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myOtaku.com: Vigro angel

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Lacuna Coil,vampires and anime
School:Last week someone came to our class and talked with us about AIDS.I mean it.I have to say that I discovered some new things and it was funny since our class is the mose sarcastic class in the whole school,really.
This women that was talking with us,said that you can't get AIDS from animals and one of the guys in our class was like:"YEAH!!!!!!!"
The whole class started to laugh.talled ya,it was funny.
Music:I discovered that I'm addicted to Lacuna Coil and I discovered also new things about the band itself:They all love anime!!!and most of them love Ghost in the shell.And one of the members loves the movie Zatoichi and I thought that I was the only one that saw it!what an awesome band!
vamps:I'm officialy addicted to vamps.I started to download an anime about vamps:Shingetsutan Tsukihime(Lunar Legend of the Moon Princcess).It's really cute.
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Provited by Christina Form Lacuna Coil


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