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._. beat DMC3 Heaven Or Hell twice
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i was 13
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Princess mononoke, Inuyasha, Trigun, Gravitation, Gundam wing, G-Gundam, Chobits, X-1999, Love hina, Fullmetal alchemist, Ghost in the shell stand alone complex, Ghost in the shell stand alone complex second GIG, Yu Yu hakusho, Naruto, Glaerians: Rion..(t
Figure out why i was picked for the theory experiments
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| vince demonhunter
Monday, March 26, 2007
Well today sucked ass. First i wake up LATE then my dad is an ass about how its MY fault that my alarm clock doesnt work anymore. not my fault he gave me his cheap old one. Then when i do get to school, i walk in on everyone bitching. and 4 of them started to bitch at me about prom -_-...i swear its times like those i REALLY WISH shitai could litteraly use sand and shut them up -_-. then during 1st period, glenn and shitai started a fight so i got a really big headache that continued into 2nd period which made it harder to give my speach on my book report. then once i think theyve all shut up, orion starts stuff with glenn and shitai T__T. so i had killer headaches all f***ing day. though P.E. was worse cuz i let shitai take over so i could go shut up the idiots, but i forgot him and sunlight dont mix, so when the class went outside, shitai closed his eyes and ran into 5 cars -_-, then my friend mellissa come up to him and starts talking about her and her jackass bf, wanting advice. Shitai was about to kill her. T______T. then in art, Mrs. Toler changed her mind about nejis eye AGAIN!!!!!!! MAKE UP YOUR MIND OLD HAG!!!!!! she says it needs more again -_- wtf else can you do to a total white eye, want me to stab a pencil through it, no offense neji, i like you and were just the wrong person to pick.
Yuki: Ya should of done my eyes.
Me: .....i think i know what neji means now -_-
Yuki: -_- whats that supposed to mean?
Me: The main branch of the hyuga clan is smater.
Yuki: THEY ARE NOT!!!!!!
Hatachi/Ichi/Enya: .....were smarter than you are.
Yuki: -_- *flips em all off*
Me: and i also figured something else out...
Glenn: And that is?
Me: its never a good idea to have more than 1 hyuga around in the same place.
anyways after school got out, i find out we have a new bus driver....some old codger, WHO CANT FOLLOW THE DAMN MAP TO SAVE HIS BLOODY LIFE!!!!! He tried to take someone home who didnt even ride the damn bus -_-....i swear our school needs to settle on ONE driver and keep him the rest of the year.
and with my rants out here are a few DMC pics, though their mainly DMC3 from what i can tell.

and 1 pic of Wing Gundam

And thats all i got. SEEYA!!!!!!
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