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._. beat DMC3 Heaven Or Hell twice
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| vince demonhunter
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
-__- shit day #2
Well, day # 2 that sucked more ass than yesterday. Started the same, but today my dad grabbed my ankle instead and yanked me out of bed. -__- yea thanks im gonna be in a reaaaaal good mood from my head hitting my nightstand -_-then when i get to school i had even more people bitch at me about prom, so i let shitai out and he scared EVERYONE, even lyndsi with his deep glare, in fact everyone backed away from us when he glared, which im glad of. then during first period the teacher even got scared cuz shitai was still glareing, so we never got called on. second period came around and glenn was out then, ya could tell cuz he bounced all the way to the room -_-;;;; i could have killed him. but it went fine none the less, though i had a headache. then in third period shitai was back in charge, and he scared mr. burg, so yet again we werent called on, same for fourth. then during 5th orion had fun in the weight room. heh, he couldnt bench anything XDDDD.
Orion: -_- not funny you jackass.
Then during lunch......*sighs* tensai, im sorry to say, but shitai is an idiot, you talk with him.....
Shitai: *sick and throwing up worse than any of the other times before*
Me: he tried to eat the food again....i mean rat poison -__-.
Shitai: (( school peoples are evil TT_TT))
Glenn: We've warned you halfwhit.
Shitai: *whimpers and throws up again*
Then during ag class..well i got bored and fell asleep, then started a conversation with glenn in my dream, which was odd cuz in glenns area of my mind its full of rai felt odd, so i brought part of my personal area into glenns ^_^.
Glenn: -_- yea and its all mom too.
Me: so what, it was better than stareing at rais back side poster you got.
Glenn: o///////o....i have no idea what hes talking about.
Me: Yea you do, its that full body poster of rai in her bikini with her back to you.
Glenn: ////////////........i dont have anything like that.
Me: *holds it up*.sure ya dont.
Glenn: O/////////O DAD!!!!!!
Anyways after ag class i had art, and me and glenn thought of an good idea for my rebellion mask thingy. the smooth side is all sand color, the eyes and nose thing are dark blue, the tongue and fangs are misted jade, or something like that, i know it had jade in the name for the color. then the shattered glass side is uhhhh....midnight something and the really bumpy side is sea mist. anyways after art, i THOUGHT my day would end smoothly but noooooo, i was called into the office cuz of shitais earlier glare fest that morning, so then i had the consuler asking if everything was alright, she had me show her my wrists and looked over them both like i was cutting and everything else like i was hurting myself. but whatever, i got out of there rather quickly, then saw who reported shitai......and sluged him when no one was looking ^_^+.
And with all of that out of the way i got some new picies ^__^.
First up are my versions of dante and vergil, though the dante thing might just end up being daisuke ^_^;;

Then with vergil, i got a lil strap happy ^_^;;;;

then i got pics of kaza and rikuo, both are of them after being gone for 2 years kaza is going to be traveling with Luxenbard. and rikuo is going to be traveling to the diffrent worlds and meeting 2 new friends, and also kaza will have a new attack, called the dragons strike.

and finally my drawing of nejis eye that i had to transfer onto some odd plate. i still dont remember what its called. ._.

Randomness with the hyugas again
Yuki: -__-....ENYA!!!!!!!!
Enya: OxO.....i didnt do it *runs*
Yuki: *growls and chases her*
Hatachi: ...*sticks arm out and lets yuki closeline himself*
Yuki: X_@ ACK!!!!! ASSHOLE!!!
Hatachi: Ichi took the last one.
Ichi: o_o;;;;;;...last what?
Hatachi: -_- your like mom with cookies.
Ichi: O_O;;;;...I DID NOTHING!!!! *runs like hell*
Yuki: *goes wolf anf chases ichi*
Hatachi: o_o;;;
And thats akk i got. SEEYA!!
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