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Thursday, December 27, 2007
Ummmmm Cookies?
You think you know me huh? tough luck, you've only skimmed the top of the water pal...
@_@ OKAY I SWEAR i'll try to post on here more @.@ i havent been posting much of anything cuz well, there hasent been much to talk about lately. soooooooooooo yea, heres a random stuff like i used to do :33
Rion~ *randomly talking to genma*
Rion~ ......((spaztic much?))
Ichigo~ *hears genma* O_O WTF?!!!! WE SOUND THE SAME *cries*
Rion~ .............(((idiots)))
Khun~ *hears those 2 spazing* OxO COPY CATS!!!!!! *runs away*
Vash~ *heard everything* THE POD PEOPLE ARE BACK!!! *faints*
Glenn/Shitai~ ........this is why anime people shouldnt meet other anime people with their voices......
Well ummmmm PICS =D;;;; i'll put up everyone who spazed :3
as for khun, play .HACK G.U to find him an wel ALL know who vash is.
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Sunday, December 16, 2007
myu T-T
~You gotta die twice before you relize your purpose in life~
Well this sucks, my screen is messed up, cuz now when i come onto otaku an go to anyones site, everything is pushed to the left T_T even my own site does it TT_TT i gotta have the guy i bought the laptop from look at it an see if he cant do anything about it.
Well anyways like ive said the last few times ive been on here, here are the new pics :33
First one is Okakuma and Nekryuus daughter, well their second kid, Ameini :3

Next up is Okakuma and Nekryuus third child, Azayaka :33

This girl is the result of a 3some party :P, her parents are Shitai Okakuma(the dads) and Nekryuu(the mother) she has access to the sand an phonix from her 1st dad, dragon and wolf from her second dad and whatever her mother had.

The next 2 up are Robin and Rubys kid Cobe.

Next up is Cheza Hyuga, shes the daughter of Kanna and Tenchi. Shes also in love with Aeiki, a kid who can use the sand like gaara and all them.

Now we got Somei, a kid whos full of hate.

Kimimaros son, again xD;;;;;

Then a chibi drawing of James from Silent Hill 2, the way james is in the flash where the pic idea cam from made me think of glenn so much i edited him to look like glenn :33

And thats all i got, SEEYA SPACE COWBOY!!!
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Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Pics :3
Well this post is mainly to show hali Axels wife :33 and their son xD;;;;;
First pic is of Axels Wife Rinoa :3

And this is their son :3

seeya, all the other new pics will be added when im done with em :3
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Monday, December 3, 2007
@_@ holy hell, been a while since ive posted anything on here @_@. Well thats mainly cuz i dunt have much to say anymore, or if i do, i get it all out talking to kirby and ellie.
Well anyways -.- these last couple weeks sucked ass -.- mainly cuz my dads gfs mom is down here -______-. and shes bitching cuz i dont come over to jans enough to help her an my dad take care of the lil demons *coughs* i mean grandkids -_-......personally, id rather take my chances getting the curse mark from orochimaru than deal with those kids.
well wtv i'll post my pics later.
Seeya Space Cowboys
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Saturday, November 17, 2007
Well ummmm okay i lied ^.^;;;;; i cant post everyday, mainly cuz i dont have much to post about all the time. though yesterday i had something awesome happen :3 though i'll get to that later. first heres something that made me almost spaz to a point of death.
Couple nights ago my compy got fried, so i couldnt be online, my friend text me bout having a game and i said "woohoo my comp is dead" he responds "well dont that suck, guess i got the last movie :P" then i said "Oh blow me -__- you wouldnt even have those movies if it werent for me" then he text back hours later that i pissed him off, then the next day said it was all a load of bullshit.
Anyways were still friends and wtv, and shit. now back to the comp topic, im posting on my new laptop OwO though im sorry to say, that i lost my AIM sn so im NOT jades wolfie anymore, im back to blue okami -.- i dont wanna be blue_okami on AIM, i wanna be jades wolfie!!!!!!!!!! well wtv.
now for the good thing that happened is is sweet chined music ona pervert. i'll tell more later.
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Thursday, October 25, 2007
Well all this post is of my friends at school.

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Thursday, October 18, 2007
Pics fic(for those who didnt read) and stuffies
Well im gonna be getting back into my old routine of trying to post everyday, even if people dont comment(though i like it if they do :3) also im gonna be working on gaia more to get more gold :D. Anyways, for a while now ive been kinda EMO cant figure out why exactly, but i have been. like i was all hyper happy and stuff then randomly id want to find a knife or something and slash my wrists open and watch the blood pool out onto the floor.
Anyways, Onto gameing news :3
In Naruto Uzumaki Cronicles stuck, the damn puppets keep owning(kicking for you idiots)my ass T____T, heck gaara aint even helping!!!!!!! nor is kankuro TT_TT. then in FFXII(12 for you idiots) im used to the battle system finally, but i'll never forget the old way *sighs*
Also still in gameing news -_- lyndsi insulted me again with how i play my games -_-+++. just because SHE likes the wiz through games and say she beat them first doesnt mean she can gloat about it and say others suck, me and mitchel still own her ass on all the games and she still say we suck!!!!!!!! oh well, at least i KNOW i can beat sephiroths ass in FF7, whip seifer's rajins, Fujins, Edias asses in FF8 and everything else.
Annnnnnnnnnnnd now for the fic :3 hope whoever reads this likes it =D
The sound of blades dragging across the ground is the only other sound aside from the rain and the 2 men’s heavy breathing. Both have Jet black hair, Green tips in it, Green eyes, though the younger ones eyes are full of rage, hate an despise for the older man. The younger one clenches the handle of his blade tightly and rushes at the older man who he refuses to call father.
The older man puts his blade up and attempts to block his sons strike, and gets thrown back almost over the edge of the cliff the 2 were fighting on. The younger boy starts to sun at his so called father again but gets trapped by 4 white spheres 2 on his wrists an 2 on his ankles, The older man pants catching his breath. “Damn Nate, you really must hate me to put everything into your attacks” The Older man says and stands up right again. Glaring Nate rips his own arm out of place to get the spheres off an rushes at his pops again.
Knowing his son wont hold back at all, Valor attacks back full force, Knocking nate back into sharp rocks behind him. Pulling himself off the rocks, Nates wounds fill with black shadows that heal all the damage an attacks again drawing argni an rugni the 2 demon swords that control the winds. Slashing both swords down at once nate hopes the gales will meet their target. Moveing faster than nate, Valor appears behind his rebellious son an kicks him in his ribs, breaking a whole set of them. Ignoring the pain, Nate gets up yet again and tackles his father an starts to punch at the helmet of the demonic amour, Hearing it crack Valor quickly kicks nate off himself.
Sliding back a ways, Nate glares at Valor with deep wolf yellow, Which shows hes past pissed off and ready to kill valor, even if he has to die in the process as well. Recognizing this, Valor prays for a short moment, in hopes that Nate will come to his senses, or black out from his wounds, which doesn’t look like either will happen. Rushing at Valor again, Nate extends his claws and slashes at the chest piece of the amour hearing it give way. Panicking Valor fires off 86 fire balls right in nates face.
Howling Nate spits out black fires at Valor an melts the helmet off Valors face. Holy fuck, Nate really is ready to kill me……but I don’t want to kill him either……I cant hes my son…..damn it just get over it. Valor thinks to himself as he dodges the attacks that follow after the fire. Getting pissed, Nate takes some needles an sticks them into his fingertips, turning his claws into unbreakable metal, and lunges at valor yet again. Catching nates arm, Valor flips nate 3 or 4 times, and drags him through the ground an chucks him into the sharp rocks again. Growling nate pulls himself off the rocks again, puts hands together for a jutsu but mind goes back to what him and his sensei talked about long before now.
~~~Flash Back~~~~
At the gates of Konoha, Kakashi is talking with nate after the chunin exams, Kakashi sounding just a little pissed off at his student. “You went against what I told you nate, Why is that?” Kakashi asks, not reading for once. Nate just stares at kakashi and shrugs, Had to use the 13 gates of death to win. Kakashi glares a little “Shrugging ISNT and answer, Now tell me why did you use the 13 gates? Or must I force the answer out of you again?” Kakashi says getting more pissed off by the second. Sighing nate finally answers “I did it to see if I could live, I did so don’t worry old man” Nate says with a ton of sarcasim behind it. Kakashi sighs an leaves “By the way nate, that move is forbidden from now on” Kakashi says as he disappears.
~~~Present Time Again~~~
Letting his hands fall, Nate seems to go unconscious, as darkness swirls around his body, and his other side awakens yet again. Valor standing there wondering just what the hells happening, also wishing he could get back to his wife, Rihatsu in the Mist village, and continue looking for their daughter Nina. Though before Valor can think more about Rihatsu, he gets slugged between the eyes and sent flying over the edge of the cliff into sharp sharp rocks below, almost as soon as Valor gets inpaled, Nate jumps down and lands ontop of his dad, driving the spikes in deeper and jumps off. Valor breaks the spikes off in himself and pulls them out slowly “My My nate, your changing, used to be youd never even think of doing this to me, what happened?” Valor asks as he pulls the last spike out. Nate says nothing and fires off random elements at his dad, Hitting him 12 times. Valor stumbles back an slams the ground making trillions of blades shoot up an follow all of nates movements. Nate gets nailed by all the blades but still keeps moveing, Rushing Valor yet again.
By now neither men feel ANY pain, and keep hacking an slashing away at each other. Hours go past as the 2 continue to hack and slash at each other, their bodies finally stop healing and blood pooling around them, Valor’s body starting to lock up from the pain, though he doesn’t notice it and tears his upper arm to hell. Nate keeps pushing his body into deadly arrears his bones an muscles screaming in pain, though he ignores it an slams his blade into valor’s chest, snapping the blade off inside his father, the handle clinking against the ground. Valor smashes his blades into nates shoulder making the break from the force, and kicks nate in the gut to finish it.
Nate finally going street(street style of fighting for you idiots out there) on his old man, Flat hand strikes valor in his face, 4 times in his chest and about 30 times to his stomach, Valor falls back as his amour cracks more. Valor finally tired of fucking around, Splinters the whole bone structure to nates left arm, though nate acts as if nothing happened an smirks. “Why you smirking, your whole left arm is gone, You should be in pain” Valor says and draws another blade. Laughing nates right arm starts to glow blue-ish, as the wind kicks up and howls are heard from deep within the young pup. “DID YOU FORGET OLD MAN?!!!!! MY RIGHT ARM IS DOMINANT!!!!” Nate yells an rushes valor, his left arm hanging limp at his side. Just barely grazing valor, Nate sends his old man flying into the mountain behind him.
Valor winces an loses all his air from the impact, though has to force himself to move right as nates fist slams into the mountain an turns it into dust, The strength of nates right arm makes Tsunades power look like pure baby tricks. Keeping the power hits going, Nate backs Valor into a corner with no way out except by death, Realizing this Valor summons up a shitload of blades to defend him from his sons attacks. Nate simply laughs, his mind gone bye bye from the pain and pure rush of life an death situation he was in, Smashes through all the blades getting cut all to hell, by the time he gets to the end Valors rested enough an kicks nate in the head an chest, Hopeing to knock out his son. Staying conscious Nate picks up 2 of the blades still left in tact, an rushes Valor for one last time, Both mens bodies ready to give out at any second.
Valor attempts to defend the attack that nate unleashes, but fails horribly. Nate appears behind valor as the2 blades slide into their sheaths and trillions of sword slashes cover valors body, and his armour is destroyed. Panting Nate goes back to normal as his wounds take hold of him but still limps away from the battle field. “….R…r….r…..Rot…..In…Hell……..old….man” Nate says as he collapses, though his wife, Jade is there to catch him an disappears with him back to their home.
A little later near Dawn, Valor sits up fully healed, Looking at the sky Valor smiles a little and stands up. “Ella, you were wrong dear, Nate has changed…..he can hold his own….we don’t need to keep fearing for him anymore…..and DAMN hes got one hell of a right hook” Valor says and disappears back to luminas room in his wolf form. ~End~
Random pics first.

Now for my 3 favorite pics of my wife jade :33, first one is by ellie, the other 2 are by Kirby.

and now for my KH self as a heartless person.

And heres midoris kid, dont know who shes with yet though.

and finally, heres mine and jades 9th child, Tsukiko. her brother is before her hes the 8th, but not named yet.

And thats all i got, SEEYA SPACE COWBOY!!!!
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Monday, October 15, 2007
Fic and pics.
Well before i start the real post heres a fic i did the last few nights. enjoy.
The sound of blades dragging across the ground is the only other sound aside from the rain and the 2 men’s heavy breathing. Both have Jet black hair, Green tips in it, Green eyes, though the younger ones eyes are full of rage, hate an despise for the older man. The younger one clenches the handle of his blade tightly and rushes at the older man who he refuses to call father.
The older man puts his blade up and attempts to block his sons strike, and gets thrown back almost over the edge of the cliff the 2 were fighting on. The younger boy starts to sun at his so called father again but gets trapped by 4 white spheres 2 on his wrists an 2 on his ankles, The older man pants catching his breath. “Damn Nate, you really must hate me to put everything into your attacks” The Older man says and stands up right again. Glaring Nate rips his own arm out of place to get the spheres off an rushes at his pops again.
Knowing his son wont hold back at all, Valor attacks back full force, Knocking nate back into sharp rocks behind him. Pulling himself off the rocks, Nates wounds fill with black shadows that heal all the damage an attacks again drawing argni an rugni the 2 demon swords that control the winds. Slashing both swords down at once nate hopes the gales will meet their target. Moveing faster than nate, Valor appears behind his rebellious son an kicks him in his ribs, breaking a whole set of them. Ignoring the pain, Nate gets up yet again and tackles his father an starts to punch at the helmet of the demonic amour, Hearing it crack Valor quickly kicks nate off himself.
Sliding back a ways, Nate glares at Valor with deep wolf yellow, Which shows hes past pissed off and ready to kill valor, even if he has to die in the process as well. Recognizing this, Valor prays for a short moment, in hopes that Nate will come to his senses, or black out from his wounds, which doesn’t look like either will happen. Rushing at Valor again, Nate extends his claws and slashes at the chest piece of the amour hearing it give way. Panicking Valor fires off 86 fire balls right in nates face.
Howling Nate spits out black fires at Valor an melts the helmet off Valors face. Holy fuck, Nate really is ready to kill me……but I don’t want to kill him either……I cant hes my son…..damn it just get over it. Valor thinks to himself as he dodges the attacks that follow after the fire. Getting pissed, Nate takes some needles an sticks them into his fingertips, turning his claws into unbreakable metal, and lunges at valor yet again. Catching nates arm, Valor flips nate 3 or 4 times, and drags him through the ground an chucks him into the sharp rocks again. Growling nate pulls himself off the rocks again, puts hands together for a jutsu but mind goes back to what him and his sensei talked about long before now.
~~~Flash Back~~~~
At the gates of Konoha, Kakashi is talking with nate after the chunin exams, Kakashi sounding just a little pissed off at his student. “You went against what I told you nate, Why is that?” Kakashi asks, not reading for once. Nate just stares at kakashi and shrugs, Had to use the 13 gates of death to win. Kakashi glares a little “Shrugging ISNT and answer, Now tell me why did you use the 13 gates? Or must I force the answer out of you again?” Kakashi says getting more pissed off by the second. Sighing nate finally answers “I did it to see if I could live, I did so don’t worry old man” Nate says with a ton of sarcasim behind it. Kakashi sighs an leaves “By the way nate, that move is forbidden from now on” Kakashi says as he disappears.
~~~Present Time Again~~~
Letting his hands fall, Nate seems to go unconscious, as darkness swirls around his body, and his other side awakens yet again. Valor standing there wondering just what the hells happening, also wishing he could get back to his wife, Rihatsu in the Mist village, and continue looking for their daughter Nina. Though before Valor can think more about Rihatsu, he gets slugged between the eyes and sent flying over the edge of the cliff into sharp sharp rocks below, almost as soon as Valor gets inpaled, Nate jumps down and lands ontop of his dad, driving the spikes in deeper and jumps off. Valor breaks the spikes off in himself and pulls them out slowly “My My nate, your changing, used to be youd never even think of doing this to me, what happened?” Valor asks as he pulls the last spike out. Nate says nothing and fires off random elements at his dad, Hitting him 12 times. Valor stumbles back an slams the ground making trillions of blades shoot up an follow all of nates movements. Nate gets nailed by all the blades but still keeps moveing, Rushing Valor yet again.
By now neither men feel ANY pain, and keep hacking an slashing away at each other. Hours go past as the 2 continue to hack and slash at each other, their bodies finally stop healing and blood pooling around them, Valor’s body starting to lock up from the pain, though he doesn’t notice it and tears his upper arm to hell. Nate keeps pushing his body into deadly arrears his bones an muscles screaming in pain, though he ignores it an slams his blade into valor’s chest, snapping the blade off inside his father, the handle clinking against the ground. Valor smashes his blades into nates shoulder making the break from the force, and kicks nate in the gut to finish it.
Nate finally going street(street style of fighting for you idiots out there) on his old man, Flat hand strikes valor in his face, 4 times in his chest and about 30 times to his stomach, Valor falls back as his amour cracks more. Valor finally tired of fucking around, Splinters the whole bone structure to nates left arm, though nate acts as if nothing happened an smirks. “Why you smirking, your whole left arm is gone, You should be in pain” Valor says and draws another blade. Laughing nates right arm starts to glow blue-ish, as the wind kicks up and howls are heard from deep within the young pup. “DID YOU FORGET OLD MAN?!!!!! MY RIGHT ARM IS DOMINANT!!!!” Nate yells an rushes valor, his left arm hanging limp at his side. Just barely grazing valor, Nate sends his old man flying into the mountain behind him.
Valor winces an loses all his air from the impact, though has to force himself to move right as nates fist slams into the mountain an turns it into dust, The strength of nates right arm makes Tsunades power look like pure baby tricks. Keeping the power hits going, Nate backs Valor into a corner with no way out except by death, Realizing this Valor summons up a shitload of blades to defend him from his sons attacks. Nate simply laughs, his mind gone bye bye from the pain and pure rush of life an death situation he was in, Smashes through all the blades getting cut all to hell, by the time he gets to the end Valors rested enough an kicks nate in the head an chest, Hopeing to knock out his son. Staying conscious Nate picks up 2 of the blades still left in tact, an rushes Valor for one last time, Both mens bodies ready to give out at any second.
Valor attempts to defend the attack that nate unleashes, but fails horribly. Nate appears behind valor as the2 blades slide into their sheaths and trillions of sword slashes cover valors body, and his armour is destroyed. Panting Nate goes back to normal as his wounds take hold of him but still limps away from the battle field. “….R…r….r…..Rot…..In…Hell……..old….man” Nate says as he collapses, though his wife, Jade is there to catch him an disappears with him back to their home.
A little later near Dawn, Valor sits up fully healed, Looking at the sky Valor smiles a little and stands up. “Ella, you were wrong dear, Nate has changed…..he can hold his own….we don’t need to keep fearing for him anymore…..and DAMN hes got one hell of a right hook” Valor says and disappears back to luminas room in his wolf form. ~End~

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Monday, October 8, 2007

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Sunday, October 7, 2007

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