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| vince demonhunter
Thursday, June 21, 2007
=_=;;;; zzzzz....
Shitai~ ...well last night was intresting at nates bible study, there was a gos..uhhhhh....gosop... .__. southern church music peoples there singing, nate kinda liked it though it didnt really connect with him. and his dad was gone all day and all night, he got home around 3 the next morning. though nate did buy his dad a cd of the people who were singing, though he was gonna use the money for Naruto Uzumaki Cronicles 2, but i guess getting his dad a belated fathers day gift was higher on his list. oh well his call. though his friends jerad and morgan were over for most of the night, they all played Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2, Jerad was actually much better at it than what nate or morgan thought, he beat Bakugan Hinata, Curse mark sasuke and Nine-tail naruto O_o;;;;;; though he couldnt stop my dad ^_^+++
Natsuki~ -_- Yea, my dad lost to shitais dad.....YOUR DAD CHEATS WITH THAT FRIGGIN SAND SHEILD!!! YOU ALL CHEAT WITH IT!!!! though he did manage to get the lightning blade double thrust in ^______^+++++ which coulda killed gaara if nate wasent so damn good at the game -.-;;;;; but then when morgan played against jerad my dad kicked all ass ^________^
Enya~ Thats only cuz Morgan keeps picking Zabuza and Orochimaru cuz they have swords, and now Kisami. though he did do better with kisami cuz he kept taking kakashis chakra away, and hes quick.
Hoshi~ .__. *pokeing neji and hanabi* who are these 2?
Ichi~ ^^;;; ones your grandma and the other is uhhhh...... ._. a distant relative somehow .__.
Hoshi~ *keeps pokeing hanabi* she looks evily
Ichi~ ^^;;;;;;.....eheheheh.....she could be at times, when you pissed her off ^^;;;
Hoshi~ .___. ...*radonmly glomps hanabi* ^____^ GRANDMA!!!!!
Ichi~ ^^;;;;......((i have a wacked out daughter ^^;;;;......))
Hoku~ YAAAAAY DADDY LOVES ME ^-^ *huggles heath*
Hora~ -_-.....heath.....stop hugging her NOW!!!!!
Hoku~ TT_TT what did i ever do to you?!!
Hora~ -.-;;;;; you came about thats what *leaves*
Hoku~ *bursts out crying and runs off in a random direction into the forest of death*
Shitai~ And before this gets and odder here are some of nates personal favorite pics of hinata, no hes not after her, he just finds them cute. mainly the anbu pics of her.

Natsuki~ And thats all we got, SEEYA!!
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