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myOtaku.com: Vicious 2

Monday, March 21, 2005

Phase 12
The Fall

Cindy could see Yodo gripping at the katana at his side. Her heart pounded in her chest, and she didn’t know what to do.
“What do you want?” Cindy asked.
“We want to know if Julius Smith lives here,” Danny blurted out.
“No, he doesn’t,” she lied, noticing the chain on the door being cut just like that. The Don, Danny, and Yodo bomb rushed the door. Tony came in shortly after, looking drunk. All of the commotion woke Temari from her slumber. She could smell human flesh around her and she jumped to the love seat of the couch, screeching at her potential victims with her fangs revealed.
“What the fuck?” Danny said.
“Grab the braud, and let’s go!” Tony said, and latched onto Cindy. Cindy easily wrestled Tony off of her, but she couldn’t stop Yodo from dragging her out of the apartment. Temari was ready to strike, but by the time she leapt from the love seat, the door had closed. She jumped up and down trying to reach the doorknob, but she was too short.
“Let go!” she screamed.
“Damn, she is strong,” Danny said. Cindy threw her head back, and nailed Danny before kicking the Don in his large gut. She clotheslined Tony with all of her strength; the only thing in her way now was Yodo. He rolled his sleeves up and took his tie off. Cindy punched at him, and he quickly evaded her. He gripped her fist and flipped her over. She sprung up using her leg strength. Her pink hair showered her face. Yodo invited her with a hand gesture. She punched at him again, ready for him to grab her fist. He did so, and she used her strength to pull him. She bent forward, bringing her leg up to kick him in the face with the bottom of her shoe. He bounced back, and the Don grabbed Cindy who elbowed him. Yodo came in with swift punch, but Cindy hopped aside and spring boarded off the wall and kicked Tony who was just getting. When she landed Yodo caught her in a choke hold. She strained to get free, panting heavily. She tried to throw him over her, but she wasn’t strong enough.
“Let go!” She screamed and kicked. She was then shot by Danny.
“Damnit, I told you we needed her alive,” The Don said.
“But pop, she was kicking our asses,” Danny reasoned with his father.
“She isn’t dead, now lets get moving,” Yodo said, as he lifted the young girl and began to walk off.

Selena came in the apartment with Julius on her back, and Vicious 2 followed shortly after. Selena walked past the little child sitting on the couch looking down, and rushed Julius to bed. Vicious 2 squatted in front of the little girl as Selena closed the bedroom door behind them. Selena dressed Julius in a pair of pajama pants, and laid him in bed before pulling the sheets over his body.
“Get some rest, sweetie,” she said, and she began to hum a tune while rubbing his forehead. She could hear Vicious 2 talking to the little girl, and she walked out to see what was going on. She found Vicious 2 grabbing his gun and katana, and heading for the door.
“Vici, where are you going?” Selena asked.
“Cindy was kidnapped. I need you to stay here and watch the kids,” Vicious 2 said.
“Vici, I want to go with you,” Selena said.
“I called Luminae and Pimp, they will be here soon,” Vicious 2 said.
“Please, Vici, wait for them so I can go with you. I don’t know what I would do…”
“Do what?” Vicious 2 turned around to see her sad face. Her lips trembled and she spoke in a light tone, “if I lost you.”
“You won’t, I promise,” Vicious 2 said, and walked up to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist, and hugged her tightly. She nuzzled into his chest, and looked up. She closed her eyes, and puckered her lips. Vicious 2 began to lean closer to her lips that was laced with lip gloss. The door burst open, and Luminae and Pimp walked in.
“Did we interrupt a moment?” Pimp asked.
“Uh….no,” Vicious 2 snapped out of his daze. Selena was still puckering her lips, and she quickly kissed his cheek to play it off.
“I have to go,” Vicious 2 began to walk off, but he felt two little strong hands pulling him back.
“Let me go with you, Vici,” she said with her voice breaking. Vicious 2 bit his bottom lip, and looked away from her. He felt her grip loosening. She knew he wasn’t going to let her go.
“Julius needs you. Melanie will be watching over me,” A gleam shined through the blinds with the last of the sunset as Vicious 2 said that.
“Is that her, Vici?” Selena asked.
“Yes, she is my guardian angel,” Vicious 2 walked off, and out of the door.
“Bye,” Selena said as she watched him leave. After he left, Luminae and Pimp ran over to Selena and drowned her with questions.

Vicious walked downtown where The Salvatorio estate stood across from the old syndicate building that was now a bank. He entered the glass doors, and there Yodo stood waiting for him.
“I see you respond quite rapidly, Mr. Smith,” Yodo said.
“Fuck you,” Vicious 2 spit at his feet.
“Before I kill you, I will teach you true honor!” Yodo screamed. Armed men stood behind Yodo with their weapons drawn.
“Honor? I believe you will have to master that trade before you can pass it on,” Vicious 2 said. Yodo drew his katana, and charged at Vicious 2. A smirk showed through the white hair covering Vicious 2’s face, and he moved to the side. He used Yodo’s momentum to haul his ass through the glass door and across the street.
“I hope the ATM takes deposits,” Vicious 2 vanished, before a barrage of bullets could hit him. After the shooting was done, Vicious 2 came back and shot every man in the front lobby. Vicious 2 got on the elevator and took it to the top floor. The building greatly resembled the original syndicate building. It had red carpet and the whole nine, but the only difference was there was more glass with crystal railing. The crystal elevator doors opened, and Vicious 2 walked out, shooting two oncoming men.
“Don!” Vicious 2 called.

The Don nearly choked on his Martian Fried Chicken when he heard Vicious 2’s voice.
“Danny, get behind the desk! Tony, call the boys, and get the girl. Tony got up from his nap, smacking his lips and he hurriedly called the men in with his radio. He ran into the next room, and grabbed Cindy who was still tied up. She was losing blood quickly, but she showed no signs of dying. The men rushed in with their black suits on, each armed with a shotgun or machine gun. Tony dragged Cindy behind the desk with Danny and the Don, who drew his guns. The crowd grew dead silent, until they heard two gunshots, and some footsteps coming towards the door.
“Don, Death is here!” The door knob began to creak, and it burst opened. The men fired with all of the man power they had.
“Stop!” Danny yelled, noticing that it wasn’t Vicious 2. The Don clutched his chest as he saw a woman in a red dress fall to the floor after being shot. Her blond hair was soaked with blood, and her trim figure was devoured by bullets.
“Mom!” Danny yelled. Vicious 2, the assailant entered the office.
“See what you did?” Vicious 2 said.
“Why did you do this to my wife?” the Don asked, holding back tears.
“Maybe you should’ve thought about that before you took my fucking daughter!” Vicious 2 said, listening to the sounds of guns reloading.
“Fuck your daughter,” Danny drew a gun, and put it to Cindy’s temple before firing it.
“You little bitch!” By the time that happened, the men were all reloaded. Yodo jumped into the doorway, tackling Vicious 2. Vicious 2 grabbed Yodo by his hair and began kneeing him in the face savagely. He threw him aside, and drew his sword, using it to create a slaughter fest. Vicious 2 leapt up over an oncoming man, and beheaded another. He drew his gun, and shot the man behind him. The men used their guns to try and strike Vicious 2, to make sure they didn’t shoot one of their own. Danny could care less; he shot at Vicious 2 ruthlessly, hitting his own men. Yodo managed to get up again, but Vicious 2 shot him. Yodo fell back to the ground, just as Vicious 2 slit the throat of another man. The Don stopped Danny from shooting, and watched Vicious 2 devour his men. Vicious 2 lifted the last man by his neck, and squeezed until the man’s eyes popped out of the sockets. He threw him to the ground, and set his sights on Danny. Tony crawled, and hid under all of the dead bodies.
“I wasn’t going to kill you at first, but you brought that on yourself,” Vicious 2 said, putting his katana in its sheathe.
“Please, don’t take my son away the Don pleaded. Take me instead,” The Don said.
“Instead? No, you’re both going to die,” Vicious 2 hopped on the desk. Danny rose the gun up at him. Vicious 2 kicked the gun out of his hand, and kicked him in the face. The Don tried to attack Vicious 2, but he used his last bullet to stop him.
“I want you to see you son’s demise,” he lifted Danny by his neck, while Danny punched and kicked to get free.
“No, wait,” the Don huffed, trying to breathe. The sounds of sirens were flooding the bottom floor.
“You called Karou, you fucking bastard,” he bashed Danny’s face into the window.
“No!” the Don yelled, trying to get up. Zero came running into the door to see his brother standing behind the desk.
“Vicious, put the kid down,” Zero said, calmly, not even taking his gun out.
“I’m sorry, brother, but they have to die,” Vicious 2 noticed more Karou men coming in with weapons. He noticed Zero drawing his gun, and he tossed Danny through the window, shattering the glass. He threw his head back, and laughed sadistically. Everyone covered their ears, and Vicious 2 grabbed his daughter. His laugh shattered all of the glass in the building, and he jumped backwards. With the speed of lightning, he reloaded his gun and filled the Don’s back with slugs just as Melanie swooped by and flew away with him in her arms.

Melanie landed Vicious 2 and Cindy safely in an alley where Vicious 2 laid his daughter on the ground. Cindy opened her eyes slowly to see her father holding her.
“Daddy,” she whispered, a tear running down her face.
“Stay calm,” he pulled her closer to him as he cut his throat. The blood dripped onto her lips, and she tasted his plasma. She could no longer contain herself, and she began to suck his blood. She had now grown a thirst and on this night a monster was born. Her fangs were revealed, and she nearly sucked Vicious 2 dry when she was done. The bullet fell from her temple and the wound cleared up. Vicious 2 helped her off of the ground.
“I want you to have something,” Vicious 2 said, as he took the katana off of his shoulder.
“I can’t take your sword, Daddy,” she said.
“You will, and you will protect yourself with it. You are going to be stronger than you ever thought you would be. Maybe one day, you’ll save me,” Vicious 2 smiled, and put his arm around her shoulder. He strapped the katana over her shoulder, and she kissed his cheek.
“I love you, Daddy,” Cindy said.
“I love you too,” He picked her up into his arms and carried her home.

The moon was full and shining bright on the night sky as Vicious 2 approached the apartment. A gun cocked just inches behind them. Vicious 2 put Cindy down, and opened the door for her, and stood facing it.
“Why are you following me, Zero?” Vicious 2 asked.
“I came to tell you that you are under arrest.”

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