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Friday, October 13, 2006
@_@....dude P.E. Hates me
O_O..okay P.E. REALLY HATES ME!!! idk why but everytime we do some really active sport or something, my chest feels like its being crushed and my legs are like gone O_O. today i had almost everysign of passing out and yet stayed consious....GODS I HATE MY BODY!!!! Maybe i shouyld do more, hell idk. Anyways, away from english were doing some project about what kind of job we want when were out of HS, IM GOING FOR GAME MAKER ^____^. then in history 3 were learning about crazy ass hitler....meh to hitler. History 1&2 american revolution i think, i want to get to the civial war. as for art, were doing carvings.....i the time art comes around im already back to sleeping. and ag...I HATE IT STILL!!!!!!!!! well got nothing else so SEEYA....btw i will not be on MyO around the 20th or YIM...dont ask why i wont tell you.....SEEYA, BELIEVE IT :P
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Thursday, October 12, 2006
O_O..dude...i drew a dragoon O_O
O_O..dude...i actually managed to draw a dragoon...well...ummm lavitz....OKAY its not lavitz but it kinda looks like him. 
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Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Okay its offical, I GIVE UP ON DRAWING ALL TOGETHER!!!!! Mainly cuz i cant really draw my friends creation Jade Emerald TT_TT. That and my own drawings look like....well not normal TTT_TTT...GODS I HATE NOT BEING ABLE TO DRAW...*sighs* destroy artwork. me:..OH F*CK YOU TOO STRIFE!!!!!
Well nothing to tell about school...its not really worth talking seeya....BELIEVE IT :P
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Monday, October 9, 2006
Hisoka and Trance
Okay heres hisoka..((zack and aeris's son, YOU BETTER NOT COMMENT THAT THEIR DEAD CUZ I REVIVED THEM)) And Trance, ((Vincent and Margarette..dont ask about the mother)). Hisoka is a shadow user...and at times kinda careless with it ^^;;; Trance is just like vincent..only a little more friendly...and thats all i got so here they are..hisoka first trance second. 
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Saturday, October 7, 2006 friend is a pervert....
Okay im keeping EVERYTHING from my friend chase, hes a major pervert...i showed him a pic of my RP partners creation jade emerald....then he says:
chase: "Dude shed look sweet in a small swimsuit"
me: " she wouldnt"
chase: "Yea she would ^_^"
and it keeps going on like that. then i show him rai and he says that her alrady small swimsuit should be smaller. I mean sure ive though of jade and shadow on a beach but thats diffrent from Chase saying she should be in extreamly small outfits....right? hell...oh well im keeping everything from chase now..well seeya
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Friday, October 6, 2006
Okay heres the special picture i value from homecomeing
this picture i value a lot, and i hope i never lose the one im in the pic with. 
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Thursday, October 5, 2006
Finally im haveing better luck...well uhhhh better terms is more like it. Me and mr.burg are finally....stable i guess...well he doesnt think im a silent freak anymore. mr. bresnan....meh, thats 50/50 there. english teacher, his oppion of me is still the same like it was my softmore year. and ag teacher....BHA, i will still kill that teacher. anyways my friend amy finally got her pictures developed, so i hope she'll let me barrow the group pics so i can put em up on here, and if she ever remembers i'll have a special one from homecomeing up ^_____^. well thats all i uhhh seeya....BELIEVE IT :P. naruto:..*tackels me finally*
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Wednesday, October 4, 2006
......skater boys in my P.E will die...
Why does it seem like everyone wants to kill the silent freak TT_TT....i mean hell i take the time to keep out of peoples ways...try not to piss others off..(((btw its working a little))) and basicly keep to myself. and yet the skaters seem to think thats not enough, THEY FRIGGIN CHASED ME TODAY ON THEIR BOARDS...GODS!!!!!! i praticly had the friggin jump the god damned fence near the park to keep em from chaseing me...and the damn P.E. teacher was laughing...SHE THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY!!!! then when we finally have to go back to the school they chased me then....i just about friggin slipped in the rocks in the parking lot of the school.....(((damn thats most running ive done before in one day)))then to make things even worse i had to retake a test in english....why idk..math..test, american history 3....hand cramping notes, american history 1 & 2, movie and worksheet, i can handdle that. art...were uhhhh...doing some project i forget what its called..and AG.....meh.....i'll kill the teacher..well seeya...BELIEVE IT!!! :P
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Tuesday, October 3, 2006
This is my attempt at dante
Okay i got bored enough to draw dante, or try so here he is.... 
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Monday, October 2, 2006
Heres Lenus
Okay this is lenus, shes orions and hakaishis daughter..((orion being gold and sans son, hakaishi..gaara and...tensais..((if i got that right))...shes anti social..((why im not going into)) and has the creepy glare to her eyes like gaara does 
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