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._. beat DMC3 Heaven Or Hell twice
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| vince demonhunter
Monday, April 23, 2007
YAY THE GLOVES FINALLY CAME =DDDDDDDDD *ish trying to type with them on atm* just a lil big but whatever it works ^__^. anyways on with my day. it was kinda good kinda bad. it was bad cuz in our mathclass were starting idk what, and it confuses the hell out of me @__@. i was sitting there stareing at the board while the teacher was talking going " there a translator to help with this junk?" but it was a little more......colorful than that ^_^;;;;; im just holding back on colorful language.
Glenn~ Yeeeeeeeeeeea right, you couldnt hold back for a week.
Me~ Wanna bet?
Glenn~ Alright, you dont say any type of swearword for 1 week, even if you do get your arm slammed in another door.
Me~ TTT_TTT that was not funny, stupid gym door was out to friggin kill me today. cuz apparently Ray fixed the boys locker room door and forgot to put it in the annoucments so when i went to go cacth it from shutting, my arm was inetween it and the frame and the door closed to quick for me to pull my arm back and it got attacked T__T.
but before that in englih class were doing debates on topics. me and morgan picked video game violence, and though i support it fully cuz games dont inspire people to go off and do stupid ass things, im the one whos stuck going against it in the debates TTTT_______TTTT. then in Govt. class shitai tried to take over cuz i was almost falling asleep. when he tried my whole body jerked violently ((normally its just my arm or something when one of the others take over)) and i fell out of the desk @_@. i was out for the rest of that class.....THANKS SHITAI!!!!!!!
Shitai~ T_T *whimpers* im sorry, i didnt want you to fall asleep again.
Me~ -_- you better hide....*has nuke*
Shitai~ OxO MAMA!!!! *runs and hides behind tensai*
Then in American history 1&2 Mr. Bresnan is back as the teacher, though i have to say i liked Mr. Ducket the student teacher better, he made class fun, Mr. Bresnan is just a retarded old man, though he makes it fun at times but thats almost as rare as a blue moon. then during lunch someone tossed their cookies(got sick) near my locker -__-......gee thanks eric....that was fun trying not to step in it getting my notebooks for the last 3 periods. then in ag, meh nothing really, just the FFA people doing their SAEs, whatever those are. then in art were still working on our print making projects, though its getting really stupid. that and i also got a major headache during that class thats still going now, though the advil feels like its working now. and in study hall i got bored and drew enya and uhhhhh.......her new BFs kid, though i have no idea what he looks like so i winged it ^_^;;. and here he is.

His names scarab. have no idea where that came from either, oh well.
Then next up heres a pic of enya for kirby, just incase you forgot what she looked like. and ignore the hair color i messed it up, her hair color is the same as hinatas.

And then finally 2 random pics of orion and glenn eli and azu that ellie did, first one is of glenn and azu second one is angel orion and eli.

and i think thats all for the main thing, alright glenn tell her your idea.
Glenn~ Right ^_^;;. well umm kirbs seeing as how ya said you were insperationless yesterday i got a small suggestion, make it like a beach scene sunset and stuff ^^;; your up dad.
Me~ errrrr..........uhhhhh........*scracthes the back of head* .__. i guess the same as glenns idea, except make it night time with a full moon.
Me/Glenn~ Thanks in advance ^_^ *bow*
And thats all i got. SEEYA!!! *quickly turns into chibi wolf pup form and runs off to find jade*
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