vases to the windows was in pieces. The only thing that soothed the area was the sweet summer breeze that caressed Julius’ hair as he stared at Malkav. Blood leaked from his arm and a little from his mouth.
“You’ve truly impressed me today, Julius,” Malkav said, with a few nicks and cuts in his face that healed before Julius’ eyes. “But you’re going to have to do more than that to stop me,” He said, firing at will. Julius swung his guitar to hit the bullet away. He leapt down the staircase, swinging the guitar at Malkav with it still strapped over his chest. Malkav ducked swinging the barrel of his gun at Julius’s head. Julius blocked with his forearm, and head butted Malkav, before strumming on the guitar. Malkav fired, trying to avoid the playing, but Julius vanished behind him. When turned around, the barrel of a shotgun cocked, and fired, splattering Malkav’s head. Julius fell to his knees, thinking that it was finally over. The shot gun diminished, and so did the wound on Malkav’s head. Malkav fired, hitting Julius in his shoulder. Julius screamed like a child, scraping his knee. Pimp and Luminae, who were returning home, immediately drew their guns.
“Don’t you ever give up?” Pimp said, as she tackled Malkav to the ground. He kicked her off before noticing that he was being pistol whipped by Luminae. The butt of the gun broke his nose, but he managed to get her off. Julius lay on the ground, clutching his wound. A young woman stood over the staircase, holding a crossbow, and then another mysterious woman came out, wearing a cloak.
“Your fates are mine,” Malkav said.
Cindy found herself in another Mansion lying in a room with blood red walls, and crimson sheets covering her . She saw her boots sitting on a red chair, then Drakus entered the dark red, wooden door. His smile was no longer sadistic looking, it was warm as he knelt down beside the bed.
“Are you alright?” he asked, grabbing her hand.
“Ah, yes. Why did you bring me here?” Cindy asked.
“To protect you,” he replied.
“I don’t need anyone protecting me,” she said a little angrily.
“We have to go back, my brother is in danger,” she got up, wincing in pain.
“We will when you’re healed,” he got up, pushing her back onto the bed. Though she was ambitious to get back to help her brother, she felt safe with Drakus. She wondered how she was feeling safe in the home of a lunatic.
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Friday, July 8, 2005
As you know Dante creamed the American badass to retain the Vicious Championship. Honestly, I dont thing anyone can kick his ass. His ass is too bad, making him possibly the baddest ass, besides Vicious. This week was pretty quick. I gotta get ready for next week when i my father is going to bother me about that house again *slaps forehead* So I better enjoy the freedom of the next two or three days. Anyway, I have been working on a new phase. Doesnt seem like they are starting to suck, or is it just me? I'll get it together. I think I am temperarily at a loss of words. well, bye
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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
Dante VS the American Badass
Hey guys, I am glad that most of my team is back. Thanks everyone who visited me. I had to get a little emotional today, but today was still a great day. I dont even feel like explaining I was just that mad, anyway its time for Dante to defend the gold and he will be going against the American Badass!
Cast your votes


Later everyone, love you vicky, hate you carrie
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Monday, July 4, 2005
There is some shit brewing over at Sindalla's site and I will have no part of that shit, so yeah down to business. The lesson of the day, shit there is no lesson of the day. I'm bored as hell and where is everybody!!! Probably getting jiggy and stuff without me, God without Vicky I have absolutely no life. But luckily I am just one more year from actually living with her and having an army of little vicky's. Oh well, I will work on a new crow story for when my main visiting ppl come back, i miss yous guyz. later
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Sunday, July 3, 2005
Yesterday was one of the coolest days ever. I took CT to EB games to get a new PS2 and we turned in some games and only paid 88 bucks for a game, a memory card, and a ps2. Then we had to drive halfway across town to the summit for him to see his girlfriend at the movies. We went to see Mr. and Mrs. Smith which was pretty good. Dont ask CT what it was about, he only remembers the ending. Then it turns out I was super late to talking to Vicky. I got out of the movie at 9:52, so i had to wait for CT. but luckily I had my trusty IM cell phone at which i used to text Vicky. But the highlight of the night was yet to come. I got home at about 11:15 after getting lost in like Homewood or something. I rped with Vicky and had the greatest time ever. Ok, enough of that. Today I dodged a bullet by having to go lay sheet rock at my dad's house that he is getting built. I dont know why i have to help. I just do it because he got my car fixed. I owe him that much, but as far as the house goes its probably the last thing on my mind right behind school and a social life. Honestly I dont think I will see the finished product, because this time next year, I will be with Vicky. Anybody know when that Harry Potter book comes out? I want to get it for my lady. Bye everybody, I will be back to visiting everyone soon with new phases!!! and the final chapters to the crow story
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Friday, July 1, 2005
I found a Name!
A little over a year, I became disgusted with my gender and I denounced it. A couple of you hot chicks remember that. I know Juggs(vicky) remembers, but anyway. I have found a name for what I am now. I am the antimale. Hell yeah. They need to make me my own personal restroom at public places. I am no longer associated with that beast called a man!!! because they suck. It sucks that I am trapped in this stinking, hair corpse of a body, but i will defeat all odds and become a clean human being without becoming a metrosexual. I am no longer a boy, I am an antiboy! Oh God, I have lost it this time, havent I? I have said some really fucked up shit and at this moment I have the chance to backspace it and complain about how I hate Paris Hilton, but she gives bad blowjobs, so I guess I will post this anyway. I have nothing to lose, but the respect of all the male friends I have on otaku, but hell it doesnt matter, I'll still have Vicky. Damn it I am going to work, because I think I have lost my mind. Well, lesson of the day, Women are sexy and men should bow down to them, except for that chick Malkav
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
How is everyone's summer going? Mine is ok, just need Vicky to be perfect. I have been watching MTV lately, and I gotta say its the dumbest station by far, besides nickelodeon and their wave or gay airbending shows. I watched the shows like date my mom and room raiders. i just watch how fake they are, and how preppy the ppl are on those shows. god i hate them. Whatever happened to "music television"? Reality shows suck. The best show on MTV is Pimp My Ride, but they are all fake, they repeat the same lines at the end of the show, "Your daughter is too sexy, I dont want to date your daughter." Its sickening. What is the world coming to? What happened to the days when you could turn it to MTV and see YO rap videos or just videos period? What happened to the days of the angry beavers, and life was just great without Zoey 101 or that teenick bullshit? I sware if cartoon network gets a reality show, to hell with TV. The lesson for the day kids, MTV sucks, and Vicky is hot
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Friday, June 24, 2005
Has anyone heard that 5 part R. Kelly bullshit ass song "In the closet". The song just simply summarized his whole career after twelve play (his only good cd). I wonder why ppl like that bullshit so much. the beat sux first off all, its just him moaning in the background while whining. And the song is about a couple cheating on each other, says alot about society, doesnt it? Cheating is stupid. I hate songs about going behind your lover's back. So when someone makes a song about how cheating on your lover is ok, i stop liking them. Thats probably the worst thing you could do. I am surrounded by it. My mother and father have done it. My mother says I am destined to do it, but fuck it, if cheating makes me a man then I dont want to be one. There is no excuse for it. Its becoming my worst nightmare. I dont want to become an adult or should i say a "marture" adult, because they are just big ass babies. I would separate myself from the entire outside world if I have to, to stay true to Vicky. I owe her my life, because she saved mine. Well children, thats the lesson for the day. Cheating is gay, later
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