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Sunday, July 15, 2007
No news, nothing to really report about. so here are the pics.

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Saturday, July 14, 2007
Well News nothing really. there is something id like to tell you all....but i cant not for a while. ^_^;;;; sorry all.
Sokun/Blood~ Stop listening to our mom -_-
Me~ ^_^;;;; eheh heh heh heh sorry. im just really happy i gots past her.
Then on KOF: MI, i uhhhh did beat it....but....the guy i had to use ^^;;;....lets just sa-----
Himitsu~ He had to use the gay guy to beat the game.
Me~ -.- ...your to much like kakashi semsei..your so friggin blunt -.-
Himitsu~ ^.^ *victory sign*
Me~ -_- be glad were still friends and that your HIS daughter -_-
Then in Gun Grave, @@ my friggin god ive been stuck in that damn SEED place for 2 years or more @@. then with FF7: D.O.C. ive been going back through and playing all the side missions, so im learning EVERYTHING about chaos ^.^ HELLYA!!!
And Final game News, i ish still stuck in zanarkand in FFX, ANYONE HAVE SIBLINGS WHO PLAYED FFX I REALLY NEED HEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLP!!!!! TT.TT yea i dont mind getting all of the sphere grid filled, but the time i get to sin i'll probably have all the skills and stuffies TT_TT wait..THATS A GOOD THING!!!!!!
Anyways, on with picies ^.^
The first pic i have here is a third brat for Zechs and Ninian, though i cant think of a name for her, and yes im putting a diffrent outfit on her, that one was just inspired by a hinata picie i used to give naruto a nosebleed.

Then this guy is gonna be Frost and Shibure's brat. His names splice, dont ask why ^^;;; anyays, he is gonna be vampy, but not as bad as frost was.

And finally, this girl is either gonna for suki and rush, or robin and rubys. idk here she is anyways ^^.

And thats all i got, SEEYA!!!! *runs off and glomps jade* ^-^ hi hun
OH yea, kirby, i'll try to have colored zechs done ^-^
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Friday, July 13, 2007
.-._.-._.-._.-._. WEEEEEEE!!!!!!! xDDDDDDDDDDD
Well news again, well i really got nothing. im going to give fames 1 more chance......except glenns gonna be out, he never says a word around people he dont know, and he doesnt know jerad, so i'll basicly be silent the whole time. and if im silent, the people there who dont like me wont have any reason to bad mouth me.
Well anyways, after jerad got me home or on the way home i should say, we were talking about our old Study Hall teacher, Mr. Burg, and the worst job hed ever have......we figured it would be a sunday school teacher for all the younger kids, hed scare them so bad theyd never wanna go back to sunday school......WHY DIDNT I HAVE HIM AS A TEACHER WHEN I WENT TO MY OLD CHURCH?!!!!!!
Anyways, in gameing finished with .HACK//G.U. Vol1. REBIRTH. now im trying to get .HACK//G.U. Vol2. Reminese(or how ever it works). then in naruto ultimate ninja still stuck, but wtv ^-^ i like the game enough not to care about being stuck. In Fatal Frame news.......@_____@ the part me and morgan are at, the damn music is so friggin bad(creepy) that we cant even play it during the day....THERES SOMETHING WRONG WITH THAT!!!!!!!
Then in drawing news, im kinda loseing insperation, though me and morgan came up with a new naruto person =DD. and if im keeping track right, its Kakashi and Cherris.....17th kid. this is their daughter, Himitsu, whos just like her dad in everyway EXCEPT 1.....she dont read books ^-^ she has all her dads skills, and her moms strength.....and she STILL gets beat by natsuki. though she holds back cuz hes her brother. anyways here she is ^-^

Then this next girl is Cheza Hyuga and Aeiki of the deserts daughter, Tory of the desert. shes got both the sand sheild stuffies ANNNND Hyuga traits....the bakyugan thingy(pardon my spelling) so that means shes defended no matter what, cuz if the sand fails shes got rotation to fall back on ^^. that and the wolf that never woke up in cheza is put into her.
Tory~ ./////////. im a lil to well equiped.....dont cha think?
Me~ ^__^ your moms developement, cuz you got it from kanna, and kanna got it from red, just like tilja.
Tory~ .//////////.
Anyways, heres tory.

Then heres a crapy pic of ronny, luminas daughter i tried drawing. shes supposed to be in a bikini, but ....yea that didnt work out, i'll put up the pic where the bikini idea came from too so you'll know what it was supposed to look like.

and finally heres my pic of glenn sitting colored ^-^

and just a random pic ellie showed me.

and thats all i got, SEEYA!!!
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Thursday, July 12, 2007
Well we prayed last thats good news...though im never going there again -_-. all the kids there except for jerad and calie hate me, think im not serious about religion. so yea, im never going to fames church again....*sighs* churchless again -_-.....damn it all.
Well onto other news the main guy i hate, joe, he droped the frisbe we normally play with afterwards in poison ivy and tossed it to me, he was wearing gloves i didnt relize this, 10 minutes later he FINALLY tells me after they switched frizbes -_______- .....that sob. so no ima have it on my hands. but wtv.....i wont be dealing with them anymore....
Onto other news, im trying to draw Cheza and Aeikis daughter Tory, this is gonna be odd ._. pure white eyes with the darkrings around them :P who woulda though the sand village would get hooked up with a leaf ninja?
Hora~ AHEM!! -____-
Me~ ._. i meant the kazakages grandson hooking up with a leaf ninja.
Hora~ oh, nvm then ^_^;;
And i think i drew ulric already ._. ....but if i didnt ima draw him soon. and also, kirby, do you think you could think of a wolfie person for aname? ^^;;;; cuz i ish outta ideas ^^;;
Aname~ *sighs sadly at her hidden springs* TT^TT
Anyways, i give up learning about kite and sugo, im just sticking to .HACK//G.U. and what i know from .HACK//SIGNS and .HACK//INFECTION .HACK//OUTBREAK .HACK//Quarentine
anyways in the book im reading..@@ its confuseing as hell @@. half the stuffies is about CEO's of companies @@. its like "DUDE WTF?!!!!! I DONT UNDERSTAND THIS SHIT!!!!!"
anyways, onto the world of RP'S. well nothing new really. already said whats happening in mine and Kirbys RP. though with mine and Ellies idk what were gonna do. but im getting an idea.
anyways here are todays picies. enjoy.

And thats all i got, SEEYA!!!
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007
=DDDDD OMFG =DDDDD ANYONE I USED TO RP WITH ON ex_soldier13, I WILL BE BACK I GOTS MY OLD COMPY BACK =DDDDDD. so im ditching this thing that hurts my eyes and ima going back to the old clunker.
Anyways, ima going to bible study tonight, and im going to ask the people there to help pray again ^.^
Well on to other stuff, for the 5th saga, the kids are going to spira ^_______^. they'll still have teams, but it'll only be 3 man teams. aka the kids in pairs of 3...though that also means before the 4th saga is over we gotta hook up the rest of the kiddies. the couples we got so far are:
Drake and Reed
Roku and Forell
Saia and Lazu, though idk where were going with that.
Cheza and Aeiki~ Tory their kid
Tsume and Senshi
Tenki and Sei'iki
Yakura and Opal
Jolt and Shani~ Enna is their kid
Gale and Lori
Kaumy and Heale
Sabi and Daisuke
Reji and Fang (hes revived)
Hoku and carlen (im guessing)
Tina and Fei
Rush and Suki
Frost and Shibure
Issac and Arin
Vanessa and kaori (eventually)
Sky and kinhira.
The rest of the kids have to be hooked up ^^;; though i want kira to try finding someone like her dad was, cuz shes almost like jade, though shes gonna be more soft hearted and believe anything.
though we still need someone for quinn and inazuma, I WANT THEM TO HAVE KIDS TT.TT hell i want all the brats i thought up of to have kids. yes i know im an idiot for wanting that but still T.T i think it would be nice for them all. *remembers something* O_____O ACK!!!! I FORGOT BLOOD TEAL NORIKO SOKUN COAL AND KEN!!!!! TTT_____TTT MYYYYYU!!!!!!!!!
Glenn~ ._. okay dads gone byebye, so i'll post the pics ^.^ btw hes gonna color in the pic he did of me a few days ago ^.^

okay -_- thats it photobucket is being stupid as f***, it wont load anything. i'll try to post all this and i'll get more pics on my old comp.
so for now thats all i got, SEEYA!!!
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007
=D T.T
Well first i wanna start off saying its sad hearing what happened to kirbys papa again TT.TT i really do hope that he'll get better soon so she can be happy =D. cuz in my oppinion, family happiness is the most important thing =DDD. though i dont live ny that rule i still believe it ^-^.
now on with my day, i kinda slept in for a while ^_^;;..well not really woke up around 7, which is odd for me .__. i started up a new game of .HACK//INFECTION so i could learn more about kite/sugo ^^;;;;;; thats for an RP me and kirby are doing on MSN/Yahoo (im the on on MSN shes on yahoo) and its actually fun ^-^. then i got the idea for the 5th saga, the kids are gonna be born in the world of naruto, BUT thats it, once the graduate, their going to a whole new world, were saying goodbye to naruto konoha and all that for a while. its basicly gonna be Saga 1, with new people adventures and...oh hell you get the bloody idea, and if you dont...uhhhh.idk xDDD;;;;;;;.
Then i went to town and got Blood and Chocolate =DDDDD it was soooooooooooo friggin awesome, its a sweet movie, its about werewolves ^^. which is kinda where i got the idea for my wolf form ^.^ well that and some other things ^-^. then i also got a new book, "Perfect Dark: Second Front" I havent started it yet, but i will soon. Now my mission is to get the sandels from naruto to finish my glenn cosplay, and once i get all that, i'll have to figure out some way to make the green marks on myself ^^;;;;;.
In other news im drawing better ^__^ which is good. though dad and all relative except for a select few still say its a waste TT^TT what happened to the days when you could fall into the comfort of your family? *sighs* wtv.
Glenn~ And before we go i found more pics ^.^ btw IM NOT A PERV!!!!!

glenn~ O/////////O
glenn~ T.T fine but the next ones going up.
Me~ wtv

And thats all we gots, SEEYA!! =D
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Monday, July 9, 2007
Yay pics, and someting random as hell XDDD
Okay this is a convo i had with my friend scorch, we were thinking of ways to kill our other friends nightmare, medusa, or the edited version orochimaru.
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:03:44 PM): Who shall I kill next
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:03:44 PM): ????
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:04:22 PM): medusa? ._.
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:05:05 PM): Ok than *writes Medusa's name in Death note*
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:05:57 PM): lets hope it worked =D
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:07:07 PM): *a few days later and nothin happens* Damn I guess she is so evil that the DEATH NOTE didn't evenaffect her
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:08:09 PM): OwO I KNOW *holds a full body mirror infront of her* *mirrior shatters* .__________.;;;;;;;;;.......
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:09:07 PM): *scythe shatters* NOOOOO oh right it'll comeback
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:10:13 PM): *chucks soul reaver at her* soul reaver: OxO *shrinks and runs off yelping* me: ._________.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:10:30 PM):
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:11:13 PM): holy crap *throws holy water on her*......*holy water catches fire*
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:11:56 PM): ._______.;;;;;;;;.....well this sucks......KISS HER KAIN!!!!! kain: O_o;;;; *commits suicide*
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:15:53 PM): LMAO I LOVE THAT vid!!!I'm suprised we haven't shattered,burned,or commited suicide yet.*summons Vortex again* *Vortex sucks her in but immediatelly reverses and blows her back out*
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:17:04 PM): *gets a machine gun full of holy bullets* DIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIE!!!!!! *all the bullets detour and hit something else*
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:19:18 PM): *pulls the moon down and tries to smash her*The moon shatters as soon as it touches her* WTF!!
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:20:19 PM): O_o;;;;......*tries to throw her into the sun* *but rocket rusts and engines blow up* O_o;;;;;.....DAMN!!!!!!
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:22:51 PM): *pours acid on her but acid gos up instead*
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:23:36 PM): O_o;;;;.....*tries rasengan on her but it breaks appart before touching her* O_o;;;;;....son of a bitch....
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:25:22 PM): How the hell do we kill her
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:25:49 PM): ummmmm.....frankenstine? frankenstine: O_O *kills himself*
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:27:01 PM): OO Zombies *summons zombies* *all of them comeback to life and run away*
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:27:41 PM): O_o;;;;;;..RAZIEL!!!!!! raziel: O_________O!!!!!!!! *flees to a pit of acid*
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:31:05 PM): Ahh crap *puts Medusa in a pot and tries to boil her* Water freezes*
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:35:55 PM): ._____. .....*gets flame thrower and fire turns to ice* >_< DAMNIT!!!!!
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:37:16 PM): Takes shard of ice and stabs her but it turns into fire and burns my hand* OWWWW
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:40:09 PM): ._. that wasent to smart....*gets bazooka* >=D HAHAHAHAHAHAH DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE!!!!!! *shell takes off in the other diretion* ._____.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:42:02 PM): *get's car and tries to run her over but car loses control and explodes*
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:43:20 PM): *chucks like 50 tankers at her but all of them explode in midair*
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:45:20 PM): Throws
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:45:30 PM): Shurikens at her but they all shatter*
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:48:26 PM): O_o;;......*douses them in holy water and throws all the shards*
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:48:59 PM): I hope it works
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:52:39 PM): *shards become smaller* ._.;;;;;;
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:53:56 PM): Dammit *throws giant building on her* *the building shatters before it even hits the ground*
Then here are some pics, the first one is of another personal version of tamera, well the first 2 are tamera ^.^

Then this girl is Shizuka, glenn and azus 5th child, who if she looks at you with her left eye, you die....very very quickly and very very bloody.

and here are a couple pics of sky, first one is human and the second is with her wolf tail showing.

And thats all i got, SE---
Yuki~ T.T what ever happened to the random stuffies?
Me~ Like i told kirby im running out of randomness, probably when we get to the 5th saga on yahoo that'll be it.....
Glenn~ OxO;;;; NUUUUUUU!!!!!! WHHHHHHHHHHHHHY?!!!!!!!!
Me~ just look at sagas 1 and 2, there was barely anything related to naruto except the people, saga 3 and 4 we stuck to the main line so much its just ....there.
Glenn~ TT.TT then dont follow naruto in the 5th saga, do it how you did the first saga the rest of the time TT.TT
Me~ .....Maybe........alright......maybe.....
Glenn~ TT.TT and before we go im gonna add my own pics.

and i guess thats it, SEEYA!!!
Glenn~ O.O WAAAAAAAAAAIT i gots an idea, for the 5th saga, make the kids for naruto, but take them all to a diffrent world like spira, your good with that dad =DD
Me~ OwO GLENN YOUR A F***ING GENIOUS!!!! *hugs glenn kisses his head and runs off to room to brain storm*
Glenn~ .____.;;;; holy shit.....was that really my dad? ._.
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Sunday, July 8, 2007
Pics again =DD
Okay im posting late cuz my photobucket isnt loading my pics and tiny pic was being stupid as hell. though i am gonna post my pics cuz my friend ellie helped me =D, she put my pics on her photobucket site ^^ Anyways heres the first pic, its of glenn sitting indian style, in a long sleeve shirt and his boxers. yea i know i dont normally draw glenn in long sleeve shirts but wtv :P

These next 2 are of a girl named tamera, i had no idea what she looked like(kirby made her) so i just randomly drew up my own version XDDD

And finally heres tsunade and crystals third daughter, faith ^^

And thats all i got, SEEYA!!!!
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Saturday, July 7, 2007
Pics =DD
Well, here are some pics. the first one is of Jolt, mine and jades 4th kid with his spirit azur out of hand, which explaines the cursemark things on him.

The second pic is of Rain, Kazahayas GF in a red stomach dress, though im gonna try redoing her so she looks hotter ^.^

And this last one is of Noriko, Miki and Shintaros daughter. nothing really special about her except that she has the spirit of magnus in her ^^

And thats all i got, SEEYA!!!
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Friday, July 6, 2007
Well all i really got are a couple of pics. the first 2 are of aname, Kazuma and Kites hot daughter. though i havent thought of anyone for her, she still looks really hot =DD
Kazuma: o/////////o thats her moms old bikini........*looks at kite whos got a smaller one* O/////////O KITE!!!!!!!
Anyways here she is, B/W and color.

And then this pic of edin is for me getting 2856 visits to MyO site =DDDDDD

And thats really alls i got, SEEYA!!!
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