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| vince demonhunter
Monday, June 4, 2007
Rouge Runi Heartbreak Part 4
Rouge~ -/////////////////-.....runi....*sighs* you idiot.....*chucks runi into a pond with psi* get over it were over -///////-
Jolt~ *not saying anything else being jade "talked, more like beat some sense into him* X_X nhhhh
Kiza~ *rouges lil bro is the one whos making rouge not believe anything runis saying* hes lieing sis, hes only trying to get you back cuz of your curves and everything else.
Rouge~ -//////////////- thats it....*goes to sugo*
Coal~ ._. .oh-boy, this wont go over well.
Glenn~ ....*looking at me* ._. .dad?
Me~ ...........
Glenn~, can you hear me?
Me~ *leaves*
Glenn~ .__. da hell?
Gale/Kira~ He had it again.....
Glenn~ ....The dream?
Kira~ *nods*
Glenn~ Whats it fully about anyways?
Kira~ Its really romantic, its a medium sized wedding, canddels everywhere, roses all over the place and really soft music playing. Dads standing there, looking at the girl who hes gonna marry, and hes got a real and true smile on his face.
Gale~ And yet, some reason he just breaks down, starts crying, and odder yet is when he wakes up hes still crying, we cant figure out why.
Zechs~ Probably knows the girl whos in that dress he'll never have or get close to, though hed give anything to have her, even if it means pushing his limits.
Kira~ ....Is that why he had the dream again?
Zechs~ Yea, it'll probably keep up til he goes a lil nuts....unless he does something to stop it.
Glenn~ .__. Take pills that keep him from dreaming?
Zechs~ -_- stop watching the freddy movies, and what i mean by deal with it is.....idk, im not sure how he'll handle it. but wtv, not my problem, its his to deal with on his own.
Glenn/Kira/Gale/Kaumy/Jolt~ .......Got it
Zechs~ Oh yea, before we leave, here are the pics of lisa, and kirby, he wants to know if it looks good enough to use, if its not he'll redraw her.

Zechs~ And thats all we got, seeya.
Kira~ Anyone who reads this, hope our dad gets better ^_^ BYE!! *waves*
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