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Monday, April 17, 2006
New Review!
Sorry it took so long. But I finally got it done. I was done with it about a week ago, but I needed to type it up. The EB games down here sucks. Their pre-owned games dont work. I had to turn in the Silent Hill 4, but I got this cool new game that you might want to check out. You will find out when you get the review. So without any futher discussion comes the review.

Super Smash Bros. Melee
Release: December 2, 2001
Developer: Nintendo
Rating: 4 katanas
By: Vicious 2
Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. was released for the Nintendo 64 in 1999, and started another Nintendo insurrection. The game involved bringing signature Nintendo characters together to battle it out on platform levels. In 2001 that insurrection was enhanced two times over in the sequel, Super Smash Bros. Melee. In this series Nintendo shows it’s innovation with two earth shattering titles.
The graphics for Super Smash Bros. Melee largely subdues its predecessor. The artwork is clear and sharp, very soothing to the eyes as you bash your opponents. If you thought the levels were vast on the first game, you’ve got another thing coming. Every character once again has his or her very own level or levels. Some share levels, like Link and Zelda, who share the Hyrule Temple an even larger version of the Hyrule Castle. Other levels are smaller and are sometimes more dangerous than whoever is fighting you. The others are just typical platforms, so to win you definitely have to be the better man. The levels are going to be either your friend or your enemy depending on the type of fighter you are. If you’re the hit and run type, then the Hyrule Temple will fit you just fine, but if you’re a face to face fighter, then the final destination is your home court. The game levels fit various amounts of fighters; you just have to find your niche.
Like most sequels distributed by the Nintendo company, Melee’s gameplay is slightly conservative and contrary to the previous game, despite a few alterations. The moves of every character from the first game have remained the same, with a few twists in their arsenal. With the assistance of a new controller, comes new opportunity. Along with their preceding moves are stronger or entirely new moves. For example, Samus from the Metroid Prime series now has heat seeking missiles to go along with her bombs and cannon. Not only was the offense improved but defense has come along as well. With new advantages like sidestepping and dodging in mid-air, blocking and tumbling won’t be your only means of evading an attack. Nintendo is very good at putting out games with the same criteria, but an extra pizzazz that keeps Nintendo fans drooling with big wide eyes planted on the screen and the blissful sound of the controller buttons clicking in their vibrant hands.
Another great aspect of Melee is the newly added game modes and the unlockables you gain from them. The first Super Smash Bros. couldn’t contain all the things in Melee. If you are a fire emblem junkie, then be prepared to take your most hated Nintendo character out with Marth and Roy. They are just two of the unlockable characters. As opposed to just playing classic mode, there is another mode called adventure mode where you battle opponents after running through a level where enemies await you. There is also the event matches in which you go through nearly impossible battles to unlock extra characters and levels. And if you get bored there are some other modes like multi-man melee where you fight polygonal structures of the orgininal characters, or the home run mode where you hit an object as far as you can. The replay value for this game is relatively high, just based off of the unlockables, not to mention all the exciting multi-player action you and your friends will revel in. By the time you replay this title Super Smash Bros. Revolution will be on shelves.
This title is one of the most inventive games to ever come out on Nintendo, if not the most. Nintendo specializes in making games that have worldwide appeal. The game is simple but experienced gamers can take this game to new altitudes. It may not be the game of the year or nominated for awards, but it’s a game the whole world could enjoy if given the chance.
Graphics: 8 Gameplay: 8.5 Overall: 8
PS: For the kingdom hearts fans, I have a review coming from Terra Zero. So if you are contemplating buying the new Kingdom Hearts, you can get some info on it from him.
PS part 2: I havent forgotten about you magnus i am going to send you that email.
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