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Friday, March 30, 2007
Well first off my shitdays are over. THANK FUCKING GOD PEOPLES ^_______^!!!!! also ive been able to get an awesome song its WWE SMACKDOWNS song rise up by drowing pool. its so kick ass ^__^. and ive been downloading a lot of breaking benjamin too. .-. idk why.
Anyways i got a couple more Timeskip pics, the first one is of Edin, he travels with vergil and learns and masters the dark slayer style of fighting.

Then i got shitai, who attempts to take gaaras style, but i wont use if ya dont like it, so vote i guess ^_^;;

And now for a a riddle i guess, or more of a brain teaser.
How can something be dead and undead at the same time. If something is undead wouldn't it be alive. But people call the dead the undead. I cant figure that out.
Yuki: ._. ......................please help us.
Hitachi: @_@ MY BRAIN!!!!!
Enya: @_@___@________@__@__@______@
Ichi: O_______O!!! MOOOOOOOM THE UNDEAD!!! *runs to hanabi*
And thats all i got. SEEYA!!!! Brain teaser provided by Morgan.
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Wednesday, March 28, 2007
.......*dead silence*
Today was a lil better, but i still had headaches. T_T. damn sucks. but first period went well, just had a test, in second period uhhh false interviews....its something odd. so i drew Natsuki and uhhhh errrr.....ummm.............i forgot her name.
Natsuki: -_- Mirelle you idiot.
Me: -__- mr. i have a girls voice...
Natsuki: .....*shuts up and walks off*
Anyways heres tony and he took his moms last name instead of being a Hatake

Then during 3rd period it got odd cuz Mr. Burg went off on a shitload of church stuff before getting to the actual lesson @__@. my friggin head hurt cuz i havent been to church for so long @_______@. then in 4th period it went a lil better though my headache was about to split my headopen. but then once notes were done i was feeling kinda better and started another drawing, so i made Yojaro, and hes going to be one of the 2 people Rikuo is going to meet on his travels, btw to anyone ive used rikuo with he'll be much much more mature when he returns to noel, aka no longer perverted.

And during my last 2 classes i made Yamora Kage, hes going to meet kaza while hes traveling with luxnbard. Yamora is the one who teachers Kaza the dragons strike, which is beyond any of the darkness attacks he used to know, though kaza will know how to litteraly stop time and control gravity and stuff like that, along with earth elements from lux.

Anyways, thats it for the drawn picies. and im adding the one shitai likes again.

Randomness with My OC'S
Yuki: *asleep on couch*
Hatachi: *playing Onimusha*
Ichi: *waiting like a bloody pup while his moms making cookies again*
Glenn: ._. *watching hatachi* ya know, it would help if you defended a lil.
Hatachi: -_- shut up and go chase a ball -__-
Glenn: *twitch* you know what would be really funny right now?
Hatachi: ..........what?
Glenn: *kicks the controler halfway down hatachis throat* that ^_^+ *leaves*
Yuki: zzzzz....zz.......zzzzz...
Ichi: hear that mom *looks into living room*
Hanabi: *ignores the growing chaos*
And thats all i got. SEEYA!!
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007
-__- shit day #2
Well, day # 2 that sucked more ass than yesterday. Started the same, but today my dad grabbed my ankle instead and yanked me out of bed. -__- yea thanks im gonna be in a reaaaaal good mood from my head hitting my nightstand -_-then when i get to school i had even more people bitch at me about prom, so i let shitai out and he scared EVERYONE, even lyndsi with his deep glare, in fact everyone backed away from us when he glared, which im glad of. then during first period the teacher even got scared cuz shitai was still glareing, so we never got called on. second period came around and glenn was out then, ya could tell cuz he bounced all the way to the room -_-;;;; i could have killed him. but it went fine none the less, though i had a headache. then in third period shitai was back in charge, and he scared mr. burg, so yet again we werent called on, same for fourth. then during 5th orion had fun in the weight room. heh, he couldnt bench anything XDDDD.
Orion: -_- not funny you jackass.
Then during lunch......*sighs* tensai, im sorry to say, but shitai is an idiot, you talk with him.....
Shitai: *sick and throwing up worse than any of the other times before*
Me: he tried to eat the food again....i mean rat poison -__-.
Shitai: (( school peoples are evil TT_TT))
Glenn: We've warned you halfwhit.
Shitai: *whimpers and throws up again*
Then during ag class..well i got bored and fell asleep, then started a conversation with glenn in my dream, which was odd cuz in glenns area of my mind its full of rai felt odd, so i brought part of my personal area into glenns ^_^.
Glenn: -_- yea and its all mom too.
Me: so what, it was better than stareing at rais back side poster you got.
Glenn: o///////o....i have no idea what hes talking about.
Me: Yea you do, its that full body poster of rai in her bikini with her back to you.
Glenn: ////////////........i dont have anything like that.
Me: *holds it up*.sure ya dont.
Glenn: O/////////O DAD!!!!!!
Anyways after ag class i had art, and me and glenn thought of an good idea for my rebellion mask thingy. the smooth side is all sand color, the eyes and nose thing are dark blue, the tongue and fangs are misted jade, or something like that, i know it had jade in the name for the color. then the shattered glass side is uhhhh....midnight something and the really bumpy side is sea mist. anyways after art, i THOUGHT my day would end smoothly but noooooo, i was called into the office cuz of shitais earlier glare fest that morning, so then i had the consuler asking if everything was alright, she had me show her my wrists and looked over them both like i was cutting and everything else like i was hurting myself. but whatever, i got out of there rather quickly, then saw who reported shitai......and sluged him when no one was looking ^_^+.
And with all of that out of the way i got some new picies ^__^.
First up are my versions of dante and vergil, though the dante thing might just end up being daisuke ^_^;;

Then with vergil, i got a lil strap happy ^_^;;;;

then i got pics of kaza and rikuo, both are of them after being gone for 2 years kaza is going to be traveling with Luxenbard. and rikuo is going to be traveling to the diffrent worlds and meeting 2 new friends, and also kaza will have a new attack, called the dragons strike.

and finally my drawing of nejis eye that i had to transfer onto some odd plate. i still dont remember what its called. ._.

Randomness with the hyugas again
Yuki: -__-....ENYA!!!!!!!!
Enya: OxO.....i didnt do it *runs*
Yuki: *growls and chases her*
Hatachi: ...*sticks arm out and lets yuki closeline himself*
Yuki: X_@ ACK!!!!! ASSHOLE!!!
Hatachi: Ichi took the last one.
Ichi: o_o;;;;;;...last what?
Hatachi: -_- your like mom with cookies.
Ichi: O_O;;;;...I DID NOTHING!!!! *runs like hell*
Yuki: *goes wolf anf chases ichi*
Hatachi: o_o;;;
And thats akk i got. SEEYA!!
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Monday, March 26, 2007
Well today sucked ass. First i wake up LATE then my dad is an ass about how its MY fault that my alarm clock doesnt work anymore. not my fault he gave me his cheap old one. Then when i do get to school, i walk in on everyone bitching. and 4 of them started to bitch at me about prom -_-...i swear its times like those i REALLY WISH shitai could litteraly use sand and shut them up -_-. then during 1st period, glenn and shitai started a fight so i got a really big headache that continued into 2nd period which made it harder to give my speach on my book report. then once i think theyve all shut up, orion starts stuff with glenn and shitai T__T. so i had killer headaches all f***ing day. though P.E. was worse cuz i let shitai take over so i could go shut up the idiots, but i forgot him and sunlight dont mix, so when the class went outside, shitai closed his eyes and ran into 5 cars -_-, then my friend mellissa come up to him and starts talking about her and her jackass bf, wanting advice. Shitai was about to kill her. T______T. then in art, Mrs. Toler changed her mind about nejis eye AGAIN!!!!!!! MAKE UP YOUR MIND OLD HAG!!!!!! she says it needs more again -_- wtf else can you do to a total white eye, want me to stab a pencil through it, no offense neji, i like you and were just the wrong person to pick.
Yuki: Ya should of done my eyes.
Me: .....i think i know what neji means now -_-
Yuki: -_- whats that supposed to mean?
Me: The main branch of the hyuga clan is smater.
Yuki: THEY ARE NOT!!!!!!
Hatachi/Ichi/Enya: .....were smarter than you are.
Yuki: -_- *flips em all off*
Me: and i also figured something else out...
Glenn: And that is?
Me: its never a good idea to have more than 1 hyuga around in the same place.
anyways after school got out, i find out we have a new bus driver....some old codger, WHO CANT FOLLOW THE DAMN MAP TO SAVE HIS BLOODY LIFE!!!!! He tried to take someone home who didnt even ride the damn bus -_-....i swear our school needs to settle on ONE driver and keep him the rest of the year.
and with my rants out here are a few DMC pics, though their mainly DMC3 from what i can tell.

and 1 pic of Wing Gundam

And thats all i got. SEEYA!!!!!!
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Sunday, March 25, 2007
Well, ive finally got a good idea for a cosplay. its my OC glenn. i got half of the outfit ready *aka already had the green cargo shorts and black shirt* so all i gotta do now is get the headband for konoha and those odd shoes.
Glenn: dont forget about the tips and green marks.
Me: im only doing the neck, arm and leg ones. idk where the others are.
Glenn: .....uhhhh.....dont you kn----
Me: ////...i didnt look....////
Glenn: Thats a shock
Me: -///-....and you wonder why hate rose up between us?
Glenn: ..... meh *leaves*
Anyways okay i gotta ask it, kirbs, can we use hanabi and her brats in our RP. cuz i cant think of how to use them in any of the others i do.
Hatachi: ...heh, you cant put a personality into our mom well.
Me: -__- oh shut up.
Ichi: they go again T_T
Me/Hatachi: *get into yet another fight*
Kazuma: *watching bloodsport* OWO IM DOING THAT FOR TRAINING!!!!!
Shitai: ....was nice knowing ya
Kazuma: i wont die.
Me/Shitai/Glenn: are you seeing half the shit hes going through?
Kazuma: thats not that bad :P
....okay sasuke you got an odd brat. but whatever. and before i go, j/w again....hey kirbs ya tried drawing that pic of jade and shadow ya told me about?
And thats all i got. SEEYA!!!
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Saturday, March 24, 2007
New Picies
Well, i finally found a few things Shitai can stand, 1. Donuts 2. Cereal and something tensai said, i forgot. btw tensai, i really do think it is rat poison, cuz shitai isnt the only one who got sick yesterday. about 6 others got sick. then 5 others got sick right before school got out @_@. it was like a friggin epidemic.
Shita: *working on 6th box of donuts*
Shita: .-. ....*shrugs and stops eating*
Glenn: T_T pyo...*holding empty boxes*
Me: ..........this is getting odd....
Anyways i got some new pics. the first one up is what topaz will look like if i can draw her right.

next up is something random

Then heres something that caught my attention a while back.

and this pic reminds me of jade for some odd reason ._.-.

then another random anime girl


2 random girls, probably gonna be ichi and hatachis sisters.
Glenn: Whos ichi and hatachi?
Me: ....your in my mind and you have no clue?!!
Glenn: nope.
Me: -_-...heres the pic

then something for naruto and Hinata

And finally something that shitai pointed out after he was done throwing up. idk why...he just said save.
Glenn: O_O!! WTF?!!!!
Shitai: ........what?

And thats all we got. SEEYA.
Glenn: and before we go, mom, dad went and died again ^_^;;;.
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Friday, March 23, 2007
._. nani
YOUR IN MY WAY!!! ~Muraki, Nobody
Well glenn has finally done something good in school, he stood up to jimmy rocliff.....and then sluged him right in the jaw, litteraly, he reared our hand back and let em have it. of coarse no one noticed, everyone hates him XDDD. though it was sooo funny, cuz jimmy had just said how he could be anyone and then well glenn finally got irritated, hence him slugging jimmy. i think glenn got jades lil inabillity to hold his fist back ^_^;;;;.
Glenn~ What was the first clue? -__-
Me~ ....*shrugs* i forgot.
Then today during lunch, shitai stupidly ate the food at the school again -_-;;
Shitai~ *in bathroom pukeing his guts up*
Me~ o_o;;;;..erm *sound proofs the door*
Gold/Silver~ THANKYOU!!!
Shitai: ((TT_TT mom their being evil again TT_TT))
Me~ O_O *heard thought* im outta here *leaves*
Then in art, Mrs. Toler changed her mind about nejis eye, THANK GOD!!!! and she let me finish it, then she turned around and wouldnt grade my portrit drawing of edin, AND SHE SAID I COULD DO MY ANIME PEOPLE!!!! GOD SHES SO SO.....RAWR!!!!! *goes rabid*
Glenn: we lost him.
Anyways, ive been getting into my new oni game, Onimusha: Dawn Of Dreams, and its fun as hell ^______^, and heres a pic of the main hero.

Though i havent played Onimusha 2, or Onimusha 3: Demon Seige, and then t-man keeps telling me to play some odd game, i forget what its called. but whatever ^_^;;;;.
and then heres edins dragon spirit[its from me and ellies RP] his names ice and hes annoying as hell.
Ice: BABIES ^WW^!!!!!
Edin: DAMN YOU!!!! *kills ice*
Tasukes edin:, thats embarraseing shareing the same name with him.

And thats all i got. SEEYA
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Thursday, March 22, 2007
new pic again.
Well i got a new hero, hes nameless. and idk if im gonna use him in any RP's. actually i got a few peoples like that. tenshi i was gonna use her as shitai's future brat but idk now and then the 2 i made for hanabi.....but idk if i'll use them either, cuz with kirby we only focus with the main naruto peoples(sasuke naruto and all them)with ellie, we only focus on a small group (makes it a lil easier) and then if i used em with mel id be taking the part of the brats and hanabi T_T. ghaaaaaaa. this is why i hate my creative side so much. im getting rid of it. anyways before i post the pic, my day went....fairly smooth. though it got a little rough in art when on our projects (i forgot what their called) mrs/ toler tried to tell me to add more to the eye im doing. HELLO NEJIS EYE IS COMPLETELY WHITE!!!!!!!! WTH DO YOU WANT ME TO DO, ADD BLOOD?!!!!!
Yuki: question, who could get close enough to make him bleed? -_-
Me: hell if i know T______T
Yuki: dipshit.
Me: *mauls and hides yuki*
Yuki: X_x
Anyways. NEJI YOUR A PAIN!!!! *stabs the eye drawing til theres nothing left*
Dante: o_o;;;;; ummm i really suggest keeping away from nate for a long while ^_^;;;;
And then she wont let me glaze my rebellion mask thingy til im done with the eye thing.
Aside from art everything went well though in english Mr. P is getting more irritable by the day, though hes probably just tired of kendra. oh well, we all are. and well i think thats about it for me, so i'll post the pic and shut up.

And thats all i got. SEEYA!!
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007
new pics. and new yahoo
Well first and most important, i am no longer, ive made a new yahoo screen name, its and its only for the people i truely talk with anymore, which is Kirby, Ellie, T-man when hes around, Rosa, and mel. and now for the new pics.
raziel and lisas other brat, whos fully human, namless though

then some random bond thing again. i think im getting out of this habbit finally

Then we got glenns consious anna, and azus dragon human forms brat, okugi.

And someone random with the hyuga branch familys curse mark

And thats all i got. SEEYA!!
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Tuesday, March 20, 2007
nothing really to talk about so i'll put up a couple pics and thats it.

and a pic eli did of glenn..

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