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Friday, March 11, 2005
Today is very very very special day. I received the greatest gift i have ever received. My Vicky gave me a thousand mini stars, all hand made by her. Today is our one year anniversary. This is the day that Selena became apart of the carnival, the day i fell for her. We first talked in Febuary. I remember the first day we talked. She told me she was Asian, and I told her I thought she was a blonde. I found out a lot of things about her, and how simple it was to make her smile. For others it's hard, they will never understand her complex mind. I just read her post a few minutes ago, and I didnt get to give her a good comment, because the nosy bitches were bothering me, but anyway. I am glad that she finally came out and expressed her feelings. I am very proud of you, baby. And I will do the same for you, I will not hurt you and no matter what, I am yours. You are the reason the sun rises and sets. My day isnt complete without communicating with you. There isnt another woman in the world for me, I only wish my mother would understand that. I havent told my father, because he won't understand, he is too childish. Sometimes I feel that no one understands us, but the people on this site. The others can all go to hell, if they can't accept what me and vicky have. Honestly, I grow hatred for people who criticize the love I have for Vicky. I feel angry enough to kill them. But I know that would jeopardize my chance to be with Vicky, so I let it slide. I just listen to what Vicky says, I like to make her feel important because is more than important to me, she is fucking VITAL. I love you, Vicky. And I would sell my soul to be next to you, talk to you tonight. I will rush home from work.
Today is the finals of our competition we have Carl, who beat Grave 3-1


The winner will go on to face La-Laa for the championship. Upon the ending of the title fight, i think there will be a new phase out. I am at a bit of a block. There is a new character. Happy Anniversary, baby!!!!
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