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Thursday, November 9, 2006
No pic today so heres a little info on kazahaya asato
Kazahaya is Topaz and Nekatous son. Hes kinda dark, almost evil at first glance, but at closer look, hes just extreamly calm.....too calm at times. Normally hes asleep, rarely talks even to his mother. Loves to seems thats the only time he truely smiles is when hes fighting someone stronger than himself. His "friend" is tanaki...though theres a lot of tension between the 2 kazahaya still trusts tanaki......even if he doesnt say so. at one point kazahaya did show emotions, but his "dad" nekatou kinda made them seem pointless, so kaza just locked them all up. probably a good thing because when anything bad happens to topaz, kazahayas emotions become extreamly unstable resulting in beyond human rage and strength. this is a known fact because at one point nekatou almost kills topaz and when kaza finds out he goes into the unstable state and kills off his dad. after the short fight kazahaya has to take a little time to get his emotions locked up again....which works to a small point. when topaz doesnt wake up when the nurses say she should, kaza starts to get a little unstable, until a man called furin shows up and fully heals topaz....kaza almost instabtly calms down. Soon after that furin shows up again, having found dogtags topaz always had with her that she lost. The next day topaz and furin try a date that ends with her running away in embarrasement, but topaz will run into furin again. as for kazahaya, someone is starting to get intrested in him. well thats it for now, seeya.
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Wednesday, November 8, 2006
My new drawing ^_^;;;
This is my first attempt at drawing a city view EVER!!!! so if it sucks, please dont say it, im already aware that it does.

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Tuesday, November 7, 2006
Info about trance valentine/ Rikuo strife/ Hisoka ikara
Okay Trance is vincent's son, but they act almost the same. Trance is extreamly anti social, but better at talking than lenus......even if he does insult people at times. though he hates being around people he hangs around lisa a lot...almost like hes in love, just one problem..HE HAS NO IDEA WHAT LOVE IS!!!! but he'll learn eventually.
Rikuo strife, River and Atrias son, hes a major pervert at times, but because hes the son of a SOLDIER hes one of the few advent children left so that part of him takes over at times and he becomes extreamly mature. Hes madly in love with Glenn and Rais daughter sierra, though sierra would rather murder rikuo. Rikuo also likes to pick on tanaki, another boy whos probably going to be the one whos going to win sierras heart. anyways after rikuo finds sierra freaked out after a strange attack, all perverted thoughts about her left him that day.
Finally Hisoka ikara, Hes kinda a bookworm, but doesnt look like it. Theres little known about his fighting style except that he uses shadows, and is extreamly good with the skills. Hes also, VERY DENSE THAT ANYONE LIKES HIM!!!!! he could be standing in front of a girl who was confesing her love to him, and hed think they were talking to the person behind him, EVEN WHEN THERES NO ONE ELSE BEHIND HIM!!!!! anyways the girl he kinda notices is destiny....and thats about it, he only notices her....but he might end up doing more ^_~. well thats all i got, SEEYA
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Monday, November 6, 2006
Heres a little info on Lisa Hatake ^_^;;;
Okay before i start, squirrle, the reason you havent seen any new drawings is cuz my insperation has run dry, so sorry ^^;;;;;;.
Lisa is the youngest out of kakashi and cherris pups..((i think))Anyways, lisa looks just like her mother..but her additude is WAY DIFFRENT. lisa is actually friendly, and cherri is..kinda not. Lisa when she was younger didnt have much faith in herself...and rarely spoke her mind. the only time anyone had seen her actually try was during the exams when she fought orgami. Lisa managed to beat him useing her mothers fighting style. when lisa got older she got more faith in her own skills but could never get cherri to even connect herself to lisa as her mother....until lisa defeated one her mothers rivals. after that cherri was actually glad to be lisas mother. but before that over the years lisa and jase became extreamly close as brother and sister, knew they could count on the other for anything. anyways lisa never does find someone, though a few perverts try to hook up with her...and their never seen again ^^;;;;. but at one point lisa does "die" but a strange man named zechs saves her from death. but eventually she might find someone ^_^. well thats all i got, seeya.
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Sunday, November 5, 2006
A little info on lenus ^_^;;;
Lenus is Orion and Hakaishis daughter, shes extreamly quiet around others with the exception of shion and citan, her team mates. The reason she was so quiet at the start was because of people calling her a freak and stuff because she could use sand for attacks like gaara and hakaishi. But when things seemed to be getting better for her, shin..her only crush gets killed...making lenus lock up all emotion, even hate. Shion and Citan tried their best to help lenus but nothing they did could make her smile again. a year went by and lenus tried many times to end her own life but orion stopped her most of the times, hakaishi stopped lenus when ever orion couldn't. Then when lenus started to feel halfway normal again, a couple students from the sand villages academy started to make her feel worse than before. Dark did it by attacking her constantly....physicaly attacking. Fiona did it emotionaly. at rare times from all this lenus snapped and tried to kill them both, but teachers who knew why lenus was so down and everything stopped her. after about the 5th time of this happening dark finally came to the conclusion that hed kill lenus, and he did. After beating her to almost seconds of her life dark transported her body to the kazekage's mansion, right infront of gaara. Gaara both worried and extreamly pissed, rushes lenus to the hospital, though shes dead by the time they get there. Citan knowing what happened informs gaara. Gaara out of pure rage goes to where dark is and kills him on the spot. that same night shins ghost helps revive lenus. and the next day shin shows up in a new body and takes lenus from the hospital. then a few days later fiona starts shit with lenus again when she finds out that dark is dead. shin defends lenus but cant kill fiona...shion is the one who kills her. a little more time goes by and now fiona and dark are bcak and ready for revenge. well thats it for lenus. seeya
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Saturday, November 4, 2006
Still nothing important so heres info on Glenns consious Nightshade
Nightshade is ((like the title says)) Glenns consious...well one of them. Hes kinda a pervert/killer. At anytime hes always thinking of ways to kill the people around glenn, which would be easy for him if there wasent a seal on glenn to hold him back. Then when ever glenn is with rai, Nightshade likes to make glenn EXTREAMLY TURNED ON when he doesnt even want to be. but but at times nightshade does help glenn by taking over his body. But normaly nightshade is asleep. but the rare times he is awake you never want to talk with him one on one or he'll threaten to kill you. well i got nothing else. SEEYA...oh yea I BEAT FF7: DOC ^______^
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Friday, November 3, 2006
Still nothing important so i'll post about Lumina ^_^
Okay, Lumina is Jade and Shadows second born child. Lumina is almost exactly like jade...except she faints....CONSTANTLY. But she faints more around her crush Jase, One of kakashi and cherris kids. Shes normaly nice to everyone and easy going, until you piss her off...then she uses her mothers strongest move called sigigaku, which gives the person at the other end mental pain until they die. Anyways over the years, Lumina and Glenn have a few fights....ending with glenn winning most of them. Then at one point, where lumina hears about one of glenn and rais hotspring trips...she slightly gets her info mixed up saying that glenn and rai were doing "Night things" when they were really asleep most of the time. Glenn not being in a forgiveing mood made lumina see her own death that night when she tried to sleep....after that Lumina never tried to PO glenn again. Afew years later once Jase knows hes in love with lumina things get a little rough....mainly cuz both jase and lumina faint around each other. Jase tries 5 times to tell lumina face to face....and each time both fainted...well except the 5th time, Lumina is the only one who fainted, Jase had to take cover in her closet when jade came in to check on her. The next year..((after rai and glenn are married)) Jase and lumina finally get their feelings for each other out near the waterfalls of konoha. Now their together...not married yet...jade made lumina promise to hold off on getting married for a few more months. but both jase and lumina are excited about the thought. thats it for Lumina, SEEYA ^_^ :P
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Thursday, November 2, 2006
Got nothing to post thats important so im going to post a little about glenn ^_^
First off, glenn is jade and shadows first born son, he has all the marks like jade and the jet black hair and green tips like shadow....along with green eyes. At first when glenn was born, him and shadow were impossable to seperate. it was like this until glenn turned 13, then things kinda got bumpy. In the academy his team consisted of Rai Uzumaki, and Hora Akiro. Their teacher was ogami, a very powerful 16 year old, even if his memory was extreamly short. One their first mission Glenn and Rai are attacked by a strange 6 year old called mirrior, Who can make people see anything she wants, which normaly makes them go insae and kill themselfs or kill others. also at this time glenn has no memory of being the next 20 story wolf....until naomi..((glenns great grandmother)) restores his memory. Of corase mirrior didnt think much of it until Rai came back from almost dieing and kicked mirriors ass. After the first mission Glenn and Ogami had to help save rai again cuz of a strange birth wound on her leg. Rai did die while ogami healed the scar and glenn had to enter her consious and had to wake her...with a kiss....though he almost fainted. On their second mission they had to esscort a total BITCH of a princess. She was totaly in love with glenn, and he showed no intrest in her. When the group stopped to rest, glenn is drawn to the small pond/water fall area hearing splashing sounds. When he gets there he notices a girl doing fighting moves but yet they look more elegant than just fighting moves, and they enchant him so much that he tries to get closer. When he gets closer he notices its rai and cant take his eyes off of her....though he makes a small sound and rai bolts off back to the camp while glenn tries to calm down. Then after the mission once the bitch princess is gone rai is meditateing again the next night. Glenn finds his way back to the water fall area again and watches her the whole night...ending in almost the same way. Over the next few years Rais and Glenns emotions for each other grow rapidly.....though neither can show the other. Then at one point, when rais life is put beyond the normal forces glenn to take on a whole new form from what anyone has ever seen before. After that....him and Rai soon expresse their feelings for the first time...well 2 years later they do. then the next year they end up getting married. as for Hora she hooks up with a sand village ninja named Heath. and thats all i got for now ^_^;;;; seeya
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Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Part 5 of shadows past "Wolf Form"
This is probably the last part of shadows past. When shadow was younger, he always had the feeling like there was something inside of he wasent normal. Then one day he found himself corndered by a bunch of bigger and much stronger boys from the trinity village...and when they pushed him to far, shadow suddenly grew claws and attacked.....tearing the boys bodies into nothing. after shadow finished killing he passed out in the deep pool of blood. Several other murders like this one happened. Soon shadows mother ella started to figure out that the wolf he got from his father was wakeing up early. Soon dante somehow found his way to trinity....a few days later shadow made the full change into the 20 story blue wolf form and attacked dante, nearly killing him, if his grandmother naomi haddent of stopped him. once shadow was bac in his human state naomi and ella put the wolf back to sleep in shadow, and it would never awaken again until after meeting haku naruto and all the others. and thats shadows past ^_^..well the important stuff anyways. seeya
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Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Part 4 of Shadows past "Swordmaster"
Getting into shadows sword user days, and where he learned from. To start things off shadow learned from his dad the most, the 20 story wolf demon valor. The lessons didnt last long once ella found out...((thats shadows mother)). so for the next few years shadow just learned basic stuff. Once he left home and met squall, the real sword training began. At first squall hated the fact of haveing a student, and despised the idea of someone else learning his attack Renzokuken. But as the months progressed squall warmed up to shadow....but soon that friendshio died when shadow got tired of killing innocent people and betrayed squall and the gardens. Later shadow met sephiroth, who had taught his brother silver before. the training shadow endured would have killed any normal human, but shadow's not exactly human. Once he was done under sephiroth, he met cloud and learned how to do the omnislash. then when shadow finally met dante his sword skills greatly increased. Well more later. seeya
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