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Friday, April 7, 2006
I think I have become obsessed with writing reviews i wrote like three today. Purgatory I havent forgotten about you. The silent hill Review will be coming soon.

Peter Jackson’s King Kong
Release: November, 21, 2005
Company: Ubisoft
Rating: 3 ½ katanas
In this title the gamer takes a step into the next generation of gaming called high definition graphics. Peter Jackson’s King Kong is one of the first games to be released on the Microsoft Xbox 360. This game along with many others is a product of what the Xbox should be doing more often. The well renowned third party company, Ubisoft is famous for games including deep plotlines, interactive graphics, challenging gameplay, etc. Choosing Ubisoft as the lead developer of Peter Jackson’s King Kong was a brilliant idea. Ubisoft is responsible for hit games such as Prince of Persia and Splinter Cell. King Kong itself is a mix between 1st person shooting and 3rd person action. When you mix quality sound effects, tremendous graphics, and great gameplay, you are met with a promising gaming experience.
The game kicks off on a raft, arbitrary to how the movie begins. The game puts you right in harm’s domain. You are stranded on this mythical island (Skull Island) and you are playing as a play writer named Jack Driscoll (Adrian Brody). Unlike most movie games King Kong strays away from fully mimicking actual scenes from the movie and instead altering them. That way the movie and game are still appealing to the consumer.
The gameplay is vastly realistic. While stranded on Skull Island, you have to do battle with various creatures such as, giant crabs, giant insects, megapedes, venatosuaruses, and many more. Your weapons are pistols, shotguns, sniper rifles, and machine guns. Of course ammo is limited, so if you’re a first person gamer who also likes to play Resident Evil; you’ll find that preserving your ammo can be exceptionally rewarding. The alternate to guns are spears and Jack’s very own fist of playwriting fury. He doesn’t pack too much of a punch, so getting precise with the spears is highly recommended. The difficulty of this game is low, but it heightens once Venatosarus comes into play. It takes a lot of bullets to bring him down, so keep up the ammo and try not to waste one shot. There are no health bars in this game, and one fell swoop can put a temporary abrupt end in your journey to save Ann. At a certain point in the game you meet up with V-rex (T-rex) and you are equipped with a machine gun. Shooting him only distracts him, because it’s inevitably impossible to kill V-rex with Jack. And that’s when Kong conquers the controller. The game changes to 3D platform once Kong hits the screen. His attacks resemble that of a powerful professional wrestler, for those who know, the Big Show. Your main purpose with Kong is to protect Ann. Gameplay with Kong is relatively brief, but he comes in at the right time
Aside from a well established gameplay, the graphics are well worth a second gander. Though of course there is the rule of equivalent exchange, the game has its fair share of glitches. By Kong being so massive and strong, he is capable of tearing through the environment and terrorizing everyone in his path. The environment is almost completely interactive, and almost everything has its reason for being in place. The glitches kick in after Kong breaks through something and the debris scatters. The game is realistic but some times the game lacks gravity. The debris just might stay in midair, often getting in Kong’s way. That doesn’t pose too much of a problem, especially when your cut scenes look just like your gameplay. It can be confusing at first, but you get used to it after a while.
For the gamers, who have HDTV’s there’s another enhancement. The sound for this game is incredible. When Kong roars, it feels like an incentive to unleash more destruction. The music sparks a suspenseful anxiety that puts its gamers on edge. You never know what’s coming your way. The sound effects in the background makes you feel like your actually there along with the 1st person effect. Not only do you hear Kong coming, you can feel his presence.
The main flaw in this game is the limited playtime with Kong. Jack is cool, but the game is not called Peter Jackson’s Jack Driscoll. The replay value on this game is low as well. You unlock level select after finishing the game, but the accomplishment of completing the game a second time is like taking crack for the first time, you’ll never reach that high again. If you’re primarily a 1st person shooter who likes a little 3rd person action, then this is the perfect game for you; mostly Xbox gamers. What makes this game a hit is its ability to catch the eyes of various gamers, it’s definitely for all-around gamers.
Gameplay: 8 Graphics: 9 Storyline: 8.5 Overall: 8
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