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._. beat DMC3 Heaven Or Hell twice
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i was 13
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Princess mononoke, Inuyasha, Trigun, Gravitation, Gundam wing, G-Gundam, Chobits, X-1999, Love hina, Fullmetal alchemist, Ghost in the shell stand alone complex, Ghost in the shell stand alone complex second GIG, Yu Yu hakusho, Naruto, Glaerians: Rion..(t
Figure out why i was picked for the theory experiments
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| vince demonhunter
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Well last night wasent as boreing as i thought it was gonna be, morgan came over and brought shalin monks, and its fun as hell ^_______^. we got like 40% something into the game on our co-op play, and morgans only like 9%. though i didnt like the part where we had to save kitana cuz of the girl in green T.T
Glenn~ Heh heh, he couldnt hit jade :P XDDDDDDDDD
Me~ TT_TT nhhhhhhh i couldnt hit her T_T so i went after meliena instead ^_^++
Glenn~ Hes got strong affection fo------
Me~ I only have strong affection for my wife thanks pup.
Anyways we had to fight goro, and we were all spazing out then we come to find out, just jump when he hits the ground and keep away from him and use projectiles ^_^;;;. it was also the same thing for sub-zero i think, actually it was that method for all the bosses ._. ....well whatever.
Glenn~ Hey dad whered all the others go? .-.
Me~ ....i think back to where they should be, aka their own families.
Glenn~ YAY THE PS2 IS OPEN!!!!! *quickly starts playing DMC3*
Me~ ^_^;;;; 13 yearolds and games :P XDDDD
but yea, im glad its peaceful around here now...i think the only other people left around here besides glenn are opal and quinn....
Quinn~ Yea speaking of us, when are our parents gonna be revived?
Me~ ....when i get your dad to have the nerve to ask taru to revive them ^_^;;;;;;
Quinn~ -_-.....................
Opal~ zzzzz......zz..........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..*found the sleepy stuff*
Anyways i really dont have much else to add here...glenn you got anything?
Glenn~ .hmmmm....uhhhh.....not reall----- OWO OH!! ..uhhhhhh.....crap i lost it ._.
Me~ You wanted to ask kirby if shed draw you and rai kissing werent you?
Glenn~ O///////////O NO!!!!!
Me~ :P yea you were XDD
Glenn~ -/////////- and you were thinking of asking her to draw you and mom kissing.
Me~ .////////////. i was but then droped the idea.
Glenn~ Whatever.
Well i guess we were gonna ask that but we dropped the idea ^_^;;;; mainly cuz if kirbs got requests going dont wanna bother her.
Glenn~ What dad said ^_^;;
Anyways here's a pic of Glenn and Azu *this is from mine and ellies RP* glenn glomping azu, both ish chibis.

Then heres another pic from "The Crow" well its more his symbol

And finally a pic of dante ^_^.

And thats all i got. SEEYA!! *huggles jade finally*
Glenn~ Lovesick :P
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