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Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Phase 24
Syndicate Connections
Melanie broke her speechlessness, by taking her husband's katana, and commencing to hack up the rest of the henchman that lay on the ground, smiling. She cut him into pieces and ran over to Vicious 2. His body was shattered, and his blood spilled across the floor, and now the music in the background turned into "Dracula's Wedding". She held him in her arms, and cried out into screams of pure agony. She then fiercly drove her sharp fangs into his neck, she sucked whatever blood that lie inside of his lifeless body. Vicious 2's eyes shot open after feeling his neck being pierced deeply with the canines of the woman he calls his wife. She released him from her bite, and let him lie there. His body began to go into a seizure, and he began to transform. His screams echoed, and described an agony deeper than a dark hole. His skin became paler than ever, and his body temperature grew colder. His face age alittle, making him look exactly like his father. After transforming, he turned to his side, and he lay wrapped up into a ball, shaking. Melanie looked at him in a slight dismay. The transformation might have not worked all of the way. The wounds he had suffer only halfway healed, and shriveled up into scars all over his body. Melanie crawled over to him, and helped him up.
"Julius, it's time for you to feed," Melanie leaned closer to him. She swayed her long hair back, and cocked her neck to the side.
"No, I don't desire it," His voice flowed slowly, and it was deeper than usual. His usually squeaky teenage voice was gone. He now sounded like Vicious permantly. His voice scared Melanie, and she shuddered away from him.
"What have I done?" Melanied cried.
"You've given me life," he replied.
"No I didn't, I made you more miserable, by making you look more like your father," She said, and she weeped into his chest.
"I can't deny what I am Melanie, It's not your fault I was born to a man that was a dragon in human form," He stroked her hair and smiled. "Thanks for bringing me back."
"Your welcome, Vici,'' Melanie said with a smile.
Vicious 2 and Melanie walked down the steps of the large staircase. They walked back into the underground lair. The baby still lie motionless, where Melanie left her.
"I'm sorry Melanie," Vicious 2 said.
"It's not your fault," She said, while holding her seed in her arms. She stared down at her child, and saw that the bullet wound had healed, there was nothing but a hole in her little dress where her chest was.
"Vici, look!" Melanie screamed. Vicious 2 looked down and saw that the child was healed.
"She's alive!" Melanie's tears turned into joy. Cindy's little eyes peaked open slowly, but showed an expression that neither Vicious 2 or Melanie had ever seen on her face. She didn't smile neither was she fussy, she glared at her parents, and stared coldy at them with her eyes narrowed.
"She may never be the same again," Vicious 2 stared at his child and rubbed her face. She rejected his hand at first, then she welcomed it, but she continued to have the cold look on her face.
"Lets just get her home. Maybe some warm milk and a nap might bring her back around," Melanie said perkily, and kissed the child while tickling her. The baby didn't budge, she just started to look irritated.
"Julius, time for bed," Brittany said. Julius had grown a good deal, he was three years old, going on four. They hadn't seen Vicious 2 in a year or so, but he did mail them money, with small letters that he had written to his son. The child was happy, he lived in a good home environment. Brittany was happy that her child wasn't affected by what he saw at her wedding turned massacre. She saw images of her fiance being blown to pieces by Perriot.
Julius ran to his mother's bedside after brushing his teeth. He got in the bed, and snuggled close to her, and hugged her waists.
"Goodnight mommy," he smiled, and kissed her cheek.
"Goodnight sweetie," Brittany added, and kissed her child's forehead.
"Where is the tall man with the white hair?" he asked with his eyes closed.
Brittany sighed heavily,"I don' know, do you want to call him tomorrow?"
"Yes mommy," he said happily.
"Ok, now go to sleep," Brittan said. She lie in bed with her son clutched to her arm.
The storm had passed over, and Vicious 2 entered his home with Melanie and Cindy by his side. He took his tatterd shirt off, and walked upstairs, with Melanie's hand clutched into his. He entered his room, and opened his closet.
"What are you doing Vici?" Melanie asked. He pulled the dreaded red dragon uniform out, and grabbed some blue and grey sewing thread.
"I'm taking back what's mine," Melanie said.
"No, Vici, don't go back to the syndicate!" Melanie yelled.
"I am not going back to the syndicate, I'm taking that shit back," Vicious said. He took a needle, and began sewing his own uniform.
"No, Vici!" She begged. Vicious 2 ignored her, and continued to sew the uniform. He sewed a grey crucifix on the back of the over overcoat, and outlined it with blue thread. He took out a royal blu tie, and sewed the same cross on it. he ripped the gold string that connected the the over coat on boat sides, and added a silvery grey string.
"It's not complete. Tomorrow we go shopping," He looked at Melanie, and smiled warmly as he could. She smiled back, and got into bed with Cindy and fell asleep.
Brittany woke up, and left Julius alone in the bed. She went to the kitchen to start breakfast. She went to grab a frying pan that was hanging up on a shelf, then she saw a face peer into the reflection of the pan. She thought she saw Vicious 2 with his face paint on, she turned around quickly only to see her son with some carnival face paint on.
"Do, I look like the man with the white hair mommy?" Julius smiled.
"Yes sweetie, yes you do," she walked over to Julius and picked him up into her arms, "Yes, very much," she said while ruffling his white hair.
"Can we call him?" He asked eagerly.
"Yeah, soon," She replied, and sat him down at the table. He sat at the table waiting for breakfast, and most of all waiting to talk to his father.
Meanwhile his father entered the mall, shopping for some materials. He walked passed Malkav and this hot chick with super long hair, and crimson red eyes. Malkav had a burger in his hand, and Milky caught up with two burgers in his hand. Vicious 2 had no time to ask questions, he just nodded his head upward one time, to speak, and slapped Malkav five, and then did his handshake with Milky. He left them behind, and greeted the red-eyed woman as he left, she gave him a warm smile, and kept moving along with Malkav and the 2 live crew. After two hours of hardcore shopping, Vicious 2 walked out of the mall with a whole new attire. He had on a Roc-a-wear t-shirt, and some Phat Farm jeans. He had a cap on backwards that had an upside down Anarchy sign on the back of it. He bought Melanie a tight jersey dress, that exposed her nipples through the clothing, and it was way too short, and he got her some blue and white Pumas to go with her Wizards jersey dress. Vicious 2 bought some Jordans along with his new syndicate attire. Cindy had on a jersey dress too, she wore a sixers jersey dress with a fresh pair of Iversons. Vicious 2 and his pimped out family got in the car, and drove off, heading back to the mansion. Vicious 2's cell phone rang when they were halfway home.
"Hello?" Vicious 2 answered.
"Hey Julius," Brittany said.
"Hi Brittany," his voice was still not its usual self. It also startled Brittany as well as Melanie.
"Someone wants to talk to you," She said happily, and gave the phone to little Julius.
"Hello?" Little Julius said.
"Whats up little man," Vicious 2 said happily.
"When are going to come see mommy and me?" Julius asked.
"I don't know, how about now?" Vicious 2 replied.
"Yes! please come!" he begged.
"Tell your mother I will be there soon, bye," Vicious 2 said.
"Ok, bye," He said and hung the phone up.
"Was that your son?" Melanie asked.
"Yes it was," Vicious 2 answered.
"Are we going to see him?" Melanie asked.
"Yeah, we are going there now," Vicious 2 said.
"Yay!" Melanie screamed, "Guess what Cindy! You get to meet your brother." Cindy stared up at her with a dazed look in her face, then she looked back down.
A black car pulled up in front of Brittany's house, and hardcore goth rock music was booming from it. A man got out of the car, and he was bobbing his head viciously to the music, before walking up to Brittany's front porch. He rung the door bell and, Brittany aswered.
"Oh, Julius you're here," Brittany smiled and called for little Julius. Little Julius came running from the back, and stopped dead in tracks when he saw the odd man.
"That's not him," Julius said, frightened.
"What?" Brittany said. The man cocked his head to the side, and stared at the boy, "Damn son, did you shrink?"
"No he didn't silly," Brittany said with a laugh.
"Closed the door mommy!" Julius screamed.
"I don't know whats wrong with him," Brittany said.
"I do," the man pulled his white hair back, exposing his grey eyes. Brittany screamed, and tried to close the door, but she was too late.
''So, this is Julius's son," Vicious smirked. He grabbed Brittany by her shirt, and entered the house.
"Let go of my mommy!" Julius yelled.
"Your son is just like his father. He hides his fear well," Vicious smirked, and pushed Brittany on the couch.
"You're Julius's father," Brittany asked.
"Yeah, and that kid over there is my grandson," Vicious answered.
"Julius told me a long time ago that you were dead," Brittany said.
"I am dead, but my purpose is not fulfilled yet, so I keep living physically," Vicious said.
"What do you want from me?" Brittany asked.
"Nothing, I am going to show Julius what pain really is, and teach him a lesson. We spotted you not too long ago, and when we saw that kid, we knew that you had some kind of connection with my son," Vicious smiled.
"Julius, hide!" She screamed before Vicious covered her mouth. Julius didn't hide, he ran over to Vicious and jumped on his back.
Vicious 2 pulled up and saw the car parked in front of Brittany's house
"Who is this person?" Vicious 2 stared at the car, then he heard Brittany scream.
"Stay in the car," he told Melanie. He got out of the car, and ran towards the house.
"Wait Vici!" Melanie threw a gun to him. He caught it and dashed into the house. He entered swiftly, and almost fell, as he saw his father.
"Vicious! What are you doing here?!" Vicious 2 yelled
"Stuff," Vicious said sarcastically.
"Is that so?" Vicious 2 pointed the gun at Vicious. Julius jumped off of Vicious, and ran over to Vicious 2. Vicious had his back turned with his hand around Brittany's throat. He quickly threw a knife, and hit Vicious 2 in the arm, and then he jump at him, punching him to the floor. Vicious 2 shot upward at him, but Vicious jumped over him, and kicked him in the face. Vicious bent down to get the gun. He and Vicious 2 struggled over the gun. They rolled back and forth. Brittany grabbed Julius and ran out of the house. The gun ran out of bullets, and Vicious snatched it from his son, and beat him with it. The butt of the gun hit his face repeatedly, over and over again. Vicious 2 finally caught Vicious' hand, and kicked him off. Vicious 2 hopped up, and tackled Vicious into the wall. He branded Vicious' face with a punch, and Vicious jabbed him in the stomach. Vicious pushed Vicious 2 off of him, and kicked at his chest. Vicious turn to the side, and blocked it with both arms. Vicious punched at Vicious 2 from behind him, and Vicious 2 ducked. He then drove his fist into Vicous' stomach. Vicious grabbed his arm, and uppercutted him across the room. Vicious ran over to Vicious 2, who hopped up, and shoved him out of the front window. While Vicious 2 flew out of the window, he grabbed Vicious' collar, and pulled him out with him. They both landed in the front yard. Vicious got up and ran off, while Vicious 2 was getting up. Melanie ran over to Vicious 2 and hugged him tightly.
"Vici, did he hurt you?" Melanie asked.
"Nah, I'm fine," He pulled the knife out of his arm.
"He is scared of you Vici, isn't he?" Melanie said, angrily
"No he's not. He is playing his games," Vicious 2 said. He grabbed Melanie's hand and headed to the car.
"Brittany, go grab some clothes, you're coming with us," Vicious 2 ordered. Brittany ran into the house, and came back with two suitcases. They got in the car with Vicious 2 and Melanie.
Brittany and Julius sat on the bed while Vicious 2 worked on his syndicate uniform. Melanie held Cindy, and passed the things that he needed to him. He had the suit done in all blue and grey, with crosses all over it.
"Plan A is done, now I have to work on Plan B," Vicious 2 said.
"What's the plan?" Julius got up, and asked.
"Nothing really kid, just to stop the bad man that bothered you and your mother," Vicious 2 replied. Vicious 2 went into the bathroom, and changed into the uniform. Melanie sat in the bed with a sad look on her face.
"I'm scared, Brittany," She said, slowly.
"Me too," Brittany added.
"I don't know what I am going to do with Vici," She said with a short smile.
"Yeah, I finally see where he gets it from," Brittany said, laughing. "I hope that Julius turns out differently."
"Don't worry, Brittany, Vici will make sure of that," Melanie said with a reasuring smile. Vicious 2 walks out of the bathroom with suit on.
"Vici, it's a perfect fit!" Melanie said, while staring at the uniform.
"Nice outfit," Brittany said.
"Thanks," Vicious 2 said. He walked over to the closet, and pulled out a few weapons.
"No, Vici, not tonight," Melanie said.
"Sorry, but I have to do it tonight. Alone," he said, looking right into Melanie's eyes. "What do I have to lose, I'm a vampire now," Vicious 2 said. He put a lot of guns in his coat, and his large weapons in a backpack. Then he strapped his katana over his back.
"Be back in a few hours," Vicious 2 said. He kissed Melanie, and Cindy.
"Good bye my son," He ruffled Julius' hair, and waved bye to everyone. He left the room, and walked downstairs to the front door.
"And just where are you going, Julius?" Malkav's voice called out from behind him. Vicious 2 turned around, and saw Malkav with the red-eyed girl.
"Taking back what's mine," Vicious 2 answered.
"Fine, I will go with you," Malkav said.
"No thanks, I got this one," Vicious 2 said.
"But you will be killed," Malkav said.
"I'm a vampire now," Vicious 2 said with a smirk.
"No you are not,"The red-eyed woman said. "You're just a meer half-breed."
"I guess so," Vicious 2 said.
"Bingo, don't be like Alex," Malkav implied.
"Who is Alex?" Vicious 2 asked.
"He did the same thing you did," Malkav said.
"My ignorance will be my downfall, but ignorance is bliss," Vicious 2 smiled, and left out of the house.
"Wait!" Malkav yelled.
"No, let him go. He will be back," The red-eyed woman said.
The headquarters had changed a great deal, during the time that Vicious 2 and the carnival left. He neared the front entrance, where the glass door stood. He opened them slowly, and walked through. At first the syndicate members looked at him, and kept on with what they were doing. Then when they saw what he was wearing, they drew their weapons. Vicious 2 rubbed the face paint across his eye, and pulled two guns out. He let out a huge, sinister laugh, that shattered the glass doors behind him. The laugh excelled so much that building began to shaked. Vicious sat in his office, and heard the laugh.
"Julius," He said, knowing the voice that contained that laughter.
The laugh caused a huge distraction, and Vicious 2 charged upstairs. The syndicate members regrouped, but it was too late. Vicious 2 had already gotten on the elevator; all that was left behind, was a series of grenades. Vicious 2 stopped halfway to the top, he knew the would expect him to go to the top floor. He got off of the elevator, and checked for any syndicate members. He ran down the long hallway with two 9mms clutched into his hands. Two men came running behind him, and Vicious 2 quickly rid himself of them, by swiftly turning around, and jumping back while gunning the men down. He ran to the end of the hall and hid behind the corner, as more men approached. He peaked back, and they fired, and then he threw a grenade behind him, and they scattered. The grenade was a toy, and Vicious 2 turned around and shot the men, as they came back running towards him. He dropped the silver pistols and jumped into the ventilation system. He was going to tunnel to Vicious' office. He knew the vents better than himself, or even Vicious. That is how he got away from the fight between Vicious and Spike. He crawled and climbed all the way to the top floor. He dropped through the vent, and he fell to the floor of the office. Vicious stared at his son from his desk.
"Well, I see you made it," Vicious said. "Welcome to my personal hell, come fly around."
"I've lived in your hell long enough, it's time I start my own," Vicious 2 said.
"You're not a leader, Julius. You've followed me, and many others. You could never be me. You may look like me, you may sound like me, hell you may belittle others as well as I do, but you will never be me!" Vicious raged.
"I can't be you, Vicious. I am you!" Vicious 2 argued.
''You're no one, son, and that is all you'll ever be. Your heart is not like mine, you still care for others. I care for no one, you were the only one I cared about, but you betrayed me. How dare I be so stupid!" Vicious yelled. "I keep doing this shit, only to have it blown back in my face!"
"I didn't betray you, I was just taking care of Sindalla," Vicious 2 explained.
"No time for explanations, son. The musical chemistry we had is no longer sweet and mellow, it's off key and has no tone. Julius our lives will never be the same again," Vicious said.
''I know that, Vicious," Vicious 2 said.
"You have severed my loyalty, and now I must be forced to sever your soul!" Vicious yelled.
"I have no soul!" Vicious 2 yelled back.
"Julius, rid me of your consistent bickering," Vicious said.
"My name is Vicious 2, and I am going to carved it on your desk when I take it," Vicious 2 said. Two men stood outside of Vicious' office.
"What's that?" One of them asks.
"Don't worry, it's just Vicious talking to himself again," the other man answered.
"Oh, that dumbass," one man said, and they both laughed their asses off.
"Well, "Vicious 2", that's why you are wearing the new suit. Come and take your claim then, if you can overcometh me," Vicious smirked. Vicious 2 began to walk over to Vicious, and a young man ran in front of Vicious, with his arms spreaded.
"If you want Vicious, you must go through me," The kid said. Vicious 2 stared at the kid for a moment.
"Mr. Shin?" Vicious 2 asked, thinking about when he saw Shin dead in the hallway seven years ago.
"Shin is gone, but I am here to take his place," the kid said. He was no older than Vicious 2, he looked just like Shin, in every aspect.
"Lynn, don't be like your uncle," Vicious order the kid.
"No, Mr. Vicious, I have to serve my duty," Lynn said.
"Get out of the fucking way!" Vicious yelled. Lynn didn't move at all, and Vicious pushed him out of the way. He drew a gun, and fired at Vicious 2. Vicious 2 drew his katana, and jumped out of the way of the bullets. Vicious 2 then charged towards Vicious' desk. Vicious continued to shoot, and Vicious knocked the bullets away with his katana. When he finally got to Vicious, he jumped in the air, and brought his katana blade down forcefully. Lynn jumped in the way, and blocked the katana with the trigger holster of his pistol. When Vicious 2 landed, Lynn started firing, and Vicious 2 moved his head from side to side, to dodge the bullets. Vicious pushed Lynn out of the way again, and punched Vicious 2. Vicious took the katana from his hands, as he stumbled backwards. Vicious started to swing the sword at Vicious 2, who ducked and dodge it, only suffering minor cuts. The syndicate then burst through the door. Vicious 2 jumped behind Vicious, and held by his neck.
"It's not over yet, father. In the end, it will be you shedding tears of scarlet," He whispered in his ear. Vicious 2 punched Lynn, as he ran at him, then he teleported to the window with his magic dust. He said farewell with a middle finger, and jumped out fo the window. The men tried to shoot him as fast as they could, but he was already gone. Vicious ran to the open window, and looked down, to see his son nowhere to be found.
"You will be the one to shed tears of scalet, Julius!" Vicious yelled.
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