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._. beat DMC3 Heaven Or Hell twice
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| vince demonhunter
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Frost~ .___. whys nate on the roof?
Glenn~ .....thats not my dad
Frost~ Then who is it?
Glenn~ My second to last sibling, gale.
Frost~ ._____. second to last, i thought he was the last.
Glenn~ Nope, nate got an idea for the even 6th brat kira, our sister
Frost~ oooooo---------ACK!!!!!!
Reji~ *tackles frost* WHY DO YOU ALWAYS RUN OFF AND LEAVE ME BEHIND?!!!!!!
Frost~ CUZ YOUR A PAIN IN THE ASS!!!!! *about to attack back*
Enya~ -__-......not again....*sighs and pulls reji off frost and hands her to yosho* keep them appart.....we dont need them killing each other *holding frost back from murdeing his sis*
Glenn~ ^_^;;;;;;;; wow and people said me and lumi were bad XDDDDDD
Kaumy/Jolt~ You were -_-
Glenn~ At least i knew our parents
Kaumy: TTT_TTT......nhhhhh *goes into sad dark corner*
Jolt~ ...............*leaves*
Gale~ *howles and leaves*
Glenn~ wow he really is feral.
Anyways heres gales profile
Gale was always one of the quiet kids, never said much, always avoided people and interaction with others, and when he was forced to talk he always used a really low voice so people couldnt understand him. hes always like this, then for some unknown reason on his 6th birthday, just up and runs away, leaves nothing behind, no note saying why he did it, where hes going or anything. from that point on, gale relies on zetsway, his wolf to teach him everything he needs to know on how to survive. When he finally does start going into society its to kill and get food......which he does very well infact that people have labeled him deadly and want him dead. as for what lays ahead for him, who knows.
Jolts Profile:
Jolt is scilent yes, but hes very very brave, though iver time he'll end up just like glenn. but the thing that confuses kaumy and kira, is that jolt doesnt see ninian as his mother like the other 2 do.....infact when ever she tries to get close he always pushes her away...and hes always got a picture of his real parents (jade and shadow, the 2 in the pic for my blog). that is his 1 true goal is to meet them, which he would gladly go to celebus but thats against the laws of the city, only those near death (such as everyone from saga 1 was) may enter and live there. jolts other goal will probably just fall though the floor.
Anyways i got gales pic colored in, though these arent the clothes he wears when hes feral, those are ripped and nearly shreaded, this is from when he comes back into society, though that will take a lot of work.

and thats all i got, SEEYA!!!!!
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