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• King Vicious 2
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• 2004-02-15
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Sunday, April 25, 2004
Phase 19
The Impossibility of Reason
Vicious 2 stood before the syndicate, and he was being tried for the murder of a fellow red dragon member. An elderly Syndicate member took over in Vicious 2's place.
"Julius, you are being tried on behalf of the Red Dragon Clan," The elder said. "You have betrayed us, and Julius, you must be punished."
"Fine, kill me now," Vicious 2 said knowing that they wouldn't do it. A member pulled his weapon.
"Put your weapons down, he is going to be executed," The elder said before ordering them to take him away.
Before Vicious made it to his destination, he decided to pay the judge that sentenced him to prison a visit. The judge lived in a nice house, and had a range rover in the front. As Vicious passed by it, he saw a car" STYLE="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: medium solid green;" HREF="|1||||cars|AA1VDw">car seat in there. He knocked on the door with his face hidden by his hair and the hood from his jacket. The judge's wife answered the door, "May I help you sir."
"Why yes, you can tell Jesus Christ, I said hi," Vicious said before knocking her to the ground.
"Run, Jeremey!" She told her little son. He didn't budge as he saw his mother being shot with a rifle. Vicious didn't pay too much attention to the kid, as he left his mother in a bloody mess. Vicious walked upstairs to where he heard a room with loud music playing, it must have been his daughter's room. The Brittany Spears music played loudly through the room.
"Toxic, I hate that damn song," Vicious said as he kicked the door in. When he entered he saw the judge with his pants down on top of a fifteen year old girl, covering her mouth.
"You sick bastard," Vicious said.
"What are you doing here?" the judge asked with a look of fear in his face.
"I told you that a serpeant's venom poison's slowly after the bite," Vicious said looking at the judge and then at the girl who was crying. "Why the hell are you fucking this kid when you have, well had a wife that looked decent." The judged was devastated, and the girl began to cry even harder.
"Why did you kill my wife?" The judge began to weep.
"Don't cry you sick bastard, I mean look at you. You have your dick inside of your own seed. You deserved to die," Vicious said angrily.
"Is this all over the fact that I sentenced you to death?" The judge whined.
"It was, but now it is more than that, and your wife was just in the wrong place at the wrong time," Vicious began to make his way over to the bed. The judge tried to get up, and when he did there was a puddle of blood staining the sheets.
"Damn, you didn't even wear a condom," Vicious says before grabbing him by the hair. "The pureness of this girl was spoiled by her own creator, you should be shame," Vicious takes out a bloody eye needle and stabs him the eye with it. The judge screams as the bloody eye runs though his pupil and leaks into his brain.
"You will die slowly right in front of your seed," Vicious slices the man's stomach open revealing his insides. He leaves the man to die in his daughter's room. Vicious turns the radio to another channel, and "Bodies" echoed through the house.
"Now that is music," He smirks at the girl as he leaves the room. On his way out of the house, the toddler kicked Vicious in the leg. Vicious looked at the child and saw himself all over again.
"Kid, you remind of someone I know," He wasn't going to kill the kid then he realized that the kid was going to lead a life just like his, and he didn't want to wish that burden on anyone. He looked into the teary eyes of the child, and grabbed him by his face.
"Goodbye kid, have nice time with your mother in the afterlife," The kid kicks and fights as Vicious picks him up and throws him out of the window and onto the front lawn. He grabs the keys to the Range Rover, and walks out of the house. As he leaves he sees the kid lying in the yard with his eyes wide open looking at him with an acusing look.
"Julius, you have broken the trust of the of the Syndicate, and you must pay with your life. Any last words?" The elder says as he orders the members to point their guns at Vicious 2.
Vicious 2 was battered and bruised, he was tied to up by his arms as he was about to be executed. He looked into the eyes of elder and said, "No." He thought to himself "I'm sorry Melanie," He closed his eyes as he waited for his death. A gunshot rang out and Red Dragon member fell to the floor. Two more rang out and Vicious 2 was free as the bullets freed his hands. Then Zero and Sindalla came out of nowhere shooting Red Dragons left and right. Sindalla saw Vicious 2's katana on the ground, and she threw it to him. He caught it, unsheathed it, and sliced the throat of the first person in site. Zero threw a smoke bomb, while Sindalla shot most of the members. The elder stayed behind his chair while the bullets were flying everywhere. Zero and Sindalla ran out of bullets, and they ran for cover as the remaining men shot at them with machine guns. Vicious 2 sliced one man in half and beheaded another as a swarm of more men ran in. Out of nowhere comes this thin girl with katanas in her hands and a blind fold covering her face. She moved fluidly as she slaughtered the men left and right, she dodged alll of the bullets that came at her, and killed the people who dared to shoot at her. She made her way to Vicious 2.
"Selena, what are you doing here?" Vicious 2 said as he was back to back with her.
"I couldn't let them kill you," She replies as she kills another man.
"Well it looks futile, or maybe not," He grabs Selena and throws the magic dust into the air as he reappears behind the men. They pick up machine guns and shoots the rest of them. Vicious 2 grabs his katana in his hand and nears the chair where the elder sat. The elder jumps out with a katana in his hand. Vicious 2 blocks his aerial attack with the katana. He tries to stab Vicious 2, but misses every slash. Vicious 2's katana clashed with his. The elder swung his katana like a baseball bat, and Vicious 2 ducked, and slashed across him the face. The man's face began to bleed slightly as Vicious swept him off of his feet. The man hopped up and looked Vicious 2 right in his face. Vicious 2 stood ready with the sword in his hand. The elder started his assault all over again while Vicious 2 moved out of the way of the slashes. Their swords met in a power struggle. The elder broke the struggle by kickng Vicious 2 in the stomach. He then tried to stab Vicious 2 in his chest, but Vicious caught the blade in his arm pit, and pulled him closed to him, then he gave him a couple of headbutts. The elder grabbed his forehead on the last headbutt, and gave Vicious 2 a headbutt of his own, knocking him to the ground. The elder then jumped at Vicious 2 who threw his katana upward. The man landed on his feet with katana in his gut. Vicious 2 kicked him to his knees, and pulled his katana out of him and said, "And You will SHED TEARS OF SCARLET!" Vicious 2 slices the man's throat so hard that his head came completely off. Zero walks over to Vicious 2, "I was just returning the favor, and I am no longer chasing after you anymore."
"You didn't have to try and save me, but thanks anyway," Vicious 2 extends his hand towards Zero. Zero shakes it.
"I am so glad that you are ok Vicious," Sindalla said. She hugs him before she leaves with Zero. Selena takes her blindfold off and sheathes her katanas.
"I didn't think we were going to make it," Selena says as she puts her arm around Vicous 2's shoulder.
"Me neither," Vicious 2 said.
"You and Zero seem to have a bond," Selena said as she watched Zero and Sindalla leave.
"We don't, we are just on good terms, but when I look at him in the face; I see his eyes that look very familiar to me," Vicious 2 said. They left the building and went back to the mansion.
It was the day of the wedding and Brittany was very nervous. Vicious 2 sat in the corner playing with his son. Little Julius had begun to call him dad as well. They were becoming very close. Melanie watched happily as they played. She walked over to them and picked Julius up into her arms.
"He is adorable, I hope our baby is as cute as he is," She says while smiling at the child and kissing him. His hair was as long as the original Vicious, it hadn't gotten as long Vicious 2's just yet, his eyes were grey unlike Vicious 2' eyes that were a lime gree color. Luminae came in and said, "Come on the ceremony is beginning." Vicious 2 gave his son to Brittany as he entered the santuary to take his seat next to Melanie and the carnie sisters. They were all dressed in their Red Dragon uniforms despite their slight altercation. Zero and Spike sat in the back. Zero winked at Sindalla who was in the front row with the Carnies. Brittany's fiance was standing at the altar while Brittany made her way there. She had a long way to go as she entered the large sanctuary. She smiled at Vicious 2 with Julius in her arms. The preacher began the ceremony, and then an uninvited guest walked in, and Vicious 2 looked to see who it was and he was scared stiff as the windows shattered with explosions.
Vicious 2 was terrified,"It.. it cant be,"
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