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Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Rouge And Runi Heart Break Part 5
Glenn~ refused to sleep lastnight, knew if he did that dream would happen again, yes he likes it, no he doesnt like wakeing up with tears running down his face.
Coal~ ._. dad, i really think shes over you forgood.
Gale~ *pokeing me* ._. wakeywakey
Me~ nhhhhm....*really sleepy*
Jolt~ Okay, i anyone talks to nate on yahoo who reads these, dont be supprised if hes falling asleep or doesnt respond at his normal pace.
Kira~ Im with Kirby and Hali about dads dreams ^-^ their worth remembering, and actually going after ^-^
Gale/Jolt/Glenn~ Yea....WHEN ITS POSSABLE IN REAL LIFE!!!!!
Gale~ -_- in dreamy land maybe
Kira~ *cries* NONE OF YOU HAVE FAITH IN HIM!! *goes to room crying*
Gale/Jolt/Glenn/Kaumy~ .........EMO much?
Zechs~ -____- Nate, get to bed
Me~ =_= nhhhhhuuuuuuu.....
Zechs~ -_______- NATE!!!!!
Me~ Nhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu......
Zechs~ -____- *forces a ton of sleeping pills into me*
Me~ Nhh------..zzzz..z......zzzzz....zz.......zzzz.....z...zzzzzzz....zz.....zzzzz......z...
Gale~ And being hes out we'll finish this up, and to answer hails question, yes Lisa is Cherris daughter/Pup..1 out of uhhhhh...uhhh...
Jase/Lisa~ 13 we think
Gale~ O_O;;;;;;;DAMN!!!!!
Jase~ -_- shut up, your from a family of 6, you guys could catch up
Gale~ ^_^;;; Mom would kill dad.........if these dreams dont first
Zechs~ Kinda forgot the dream hits him in his naps too ._.
Quinn~ Smooth dad
Zechs~ -__- shut up
Gale~ Anyways, here are some pics of Tina dad drew to keep his mind focused today. Hope ya'll like em, and he'll draw tenki later.

Rouge~ -//////////- And runi, if you get anywhere near me, I WILL SHREAD YOUR BRAIN INTO CONFETTI!!!!!!! AND IM NOT JOKEING!!!!!!!
Gale~ And thats all we got SEEYA!!!
Me~ .........*already has the dream playing in mind* .......................
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Monday, June 4, 2007
Rouge Runi Heartbreak Part 4
Rouge~ -/////////////////-.....runi....*sighs* you idiot.....*chucks runi into a pond with psi* get over it were over -///////-
Jolt~ *not saying anything else being jade "talked, more like beat some sense into him* X_X nhhhh
Kiza~ *rouges lil bro is the one whos making rouge not believe anything runis saying* hes lieing sis, hes only trying to get you back cuz of your curves and everything else.
Rouge~ -//////////////- thats it....*goes to sugo*
Coal~ ._. .oh-boy, this wont go over well.
Glenn~ ....*looking at me* ._. .dad?
Me~ ...........
Glenn~, can you hear me?
Me~ *leaves*
Glenn~ .__. da hell?
Gale/Kira~ He had it again.....
Glenn~ ....The dream?
Kira~ *nods*
Glenn~ Whats it fully about anyways?
Kira~ Its really romantic, its a medium sized wedding, canddels everywhere, roses all over the place and really soft music playing. Dads standing there, looking at the girl who hes gonna marry, and hes got a real and true smile on his face.
Gale~ And yet, some reason he just breaks down, starts crying, and odder yet is when he wakes up hes still crying, we cant figure out why.
Zechs~ Probably knows the girl whos in that dress he'll never have or get close to, though hed give anything to have her, even if it means pushing his limits.
Kira~ ....Is that why he had the dream again?
Zechs~ Yea, it'll probably keep up til he goes a lil nuts....unless he does something to stop it.
Glenn~ .__. Take pills that keep him from dreaming?
Zechs~ -_- stop watching the freddy movies, and what i mean by deal with it is.....idk, im not sure how he'll handle it. but wtv, not my problem, its his to deal with on his own.
Glenn/Kira/Gale/Kaumy/Jolt~ .......Got it
Zechs~ Oh yea, before we leave, here are the pics of lisa, and kirby, he wants to know if it looks good enough to use, if its not he'll redraw her.

Zechs~ And thats all we got, seeya.
Kira~ Anyone who reads this, hope our dad gets better ^_^ BYE!! *waves*
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Sunday, June 3, 2007
Rouge Runi Heart Break Part 3
Rouge~ -////////- runi, let the boy go, or i'll never even give you a second thought.
Coal~ I dont think you should at all, hes always hitting me T.T
Rouge~ You asked for that and thats why i sent you to ogami :P
Coal~ SEEYA!!! *flees from ogami for about the 60th time*
Me~ .__. Well before this gets to odd, i drew a picie of Lisa as NME version, though i wont color it in unless you people like how it looks *mainly means Kirby and kinda new viewer Hali*
Jase~ *dies laughing at the pic*
Lisa~ -________-......*murders jase worse than trance did*
Me~ o_o;;;;;; heres the pic

Me~ Oh and Runi *takes jolt from him* leave him to me, you focus on getting rouge back ^_^;;;
and since i got nothing else i guess i'll end it here .__.
Glenn~ Tell em about your dream
Glenn~ Come on, get it off your chest
Zechs~ Fine we will.....
Me~ -____- fine, i had an odd dream last night, well not odd......amazeing actually.....though....nvm.....
Glenn~ Keep it going
Me~ *sighs* was something i wish would happen but never was about me getting married.....though i wont say to who...but when i woke up, i actually had tear running down my face, i was happy with the dream though idk something just made me cry during it.....and before im forced to go into anything else this is all i got, seeya
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Saturday, June 2, 2007
Rouge And Runi Heart Break Part 2
Well this is odd, rouge suddenly moved in last night .__.
Glenn~ ^_^;;;;;; theres a reason for that
Me~ Do i really wanna know?
Glenn~ Jolt told rouge that the only thing runi loved about her was her body ^^;;;;;;;
Me~ JOLT!!!!!!!!
Jolt~ OxO *flees*
Me~ -__- *appears in front of him* alright, your gonna tell rouge the truth -____-
Jolt~ I DID!!!!!! THATS ALL HE LIKES ABOUT HER!!!!! im supprised they even have a kid
Me~ -__________________-+++++++++..............
Shion~ .....Okay while thats happening here are some pics, and rouge again for runi being he wont be seeing her for a while.

Shion~ Then heres tenchi and Kannas third kid, Kamari.

Shion~ And finally Cherris grandson, Yakura. His mother is Lisa, though shes been forced to join NME with lunar running it, She'll end up having to fight who both her and lunar think is shadow, when its really.......well you'll have to find that out later :P

Glenn~ Now for some ideas for kirby ^^;;;;;; Mine is a beach idea like gales was, though have both jade and shadow sitting or something, shadow without his shirt kissing mom on her cheek or something ._.
Jolt~ Or ya could have em laying on their bed together asleep ^_^;;;;;;
Gale~ I still say the moonlite beach one with them kissing
Glenn/Jolt~ Whats your obsession with moonlight?
Gale~ IDK!!!!
Glenn~ Well Kirbs hope this helps some ^_^;;;
Me~ ^__^;;;;; And thats all we got SEEYA!!!!!
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Friday, June 1, 2007
New pics ^_^
Glenn~ Well okay....we were wrong, dads pics wont stop, hes still getting ideas ^_^;;
Shitai~ Isnt that a good thing?
Glenn~ Yea i never said it wasent, btw where is my dad, your awake.
Shitai~ Jades singing kept him asleep a lil longer, he needed it from wensday.
Glenn~ Yea i heard about that ^_^;;; howd you manage to do a flip anyways?
Shitai~ Ran up a tree and did it, the first time anyways, the other 2 times i just fliped.
Glenn~ Sweet ^_____^
Gala~ Can we do the pics yet?
Glenn~ ...did your mom tell you to clean the kitchen?
Gala~ .....I'll do it later, Heres the first pic, its a new vampire nate thought up of watching bloodryane(or however its spelled) his name is fang, and hes going to be the one who snaps Reji out of her deep deperession, yea Frost and Enya have her out in public again, but she still doesnt trust anyone, so heres Fang.

Yuki~ And yea nates gonna atempt to draw Tenki without Demetri to go by, he was gonna try to make her fall somewhere inbetween Shions darkness and Demetris happines i guess? ^^;;;
Hatachi~ Hed also draw Kanna and Cheza, though we dont know what red looks like
Silver~ I do ^-^
Hatachi~ TELL HIM THEN!!!
Silver~ .....Nope
Hatachi~ -____-++++++ wtv....well thats all for the pics hes gonna try drawing.
Jolt~ Then heres Runis "Wife" though we all know the real reason hes with her, the body and the bedroom action :P XDDDDD
Rouge~ He loves me too....though he...does feel me up a lot......
Jolt~ Point proven :P
Rouge~ THATS IT, YOUR ON YOUR OWN RUNI!!!!!!! *leaves with coal*
Jolt~ ._. ...uhhhh.....anyways heres Rouge B/W and colored.

Glenn~ And thats all we got SEEYA!!!!!
Me~ zzzzz.......z........zzzzzzz
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Thursday, May 31, 2007
Glenn~ Well dad and shitai are down for today ^_^;;
Orion~ Why, wait, how you mean down?
Glenn~ ........been sleeping for a while
Orion~ .__. hows that any diffrent from normal?
Glenn~ They were actually active last night at the bible study thing, and normally nate never says a word, nor does shitai.
Orion~ Okay that is a lil akward, but at least hes starting to like his own voice ^_^;;;;
Glenn~ Yea, it took ellie forever to get dad to say something on the mic when they talked, though i guess that was cuz his dad was in the room too ._. ......oh well ^^;;;;;
Kira~ Uhhhhhh.....big brother.........
Glenn~ ...what?
Kira~ .....nvm ^^;;;;;;
Glenn~ .......*quirks and turns to see gale attacking all his notebooks* O_______O GALE!!!!!!!!!
Gale~ .____.------._____.
Glenn~ *puts gale to sleep* TT-TT all my rai drawings TT-TT
Orion~ Well dont that suck :P XDDDDDDDD
Edin/Saia~ .......we dont know them
Shion~ ....With them distracted agai------
Yuki~ Can i do this part, PLEEEEEEASEEEEE?!!!! its been a while since i had a part T.T
Shion~ .....Knock yourself out
Yuki~ YAY!!!!!!!! Here some pics od nates favorite bands, the first one is of Adema, with songs like "Imortal" "The Way You Like It" And "Giving In"

Yuki~ Then we have Devil Driver, no he doesnt worship the devil or anything, he just likes this band for one song, called "Meet The Mountain"

Hatachi~ Then heres uhhhhh.....who is this again?
Gala/Ichi/Yuki~ -____- KILL HANNAH!!!!!!!
Hatachi~ ....alright alright..geez.....Lips Like Morophine is the song nate likes by them.

Ichi~ Then heres Linkin Park, Go figure with this kid, and he loves everything by them.

Gala~ Then heres AFI, which stands for A Fire Inside, and yet again nate loves everything by them too.

Yuki~ .__. Whos gala ichi and hatachi?
Yuki~ @_@ ACK IM DEAF!!!!!!!
Shion~ Continueing with the bands, heres C.K.Y. Dont ask what it stands for we wont tell you.

Gala~ And finally Gorillaz, which nate was into before he met kirby, now hes just more into it......i think that made sense ._.

Shion~ And with the bands out of the way, heres a pic nate did a long while back, some kid whos cursed from twilight village.

Shion~ And then this is a random kid he drew put bugs and glasses on him and called it uhhhhh....whatever shinos last name is

Shion~ And thats all we got, btw Hes gonna try to draw Rouge and tenki. SEEYA!!
Me/Shitai~ *asleep with our wives*
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007
OxO!!!! *hidden under couch*
Shitai~ i wanna know?
Glenn/Orion~ No
Shitai~ then whys he under the couch?
Glenn~ found the condensed shrooms again -_-
Shitai~ ............?
Orion~ ....yellow elephants
Me~ O_____________O WHAAAAAA THE YELLOW ELEPHANTS ARE COMMING!!!!! *flees to room and baracades door shut*
Shitai~ .__. ....da flip?
Orion~ -_- okay simply hes high
Shitai~ Hows jade deal with this?
Glenn~ She dont, this happens when hes with rion.
Shitai~ ..............?
Glenn~ A guy nate put into the RP but soon droped out of it.
Shitai~ ...oh.
Orion~ And i thought him and kit would make a cute couple T.T
Glenn~ -_- human and neko woulndt work
Orion~ Like fox and wolf are any better
Glenn~ *growls and goes zero form, and for those of you who cant figure out what that is, its a werewolf form*
Orion~ OxO!!!!!!!! BYE!!!!!! *flees*
Glenn~ *chases orion and mauls him*
Orion~ HAVE MERCY!!!!!!!!
Shitai/Kira/Jolt/Gale~ O_O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;....h...h.hhh.......holy.......shit........
Shion~ Being there distracted, i'll find some pics to put up.

Shion~ And then here are the lyrics to one of nates favorite songs, well okay its more of a healing song i gu------ O_O;;;;;;.......what the hell kinda healing song has these lyrics are in a healing song.
let my walls come down
i let myself smile and feel alive
i let my walls come down
no matter how i try i don't know why
you push so far away
you wrapped your hands tight around my heart
and squeezed it full of pain
with this knife i'll cut out the part of me
the part that cares for you
with this knife i'll cut out the heart of me
the heart that cares for you
i can't believe the way you took me down
i never saw the pain
coming in a million broken miles
like poison in my veins
the hate and the fear
the nightmares that wake me up
in the tears
the nightmares and (the hate)...
Shion~ And thats all, btw is he ever gonna draw tenki?
Glenn~ He would just 1 thing stopping him
Shion~ And that is?
Glenn~ He dont know what demetri looks like, a simple description would be enough for him to make your guys kid.
Shion~ it.
Glenn~ And thats all we got SEEYA!!!
Me~ OxO!!!!!! *still baracaded in room*
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Orion/Glenn~ -___- were not retards
Orion~ not helping being he called us retards.
Glenn~ YEA me either.
Shitai~ .......he was jokeing you 2, he calls me spazy coon.
Orion/Glenn~ YOU ARE A SPAZZY COON!!!!!!
Shitai~ likes me ^_^
Glenn~ And what drugs are you putting into her drinks and food?
Shitai~ ....*growls* YOU SON OF A-----
Glenn~ @x@ *flees*
Shitai~ *chases* GET BACK HERE YOU LIL BASTARD!!!!!
Jolt~ .......didnt we just do this on monday? *thinking about hakaishi chaseing me and shitai*
Gale~ Who cares.....anyways being orion and glenn wont help with ideas, i;ll give it a shot ^_^
Kaumy~ You need a shot.
Gale~ your just jelious cuz your the only male from our family that dont have a chick yet :P XDDDD
Kaumy~ *leaves before crying and knocking gales lights(which means knocking gale out) out*
Gale~ Anyways, uhhh.....seeing as how nates obsessed with beaches have them on a beach, moon light, ummm......idk what mom would wear to that ._. ....but have her like kneeling with dad next to her or something ._____. *cant explaine things worth a shit*
Me~ *finally comes back from the depths of the black abys known as my room* okay i'll take over from here.
Gale~ T.T ru...
Me~ ......loris got a supprise for you in your ro---
Gale~ *bolts to his room*
Me~ ._. .....never seen him run like that, anyways, i do have a pic today that i drew. Its Shion of the death petals. yea i know stupid sounding name, but it fits. Shions main weapon looks like it would be the black rose he carries around. well okay it kinda is cuz he uses it as a whip *going kurama for a moment* but his real main attacks come from the thorns and petals that surround him like gaara,shitai,lenus and aeikis sandsheilds, though shions not only protects him, it shreads anyone who gets close.
Anyways heres shion.

BTW hes darker toned from all the other because his parents were indians that moved to suna ^_^;;
And more on this guy, his wife is demetri, and their daughter is Tenki. Tenki is great friends with Riley and Shitais daughter Tenshi, well okay their on a team but their friends past that ^_^.
Tenshi~ YEA ^________^ im never gonna let my friend get hurt ^_^
and i know who tenkis gonna end up with too ^___^ *smiles at sei'iki*
Sei'iki~ ......................what?
Me~ And before im murdered thats all i got SEEYA!!! btw i like gales idea, if ya can translate what he said kirbs :P XDDD LATER!!!!
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Monday, May 28, 2007
Glenn~ ............No more late night movies
Glenn~ .......never saw dad laugh so hard before.
Orion~ Why what was happening?
Glenn~ He was watching the movie Friday, then watched southpark........he couldnt stop laughing, its odd, im used to him being pissy a lot.
Orion~ Their funny thing ^_^.
Glenn~ Id expect you to say that about friday -_-
Orion~ Dont pull that on me, even YOU were laughing, heck shitai gold silver........everyone was laughing.
Kira~ .__. .....*way to young to get what it was about*
Jolt/Gale~ .___. .....hows getting high funny?
Glenn~ Its the stuff you do when your high thats funny.
Gale~ .___________. ........*clueless as hell, kept falling asleep and wakeing back up*
Jolt~ .......*leaves*
Quinn~ *watching something random* T_T
Glenn~ Whats with you?
Quinn~ TTxTT im gonna be killed during the chuunin*or however its spelled* exams TTxTT
Glenn~ ........Oh.....well good luck to ya ^_^;;;;;
Quinn~ TTTxTTT
Glenn~ In other news, nates drawings are gonna stop for the summer, he wont have any good ideas being he'll be stuck at home the whole time.
Jolt~ Whats orion watching? ._.
Orion~ *watching blue streak*
Jolt/Glenn~ .____. wtf?
Orion~ Funny cop show.
Glenn~ Wtv, and now for some pics from offline, and then we'll show ya what ronnys gonna look like later on in life, and moms photoedited pic again.
Glenn~ This here is for blue, how do ya like your husband now? XDDDD

Orion~ .__. This one kinda makes me think of naomis friend Karen.

Shitai~ Random neko ^^;;;;


Jolt~ Ronnys future look.

Glenn~ Annnnd moms pic.

Glenn~ And thats all we got SEEYA!!
Kira~ .__. Wheres dad?
Glenn~ ........sleeping.
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Sunday, May 27, 2007
one of my more crappier stories
Okay this is one of my lesser stories..
Chapter 1: Ties Broken
While waiting in the forest of death for night to fall, Haku Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto and Shadow are talking about how to go about getting the scrolls from the other teams. “…what if we waited till like they got really tired and couldn’t fight, wouldn’t that work?” Naruto asked while fidgeting where he was sitting at. “..You loser, we are going to wait till the right time….but not until its completely dark, if we did that we’d never be able to see where we’re going.” Sasuke says while hitting naruto in the back of the head. Haku and shadow start to move ahead to be look outs for their squad. “hey Haku, why do you fight now, like what keeps you fighting?” Shadow asks while resting against a tree. “..Ummm, well I guess I fight for Jill and to keep her safe, but I’m also fighting to become as strong as you.” Haku says while taking a spot next to shadow. Looking at Haku slightly surprised, shadow just laughs to himself. “Haku, you wouldn’t last through half the hell I went through to get to my strength” He says while leavening to go up farther ahead. Off with shkimaru Ino Choji and Glenn, Glenn is getting nervous and pissed about having to face off against Shadow. “Hey Glenn what’s with you, not many teams are gonna bother with us” Shikamaru says while sitting around a little fire with the others. “Don’t worry about it shikamaru, It’s nothing.” Glenn says while getting up and walking into the forest. “.GLENN WAIT, WHERE ARE YOU GOING!!?” Ino asks getting a little worried. “I’m going to go find another heaven and earth scroll so we can get to the tower already.” Glenn responds as he disappears from his teams sight. “He’s a weird kid *chomp* Wonder why Asuma Sensi let him on our team?” Choji says while eating some berries he found. Off somewhere in the middle of the forest Glenn comes upon Shadow walking around alone, trying to find food for his squad. *Thank god I asked Kanna for her silver knifes….its going to make killing Dad a lot easier* Glenn thinks to himself. “Glenn, I know your up there. I can read minds remember?” Shadow says while turning to face his son. Glenn jumps down from the tree he’s in and has one of the knifes out and ready to attack. Shadow jus looks at Glenn, not really bothering to take up a fighting stance. “Finally, I found you dad….hope your ready for me to prove you wrong.” Glenn says hate dripping from every word. Sighing and turning to actually face him, shadow draws one of his knifes. “Glenn, what’s it goanna take for you to realize you can’t beat me?” Shadow asks and finally takes a light fighting stance. “LIKE I CARE!!!!” Glenn yells while rushing Shadow. Taking up a stronger stance, Shadow counters Glenn’s first thrust of his knife and catches his hand before he has a chance to make the second attack. Flipping Glenn over his shoulder, Shadow pins him down by the neck with his boot. “LISTEN TO ME YOU IDIOT, I DON’T WANT TO FIGHT YOU. YOU GOT THAT!!?” Shadow says while trying to contain his anger on a safe level. Glenn in the meantime is struggling in vain to get free from under his dads weight and to be able to breathe too. Suddenly Jade drops in on the 2 of the boys getting Shadow off of Glenn. “SHADOW, WHATS WRONG WITH YOU, HES YOUR SON!!” Jade yells while helping Glenn recover. “Hmp, he’s the one who came after me Jade, all I was doing was showing him that he wasn’t at the right level to take me on.” Shadow says while walking off towards his squad again. “DON’T YOU WALK AWAY FROM ME…YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO SHOW HIM THAT HE WASENT READY IN SUCH A ROUGH WAY!!” Jade continues to yell. All Shadow does is shrug and continue walking, holding the scrolls that him and his squad need to get into the tower. “..H-h-he….r-really…..h-h-hates….me…doesn’t….h-he?” Glenn asks before passing out.
Chapter 1 end
Kneeling over Glenn to make sure he’s alright, Jade is trying to contain her anger. *This isn’t like him, Shadows never shown that much hate towards anyone except neo* Jade thinks to herself while picking Glenn up and taking him back to the ship. Later on in the Tower Sasuke and his squad finally make it, their the second team there. “So ummm s-s-should we open the scrolls now…or not?” Naruto asks while looking around for gaara and his team. “Yes idiot, we have to to figure out what to do next” Sasuke says while takeing one of the scrolls from shadow. “So this is it huh,…whatever.” Shadow says while opening the scroll hes holding. As Sasuke and Shadow open the scrolls smoke and a strange buldge appear on the scrolls. “IT’S A SUMMONING JUTSU, GET RID OF THEM!!” Sasuke yells once he figures it out and throws the scroll, Shadow does the same. Smoke fills the room then disappears and where the scrolls where kakashi is now standing in their place. “Well you guys made it here faster than the last squad I had, by the way shadow, you need to learn how to contain your anger.” Kakashi says never looking up from his book. “Why don’t you just keep out of what I do and focus on your job, okay kakashi?” Shadow asks with a little harshness behind his voice. Off on the ship, Glenn is starting to wake up again. “Hey there pup, how you feeling?” Jade asks while holding a wet cloth to glenns forehead. “W-w-…where….am….i?” Glenn asks his head still buzzing somewhat. Jade smiles at glenn with some sympathy behind it. “Your somewhere safe for now pup….shadow wont come after you again…for now” Jade says while wetting the cloth again. Glenn just keeps trying to get his eyes to focus. “Just relax Glenn, take your time trying to open them.” Jade says while trying to figure out what caused all the hate shadow had in him to come out on Glenn. “..Can…you….t-t-t-take….me….back to…..the academy…” Glenn asks weakly. Jade looks at Glenn with surprise in her eyes “You think you can continue with the test glenn?” Jade asks with a little worry behind her voice. “Y-y-y-yea mom..i can…continue……dad wont keep me down.” Glenn says while smiling weakly at jade. Back at the tower Glenns squad finally gets there, their like almost the last ones to arrive. “..*pant pant pant*…where…..the…..hell…is….glenn?” Shikamaru asks while trying to catch his breath. “Who knows but when I see him again im gonna murder him!!” Ino says already back to her bitchy self. Choji had passed out from all the running and had to be carried by shikamaru, one of the reasons he was pissed off. Out of nowhere glenn appears right next to ino. “Hey guys sorry im late.” Glenn says with a slight smile on his face. Ino and Shikamaru just about jump down Glenns throat with everything they’re yelling at him. “Geez, calm down guys….we’re here aren’t we?” Glenn asks trying to get off the topic of where hes been. After a few minuites of waiting Anko finally shows up. “Aright all you rookies, looks like most of you made it here in one piece, good job. The last proctor is out with the flu so until hes better your all dismissed!!” anko says before disappearing again. After most of the other students have left Shadow appears in front of Glenn wanting to say something. “What do you want now dad?” Glenn asks while takeing up a slightly defensive stance. “I want to talk with you Glenn, will you let me?” Shadow asks while moveing closer to glenn. Glenn takes out Anarch, the blade shadow and airo will eventually make along with dante. “..LET OUR BLADE DO THE TALKING!!!” Glenn yells while charging Shadow. “*sighs* glenn, wont you ever learn?” Shadow says while drawing defiance. When he’s barely an inch from Shadows face Glenn pulls off the million stab with Anarch, hoping one of them lands on the desired target. Shadow counters the million stab with judgment cut which he learned from vergil, then strikes with the stinger move aiming for glenns dominant arm. Glenn counters the stinger move by making the 2 swords tips meet each other half way, then jumps onto the main part of shadows blade and attempts to kick him in the side of the head. Shadow quickly drops the blade and draws the 2 pain in the ass twin talking blades angai & ranmi, the pulls off the whirlwind move throwing glenn back and off balance. The battle keeps up for a good 3 hours before shadow finally desides to end it. “ENOUGH GLENN TIME FOR YOU TO LEARN YOUR NOT READY TO TAKE ME!!!” Shadow says making it look like hes going to really kill glenn this time. Shadow brings defiance up above his head and starts a straight downward swing then stops right before hitting glenn, with anarch going through his stomach. “..I…I…I won’t….run…from….you….anymore….dad” Glenn says trying to get over what he just did. Shadow just smiles at glenn, with a little blood falling from his lip. “It’s about time you said those words Glenn, I won’t push you anymore from now on” Shadow says while pulling glenns blade out of himself and handing it to his son. Glenn just looks at his dad and then suddenly hugs him relizeing everything his mom told him about the harshness was true. Off in the trees somewhere Vergil watches in utter disgust as the 2 finally get along. *I do believe it’s time to end this little party, and show them what true power is* Vergil thinks to himself while disappearing. Chapter 2 end.
“Hey dad, if you only wanted me to do better…why were you so rough?” Glenn asks while walking back to the hidden leaf village with shadow. “Well, if I went easy on you, you never would have found your…strength to actually strike me like you did” Shadow replies sensing someone getting near them and quickly. Suddenly glenn is sliding backwards on his back and shadow is doing the same only still on his feet with vergil appearing in between the 2 of them with yamato drawn. “VERGIL, WHY ARE YOU HERE….YOU SHOULD BE DEAD!!” Shadow yells regaining his composure. “Hmp…your useless to us now shadow…where did your darkness go?” Is all vergil says before turning to face glenn. Glenn is desperately looking for Anarch which he dropped when he was flung backwards. “You looking for this boy?” Vergil says as he holds up the anarch. “..HEY GIVE THAT BACK ITS MINE” Glenn yells takeing out a kunai and throwing it at Vergil. All Vergil does is side step the kunai not thinking glenn was going to charge afterwards. “NEVER DROP YOUR GUARD!!!” Shadow says while rushing Vergil at the same time with defiance nearly hitting vergils side. Glenn tackles Vergil into a tree when shadow misses and starts to beat the crap out of him for a few seconds before being flung back again. “..Heh heh, I got it back bitch.” Glenn says while standing up with Anarch in his hands. All vergil does is glare at glenn and shadow before standing up and pulling off rapid slash aiming for all of glenns vital points. Glenn attempts to use the stinger move from a kneeling position and fails getting hit 6 times on his right side. “Useless child, did you really think you could stand against me?” Vergil says while walking up to glenn. While vergil is occupied with Shadow uses the doopelganger trick and clone jutsu, giving the 2 other “shadows” one of the pain in the ass twin blades. The 3 fighters sneak up on vergil and when all have him encircled they strike. “HEY VERGIL NEVER LEAVE YOURSELF OPEN TO THE ENEMY!!” all 3 shadows yell as they bring their blades down. Vergil uses air trick at the last second to escape the trios attack and appear behind the real shadow running yamato through his chest. Shadow coughs out a little blood but still turns and nails vergil in the face with a full fist, while glenn manages to get up and strike vergils back twice before he disappears again. “damn it, he cant stay still for more than a few seconds” Shadow says while helping glenn up and takeing a defensive stance. “What should we do about this dad, if we keep this up by the time he does deside to hold still we’ll be to tired to actually fight” glenn says while doing the same as shadow. Both glenn and shadow keep up their defenses until a barrage of sword strike start to rain down on them. After 5 minuites both glenn and shadow are face down in the forest floor. “So weak, and yet they lived this long.” Vergil says while walking up to the 2 unconscious teens. Right as vergil is hoveing over the 2 boys both of them spring up and catch vergil off guard pulling the dark aura attack. Both shadow and glenn pull million stab at the same exact time, followed by attacks by energy blades and finished with a quick x-slash to vergils chest. “..*huff huff huff*….that was….sweet” glenn says while resting on his knees. “Y-y-y-yea it…was…..glenn…..he…never saw it…comeing” Shadow says while leaning against a tree. After they get back to the village Glenn and Shadow say their good byes as glenns goes with rai back to the future where they should be.
Chapter 3 end
The end, hope ya’ll liked it ^_^
Glenn~ *bites tongue to keep from asking about the pic*
Me~ -_- smart move pup, thats all i got seeya
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