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| vince demonhunter
Monday, June 25, 2007
.__.;;;;;;;; .....uhhhhhh.......OwO DONUTS!!!!!!!
Glenn~ Well yesterday was akward, nate finally said he liked matt, his cousin.....the one who drew cherri and jade in yuri positions O_@ which he had the nerve to show us, ALL OF IT!!!!!! THAT WAS FRIGGIN SICK!!! I DID NOT WANT TO SEE MY MOM OR MY FRIENDS MOM LIKE THAT!!!!! O_@
Jase~ *twitching on the floor white as a sheet* X_x......
Lisa~ .__. Jase? *nudges jase*
Jase~ X___x
Natsuki~ ...Wtv, anyways after all that with matt, nate ended up away from the comp, and edned up at his aunts house....and they too hate his drawings, everyone except for his first uncle hate his drawings, they always say how its a waste of time, and he should follow in the other males footsteps and join in the service, being theres more money and hed be reconized for something great. If he becomes a good artist, hed bereconized then, though they all think he'll fail, and now his dads trying to talk him outta moveing, he wants him to stay somewhere close like for the holidays and all that, im not sure if his dad is STUPID or hasent noticed, that nate is always ignored during the holidays, when they go to south carolina, hes always the last one to be called on, well he wasent called last year, no body got his name, though he didnt really care all that much, he was upstairs the whole time. then during the summer when they go, when his dads GF's sister asks what they want to do, his dad and his GF always tell her to ignore what nate says, and these are their words "Just ignore what he suggests, its nothing worth wasteing your time for" And yet jans sister seems to ignore nates dad and jan instead :P guess she feels slightly sorry for him.
Kira~ Anyways, we got some pics ^____^ but before that, dads droped the idea for thorn to be a neko :P which is a good thing, wolfies and kitties dont mix :PP anyways heres the pics, first 2 are of the twin brother, 60 story wolves in my dad and oldest brother glenn, heres strider and griever, he'll color them in eventually ^^.

Quinn~ Then heres a pic of what hes gonna try to make Thorn look like

Kazuma~ Then heres a wolfie girl, who i kinda think of as Kite, or until i see the real pic i will ^//////////////////^

Kaumy~ And the rest are just random picies from dads photobucket file ^^

Kira~ And thats all we go----- ._____. jolty?
Jolt~ TT-TT *in an emo corner* T_T im gonna lose shani TT.TT ....chuuuuu TTT__TTT *stays in corner crying*
Kira~ TT______TT chuuuuuuuuuuuuu........*hugs jolt* thats all we have, byibyi *tries to chear up jolt*
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