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._. beat DMC3 Heaven Or Hell twice
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| vince demonhunter
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Sorry i didnt post. ^_^;.
Okay sorry i didnt post Friday ^_^;;;. my net was being really stupid as hell -_-. anyways i got a name for eli and orions brat its houka, and his sister is Ruiko. ANNNNNND Kirby, make it 4 new kids for kakashi and cherri ^_^;;;. me and morgan made one up ((morgans getting into naruto now ^_^;;;; )). and now heres his pic.

he just needs a name :P
And now for parts 2 and 3 of the skit, im putting them together.
~From yesterday~
Dante: *has gun aimed at Neros Head*
Nero: shit......*real nero appears behind dante with hail the queen ready* DIE BASTARD!!!! *manages to get a good swing to land on dantes back*
Dante: *cringes* useless brat *dissapears and reappears on the giant blade on the stayte of sparda*
Nero: FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN!!! *starts to run towards the statue*
Dante: Heh, your one to talk boy *takes out ivory and starts to fire rappidly at nero with both ebony and ivory*
Nero: *dodgeing all the shots and takes out his own gun(cant remember the name) and starts to fire back*
Dante: *Deflects the bullets* is that i-----
Nero: *airtricks and appears face to face with dante* TRY THIS *kicks dante in the chest and chin sending dante flying*
Dante: *uses rebellion and stops himself* Your good....but not good enough *attacks back*
Nero: *blocks Dantes attack and grabs ahold of him with the cursed arm* BREAKDOWN!! *slams dante into the ground*
Dante: *falls appart like glass (yes doopleganger is in DMC4)* .....this is getting pointless.
Nero: ....((this isnt like him, hes not evil))
Dante/Vergil: *takes real form as vergil (gee the name before should give it away -_-) * your a little late to relize whats happened.
Nero: O_O!!! YOU!!!!! *gets really pissed off*
Dante: *comes down from the all glass celling* WHO STARTED THE FUN WITHOUT ME!!!
Vergil: *glares* damn it, your still alive?
Dante: Oh YEA :P *drops a medusa type thing next to him*
Nero: ((Thank god)) YOUR LUCK ENDS HERE VERGIL!!
Vergil: Not yet boys *airtricks*
Dante/Nero: DAMN IT!!!!!
~To Be Continued~
Anyways. thats all i got, BTW NARUTO OGAMI XDDD MORE PICS HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

BTW Kirby, ummm small request from me and orion (more like 2 in one shot) Orion was wondering if ya could draw hakaishi in a small swimsuite (why he asked for that, hell if i know) and me ._. well, ..... ._. ..*forgot for a moment* oh yea umm if its not to much a pic of rain in the same type of outfit like orion wanted hakaishi in ^_^;;;;. kazahaya/orion: O//////O
OKAY now thats all i got. SEEYA ^________^
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