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._. beat DMC3 Heaven Or Hell twice
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i was 13
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| vince demonhunter
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Orion/Glenn~ -___- were not retards
Orion~ not helping being he called us retards.
Glenn~ YEA me either.
Shitai~ .......he was jokeing you 2, he calls me spazy coon.
Orion/Glenn~ YOU ARE A SPAZZY COON!!!!!!
Shitai~ likes me ^_^
Glenn~ And what drugs are you putting into her drinks and food?
Shitai~ ....*growls* YOU SON OF A-----
Glenn~ @x@ *flees*
Shitai~ *chases* GET BACK HERE YOU LIL BASTARD!!!!!
Jolt~ .......didnt we just do this on monday? *thinking about hakaishi chaseing me and shitai*
Gale~ Who cares.....anyways being orion and glenn wont help with ideas, i;ll give it a shot ^_^
Kaumy~ You need a shot.
Gale~ your just jelious cuz your the only male from our family that dont have a chick yet :P XDDDD
Kaumy~ *leaves before crying and knocking gales lights(which means knocking gale out) out*
Gale~ Anyways, uhhh.....seeing as how nates obsessed with beaches have them on a beach, moon light, ummm......idk what mom would wear to that ._. ....but have her like kneeling with dad next to her or something ._____. *cant explaine things worth a shit*
Me~ *finally comes back from the depths of the black abys known as my room* okay i'll take over from here.
Gale~ T.T ru...
Me~ ......loris got a supprise for you in your ro---
Gale~ *bolts to his room*
Me~ ._. .....never seen him run like that, anyways, i do have a pic today that i drew. Its Shion of the death petals. yea i know stupid sounding name, but it fits. Shions main weapon looks like it would be the black rose he carries around. well okay it kinda is cuz he uses it as a whip *going kurama for a moment* but his real main attacks come from the thorns and petals that surround him like gaara,shitai,lenus and aeikis sandsheilds, though shions not only protects him, it shreads anyone who gets close.
Anyways heres shion.

BTW hes darker toned from all the other because his parents were indians that moved to suna ^_^;;
And more on this guy, his wife is demetri, and their daughter is Tenki. Tenki is great friends with Riley and Shitais daughter Tenshi, well okay their on a team but their friends past that ^_^.
Tenshi~ YEA ^________^ im never gonna let my friend get hurt ^_^
and i know who tenkis gonna end up with too ^___^ *smiles at sei'iki*
Sei'iki~ ......................what?
Me~ And before im murdered thats all i got SEEYA!!! btw i like gales idea, if ya can translate what he said kirbs :P XDDD LATER!!!!
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