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._. beat DMC3 Heaven Or Hell twice
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i was 13
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Princess mononoke, Inuyasha, Trigun, Gravitation, Gundam wing, G-Gundam, Chobits, X-1999, Love hina, Fullmetal alchemist, Ghost in the shell stand alone complex, Ghost in the shell stand alone complex second GIG, Yu Yu hakusho, Naruto, Glaerians: Rion..(t
Figure out why i was picked for the theory experiments
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swordmaster skills, and i can be a really great listener if you need me to be
| vince demonhunter
Thursday, April 5, 2007
OHATSU!!!!!!!!!~ Soki Oni Dawn of Dreams.
FINALLY BREAK ^____^!!!! *i forgot what break it was but idk really care, it gets me away from school* anyways today was a halfday so i was shikamaru again, and slept. and apparently i was beyond tired cuz i slept in the history room for 3 periods o_o;;;;....didnt relize that til Mr. Bresnan woke me up. o_o;;;;;;.....whoops ^_^;;;;.
so during art *when i got there* i tried to draw Soki and a Genma from Onimusha: Dawn Of Dreams....needless to say, that didnt work out ^_^;;;;. i cant draw armour and deaying fleash. swords i can do just fine. you all should know that from seeing the "angels final stand" and others. heck my "ag class blades" should show ya how good i am with swords. Anyways in studyhall i Made my Real ninja self, though my friend mitch looked at it and was like "Drawing glenn again?" -_- i hate when peoples confuse me and glenn for the other.....GLENNS GOT THE GREENMARKS!!!!!! i just got greentips *sighs* idiots i swear.
Glenn/Natuski: *working on Oni Dawn of Dreams Coop* O__O!!!! AHHHHHHH THE SCYTHE GENMA!!!!!!
Me: ..guard you idiots and he wo---
Glenn/Natsuki: *get killed on the game faster than i did*
Me: ----nt die.... -_- nevermind.
Glenn/Natsuki: *tackle me* HELPUS!!!!
Me: @_@ *poofs to room and baracades the door*
^_^;;;. reason #5 i dont let them play the PS2, they get obsessed with games with 2 player and then get stuck and always come to me for help T_T oh well, it keeps em away from me til their stuck.
and i colored in the pics from yesterday so i'll post em once i can.
BTW Kirby, i really am gonna use opal, even if it was a small joke the name stuck and i got the image for her so i made her quinns sis ^_^.
and tinas bro still needs a name @_@.
Tina: ....brat?
Me: ah-nah.
Tina: T_T. it fits him.
oh well i cant really do much for him til i get the marks done.
And now for the pics.
My Ninja form, B/W and Color

Then Quinn in color form

And Opal Color

and just for the heck of pics, my favorite pic of leon from RE4

And thats all i got. SEEYA!!
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