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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
People who find Kazahaya
Okay the 2 im going to put up are the main reason why Kazahaya wont be seen for a while, mainly cuz he tries to hide from them.
Anyways first up is J, its the same kid that tanaki and sierra met in winhill, hes forced to join Galbadia garden. anyways the next time tanaki sees J, they wont be on friendly grounds. cuz J has kazahayas cross necklace on and refuses to tell tanaki how he got it.

Next up is Lu, Shes the one who litteraly kikcs kazas ass, and the reason J joined Galbadia to begin with. anyways when kazahaya refuses to join Lu puts him in a place that dante fought in waaaaaaay before he met haku sasuke kakashi or any of the others. and the real reason furin and rain cant find him all that easy. anyways heres Lu

And heres just a random comic ^^;;;;

And thats all i got ^_^;. *goes back to trying to draw jase hugging lumina from behind*
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Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Heres the REAL yuki
Umm okay yea yesterday i did show a yuki, but it wasent yuki hyuuga, that was Eiri yuki from Gravi. i was gonna style hyuuga after him but then desided against it ^_^. anyways, when hes 16,17 and 18..he somehow gets extream anger for edin and wants to litteraly kill him..((mainly cuz edin betrayed the leaf village)) anyways thats all im gonna say about yuki, except that he goes beyond nejis 169 palm strike ^_^;; anyways heres yuki.

and thats all i got, so seeya ^___^
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Monday, January 8, 2007
Furin and Topaz's
Yea i know i know, Furin and Topaz arent officaly together yet. But i had to draw this kid ^___^. hes just like furin, quiet, yet helps almost everyone....though he keeps a lot of distance from kazahaya. oh yea the kids name is Auron, topaz chose it ^^;;;. He wears only a single black glove on his right hand 2 belts on a normal basis, and a cross necklace like kaza, but thats the only thing the 2 brothers have in common. at other times the 2 at each others necks....Auron normally the one who starts it ^^;;;. but anyways Auron is going to be at the accedmy with Tilja, Mika and maybe even Kaumy and then Lumina and jases kid an Lisa and Raziels *once they decide to do everything needed ^^;;;;;* anyways when Auron is forced to fight *and it takes A LOT to get him to throw a punch, exculding what his bro does* he uses a halfway insanely large sword, which he can summon at any moment *aka hes figured out how to summon sparda* anyways once hes gone far enough to summon the balde, who evers pissed him off is dead. and thats all i got. for Auron.

And this is just for the hell of explaineing something extra, kit will be leaveing rion, and if you've forgoten kit is the neko girl he found.

This is yuki at 16 ^_^
Now and thats all ive got so seeya ^___^
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Saturday, January 6, 2007
^______^ I FINALLY BEAT NUC!!!!!!
Finally i beat NUC, Orochimaru was a PAIN IN THE ASS though. he killed me like 3 times then i finally beat him with kakashi ^_^. heh heh, my favorite teacher too ^____^. so now i got gaara as a team mate and kakashi too ^_______^ YAY ^____________^. and ummm oh yea i finally played DDR, but orion and glenn suck at it ^^;;;;;. oh well is still fun ^_____^. and uhh i got nothing else so seeya. btw please read post below if ya didnt yesterday ^^;;;;. byez
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Friday, January 5, 2007
Kids again O_O. HOLY F***!!!!!
Well i got a few more kids to add, ^^;;; ive been in a creating mood lately ^_^;;;;. oh well, only the 2 new ones from yesterday will be used ^_^. anyways here they are.
First up is Momone again, this time with color ^_^.

Next is Holand with color, and Kirby, Holand makes Edin Betray leaf village and join him and his sister Momone in Mist village.

Next up is some random girl, need help with a name ^_^, leave a suggestion in a comment ^_^.

Next is Issac, idk why but i drew him anyways, well whatever, here he is.

And finally zechs

And kirby the next time your on yahoo i'll explaine Rain and Kazahayas problem to ya, BUT RAIN ISNT DEAD.....and thats all im saying. seeya ^________^
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Thursday, January 4, 2007
^_^ twins for the RP, i'll color em in later.
Okay today was better, PE i found an old friend, amos elam, we havent talked in like forever, but were talking again ^________^. now for the twins.
First up is Momone Seki, shes the oldest out of the 2, shes also mastered their bloodline trait. though kinda silent when she runs into kazahaya she'll change....and as for Rain, i'll wait to explaine all that junk later ^_^;;;;;. anyways Momone is like really powerful when not poed, make her mad and the world could end.....maybe. anyways here she is.

Then we have Holand Seki, Hes Momones younger brother, hes kinda mastered thier bloodline trait, but still loses control over it at rare times. Also when his sister runs into kazahaya, he'll have the same feelings about him like naomi, that he isnt trust worthy. Anyways, Holand will also meet Edin, which causes his betrayal from the leaf village to the mist village. anyways heres Holand.

And thats all i got, so SEEYA ^______^
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Wednesday, January 3, 2007
-_- yay schools started again *sarcasim*
Well f***, schools started again.....which sucks already -_- damn math teacher is already on my case. and everything else is falling appart, i hate this year -_-.
Anyways with that rant out of the way, i got a better version of Kenza, no bones showing ^^;;;;.

That and i kinda drew myself as an anti form ^^;;;;;...idk why.

Then i kinda made a kid for kazahaya, though he doesnt have a girl anymore ^_^;;;; well whatever, heres Sky

Oh and uhhhhh gaara...PLEASE DONT KILL ME O_O!!!!! I DONT REALLY LIKE KIMIMARO, YOUR BETTER THAN BONEBOY!!!!! kimimaro: hey.... me: *hides behind glenn* glenn: O_O!!!! LEAVE ME OUT OF IT!!!
Seeya guys ^_^ :P
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Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Okay im sure its obvious, but i like kimimaro finally ^___^. his bloodline trait is SO SWESOME ^____________^. though it looks like it might hurt just a little bit ^^;;;;;.
Glenn: you do know that gaaras gonna hate you now right?
Me: ..errp....didnt think about that...and he protects kir-- O_O oh great im f***ed TT_TT
Glenn: heh heh >=3
Anyways weather im in danger or not heres some pics of Boneboy/Kimimaro again ^_^;;;;;

_________________________________________________And thats all i got, so seeya ^__^
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Monday, January 1, 2007
Well First off....HAPPY NEW YEAR PEOPLES!!! ^______________^. Though i still got like an hour or so to go, but whatever, im saying it early so sue me. im glad its a new year, that means all of last years memories can be finally suppressed. and i will suppress them.
Okay and just cuz im bored heres a pic after kazahaya lets go of rain. he looks kinda diffrent ^^;;;;.
this first one is without color cuz i was lazy when i first did it.

This one is with color cuz i got bored

Then this pic is something i did in art ^^;;;;;;

And squall just for the hell of things

And a few kimimaro pics ^__^.

And thats all i got, SEEYA EVERYONE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR AGAIN ^__________^
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Sunday, December 31, 2006
Heres Rajin ^__^. Red and Silvers second child.
Okay first, umm hakaishi, id like to say sorry for something ^^;;;;;;.
glenn: O_o what are you saying sorry for?
me: look behind me ^^;;;
Glenn: *looks behind me*
Orion: *pissed and has a kunai held to my neck*
Me: well anyways hakaishi ^^;; orions only had 2 dreams about you, both of them just nice little date stuff, nothing deep ^^;;;;;;;;.
Glenn: then wtf was all that other stuff? ._.
Orion: his damn acid trip dreams, the shapes he saw kinda looked like me and hakaishi.
Me: Sorry to both of you *bows to hakaishi* and im really sorry for giving you the wrong idea of orion.
And with that out of the way, heres Rajin, i just drew him ^^;;;; at like *looks at clock* 3: 30 in the morning ^_^;;;;;;;
As for the info on him: Rajin is ((like it says)) Red and Silvers second born child, Hes going to follow in his mothers footsteps, as a samuri. though he wont like the idea at first, he'll grow into the part. his sister Tilja, ((who i'll have lyndsi draw later, if were still talking)) is going to become the other ninja of the family ^_^. i'll put more info on him later.

And ummm just a heads up to kirby for a small plot twist, Kazahaya and Rain WILL NOT BE TOGETHER FOREVER!!! I'll tell ya more later.
Just for the hell of other pics heres young Kimimaro again ^_^;;;;

Squall yet again ^__^;;;

Just for the 2 dolts :P Kirara for a last time ^_^;;;;;

Seeya Everyone ^______^
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