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Friday, June 15, 2007
Tsunade pics for crystal
^______^ these pics of tsunade are for crystal, and maybe jirayia....though more for crystal.
Crystal~ O///////////O *drooling*
Me~ .__.;;;;;;;;;.....this is soooooooooo gonna be a bad idea.

Well okay those are the only 2 pics ^^;;;; photobucket and my compy are being stupid as hell T_T. oh yea kirbs, sorry for the scare, i got it from darkwatch cuz me and morgan beat it wensday i think, but whatever. Kasadey says "Goodbye, forget you ever met me" Cuz i picked all the evil options though the whole game. though i died a ton of times cuz of it, it helped in the end on the final boss ^^;;;;.
And uhhhh really i got nothing left so see----- OH YEA New self is Natsuki being i never talk when im at home.
Glenn~ Not true, you talked to ellie on the mic, and t-man and alex and heather and most of the others .__.
Me~ -_- miss anyone while were on this topic?
Natsuki~ Who knows, or cares.
Me~ Shut up chick voice
Natsuki: -/////////////- ((i HATE my voice.....))
Glenn~ How did that happen anyways, led nikki and all them sounded normal so did the others and suddenly Natsuki is a guy who sounds like a girl....XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD *rolling on the floor lauhging*
Me~ ....i really have no idea, and the topic for no ideas, im killing some of the kids i made @_@ i cant think of couples for i guess norikos out, quinns gone, and a few others, main ones we'll worry about is Reed and drake and Tenki and Sei'iki.
And now thats all i got, SEEYA!!!!
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Thursday, June 14, 2007
Natsuki Here
This is Natsuki, First off, that lil "GoodBye....Forget you ever met me" Was a quote from darkwatch, a game nate and morgan were playing the other night. He just forgot to put who said it. it happens at the end of the game if you've picked the evil side the whole time. anyways, hes not posting cuz well idk ._. so i guess he'll be back tomarow. seeya
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Wednesday, June 13, 2007
.....GoodBye........forget you ever met me....

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007
@________@ nhhhhhhh
@___@______________@ i hate this problem @__@
Glenn~ What is it?
Me~ I keep sleeping in so friggin late T_T
Glenn~ .___. ........?
Me~ -_- okay, example, if i stay up til 3 in the morning, i wont wake up til around 3 or later the next day.
Glenn~ Ahhhhhhh, ^^;;;;;; stop staying up so late
Me~ TT.TT i cant help it, when im RPing with friends, i wanna stay up late.
Glenn~ Stop RPing then -.-
Glenn~ If you wanna stop wakeing up at so insane hours the next day, GIVE IT UP!!!!!
Me~ MEH!!!!!
Glenn~ -_____-++++++
Me~ ..i think rais calling you to meditate with her.
Glenn~ o///////////////o *bolts off*
Me~ ^_^++++
Drake~ -.- why do i have to be a mancer?
Me~ ._. the hell did you get in here?
Drake~ Why does that matter?
Me~ Cuz theres an anti dog-boy barrier around my room.
Drake~ -________________-++++++++++++++++++
Me~ ^_^;;;;;......kidding, but really, howed toy get in here? .__. my doors baracaded shut .____.
Drake~ The closet ^_^
Me~ ..........okwtv......and your amancer cuz your dad was a mancer.
Drake~ T_T but i like useing light more TT.TT
Me~ .......then switch back to the inazuka style =DD
Drake~ ...........*leaves being im not taking it seriously*
Me~ ^_^;;;;;;;;; and now here are some pics of .HACK//G.U.

And thats all i got, SEEYA!!
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Monday, June 11, 2007
Okay im just posting a lil list i made from mine and Kirbys RP. its of all the kids (Yes i know theres a lot more kids then i have on here but i cant remember them all) The current ninjas teams and team mates, their parents and all that @_@ so here it is.
Team1: Coal, Drake, Reed Teacher Tsubaki.
Team2: Inazuma Tilja Ronny
Team3: Jolt, Opal, Arin Teacher: Ogami
Team4: Yakura, Issac, Roku Teacher: Chiori
Team5: Tony Auron Ken
Team6: Heale, Kaumy, Sky Teacher: Rinoa
Team7: Quinn, Frost, Jet Teacher: Gurushin
Team8: Tilja Mika Hope
Team9: Noriko Vanessa Reji
Team10: Saia Gale Daisuke Teacher: Reiko
Suna Team1: Tenshi, Tenki, Senshi
Suna Team2: Aeiki, Shiiko, Toru Teacher: Fuma
Nate & Jades Pups~ Glenn, Lumina, Gale, Kaumy, Kira, Jolt
Zechs and Ninians~ Opal, Quinn
Misty and Sugos~ Ken
Rouge and Runis~ Coal
Yosho and Enyas~ Frost and Reji
Sierra and Tanakis~ Reed
Kazahaya and Rains~ Sky and Inazuma
Hisoka and Destiny’s~ Drake
Lumina and Jases~ Ronny
Silver and Reds~ Kanna, Tilja, Rajin
Edin And Tasukes~ Arin and Roku
Kotoris and Yukis~ Issac
Raziel and Lisas~ Yakura
Natsuki and Mireille~ Tony
Furin and Topazs~ Auron
Orgami and Crosses~ Heale
San and Golds~ Hope, Orion
Orion and Hakaishis~ Lenus, Tsume
Lenus and Shins~ Aeiki
Shitai and Rileys~ Tenshi
Shion and Demetris~ Tenki
Terra and Rigumes~ Jet
Sara and Long ass name guys~ Mika and Kai
Mikis and Shintaros~ Noriko
Dante and Blues~ Topaz, Daisuke, Vanessa
Glenn and Rais~ Sierra, Edin, Saia
Kazuma And Kites~ Aname
Kanna And Tenchis~ Yuki, Kamari, Cheza
Rikuo And Noels~ Teal
Ruby And Robins~ Rush and Crush
Cerulean and Seifers~ Tina and Tobe
Atria And Rivers~ Blood And Rikuo
And thats all i really got. SEEYA
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Sunday, June 10, 2007
^_^;; new picies
Well here are some pics i drew at my cousins wedding out of boredom.

A guy who might be aeiki, if i can find out what shins hair color looks like.

And finally a quick backdrop i did.

And thats all i got. SEEYA!!
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Saturday, June 9, 2007
well im being dragged to my cousins, "pre-divorce ceremony" as Mr. Burg calls them, aka her wedding. probably gonna be boreing as hell. AND I DONT EVEN LIKE THE GIRL!!!!! I HATE ALL MY COUSINS EXCEPT FOR ONE. and thats creig, hes the cool one, showed me how to drive a 4-wheeler, how to NOT make it turn over, unlike his brother matt did (and yes this is the same matt who drew that pic of the slutty jade) and if i dont talk on yahoo anymore...idk im probably just sleeping life away. seeya
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Friday, June 8, 2007
Part 2 of the story and pics
Heres chapter 2 of the story.
~Chapter 2: Reminisce~
~3 days before naruto and them got the mission~
Normal bright sunny day in konoha, like any other day, kids of the village running about, the older kids and ninjas training and the jonin(pardon my spelling please) keeping watch over everything. Though 1 squad is slacking off, well, Not really slacking off, just waiting for 2 of the last members. One of them being waited on is Naruto, who is glued to the ramen stand, being they were having a special for all you could eat, The other member is Nate, who’s still on the ship sleeping in, completely forgetting they had training that day.
“Well, I’ll give them both five more minutes before I get them personally” Kakashi says looking at his watch. Sasuke and Sakura snicker a little knowing Kakashi would have to get Nate if jade didn’t drag him there herself, which she’s had to do twice. Almost as soon as that memory goes through all 3 of their heads, Sakura sees jade coming up off in the distance, dragging nate by his shirt, still sleeping.
Sasuke falls off the bench laughing his head off. “I KNEW SHED HAVE TO DRAG HIM AGAIN” Sasuke laughs out until he sees jades shadow over him, then he shuts up real quick. Dropping nate Jade glares at sasuke before leaveing. Sasuke grabbing his chest feeling his heart stop for about 5 minutes. Getting over the comedy act, Kakashi gets up and disappears to get naruto.
Working on his 50th bowel of ramen, Naruto never notices Kakashi show up. “Alright Naruto, you’ve had enough to last you for at least 6 weeks or more, we need to start training again, or I’ll have you face off against Demon form Nate again” Kakashi says trying to scare naruto. Naruto turns pale hearing this, drops his chopstick and flees to the training grounds. Laughing a little kakashi follows afterwards.
Finally once everyones there and awake, team 7 starts their training, which is basicly 1 on 4 fighting, Sasuke,Sakura,Naruto, And Haku VS. Nate, though it normally ends with just Haku VS. Nate, even if ir does take 3 hours for it to happen. Finally once the trainings over, Haku and Nate nearly killing each other again, Kakashi notices Shizune standing off to the side, her face also pale from seeing how deadly all of them were.
“Oh, Shizune, what brings you here?” Kakashi asks from the trees above the Hokages assistant. Sizune snaps back to attention hearing him “Oh uhhhh….oh yes, there was a mission request put in for your squad specifically, Tsunade is waiting to breife you on the other details” Shizune says before walking back to the Hokages mansion. “You all hear that, We got a mission again” Kakashi says hopping down, as his squad pulls themselves off the ground.
“Oh joy, another mission” Sasuke says with sarcasim behind his voice, being hed rather spend time with Kairi than risk his life again. Naruto however is jumping for joy. “OH BOY ANOTHER MISSION, AND ANOTHER CHANCE TO GET STRONGER SO I CAN BE HOKAGE!!” naruto yells right next to nates ear. Growling nate glares at naruto which says “If you wish to keep your voice box, and life for that matter……..SHUTUP!!!!.” Seeing the glare naruto calms down and backs up a little ways from nate.
“Alright, you all go rest up, I’ll go get the slip from tsunade.” Kakashi says and disappears. Appearing at the mansion kakashi walks into the room Tsunade was normally in, finding her with a puzzled look on her face. “Something wrong Tsunade?” Kakashi asks, noticeing the office was more of a mess than normal, with maps flung all over the place. “Yes actually, I cant find this damn city to save my life” Tsunade responds, keeping her eyes on the map.
“If you don’t mind me asking, What city is it?” Kakashi asks thinking he could help. “It’s called Iku city, I’ve never even heard of this city until this request came in” Tsunade responds. Kakashi finally gets a clueless look on his face. “I’ll ask Jade or Nate if they know where it is” Kakashi says as he takes the mission slip and disappears.
Next day when kakashi is asking nate and Jade about where the city is. Jade also clueless, though they got close to it once when her dad was alive and running the ship, also nearly got them all killed pissing off some of the sea legions. Jade and Kakashi notice nate is getting edgey while their talking about the city. “Hon, is there something wrong, your kinda skiddish” Jade asks looking over at nate whos looking very very white. “O.oh no dear…..just….really……….oh never mind just ignore me” Nate says, remembering his past experience with Iku City.
~Chapter 2 End~
Okay this Chapter probably sucked ^_^;;;;; but at least im going to go into how Nates Connected to Iku city and maybe I’ll get to what “Impurities of the planet” means when zeig and them connect it to nate as well ^^. Well that’s all I got for this chapter, and if you guys like it, I’ll start on Chapter 3: UNDERSTANDING
And now some pics from Chaos Legions, the thing that inspired this story.

And thats all i got, SEEYA!!
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Thursday, June 7, 2007
New Picies and a story
Well heres a story i did listening to oh hell just read the thing hope ya like it.
Okay this was inspired by the Music of Chaos Legion, ~Iku City~ Welcome to the darkness. And if that don’t help you, Go the Go to Chaos Legion part and download the song so you’ll know what it is.
In a very battle scared city, a 5 man squad from Konoha are spilt up all over, The squads teacher/sensei dead center of all the Chaos (no pun intended), The Hyper active knuckle head ninja stuck with the strongest of the monsters, Their EMO prince of the team stuck dealing with immortal creatures, The lovely cherry blossom of the team left to deal with invisible creatures. The last 2, the ice demons assistant and the Impurity of the planet are left to deal with the one who caused all this mess.
In the main part of the city, where the squads teacher is, Millions of arrow Legions are scouting out for him, being their the intruders. “Well, This wasn’t part of the mission description…” Kakashi says, moving back against the rock as 2 arrow legions pass by. Sighing kakashi takes out a kunai, though he’s found out their pointless to use against all metal enemies.
As soon as the legions see kakashi all of them start to rain down arrows, which blot out the sun. Using a substitution jutsu at the last second kakashi manages to get out of that hell hole, well part of it anyways, being the whole city was like that. “This really isn’t going to be easy I see……damn” Kakashi says to himself as he tries to find a safe place to recover for now.
With Naruto fleeing from all the stone legions, who actually withstand the rasengan at full force. “CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!!!!!!! WHERE ARE THE OTHER WHEN YOU NEEED THEEEEEEEM?!!!!!” Naruto yells loudly just barely able to avoid the boulders being chucked at him as he runs. Skidding around a tight corner naruto finds himself at a dead end, as more stone legions show up. “Awwwwww COME ON GIVE ME A FRIGGIN BREAK!!!!!” Naruto yells as he activates the nine-tailed foxes power and goes on a total slaughtering spree
After all the stone Legions are dead naruto plops down against the wall near him. “Ya..know…..Tsunade Sama……wasent kidding……when she said……this would…make us think…..twice about……life” Naruto says with a slight smile on his face.
With sasuke and the immortal Legions, All of them fire based, so hes basicly screwed. Growling Sasuke stands up performing his handsigns again and tries dragon fire jutsu for the 10th time, getting very low on chakra. “My…..god…..they wont stop…..coming….” Sasuke pants out and takes off running again, which is pointless being all the legions can appear in any fire nearby, and the section sasukes in is in a total sea of flames.
With Sakura whos been captured by the invisible Legions. Shes being held in what looks like an old cathedral, the stained glass still in tact, the rest of it not so good, 2 men stand near the cell shes in talking, both of them clad in black. Though they both speak perfect Japanese and English, so sakura understand them somewhat through her drug induced sleep.
Finally with Haku and Nate, Both beaten into just about nothing. Hakus sides shreaded open, right leg almost broken and has a severe concussion, though he keeps getting back up to fight. Nate has sever silver poisoning running through him, deep gashes in his most vital points and loseing a ton of blood quickly. “…H..h….hey…..haku…..i think……we should retreat……for n-----“ Cringes as the poison takes hold and falls to the ground unconscious. “Great… its just me left……” Haku says getting up for thr 60th time, though hes beyond weak, can barely keep a grip on his needles.
Zeig, The man who made all this happen is laughing hysterically, looking down at the 2 boys who are near death, though they wont give up. “Come on boy, learn when to stop, your both just dead men walking…….what do you have to keep you fighting?” Zeig asks more taunting them.
Haku glares at zeig as he answers. “I have my friends to fight for…….as for the…one I care for…..” Haku says attempting to throw a needle at Zeig but passes out before it ever leaves his hand. Zeig laughs more seeing as how neither Haku or Nate are moveing anymore.
Back with Kakashi, whos finally be forced to fight, being he got pinned between the ocean and a ton of Arrow Legions. “didn’t think id have to use this attack so soon, I just developed it after all” Doing the handsigns Kakashi makes millions of shadow clones who charge up the Chiori “FINAL STAND JUTSU, LIGHTNIGN STORM!!” Kakashi yells as he and his clones rush into the waiting legions, the only thing seen from that part of the city is a giant white flash. When the light dies down, it shows kakashi managed to take out the legions, though he ended up getting 6 arrows stuck in him. “At…leas those…things are……..gone…….” Kakashi says before passing out from the pain of the arrows.
With sasuke still fleeing from the immortal legions. All of them appearing in the flames at his side until they lead him to a dead end, and a very tall wall of flames, that would kill him if he tried bending it. “Well…aint this a kick in the ass, Those things managed to out smart me” Sighing sasuke turns to face his makers, with the chiori charged up attempting the same attack kakashi used on the arrow legions.
Once the light fades, it shows sasuke out cold the legions dead somehow, though 1 of the 2 men who had Sakura held captive appears near sasuke. “Heh, this is getting to easy” The man says as he picks sasuke up and disappears.
Where ever kakashi was, the other man found him and took him back to their lil hide out as well. Both appear at the same time happy to see they got 3 out of the 5. “So that just leaves the Hyper one that we need to find doesn’t it?” The taller man asks. The shorted one just nods as he tosses sasuke and kakashi into their cells. Where ever naruto was at, he ran into more Legions and going completely insane with the nine tailed fox getting out more than he should be, naruto almost looking completely demonic. By the time hes done, millions of lifeless legions are laying around him as he finally passes out, though the fox protects him by putting up a barrier.
Nate and Haku are left where their at, being neither were important at the time, though soon theyd be collected too just as their other team mates had been.
~Chapter 1 End~
Yea yea okay, this was really inspired by ALL the music from chaos Legions, but the one I said at the start was the main one I listened to while writing this ^_^. I might put up chapter 2 later if ya’ll like this, well SEEYA!!
And now heres some pics of Robin and Rubys second kid, and i got an idea for this one to have robin and ruby put back into the real world.
Anyways heres Crush, unless ya'll have a better name for the kid ^^;;;;;

And thats all i really got, SEEYA!!!
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Wednesday, June 6, 2007
*dies laughing*
Gold~ ^_^;;;; Ya know, theres nothing funnier than watching nate spaz out on Chaos Legions XDDDD
Me~ ........Orions worse, at least i can get to 280 before dieing, he cant even get 1
Orion~ *$@%*@*$@***&$@*%)@%@*)%@*)%*)@#(%@(%*)@!%*@)*%^)@*%@***%@)*%^**@)%(%*@**!*$!@)*%@)%*@!*******%@#*)%^@*%)!@_(@!!~~~~~~~*)!@*%)$*@!)*% MINES!!!!!! *died again*
Me/Gold~ .__. Orion, relax its a game
Me~ Not my fault you suck at this game *feeling better if ya'll didnt notice*
Orion~ -_____-
Me~ ...............*delets orions info*
Me~ ...Whoops.....finger slipped
Orion~ -_______- your brain slipped.....
Me~ -___- ........
Gale~ ^_^;;;;; Being their busy, i'll get the picies. Nate finally drew up tenki, Shion and Demetris Daughter, and DAAAAAAAAAAAAMN i see wht Sei'iki wants to be with her :P
Sei'iki~ O////////O...ho..h..hh...h..hh.....hhhhhhhh.hhhh...h.hhhhhhh..........*glomps Tenki* HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gale/Jolt~ XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Heres Tenki

Zen~ *random kid* And to take up space, Hers Lisa Hatake with her son Yakura Hatake *being Raziel her husband has no last name*

Glenn~ Oh yea, time for a happy ending ^-^
Rouge~ Runi, you mental retard *walks up behind him and hugs him tightly* i could never leave such a cute and loveing guy like you ^///////^ *kisses him on the cheek* besides, why would i want sugo, hes a damn pervert, mistys been complanieing about him, that and we already have a wonderful child, though he is a pain at times ^////////^
Coal~ -__- HEY!!!!!!
Rouge~ In simple terms runi *takes gun from him too* the only thing that will ever make me leave you is death herself ^//////^
Me/Glenn/Jolt/Kira/Kaumy~ Awwwwww How sweet she went back to him
Me~ -_____- before orion hurts himself i better go help him, SEEYA!!!
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